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Learning Objectives
After completing this topic you will be able to:



 Effect of Loading Discharging and shifting weights on LCG
 Effect of change of volumetric displacement on LCB

 Why is used instead of

 Effect of change of density on MCTC

 Change of Trim = Change in draft Ford + Change in draft Aft

 Use of Trim Tables


 F is the Centroid of the water plane area

 COF is the point about which the vessel changes her trim
 Change in Draft Aft
 Change in Draft Forward


 Final Forward & Aft Drafts

 Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to produce a required trim
 Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to keep forward/ aft draft
 Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to reach a desired forward/ aft
 Final draft Forward and aft using M V Hindship

 The center of gravity is the point through which the weight (Displacement) of the
vessel acts vertically downward. The distance of this point from the aft perpendicular
(or in some cases the center of flotation) is called the Longitudinal center of Gravity
of LCG.

 The center of buoyancy as we know is the center of the underwater volume. The
longitudinal distance of this point from the Aft perpendicular is called LCB.

 For a vessel that is upright the G and B lie on the centerline plane of the vessel.

 For a ship to be on even keel, the LCG = LCB

Trimming Moment
Relationship between LCG and LCB
The vessel is in equilibrium in the longitudinal plane when the LCG and the LCB lie in a

vertical line. If this equilibrium is disturbed by the shift of G to or a shift of B

to a couple develops which we call the trimming moment. If the LCG lies aft of LCB
then the vessel will trim by the stern and vice versa.

(This is a different approach to trim that is used when we have access to ships
stability data, where we can find the value of LCB for a series of Hydrostatic
drafts, The LCG is calculated by considering the longitudinal trimming moments)

G can shift to if there is a shift of weight or load/ discharge of weight in the

longitudinal direction.

W d = Trimming moment

The shift of B with the G steady may be caused in a seaway due to wave/ swell action.

The difference between LCG and LCB multiplied by Final displacement gives us the trimming
moment, which when divided by the MCTC gives the change in trim.

Why is used instead of for MCTC

The longitudinal metacenter or ML is the point where the vertical through the COB when the
ship is in even keel condition, and the vertical through the COB when the ship is in trimmed
condition, meet. The distance between and the Center of Gravity is called the longitudinal
Metacenter height or .
Why is used instead of for MCTC

The longitudinal metacenter or ML is the point where the vertical through the COB when the
ship is in even keel condition, and the vertical through the COB when the ship is in trimmed
condition, meet. The distance between and the Center of Gravity is called the longitudinal
Metacenter height or .

The vertical distance between the Center of Buoyancy and the longitudinal metacenter is
called the and is found from the formula:

= 2nd Moment of Inertia about the axis through the center of flotation

This is used for all shapes of vessels be they box shaped or ship shapes.

For box shaped vessels it is

Since the distance BG is comparatively less than or , and is smaller than we can substitute
the relatively easily found for in the formulae of MCTC.

Effect of change in density on MCTC

MCTC of a vessel is given in the stability particulars and is given for the condition wherein
the vessel is floating in SW.

When the density of the water changes, the underwater volume changes and with it the .
Therefore the data needs to be modified for the water density in which the vessel is

Effect of change in density on MCTC

MCTC of a vessel is given in the stability particulars and is given for the condition wherein
the vessel is floating in SW.

When the density of the water changes, the underwater volume changes and with it the .
Therefore the data needs to be modified for the water density in which the vessel is
Calculation of quantity of cargo to be
loaded/discharged/shifted to produce a requried trim
Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to produce a required trim
A ship has to load 600 t of cargo. The drafts are .7 m. Space is available 60 m F and 40 m
aft of CF which is amidships. MCTC = 250 tm, TPC = 20 mt. Distribute the cargo to finish
loading at a final trim of 0.5 m by the stern. Also calculate the Final drafts F & A.

Initial trim = 9.7 - 8.5 = 1.2 m by stern

Desired trim = 0.5 m by stern
Change in trim required = 1.2 - 0.5 = 0.7 m by the Head

Required TM = Trim MCTC = 70 250 = 17500 tm by Head

Let cargo loaded 60 m Fwd of Cf = X mt. TM caused = 60 X mt

Then cargo loaded 40 m aft of CF = (600 X) mt. TM caused = (600 - X)40 mt

Total TM caused = Desired TM

60X - 40(600 - X) = 17500
100X = 17500 + 24000
X = 415 mt

Cargo loaded fwd = 415 mt

Cargo loaded aft = 600 - 415) = 185 mt

Since CF is amidships

Draft 8.5 9.7
Sinkage + 0.30 + 0.30
Change in Trim +0.35 -0.35
ANS: Final Draft 9.15 m 9.65 m
Calculation of Final FWD/AFT Drafts
Loading/ Discharging/ Shifting of weights
A vessel length 170 m, LCF 82 m from APP, TPC 25 mt, MCTC 175 mt, Draft m m. The
following operations are carried out.

 Loads 200 mt 30 m fwd of m/ships

 Disch 250 mt 20 m fwd of amidships
 Shifts 100 mt from 20 m aft of amidships to 20 m fwd of midships

Find the final draft.

CF from amidships = 3 m aft of amidships

Weight Distance from COF TM

200 (L) 33 6600
250 (D) 23 5750
100 (S) 40 4000
Total 10600 5750

Trimming moment created = 10600 ~ 5750 = 4850 tm Fwd

Total weight Loaded / Disch = 50 discharged. Total Rise

Total trim

Draft 5.8 7.0
Rise - 0.02 - 0.02
Change in Trim +0.143 -0.134
ANS: Final Draft 5.923 m 6.846 m

Calculation of quantity of cargo to be loaded/discharged to

keep forward/aft draught constant
Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to keep forward/ aft draft constant
A ship 100 m long is floating at draft m, m. MCTC = 180 tm TPC = 20 mt, LCF 46 m from
APP. Find a location where a weight of 60 mt can be loaded so as to keep the aft draft
Since this is bodily sinkage the draft F & A will increase by 0.03 m.

Let the weight be loaded at a distance of X mtrs fwd of CF

TM = 60X tm

However Aft draft is required to remain the same. Therefore the aft trim has to change
(reduce) by 0.03 m

= 0.03 m

X = 0.196 m

ANS: The cargo of 60 mt is to be loaded at a point 0.196 m Fwd of CF

Calculation of quantity of cargo to be loaded/discharged to

reach desired forward/aft draft
Quantity of cargo loaded / discharged to reach a desired forward/ aft draft
A ship 160 m long arrives at the mouth of a river with drafts m. MCTC 210 tm, TPC 20 mt.
CF is 2m aft of amidships. The ship has to cross a bar where the maximum permitted draft
is 6.2 m. To achieve No1 DBT, CG 60 m Fwd of COF, will have to be ballasted with SW to
reduce the aft draft to 6.2 m. Find the quantity of water to be ballasted and the final drafts
Fwd and Aft.

Let the quantity of ballast be X mt

Bodily sinkage

Aft draft will increase by .

With an existing draft of 6.3 m, the aft draft will have to be reduced by m to attain 6.2

Trimming moment should create the above

TM caused by Ballast = (60 X) tm

by Head

X = 112 mt

ANS: Amount of ballast to be taken into No1 DBT is 112 mt


Draft 5.70 6.30
Rise + 0.056 + 0.056
Change in Trim +0.164 -0.156
ANS: Final Draft 5.92 m 6.20 m

Intact stability requirements for the carrige of grains

Intact Stability Requirements for the carriage of Grain
The International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (International Grain Code),
adopted by resolution MSC.23 (59), has been mandatory under SOLAS chapter VI since 1
January 1994.

Selected sections of the International Grain Code are excerpted here; however the student
should study the Code in full for a complete understanding of the regulations governing the
carriage of grain.

Grain Stability Calculations

Stability on a Grain carrying vessel.
Students interested in studying how the stability calculations are done practically on board a
grain carrying vessel may go through the Annex to this module.

International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk

The angle of heel due to the shift of grain shall not be greater than or in the
case of ships constructed on or after 1 January 1994 the angle at which the
deck edge is immersed. whichever is the lesser;

1. In the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the
heeling arm curve and the righting arm curve up to the angle of heel
of maximum difference between the ordinates of the two curves, or or
the angle of flooding , whichever is the least, shall in all conditions
of loading be not less than 0.075 metre-radians; and
2. The initial metacentric height, after correction for the free surface
effects of liquids in tanks. shall be not less than 0.30 m.


Volumetric heeling moments (VHM) caused due to shift of

grain in partially filled/full compartments
Cargo holds are classified according to how the grain is loaded in them. They can be either
Filled or Partly filled. Then again a filled compartment may be trimmed or untrimmed. These
categories are required for the consideration of the effect on G during the carriage of grain.

During the carriage of grain, grain settles and creates “voids”. Then during the passage of
the vessel the grain shifts into these voids. This shift of grain creates a heeling moment
which is superimposed on the GZ curve.

Obviously the partly filled/ untrimmed holds will cause a larger shift of grain than filled/
trimmed compartments.

Certain assumptions are made with regard to the shift of grain.

In a filled compartment, the transverse shift of grain is supposed to take place at an angle
to the horizontal of 25⁰ and in filled compartments it is assumed to be 15⁰ to the horizontal.

These assumptions result in the availability of Volumetric Heeling Moment (VHM) curves
from which Volumetric heeling moment is obtained against the ullage / depth of grain.
These tables are available for all compartments and also provide the KG for that particular
cargo level.

After the Volumetric Heeling Moments VHM) are obtained, they are adjusted for vertical
shift by multiplying the VHM by 1.06 in the case of FILLED & TRIMMED condition. For
FILLED/UNTRIMMED there is no multiplication factor.

In PARTLY FILLED compartments the VHM is multiplied by 1.12.

The VHM is now converted into Heeling Moments (HM)by dividing by the Stowage Factor

The Heeling Arm is obtained by dividing the HM by Displacement (W). This is in upright
position and equivalent to the vertical shift that we have studied in previous sections. We
will name it
Since the Grain Code mandates the calculation of residual stability up to a
40⁰ angle of heel, the Heeling arm in upright position is multiplied
by where i.e. 0.76604 which the Code rounds off to 0.8 for convenience.

A summary of the sequence of calculations:

VHM as obtained from the tables

VHM adjusted for vertical shift by multiplying by 1.06/1.12/1.0

Total VHM for all holds obtained.

VHM converted to

HM converted to

The ships GZ curve is drawn as in standard cargo vessels by obtaining GZ values from the
KN curves and correcting them

values are superimposed on the GZ curve (See HM Diagram) and various

data obtained from the curve and compared to the intact stability

Use of Maximum permissible VHM curves

Allowable Heeling Moments
Tables and curves are available which show the allowable Heeling Moments that take into
account the 3 Mandatory Intact Stability Criteria. It is less time consuming and affords a
quick and accurate method of fulfilling grain stability requirements as required by the Code.

In the following example we will use the Allowable heeling moments as given in the table.

1. Vessel Displacement 29250 mt, KG 8.35 m, KM 11.0 m, FSM 1950tm. Find the allowable
heeling moments.
KM = 11.0 m
KG = 8.35 m
FSM = 1950 tm
KG(Fluid) = 8.417 m

From the table

ANS: Allowable Heeling moments = 21183.08 tm


KGo (m)
8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90
Dispt. (t)
7000 26536 26381 26226 26071 25917 25762 25607 25452 25297 25142
7500 26795 26629 26463 26298 26132 25966 25800 25634 25468 25302
8000 26919 26742 26565 26389 26212 26035 25858 25681 25504 25327
8500 26936 26748 26560 26372 26184 25996 25808 25620 25432 25244
9000 26871 26672 26473 26274 26075 25876 25677 25478 25278 25079
9500 26743 26533 26323 26113 25903 25693 25483 25273 25063 24852
10000 26571 26350 26129 25908 25687 25466 25244 25023 24802 24581
10500 26372 26139 25907 25675 25443 25211 24978 24746 24514 24282
11000 26162 25919 25676 25433 25189 24946 24703 24459 24216 23973
11500 25950 25696 25441 25181 24933 24678 24424 24170 23915 23661

12000 25715 25450 25184 24919 24654 24388 24123 23857 23592 23327
12500 25474 25197 24921 24645 24368 24092 23815 23539 23262 22986
13000 25241 24954 24666 24379 24091 23804 23516 23229 22941 22654
13500 25003 24704 24406 24107 23809 23510 23212 22913 22614 22316
14000 24761 24452 24142 23833 23523 23213 22904 22594 22284 21975
14500 24530 24210 23889 23568 23247 22927 22606 22285 21965 21644
15000 24305 23973 23641 23310 22978 22646 22314 21983 21651 21319
15500 24085 23742 23399 23056 22713 22371 22028 21685 21342 20999
16000 23875 23521 23167 22813 22459 22105 21751 21398 21044 20690
16500 23677 23312 22947 22582 22217 21852 21488 21123 20758 20393

17000 23493 23117 22742 22366 21990 21614 21238 20862 20486 20110
17500 23321 22934 22547 22160 21773 21386 20999 20612 20225 19838
18000 23162 22764 22366 21968 21569 21171 20773 20375 19977 19579
18500 23022 22613 22203 21794 21385 20976 20567 20158 19748 19339
19000 22895 22475 22054 21634 21214 20794 20374 19953 19533 19113
19500 22779 22348 21917 21485 21054 20623 20191 19760 19329 18898
20000 22684 22242 21799 21357 20915 20472 20030 19588 19145 18703
20500 22606 22152 21699 21246 20792 20339 19885 19432 18979 18525
21000 22537 22072 21608 21143 20679 20215 19750 19286 18821 18357
21500 22488 22012 21537 21061 20586 20110 19635 19159 18684 18208
22000 22459 21972 21486 20999 20513 20026 19539 19053 18566 18080
22500 22438 21941 21443 20945 20448 19950 19452 18955 18457 17960
23000 22433 21925 21416 20907 20399 19890 19381 18873 18364 17855
23500 22449 21929 21409 20890 20370 19850 19331 18811 18291 17771
24000 22476 21945 21415 20884 20353 19822 19291 18761 18230 17699
24500 22517 21975 21433 20891 20350 19808 19266 18724 18182 17640
25000 22578 22025 21472 20919 20366 19813 19260 18707 18154 17602
25500 22651 22087 21523 20959 20395 19831 19267 18703 18139 17575
26000 22736 22161 21586 21011 20435 19860 19285 18710 18135 17560
26500 22838 22252 21666 21079 20493 19907 19321 18735 18149 17563

27000 22955 22358 21760 21163 20566 19969 19372 18775 18178 17580
27500 23084 22476 21868 21260 20651 20043 19435 18827 18218 17610
28000 23230 22611 21992 21373 20753 20134 19515 18896 18276 17657
28500 23393 22762 22132 21502 20872 20241 19611 18981 18350 17720
29000 23566 22925 22283 21642 21001 20359 19718 19076 18435 17794
29500 23755 23102 22450 21797 21145 20492 19840 19188 18535 17883
30000 23959 23296 22632 21969 21305 20642 19978 19315 18651 17988
30500 24174 23500 22825 22151 21476 20802 20127 19452 18778 18103
31000 24402 23716 23031 22345 21660 20974 20288 19603 18917 18231
31500 24645 23948 23252 22555 21858 21162 20465 19768 1

Calculation of Heeling arm =VHM/(SF ) and =

0.8 x
A vessel loaded to her marks with grain SF 1.5. The displacement is 19943 mt, KM 8.704 M,
KG 7.679 M, FSM 1284 TM. Total VHM is 5414 . Verify whether the vessel complies with the
International Grain Code.

KG Solid = 7.679 m
KG Fluid = 7.743 m
KM = 8.704 m
GM Fluid = 0.961 m………………………………………………………………………………………….Complies

since 0.3 m
Given KN values, GZ is calculated

GZ = KN - KG Sin

KN(m) GZ (m)
KGSin (-
0 0 0 0
5 0.811 7.743 Sin5 0.136
12 1.925 7.743Sin12 0.315
20 3.12 7.743Sin20 0.742
30 4.475 7.743Sin30 0.604
40 5.608 7.743Sin40 0.631
60 7.268 7.743Sin60 0.562
75 7.727 7.743Sin75 0.248

From the curve Heel

= ………………………………………………………………………………….Complies since
It is suggested that the list is worked out using

, then the curve is adjusted to make this list.

Next the area between the heeling arm curve and the GZ curve is calculated.

The curvilinear section is found using Simpsons Rule and the triangular section by plain

In Triangular section CFB

DC = FE = 0.18 m (From curve)

BF = EF – 0.145 = 0.18 – 0.145 = 0.035 m

(For simplicity we work in m degree and finally convert to m radians

For the curvilinear part,

Ordinate (GZ in m) SM POA

6.5 0 1 0
12.08 0.135 4 0.54

17.67 0.255 2 0.51

23.25 0.345 4 1.38

28.83 0.41 2 0.82

34.42 0.445 4 1.78

40 0.451 1 0.451
Sum POA=5.481

Total area under curve = 10.20014 + 0.58625 = 10.78639 m degrees = = 0.18824

Complies with 3rd criteria 0.075 mr

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