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Social Studies

Chapter 9 – Air Pollution (Revision)

Choose the correct answers from the box below. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

worldwide Southeast Asia haze cars

forests airport fire respiratory

1. Air pollution is a ___________________ problem.

2. In 1998, air pollution was so serious in Brunei that even the __________________ was
shut down.

3. Exhaust fumes from __________________ can cause the air to be polluted.

4. Having an open _________________ in the jungle can also cause air pollution.

5. Slash and burn cultivation cause a problem which is called __________________.

6. The haze problem was so serious that it affected the whole of ________________
region for several months.

7. People can be very badly affected by air pollution and may suffer from
________________ problems.

8. _______________________ fires cause haze too.

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