Assembly Script

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Assembly Script

Shahana : Every single day is a brand new beginning. A

positive start to every day in life is of utmost
importance to keep ourself energetic, happy and feel
refreshed throughout the day . A very Happy Morning to
one and all present here. Myself Shahana ,with my friend
Jaishree and all our friends of grade 10 topaz are here to
welcome you all for this beautiful morning assembly.
Jaishree : Today we begin our assembly with a moment
of prayer , a time for reflection and gratitude. Let us start
this fantastic Friday with a prayer song invoking the
blessings of goddess saraswathi.
Shahana : An expanded vocabulary opens up the
language that we speak everyday and enriches our
knowledge. Here comes Elamukhilan to enhance our
vocabulary with a new word.
Jaishree : Thank you elamukhilan for giving this
Thoughts, whether encapsulated in literature , poetry or
personal reflections , have the power the shape our
perception and understanding of life. So to inspire us
with a thought here comes yogith.
Shahana : Thank you yogith for giving us the valuable
thoughts. Thirukural, a treasure trove of wisdom
encapsulates profound thoughts and its teachings
provide us with invaluable guidance on various aspects of
life. Here I invite henisha to make out this.
jaisree: Thank you henisha for sharing us the
valuable message. Awareness of current events and
developments happening around the world keeps us
updated from current happenings . Now I call upon
Vaibhav to enlighten us with today’s NEWS updates.
Thank you vaibhav. Birthdays are special occasions that
call for a special celebration for special people. Let us
wish the birthday buddies with beautiful birthday song.
Shahana : We express our heartfelt gratitude to our class
teacher for her support in this assembly. We deem it is a
great honor and priviledge to call upon our respected
class teacher to give us an inspiring speech.
Jaisree : thank you for inspiring us mam and thank you
all for joining us today. Lets stand together with respect
and patriotism as we pay homage to our nation with
national anthem

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