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[Pool Technology Solution


pool us now

August 1, 2022

Contact Information
Migbar Gizaw

Jomo Kenyatta St
Pool Technology Solution PLC

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................................1

Opportunity ...............................................................................................................................3

Expectations ...............................................................................................................................5

Opportunity ......................................................................................................................................7

Problem & Solution .................................................................................................................7

Target Market ............................................................................................................................8

Competition ...............................................................................................................................9

Execution .............................................................................................................................................9

Marketing & Sales ...................................................................................................................9

Operations ................................................................................................................................10

Company ...........................................................................................................................................11

Overview ..................................................................................................................................11

Team ..........................................................................................................................................12

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

1. Executive Summary
Pool Technology Solution plc is a company with a mission to provide a promptly reliable, effective, comfortable, and safe
ecommerce services by using digitally advanced showroom and fee collection services. Our company will establish its
presence in the industry by acquiring a wide approach that plays well to the demand of the middle and low class.
Pool Technology Solution plc will provide complete e commerce services using the latest equipment and technology to
facilitate the daily need of individuals and families in and around our cities. The company’s products and services show that
we are an innovative, forward thinking company that recognizes the need to move with ever-changing customer needs. At Pool
Technology, our philosophy is one that emphasizes service, and a realization that effective communication is a key component
in our business. The company also realizes that, in a competitive environment, flexibility and professionalism maintain that
leading edge is the key to everything.
The company will have employees that are helpful, courteous, and fully trained on the use of the computer dispatch, erp
system. As an added safety measure for both users and providers, Pool commerce will be fitted with Global Positioning
Systems (GPS), which enable the user to get the ordered item on the door step. Moreover, all Pool Technology registered
service and good providers’ will be regularly inspected for cleanliness and up-to-date product.
Our company’s strategy is to build reputation and market share by establishing our business offering as a solid viable
alternative to existing e-commerce services in our city. The company’s goal in the next year is to pursue an aggressive
marketing campaign and from that, penetrate at least 60% of the market share. The company’s long-term goal is be the top
rated ground e-commerce company in Ethiopia.
The company’s emphasis is on the dispatch, mobile data, and e-commerce based delivery transactions of the service industry.
In general, these ecommerce transactions are believed to represent potential sales in excess of 650 million as of July
2021. Within these transport transactions, Pool commerce will focus on the more lucrative digital technology and e-commerce
base for good transaction segment among everyone in need of this service. This segment, when introduced into any whole
seller and manufacturer, it will bring a huge relief to the excessively high in demand need. It will also answer the high demand
for high inflation due to the user will be able to get the product from the first and second source of the service and good.
Our company has a competitive advantage since the technology we will be using is unique to the e-commerce industry in
Ethiopia. The GPS will enable the company to deliver the purchased items on timely manner on estimated time of delivery
(ETD) if requested. The electronically integrated feature will give customers convenience and privacy during the transaction
period of their good.
Reliable communications are essential under all circumstances in this business. As such, Pool commerce will use the
ecommerce system. The KDT 5000 system design provides multiple levels of reliability to assure communications will be
maintained under the most rigorous condition. The company will also run a state of the art call center that will be established
by well experienced company.

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

1.1 Objectives
The company’s goal in the next year is to pursue an aggressive marketing campaign and from that, penetrate at least 60% of
the market share. The company’s goal in the next two to five years is be the top rated e-commerce company in Ethiopia by
continuously monitoring, evaluating, and following up on customer call-ins.

Key components of Pool Commerce’s initial strategy can be summarized as follows.

Establish Relationship with Kin Ideas Trading plc, iRoom Net System solution and Computer Trading. Our company is
currently working with Kin Ideas Trading plc, iRoom Net System solution and Computer Trading. This will enable Pool
Commerce to lock into the many services that they offer including, but not limited to:

 Managerial

 Call center and customer service efficiency

 Management consulting

 Technology consulting

 Product management

 Continuous improvement

1.2 Mission
The mission of Pool Commerce is to provide reliable, timely, and safe e-commerce services by using complete in credit/debit
card access, along with computer aided dispatch.

1.3 Highlights
Highlights of Pool Commerce

 Technology. Pool Commerce has a unique Global Positioning System (GPS) that pinpoints the customer location with
far better accuracy, thus allowing the vendor to give an accurate Extended Testability Analysis (ETA) on estimated
time of delivery (ETD) if requested.

 Trademarks. The company has already registered the name Pool Commerce as a trademark.

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC
 Advertising. Pool Commerce is already in advanced discussions with Media Service givers to receive advertising

 Seasoned management. The company’s management is highly experienced and qualified and has wide-ranging
experience in the industry.

 Strategic relationships. The company has, and will continue to establish, relationships with organizations that will
enhance professional growth. These alliances are valuable Pool Commerce because they allow us to get updates on
technology, added tech support, and a strong presence in the market.

 Exclusive rights to software. Pool Taxi has the exclusive rights to the advanced custom made extension of e-
Commerce software in Ethiopia.

Problem Summary

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC has observed the market is in need of extreme
demand for different solutions.

As Pool Technology Solution PLC is planning different solutions among these

the first product will be by providing a detailed system based controlled e- Commerce (selling of
good and services) system.

Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to start its operation by giving the best
service. This will be carried out through an increased safe and reliable service. This will be
accomplished by actively engaging to the lively ongoing requests. Such approach will make both
the service giver(merchant) and the service user feel treated special.

The approach of Pool Technology Service PLC is unique due to its well
qualified customer service specialists.

Solution Summary

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to start its operation by giving the

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC
best service. This will be carried out through an increased safe and reliable service. This will be
accomplished by actively engaging to the lively ongoing requests. Such approach will make both
the service giver and the service user feel treated special.

The solution Pool Technology Solution PLC is seeing that nowadays, e-

Commerce company can be represented as a pentagon with stable connections, which
demonstrates the viability of this model. Pool Technology Solution PLC analyzes the future
business in terms of this model, thin the relationships between components, how they influence
one another in our city, district, country is demonstrated in the picture below.

In this regard Pool Technology Solution PLC will be aiming at the middle class
which is the main player in different private, public and government organizations. Therefore
these targeted clients satisfaction will make their stay at their job fruitful. Great beginning of the
day is the result of the day.



Vendor Solutions


INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to the highly demanding market
which can have the internet access through smart phone that directly or indirectly address to
the low and middle class.

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC
As it is well known that the day to day demand and lack to satisfy the need
of system based e-commerce with the best experience attracts Pool Technology Service PLC
to get into the market.

Competitive Advantage

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC has one unique character that Pool Technology
Solution PLC always competes with itself. Pool Technology Solution PLC regularly evaluates its existing
service and works in increasing its service to satisfy the public.

Why Us?

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC provides the number one solution which Pool
Technology Solution PLC believes that not only satisfies the need of customers but also
adds value to the existing e-commerce due to its unique functional features.



INSTRUCTIONS: As is mentioned in the previous sections Pool Technology Solution PLC

will start collecting its revenue per each transaction plus as each merchant will get at least a
transaction per day. This indicates that Pool Technology Solution PLC will start getting its
profit at the beginning of the service on the first budget year.

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

Tracking the financial stage of Pool Technology Solution PLC is easy to any financial expert
as Pool Technology Solution PLC is using well organized and understandable system and
also can be tracked as it uses an online integration with banks.

Net loss
Net Profit

Year 2022/23

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

Opportunity detail

Problem & Solution

Problem Worth Solving

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC has observed the market is in need of extreme
demand for different solutions. Each sector has been tried by different service providers. As Pool
Technology Solution PLC believes that a different approach is must to greatly satisfy the clients
need using different attractive mechanisms.

As Pool Technology Solution PLC is planning different solutions among these

the first product will be by providing a detailed system based controlled commerce (buy and sell)
system. The e-commerce system will be different for both sides the users and providers as it will
have its own commissioning and loyalty programs which will only be provided from Pool
Technology Solution PLC.

Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to start its operation by giving the best
service. This will be carried out through an increased safe and reliable service. This will be
accomplished by actively engaging to the lively ongoing services. Such approach will make both
the service giver (merchant) and the service user feel treated special. Pool Technology Solution
PLC believes all stalk holders including the highly professional customer service experts are
sources for the result of great success.

The approach of Pool Technology Service PLC is unique due to its well
qualified customer service specialists. Pool Technology Service PLC expects a large amount of
inbound calls for various reasons regarding the service out of it the main one is looking to get our
best service which is handled by our happy Customer service specialists. As our great motto is
expressed as “Customers will never love a company until the employee loves it first!!!”

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

Our Solution

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC has the many unique characters. Among these unique
characters of Pool Technology Solution PLC the one and highly crucial is Pool Technology Solution PLC
always competes with itself. This makes Pool Technology Solution PLC regularly evaluates its existing
service and works in increasing its service to have always something new added to the service.

Target Market

Market Size & Segments

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to the highly demanding market
which can have the internet access through smart phone that directly or indirectly address to
the low and middle class.

This also includes the corporate society and the whole community which
has direct or indirect relationship with these groups. Pool Technology Service PLC works in
giving a great and highly reliable service for the corporate which will make the service highly
trusted due to its deep and clear monitoring system.

As it is well known that the day to day demand and lack to satisfy the need
of system based transportation for the corporate world, business class, civil servant individuals
and students with the best experience attracts Pool Technology Service PLC to get into the
market to satisfy the need.

Current Alternatives

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC the one and highly crucial is Pool Technology Solution

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC
PLC always competes with itself. This makes Pool Technology Solution PLC regularly evaluates its
existing service and works in increasing its service to have always something new added to the service.

Our Advantages

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Solution PLC the one and highly crucial is Pool Technology Solution
PLC always competes with itself. This makes Pool Technology Solution PLC regularly evaluates its
existing service and works in increasing its service to have always something new added to the service.

One of the greatest advantages of Pool Technology Solution PLC is its brand name. Pool, which
is easy and related to the service to be given, simply explaining we Pool ideas into practice
which will make the lives of everyone easy.


Marketing & Sales

Marketing Plan

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC is aiming to the highly demanding market
which can have the internet access through smart phone that directly or indirectly address to
the low and middle class.

The best way to address these groups of customers is primarily focused

on social media marketing and secondly selected media on TV and Radio advertising.

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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC


Locations & Facilities

INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC is located on Jomo Kenyata street at Tsehay
Mesay Building third floor. We are having this place for the whole operation.

One of the office Pool Technology Service PLC on our building is designated for call center; to
clearly state this office will be handling the whole customer service. As a start we are preparing
to start by 18 agents. We will be monitoring on a software based system.

This is tracked by the supervisor on a daily basis seeing CRM of each agent.


INSTRUCTIONS: As a start as is stated earlier Pool Technology Service PLC will be using
solutions to users and goods and service providers. As Pool Technology Service PLC main
objective is to satisfy the clients.

The solution will be released on play store as the time reaches.

Equipment & Tools

INSTRUCTIONS: We will be having computers, agents’ headset and office set up. The
office will be providing additional equipment as the position needs.


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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC



INSTRUCTIONS: Pool Technology Service PLC will be following the structure shown below



Administrators Marketing Dpt Admin. Dpt Legal Dpt

Developers Call Center Sales Dpt Finance

Corporate dpt Accounting

Service provider

Provider care Sales

Customer Care


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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.
Pool Technology Solution PLC

Management Team

INSTRUCTIONS : Pool Technology Service PLC is having the following administration team
which is shown below



System Marketing
Admin. Dpt Legal Dpt
Administrator Dpt


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information and is shared only with the understanding that you will not share its contents or ideas with
third parties without the express written consent of Pool Technology Solution PLC.

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