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VOLUME 2 INDEX TO STANDARD PORTS Aden “Air Musi (Outer Bar) Argentia Bahia Blanca. Banain Bassein River Entrance ‘Baw Pahat, Kuala Beira. Belgrano, Puerto Bermuda Bhavnagar ‘Blanca, Bahia. Bombay Bonny Town. Boston, U.S.A, Buonos Aires Cap St, Jaques scape Hom . Cape Town *. Casablanca Charleston Chittagong, Cochin Colombo Color Cristobal Dakar Dar-es-Salaam Delgada, Ponta Dickson, Port. Durban ‘Elephant Point (Rangoon River) Freetown” Gallegos, Perio Galvesion Georgetown ‘Grea Sound (Bermuda) Hlabitax Harrington 5 Horsborough Lighthouse ‘lamuang, Kerang Janeiro, Rio de Karachi Page 1a 204 o 15 126 m7 195 9 1s 14 Kelang, Pelabuban *Ksppel Harbour, XKhark, Jah Ye. ‘indi Loyola, Punta Madras Maryn, Puerto Malecon Mergui Mina Al Abmadi Mina ebet Ali Mina Salman Min Sand Mombasa. ‘Mui Vang Tan Musa bar, Khowe-e Masay’id Mayet ee *Orange Bay (Cape Hor) ‘Palembangouerbar. Pere, Pome an Plata, Rio de la (Buenos: Poa of Spain. Port Victoria Pussur River Entrance Quebec Rangoon River Rio de Janeiro St Joho, NB. St Johns Harbour (Newfoundland). Sagat Roads . Sandy Hook Shahid Rejie, Bandar. Shatt al Arab Bar Sietra Leoue (Frectown) “Singapore. Stanley 5 Suet Tavoradh ‘Trincomalee - ‘Pons also given in A.T.T., Vol. 3, Pacific Ocean Tide Tables. Page 189 198 ra 108 165 Bes i 134 120 126 129 108 210 138 23 7 se ku 186 8 102 m 180 2 31 168 144 135 198 12 H.W.Hts.m, FOR FINDING THE HEIGHT OF THE TIDE AT TIMES BETWEEN HIGH AND LOW WATER CHART DATUI TABLE VI FORTNIGHTLY SHALLOW WATER CORRECTIONS Investigations have shown that at certain ports with large Shallow Water Eifects the tidal constituent with a period of one eycle per fortnight (MSP) can be significant. The normal time Sha height diferesce allow for this effect but at certain ports predictions obtained by the use Sf the Simplified Harmonie Method of Tidal Prediction N.P-x59 ean be improved by a simple cee tat, Corrected values of M.L- are given below for the ports concerned, for ihe dy ot pings an fr ach day bore oar springs. Th df spring och) Bea oe peta after Nev and Full Moon, The corrected valve should be entered a0 MLL. SEN'Pitgg. The seasonal correction is then applied to this value as usual. oc Average At Caretod ML. BSS AREF sorts Deserta aor 2620 shy wha ky mae seoose sao mbo me Fa ra m4 Be je toe a My Fh pa ms Of ORY oR mo a a pete Fe sab ee rere Sgt ee a ea Be F es ee 2359 . i 1 1% 165 Bet tS mrt p: math goers sy yee pr 8 jor BA ee ert RO Ss re ed soe 20 “yes wet 3 mB geet 3 ta od mt if fed Yt 197 ' vat nee +51 ee fe : i i we bie pS be} “ ws Bert 2 fd 1S ng ot 2p rt Be 2 ror By Ege oe ma 8 Be 3 sot a wo = eee) 2 u3 a4 yee rot 2 337 aa —_ 23 2 3 25 x19 ve : tial te Rg 7 aes fms 7 eR 1B 2 ye ox ye ye : ents De xxix TABLE VII TIDAL ANGLES AND FACTORS ‘The accompanying annual tables are for use with the Simplified Harmonic Tidal Prediction Form NP-r39 (se abo pages xvi to x3) and withthe analjsls of 24 hourly heights or sate at hourly intervals (N-P.173). The data are given for 0000 on each day. The table gives values of the Tidal Angles in degrees and the Factors for Mz, S:, Ky and ©, which are amended to include the effects of 2Nay fy No, An, Lay Ts: Ke, 20y 0, Qu, De Zi Pr, Gir Gt, 8 and J, It is assumed the relationships from tidal theory between thece ‘minor constituents and the four major constituents hold good. Note.—On the first of above-mentioned forms the Tidal Angles are adjusted to 1200 by the inclusion of the angle ain the Table on Ferm A. The speed of the semi-diuenel tides seared to be 29° per hour (the speed of Mz), and that of the diurnal 14°5° per hour. Because of this assumption, predictions computed from these tables will be correct at 1200 but in error before and subsequently, the error getting progressively larger further from 1200. Depending on the state and character of the tide, this error can be assumed to be not greater than about one minute per hour. TABLE VII ry M4 iB 16 wv 0 20 at 3 2 28 2 3 2 rey Py 1s 6 wv 18 9 a 2 2 28 2 29 3 a 212 235 317 339 oon 033 O48 oer oe no 12 ibe 18 baa 2s 216 403 330 388 026 oss 082 no aa 183 188 213 26 258 280 206 329 35 036 089 82 129 189 ie 203 20 286 283 aut 330 006 033 os9 oes ML 135 159 132 208 226 27 269 2a TIDAL ANGLES AND FACTORS x KL ‘aMUARY 82 A ROA 012 0.84 347 012 018s 347 013 086 347 0:3 ole7 347 0.08 347 oes 347 6:90 3a7 ore 347 or 347 ols: 347 010 a8 ie os 345 oss 345 ost 34a oe 33 017 0.99 3a oir 100340, or Lor 339 ou Loe 338 oir 1.03 337 O17 toa 336 oir 105 338 oi 106 334 oir or 333 bit Los 332 oi 193331 oie 110331 oie att 331 oie 112 331 oie 13331 anon 2 a eo; oor 130 298 oor 13, 237 oor 131235, oo 381 395 og 1.21 294 0s 131 292 eos 131 200, os 131288, oo 1.31 286 bo 151 Bae boa 131 2a bor 13) 278 cos 131 276 oo 131 23 02 130 270 oor a0 267 oor 1.30 264 Doo 130261 bo 130 289 000 128 256 aso 1.20 254 3sa 129282 350 128 280 aso 125 bas ase 1.2727 aer Lar 248 3er as Bas Bee 125 baa ase 1.25243 ase 128243 ass ioe 242 n n n 5 By 6 18 16 78 15 14 3 2 70 68 63 e “ n o 290 bis aa oat oa ae on 098 ny Mo 163 187 au Bar 280 ae 36 ous 283 or 100 128 188 193 200 Be 22 28 a 08 oer oft o7s oe 12 16 195 220 28 300 a 033 os) bra tor 134 1st 187 23 2a 21 205 308 330 353 a1 20 2 3 7 a 08 22 28 2 4 3s 31 a 08 o % 38 or or 28 20 at 93 38 36 2 ca 1 36 20 26 2 2 26 ie 13 8 99 a 88 $0 xr ony awe 302 0.87 ae 0186 Bes 0.05 oor 0186 029 0.86 O61 088 ore O87 ose 0180 ne 0,90 140 0192 Tex 0196 tee 101 2131.05 239 1.10 bes 1s 2e2 119 yo 1.21 bas 1 23 oie 133 oa 1.21 on tag ba 236 128 110 150 105 178 1.00 198 0198 zat 0.81 243 9188 264 0.66 313 9.88 325 0189 Sse oat O22 0.93 04s 0.98 oes 0108 0s6 ToL tie 103 144 1.06 fa 109 ies 1a ae a mg 1.16 21s is jor iis yo 1a ass 1.32 oat 109 bag 306 on tee 026 0.99 Tia 00s 12 0.92 165 0.89 195 0.87 208 9 86 230 0.86 251 0.87 214 0.88 295 081 ors O16 oe os os ous 218 a8 ois ous on ors O13 013 on oz ore ont oun on 10 10 10 009 08 ‘008 808 coe 258 s2 FEBRUARY A 4 aa is 3a is 330, 36330 7 330 18 329 18 39 is 20 37 2 335, 22 38 22 a2 2 ah a 38 be SIT 3S 2s 36 3L 3608 27 308 27306 2a 308 28 303 28 302 2 301 2300 go 239 30200 20 298 PALL, 4 2a 33 20 22 239 2 238 21 27 20 235 is 333 1s 332 1B 230 tbe 16 26 a5 2a me uw BO ie 2 ie noon 1 a os 212 082i oy 20 bs 208, 0s 208, e208 03 208 2 208 1 208 0 208, 99207 98207 YEAR nL 02 ot ot 00 00 ot o. oF 20 3 9 95 83 et 88 2 n 1 n n 4 8 a0 53 85 37 29 ot 9 3 37 or eo 36 9 a8 38 38 37 cy 103 1992 on asi 0.87 aia o'er ose 0.87 oat 0187 oss 0.88 ios 0-83 191 0.90 16s 0193 18 0.97 203 1.02 bap 1.07 Bee 13 200 1.38 Sas 128 ie 128 08 ee ona 1.93 bei 132 bso 1°30 Me 128 Mas tat 1p Lis 398 109 224 1.03, 249 0.97 212 0°92 295 9.69, die ocer 3a 0.87 ca 0.92 ase 0:94 13 197 137 0.99 162 1.02 tee 1108 213. 108 bao 112 266 1.15 2s 118 3201.20 ye Van ois 1.22 oa 121 069 119 oe 117 1a 1g 150 109 176 108 201 300 226 0.96 250 0.93 274 0-80 297 0.88 ai 0.87 3a 0.87 os 0.68 023 081, os 0.93 ov 097 ‘The accompanying a observation on Form. TABLE VIII ASTRONOMICAL ARGUMENTS innuial tables are for use with the Harmonic Analyses of 30 days tidal P.r12 (Explanation and instructions in N.P.122(1)). ‘The tables give the daily values at oo00 of Exu in degrees for 13 constituents. Monthly values of “" for the middle of each month for the main constituents are shown in the table below. aon wt a 2 n2 uo a «@ a Values of the remaining constituents required for the 30 day analysis ean be obtained from the following relations! Constituent Msr 0.98 1.08 1.03 1.05 0.99 1.08 2.06 0.99 hips: FEB MAR, ABR. 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.08 1.04 1.04 3.63 1.68 1.72 1.03 1.03 1,02 1.05 1,08 1.04 1.00 1.00 1.09, 1.06 1.01 0.98 1.05 1.05 1.04 0.99 0.99 1.00 ean 1992 MAY. JUN. JUL. AUG. SE. ocr 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,01 1.01 4.03 1.03 1.02 Arr 1.1 1.06 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.08 1.03 1.03 1,00 1,00 1.00 0.98 0.92 0.09 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.09 (B+n) {60~(F-+u) of My See Tabie BR (Eta) of Non (Et) of Me Always 360 degrees (Eta) of Mos (Ex) of Os (B+) of M+ (E+) of Ky (Eu) of M+ (E44) of Np 2x (E+) of Me (Eu) of N, (Eu) of My 2x (E+u) of Mi (E+u) of No >> (E+) of Me 2x (E+) of Me 1 a o 1 02 1.01 1.01 7 1.90 1.92 ot 1.01 1.00 02 1.02 1.01 0 1.00 1.00 87 0.86 0.82 ot 1.00 0,99 00 1.00 1.01 f fof Me nov. ec. 1.01 1.02 41.00 1.00 1.04 1.95 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 41.00 1.01 0.81 0.79 0.98 0.97 Always 1-00 fofM: Always 100. (fof Ma) x(F of O;) (FoF Ma}x(F of Ki) (Lof Mz) Squared (fof M,) Squared fof Me fof M: (fof M,) Cubed (fof Mz) Cubed (fof M,) Squared TABLE VII oy or itt 2 a 15 16 19 20 a 2 2s Fd 2 2 29 3 Er na 6 cy 12 8 ier 208 au 240 2s 269 22 26 508 a2 35 ae oor ove 027 03 ore oz 105 118 it 14a 16 203 216 29 22 258 zat sor 320 a 358 an 028 052 085 ore oat 104 130 143 138 159 192 105, 208 a 227 268 ay 135 036 088 ae a er 4a 0a 068 07 34 m 233 156 He ove 003 mae 208 70 132 ong bes 28 300 2a 184 146 108 a 387 32 506 2a 26 230 78 asa 103 oe 083 02 336 260 235 210 jet 159 108 083 os? oor 3a aie rn 280 as 263 2st zat 25 203 191 ne m 202 210 258 246 26 bat is7 aes i 149 a 113 100 ose 068 52 40 oe oie 382 330 Br 303 2a 219 pt 350 ry ae a 35 3a ae 238 ar 6 335 234 33 2 33 230 a 38 3? 325 baa 33 322 322 3a PL 2a 230, 28 27 26 28 2a baa 280 219 arr 26 ana 212 an 210 29 267 26 28s 253 262 261 ASTRONOMICAL ARGUMENTS saMARY 108 ior ma 136 201 ia 62 363 103 297 Ose 191 008 205 317 219 260 233 210 247 170 2el ize 275 O78 303 238 317 267 331 256 345 169 269 140 028 043 042 354 056 305 070 257 O08 208 086 189 126 O61 140 013 ise S24 182 226 196 178 stoma 108 ost 08 20 a a3 128 oe 30 200 sz M5 123 095 137 O48 151 367 165 308 179 260 193 21 207 162 238 064 bao O16 303 27 505 ier bis 132 269 an are 26 a9 182 124 oer 4g oie 34 2a 29 bee 17 no on 035 Ser 2a 24s 208 170 133 095 O88 343 305 na 262 180 nz ons 380, 222 28s 248 a0 aa Bs 960 os Sas 208 2a ie 18 089 a8 28 101 on 053 028 08 338 ais aor 266 bee 218 193 159 098 on oar ae 388 309 28s 2a az io? 183 ne 090 ove ose 030 08 on 37 258 243 21a 170 14s ona oa 2a 380 au 286 2a aa ie 185 os? one oar 026 ous 352 Bat 320 ae 307 205 234 a3 et 20 239 220 216 208 14 az iat 148 a7 25 us 103 o3t O89 0x0 ona 086 o4s baa out 360 ae 326 a8 303 269 28 2a 235 228 a 201 19 187 156 city a7 29 2a 23 zt 29 Bt aa 25 237 239 2a Baa 2s 281 253 288 259 260, 262 266 268 210 ore 26 22 236 so ae a6 149 13 oe 029 603 326 200 23 a eo 107 ano 038 Ser aaa 268 bar ail v4 138 101 ose S81 ais ws 200 Be 235 68 ast ne ez 00s Sos 285 ae ez 1 on 2 206 20 213 140 103 87 080 asa 28h 2 ies 13 15 16 19 2 a 2 ba 2s % a Es 18 a4 a 20 36 262 215 28 aus 327 30 388 007 033 oe 059 ore 085 6 a 14 137 150 153 2a 235 248 21 am Ber 300 313 2s 330 005 ors aL os? oxo 8s oor 110 129 136 19 ws 188 201 ats 27 a as 138 100 sz 023 os 308 268 228 ior 1a ore osT 388 320 283 208 187 080 ost on 334 206 2st ae a ose: oa 352 3a 25 2 139 180 122 ons oss 906 328 28 2a 213 174 136 oar 080 020 32 soa ar rc 180, ut on a ora Sa 322 257 an 26 aan 198 10 a ie one ose ons oe 382 a2 26 2a 25 200 is 9 124 ose on 048 one 20 266 200 as 199 isa ie ns ose 082 on 346 ga 25 20 248 ae foe 19 19 ie one one O16 ost 326 200 207 285 28 230 a9 ia 162 170 358 146 ia 309 os? 088 ors oan 037 025 o12 000 206 3a 32 300 208 FeoRUARY 318 a a8 BS Be aa 312 a 30 308 308 307 308 Se 204 302 301 300 299 298 bor 206 235 298 393 292 20 250, 258 256 255 2a 253 253 282 2a 250 dae 2a? Bae 245 baa baa 202 2an 340 330 28 26 235 24 233 20 baa 28 282 266 2a 25 308 223 37 381 os 033 bar cr ors 103 i? an 159 14 188 26 230 2a penn, 109 199 no nz na na 15, 18 ur na na 120 121 ie 1 12a 125 128 a 129 129 130 a 53 a Bs 138 a4 3a oz 030 sa ore 086 100 ie i 136 10 18 199 22 236 a 255 269 23 ar au 39 383 oo? 129 80 oan 343 204 ie ue 098 oso on Ee] 2s ies 7 oss 331 282 24 136 oer os 301 282 208 oes Osa Se 248 iso 181 083 boa Ste 269 tee 120, on 023 34 aes Ee 180 138 O80 baz aa 255 207 188 YEAR 260 Bn 186 ue oe 083 06 328 2e1 bse 26 104 ote 020 a6 an 230 tea 17 one ora 337 209 161 1a 108 oat 366 at 208 is? 19 ose sa ou 340 302 208 ia 180 152 ns on 40 oz 235 286 250 aa ons ore Sea 305 2a 26 22 208 tes 189 14 86 oer oar ors 348 Sas 20 25 2st be 202 er 13 129 108 80 058 bar 035 ae ou baz 350 388 328 ais 305 202 ar 260 28 237 as 203 192 159 150 a7 15 ia a 102 100 88 or 058 O83 oa 020 08 358 3B 38 Biz Sor 200 bor 256 2s Bae att 139 138 in 155 154 1439 Bt 1992 278 20 baa bee 26 28 206 208 400 302 304 doe oe 310 aia ae ne 322 324 226 28 30 a2 a4 ost 038 oat 083 ons oar 053 058 086 ose 2 066 06 oro or ore ove one 80 nz one one 088 80 oz bse wa ze baa 205 iss a2 ons oss oz 246 308 an 26 198 163 128 083 ou 340 303 267 230 toa 187 121 oa on ont a6 wo 28 207 in 16 ose 61 025 se au 218 238 202 168 123 082 088 ois Se 308 268 aaa ise 123 one 50 os 337 300 263 TIME ZONE +0500 saanuARY ary oom 11 12 su 13 14 wu 15 Tine oso a2 3480 210 250 08 1337 2181 0336 Doss wear 2236 0420 1097 1700, oso. 17 2353 04a 1188 029 1234 1859 106 ore iia 1930 ous Oras 1383 2010 226 onze a7 0205 onus 2133 ose 1008, ie 2220 os? 1087 1708 22 1186 i008 007 zz 1282 1902 NUN su 2S ny "Fane 0105 0720 382 2001 202 815 1449 2101 oxo ats 1543, ais 0355 1008 i636 2288 0449 toa irr 2a 0543 ts? 1817 0033 Do36 4s 308 ozs 0128 tad 1987 o2is eas 137 2087 0306 oars 1832 2140 oor toe 1632 ons thao ine 2335 0587 1235, 0x2 est 1329 ieaa o130 oss 1427 2080 022s 645 1816, 2128 g vied vded wdus wtuo 2m ecw bode U.S.A., ATLANTIC COAST - BOSTON Tine 103 1600 2 «oo tors 1638 2282 tn

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