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Folklore Drama "Putri Kaca Mayang"

Cast 9 people:
1. Putri Kaca Mayang : Arizena Tristan Ambarwijaya
2. Panglima Gimpam : Dwi Nur Vinzana Alfaridzy
3. Raja Gasib : Rendy Riski Pangestu
4. Queen Gasib : Janitha Erlyani Zubaidy
5. Raja Aceh : M. Nizar Bachri
6. Queen Aceh 1 : Keysya Aulia Nur Rahma
7. Queen Aceh 2 : Aurella Faiza Putri
8. Panglima Aceh 1 : M. Fadli Sholeh Jaka Maulana
9. Narator : Aurella Faiza Putri

In ancient times, on the banks of the Siak River stood a kingdom called the
Gas Kingdom ib. In this kingdom, all the residents live in peace and prosperity,
because the Gasib Kingdom is led by a wise king, accompanied by a very elegant and
intelligent queen, also assisted by a brave commander, Panglima Gimpam. The Gasib
Kingdom also had a princess named Putri Kaca Mayang, whose beauty and nobility
were famous throughout the country, even in neighboring countries. Many kings from
neighboring countries wanted to propose to Princess Kaca Mayang, but none of them
accepted because she didn't want to. married and still wants to continue his education
to a higher level.
(Putri Kaca Mayang and her parents talking in the royal palace)
Raja Gasib : "O my child, don't you want to accept one of the proposals from
the kings of the neighboring countries? "
Queen of Gasib :"That's right, my child. I think now is the right time for you to
start building a household, I can't wait to cradle my only
daughter's granddaughter"
Mayang Glass Princess :"Mom, dad, I'm sorry if you were presumptuous.
However, your heart still holds the hope of getting a higher
education, not to get married first, you want to make our
kingdom progress."
Queen Gasib : "Okay, My Daughter. If that is your decision, mother and
father will support you wholeheartedly"

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Aceh, led by the King of Aceh who is known
to be arrogant and angry, there is a quarrel going on because his two wives keep
fighting to steal his attention.
Queen of Aceh 1 : (lilting tone) "mu husband, a week ago when I was traveling to
Batavia, I saw a shop offering diamonds at a cheap price, around
only 200 million. Can I buy it as an addition to my jewelry?"
Queen of Aceh 2 : "my husband, looks like I need a new car for myself, instead of
sharing it with that old lady!" (glances cynically at Ratu Aceh 1)
TO ME LIKE THAT!" (grabbing the Queen of Aceh 2)
Queen of Aceh 2 :(grabbing Queen of Aceh's hair in return)
King of Aceh :"STOP!!! My head is already dizzy enough to deal with all the
problems in this country, don't you two add to my headache! once
again I see you guys fighting, I won't hesitate to throw you both
out of this palace!" (angry tone)
Queen of Aceh 1&2: " sorry my husband" (scared)
(Both Queens of Aceh shake hands)

King of Aceh :" Commander! Commander!!!" (while shouting)

(The two commanders ran towards the King of Aceh)
Commander 1 : "Forgive me, Sire. Why did you call us?"
King of Aceh :"I want Princess Kaca Mayang from the Gasib Kingdom to be my
3rd wife. Please convey my proposal to the Gasib Kingdom"
Panglima 1 :"What is it?Are you sure about the decision?"
King of Aceh : "Yes, Commander. I am one hundred percent sure of my
decision. Go to the Gasib Kingdom right now"
Commander 1 :(nods)"Yes, Sire. We will go there right now"

Scene 3
The commander Acehnese commanders arrive at the Gasib Kingdom
Commander 1 : "Sire..."
Queen Gasib :(looking back and surprised)"Who are you? Why did you come
Commander 1 : "Forgive me, Sire. We are the commander of the Kingdom of
Aceh. We both came here sent by the King of Aceh. We want to
meet His Majesty Raja Gasib"
Queen Gasib :"Why did he send you here?"
Commander 1 :"Our king wants to propose to His Majesty's daughter, Putri Kaca
Commander 1 :"That's right, Sire"
Queen Gasib :(Sigh)"Sorry ,commander. We have not been able to accept the
proposal from your king. My daughter is not ready to get married.
Convey our apologies to your king"
Commander 1 : "Okay, sire. We will return to Aceh to convey your answer."
The Acehnese commanders returned to their kingdom feeling disappointed. They
were afraid that the King of Aceh would be angry because his proposal was rejected.
King of Aceh : "Welcome, my commander! How is my proposal?"
Commander 1 :(Scared face)"Mmm..I'm sorry, Sire. The Gasib Kingdom rejected
the king's proposal"
King of Aceh :"WHAT?!!"(screaming with great emotion)
The two wives of the King of Aceh immediately ran to their husbands who looked
very angry
Queen of Aceh 1 :"Aaa...what's wrong, my husband? Why are you angry?"
Queen of Aceh 2 : "Yes, my husband. Is this old granny provoking your emotions
again?” (glances at Ratu Aceh 1)
Queen Aceh 1 : "What did you say?! You woman doesn't know herself!"(pushes
Queen Aceh 2)
(The two Queens of Aceh fought and the King of Aceh ordered one of his
commanders to separate the two)
King of Aceh :"It's impossible for King Gasib to refuse my proposal!"
Commander 1 :"mm... but that's the reality, Sire"
King of Aceh :You're impudent, Gasib! I won't stay silent! I will repay you for your

Scene 4
Because he knew the vengeful nature of the King of Aceh, King Gasib immediately
prepared a war army to face the attack of the Kingdom of Aceh
King Gasib : "Commander Gimpam, come here!"
Commander Gimpam :"Yes, sire. Why did you summon me?"
Raja Gasib :"I want you to prepare our kingdom's war troops"
Gimpam Commander :"Okay sire, but if I may ask, why did you order me to prepare
war troops?"
Raja Gasib :"I'm afraid that when -When the King of Aceh attacked our
kingdom, because I refused his proposal to my daughter. Now I
order you to lead the troops in Kuala Gasib"
Commander of Gimpam : "Okay, sire. Servant will immediately carry out your
king's orders"

Scene 5
It turns out that the King of Aceh and his troops already knew about the preparations
of the Gasib Kingdom, and they already knew that Kuala Gasib, which was the main
route to the country, was led by the brave Commander Gimpam.
King of Aceh :"Ha...ha. ..Ha..! it turns out that the Gasib Kingdom has prepared
phis forces are against us! I won't let them win!"
Commander 1 : "Sorry, Sire, it turns out Kuala Gasib has been guarded by
Commander Gimpam"
King of Aceh : "WHAT?! So which way can we get to the Gasib kingdom?"
Commander 1 : "We better ask the residents of the Gasib kingdom, Sire"
King of Aceh :"Yes, Commander. You are right. Come on, let's immediately
prepare troops and go straight to the Gasib Kingdom"
(The King of Aceh and his troops went to the Gasib Kingdom. On the way they met
one of the residents of the Gasib Kingdom)
Commander 1 : "Hi, young man. Is it true that you are a resident of the land of
Resident : "Bb...that's right, sir. Who are these gentlemen? And where are we
Commander 1 : "We from the Kingdom of Aceh are going to your country. Please
show us the land route to the Gasib Kingdom!"
Resident :"Servant ttt...didn't know sir...sir" (stuttered)
King of Aceh :'Is that true? How about this?" (waving a wad of money in front of
the residents)
Residents : "aaa... okay sir. In that direction" (showing direction)
Finally the King of Aceh and his troops arrived at the Gasib Kingdom without
passing the guard of Commander Gimpam. He immediately destroyed the entire

Scene 6
King of Aceh :"Hahahaha! Finally we arrived here, without passing the guard
of Commander Gimpam, hahaha! All my troops...let's attack!!!"
(Residents of Gasib who saw the Acehnese troops destroying their country
immediately reported to King Gasib)
Residents :"Sire, the troops of the Kingdom of Aceh have ravaged our
country, and now they are attacking the palace grounds!"
Raja Gasib :"Is that true?"
(Putri Kaca Mayang was held captive by the Commander of Aceh and Queen Gasib
was killed)
Putri Kaca Mayang :"DAADDYYYY!!! Help me!!"
Panglima Aceh :"Shut up!!"
Queen Gasib :"My daughter!! Aaargh!!!” (The Aceh Commander sticks a
knife in Ratu Gasib's body)
RajaGasib : "My daughter!!! My wife!!” (hysterical)

Commander Gimpam came from Kuala Gasib and was shocked to see the entire
palace in ruins and saw Queen Gasib covered in blood

Scene 7
Commander Gimpam : "Hah! What is this! Why could the kingdom be in ruins?!
Why did Queen Gasib die?!"
Resident :"This is the result of the Acehnese royal troops, O
commander! They kidnapped Princess Kaca Mayang and
killed Her Majesty the Queen!"
Gimpam Commander : "What?! How rude the King of Aceh is! I will avenge this
defeat! I have to be able to bring Putri Kaca Mayang back
here!" (angry)
Resident : "That's right, Commander. It would be best for the
commander to go there as soon as possible so that his
condition doesn't get worse!"
Gimpam Commander : "Okay, I'll be there soon! Please look after this kingdom
while I'm gone!"

When he arrived at the gates of the Kingdom of Aceh, Commander Gimpam

was greeted by the two Commanders of Aceh. They confronted Commander Gimpam
and challenged Commander Gimpam to a fight. If Commander Gimpam wins, then he
can pick up Putri Kaca Mayang, but if he loses, then he must return to the Gasib
Kingdom withempty-handed, and Putri Kaca Mayang must stay in the Kingdom of
Aceh forever

Scene 8
Commander of Gimpam : "Finally I'm here" (mumbling)
Commander 1. :(Suddenly appears from behind Commander of Gimpam)
"Ha..ha.. it turns out you has arrived, Gimpam"
Commander of Gimpam : "Yes, I am here to take my revenge for the death of Her
Majesty Queen Gasib. I want to bring Putri Kaca Mayang
back to the Gasib kingdom"
Commander 1 : "Hahaha, okay. You can bring home Putri Kaca Mayang, as
long as you dare to fight with both of us. The bet is Putri
Kaca Mayang, if you win you can take her back, but if you
lose, she has to stay here forever"
Commander of Gimpam : "Okay I'm up to your challenge. I will do anything for
Putri Kaca Mayang"
(Gimpam Commander and the Aceh Commanders fight)
Gimpam Commander :"How? It's clear, isn't it, who won this battle?"
King of Aceh : "Hmm...I admit your supernatural powers, Gimpam.
Commander, bring Princess Kaca Mayang here"
(Commander of Aceh 1 brings Princess Kaca Mayang before the King of Aceh)
Putri Kaca Mayang : "Commander, have you come to pick me up?"
Commander of Gimpam : (kneeling to salute) "Yes, Princess. I've come to pick
you up"
King of Aceh :"Hahaha, go back to the Gasib Kingdom. I had
to let you go, Kaca Mayang. If at any time you change
your mind, come back here, hahaha" (laughs slyly)
Gimpam Commander : "I WILL NOT! I won't let Princess Kaca Mayang
come back here! Princess, let's go home"
(Princess Kaca Mayang and Commander Gimpam left the Kingdom of Aceh)

In the middle of the journey, it turned out that Putri Kaca Mayang's illness had
recurred. His breathing felt very short, and at that time the wind was blowing very
hard. Putri Kaca Mayang also asked Commander Gimpam to rest for a moment
Scene 9
Putri Kaca Mayang : "Commander, strong. I can't bbissa
Gimpam Commander : (anxious) “Bb. "Okay, princess, let's rest for a while"
Putri Kaca Mayang : " I..I think my age
won't..not be long again.. again.. convery..a my
Gimpam Commander : “Princess, hang in there! "Soon we will arrive at the
Kingdom of Gasib"
Putri Kaca Mayang : " want to
kill..until the end..end of my..death" (Breathes his last breath)
Commander of Gimpam :"PRINCESS!!!!!" (Hysterical)
Commander Gimpam : (whispering softly) "If only you knew, I really... love
you, Princess"

Finally, Commander Gimpam brought the body of Princess Kaca Mayang who had
died. Arriving at the Gasib kingdom, the body of Princess Kaca Mayang was greeted
with sadness from the entire palace. He died on the way back here"

Raja Gasib. : "Really?! Impossible! There's no way my daughter has died!"

Gimpam Commander : “Forgive me, Sire. But that's the reality"
Raja Gasib : "Innalillahi wainalillahi rajiun..even though...even though..I
just intended to set you up with him"
Panglima Gimpam : "This is destiny, Sire"
Raja Gasib : "Okay, we have to bury him immediately. Right now"

After princess Kaca Mayang was buried, King Gasib was hit by a deep depression
because he lost his only daughter. He also decided to retreat to Mount Ledan

Raja Gasib. : "Yes, Commander. Come here for a moment"

Panglima Gimpam:"Good, Sire"
Raja Gasib. :"I hand over the crown of the Kingdom of Gasib to you, you
have the right to replace me as leader of this kingdom" (leave the kingdom)
Panglima Gimpam : (sit on the throne)
Finally, Commander Gimpam replaced King Gasib's position . However, because of
his loyalty to the king, he also left the kingdom and opened a new village called

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