British Residential System

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Name: _______________________________ date:________________

Year: ______

British Residential System

Fill in the blank with the correct answers. You may refer to your textbook page 53 -55.

What was the British Residential System?

In 1906, Brunei signed an ____________________ with the British government. Under

this agreement, Brunei was administered under the

Britain ruled Brunei indirectly through the

A ____________________ was sent to Brunei as a representative of the
_________________ government. His job was to ____________________ the Sultan on
all matters except things that involve _______________, and Malay ________________
and ____________________.

Why was the British Residential System introduced in Brunei?

The Residential System was introduced during the reign of

___________________________ (the 25th Sultan of Brunei). There were many reasons
why the British Residential System was introduced in Brunei.

A. Malcolm McArthur’s report

In 1904, Malcolm McArthur was the ____________________ government official

who was asked to study the ____________________ of Brunei in greater detail.
He wrote a ___________________ in 1904 called the
__________________________. In the report, he recommended the
_______________________________________ for Brunei. In 1906, McArthur
was later _____________________ as the first __________________ of Brunei.
His recommendations _________________ many problems in Brunei. It also
_____________________ Brunei from being ____________________ by
______________________________ and the ____________

B. Failure of the Protectorate Agreement 1888

The Residential System was introduced because the Protectorate Agreement with
the British Government in 1888 _______________ to stop Brunei’s power from
___________________. Brunei continued to lose its ______________ to
_________________ regime and the

C. To solve succession disputes

________________________________ wanted to avoid a _________________

dispute. If the quarrel continued, this would ______________ Brunei further. He
wanted Brunei’s support in having a more _____________________ and
___________________ succession system.

D. Success of the Residential System in Malaya

The Residential System had been very ______________________ in

________________. It had made many states _________________________ and
also, ________________________ the position of the Sultans. It even
___________________ the Malay chiefs and nobles from
_______________________ with on another. British officials felt that Residential
System would help _______________________ too.

E. Fear of foreign intervention

The ____________________, __________________, ___________________ and

_____________________ were actively and aggressively searching for
______________________ in Asia. The British were worried that if they did not
help Brunei, other foreign ________________ would occupy Brunei.

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