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How to create context/frame?

1. Key terms should be defined, make sure team mates are on same page.
2. What is the reason for motion? What happened in the world that makes us debate this?
3. What do we need to prove to win? Who needs to be better off? Who exactly realistically can we
benefit? Never absolutes always gradients.
4. Stance
5. Policy/Model must fit scope of problem
6. What other side will stand on? What will we be trading off?

THS cooperate with Iran to solve conflict in Syria

History, governments of Syria is not relevant or helpful unless answers:

1. What power does Iran have in relation with Syria? Provides weapons, supplies, influence over
Assad, this makes it hard to remove him, hence Syria has become proxy. Trade off: Cooperating
with Iran means having to agree with Assad and might piss off KSA. Only include stuff that can be
addressed. Why arguments apply in majority cases?
2. What do we support and what do we stand for? What do we expect the other side to stand on?
How free speech is better than offensive hate, why military government is worse than any other
option. Where do we draw lines? Stance can change for different types of society i.e.,
Developed vs developing, liberal’s vs conservatives etc.
3. Opp: Did Prop this link the problem to wrong source, if proposing counter, know you are
conceding to the problem. If Prop’s case is very soft, meaning if they produce urgency and have
little benefits, point them out.
4. Painting a realistic picture, focus on social norms and trends that are favorable for our side, what
are tipping points, how our understanding of trends is better. ‘Iran has no human right
violations.’ Within minorities you have elites, and lower class. Women are different too.
5. Make sure not contradicting, say at 1st Women cannot get into parliament because the path is
not there and at 2nd say Women can’t because they give up.

What to do if topic opposes granting rights, hurting vulnerable, military invasion etc.

1. Say the effects of other side are not true really, there will be bad effects.
2. Labour: Women wage gap, employers will just lay off the most vulnerable, wont pay them.

Taking obese children into state care.

1. In what cases will intervention happen? When parents will fail, there are warnings and yet no
active is taken, parents are actively harming child, Doctors say, hence we can justify say this says
parents have failed at their task and the child needs to leave the household which hurts them.


Parents are struggling with work, other stuff and mental health which can worsen if beloved ppl taken
away, State has many avenues that can allow making sure that child get’s better, like providing healthy
lunches etc. State has also failed because they make healthy food expensive.

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