Thahirah Slides Nature of Education

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The Nature of

Secondary education.
Table of 01 | Articulation of
elementary and secondary
contents. education

02 | Secondary
Education in the New
Bullet point list
● Articulation Programs of Elementary and


● Secondary education in the New society.

● Functions and Aim.


The nature of
secondary education.
The second level or secondary
education’s nature corresponds to
four years of high school, the
prerequisite of which is the
completion of elementary level.
Revised educational
program of 1957
1957 ● by this plan the high school
Revision student were given the choice,
upon completion of the
. secondary year.
● Between College preparatory
curriculum and vocational
Vocational curriculum is
offered to those students who
have the vocational aptitude
but cannot afford to go on
Articulation of
Elementary and
Secondary education
● Elementary and secondary schools had
independent function and origin but
have the same educational objectives.
● Articulation denotes a vertical-tie-up of
a course to an earlier or later course.
● Articulation implies the close coupling of
course and educational experiences in
sequential manner for the purpose of
obtaining continually of student
• The chief function of guidance is to provide
for the individual a full life and the ability to
make effective contribution to society.
• Planned as to help them attain progress

according to their different learning rate.

• To make guidance effective is an effective

process, the following points are suggested:

1. The teacher should study the nature
of each pupil, his interest, abilities,
aptitudes and personal needs. His
physical maturity must also be taken
into consideration.
2. The teacher must keep a cumulative
record of each pupil and such
record should be passed to another
teacher under whom the pupil
3. The teacher must avoid
unnecessary requirements that might
create a hindrance to enrolment in
course which are adapted to the
interest, abilities, aptitudes, and
personal needs of the learners.

4. The teacher must give variety to the

content of the curriculum to meet the
needs of the pupils who will not go to
01 02

● School guidance in ● The teacher should assume

the role of a leader whose
the elementary and aims are to help the pupils
secondary schools understand himself and his
places the teacher in needs , to guide the pupil
through worthy experiences,
the central position of and to help him develop the
counselor. ability to live creatively and
effectively in the society.
Secondary education in the new
. . . . .

Decree of 1972, Presedential To make secondary education

decree No. 6-A more relevant to the needs of
Was adopted with the aim to the new society, the curriculum
make secondary education is secondary school is being
more relevant to the needs of reoriented in both contents and
new society. methods, as well as the position
of language in school.
● National board of education has
approved the use of Filipino and
English as medium of

● Proclamation No. 1081- schcool

administrators, supervisors,
classroom teachers, and the
student are encouraged to help
build the new society.
1. Develop a balance between 4. Give manpower training that will
academic and work meet the needs of the industry and
experience. fits into the framework of the
economic development.
2. Ensure a greater recognitiom
5. Cultivate of personal discipline,
of the importance and value cultural values and civic conscience
of hard, honest work in life. and the strengthening and
3. Help accelerate economic inculcating moral values.
growth, promote social 6. Help enlighten the people about
progress and remove the major problem of the
inequalities among people.
• Accelerating rate of economic development
and social progress, the maximum
participation of all the people in the
attainment and enjoyment of the benefits of
such growth and the strengthening of national
consciousness, desirable cultural values in a
changing world.
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