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Yuxiao Liu




Dr.Sheng Bhang


In the current context of China's strong push for green power, the government needs to
monitor power equipment to better regulate resources to participate in a balanced
market. As the development of green power is highly dependent on technology, this
project focuses on creating a smart grid monitoring platform based on GIS switches. It is
mainly aimed at collecting power system data, monitoring the use of GIS switches and
ensuring that the system can monitor specific power consumption and production safety,
thus improving the efficiency and safety of the power system and reducing the pressure
on the power system. The more green power generation, the greater the social welfare of
the power system.


In the context of the dual-carbon strategy, Zeng et al. (2021) concluded that increasing the
intelligence, distillation and integration of the power system infrastructure is a key
technological approach to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon power system. The GIS
switch is a critical component in smart substation design. Its primary function is to isolate
voltage and ensure the safety of other primary equipment during substation maintenance.
It is important to maintain the disconnector to ensure personnel and equipment safety.
Power system upgrades have led to a shift from scheduled maintenance to condition-
based maintenance, which places higher life cycle requirements on dis-connectors (Chen
et al., 2019).

GIS switch adopts SF6 gas as insulation medium, which is a switch high-voltage electrical
assembly equipment formed after the use of SF 6 gas insulation sealing treatment. This
means that if it's overhauled manually, there's a good risk that the human body is going to
get hurt. And according to Li, X. (2022), the operating efficiency of the 110kV GIS switch
can be greatly improved by carrying out the condition overhaul of the switch on a regular
basis. This kind of maintenance effectively reduces the time and cost of maintenance. And
also according to the Bai, Y. (2020) in addition to reducing the frequency of unplanned
downtime and accidental maintenance due to faults. In addition, this type of maintenance
contributes to the prolongation of the service life of the 110 kV GIS switches, ensuring the
efficient and safe operation of the 110 kV transmission lines.This is also the case for the
330kV GIS discussed in the guidelines by the State Grid Corporation of China
(SGCC) [2005] on high-voltage isolation switch "The maximum number of 330kV based GIS
switches must be less than 3000 switches". In summary, for the 330kV GIS switching
power system, it is important to have a good intelligent monitoring system.

As Hao Wang et al (2022) describes, Digital twins are virtual replicas of real objects,
processes and systems. It collects and processes live data from its physical counterpart
using a variety of different methods. This digital display shows various aspects of your
physical model and your real-time activity over the course of your life. The main purposes
of a digital twin are system monitoring, operations and maintenance management and
process and system optimisation. The application of the digital twin intelligent monitoring
system in a substation plant enables non-contact safety monitoring of the use of GIS
switches as well as automatic power data collection. The system employs multiple
acquisition terminals to gather operating data of the power system, which is then used to
perform monitoring functions through the monitoring platform.


The aim of this project is to develop a highly interactive and visualised digital twin
intelligent monitoring platform for a 330kV GIS switch-gear based on an automatic
intelligent operating data collection and monitoring system.


In order to have a focus on goals, plans and performance, smart technologies

can be used for goal improvement. Berry and Thomas (2016) state that "smart Specific
goals are more likely to be achieved." Research and survey goals do not have a
timeframe associated with them as they are ongoing, therefore time-related Measurable
goals are not currently being achieved. Please review Table 1.1 below. Appropriate


Table 1.1: Project Objectives Defined Using the SMART Technique

Objective Objective S M A R T
1 Investigating the current market for GIS
switches in power systems √ × √ √ √

2 Creating a virtual transformer plant

modelling diagram used to connect to √ √ √ √ ×
the interactive digital twin system
3 By investigating the current state of today's
technology research and the specific
requirements of power production, the
requirements specification for the √ √ √ √ √
digital twin platform is generated in
conjunction with relevant laws and
regulations, and user and product
requirements are identified.
4 Research currently available technologies
and select the most appropriate √ √ √ √ √
technology to develop a digital twin
intelligence platform.
5 Development of an Intelligent Monitoring
Platform Based on 330kV GIS Switches √ √ √ √ √
to Meet the Requirements of Power
Production Systems
6 Add implementation monitoring algorithms
and data analytics √ × √ √ ×

7 Perform unit testing of functionality, as well

as testing and reporting of overall √ √ √ √ √
functional implementation, analysing
defects and strengths
8 Evaluate and document the progress of the
application weekly throughout the √ √ √ √ √
lifecycle of the project.
9 Ensure that all functionality and lifecycles
are successfully implemented, pointing
out the corresponding non- √ √ √ √ √
implementation of functionality and
completing the report 5 days prior to
the due date


The impact of this project spans from the power plant level to large scale production
areas. With reference to the report by Shi et al. (2012) on the GIS platform for intelligent
surveillance, “Zhejiang Electric Power Company's enterprise-level integrated information
platform based on GIS covers production, planning, marketing, development,
infrastructure and other departments, covering 11 regional offices and 96 county offices
under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Electric Power Company (of which there are 61 counties
under county administration), with a system coverage rate of 100%.” We can conclude
that the potential of this project also exists across multiple departments such as
production, scheduling, marketing, development strategy, infrastructure, etc., and a wide
range of deployment areas.

1.5.1. INPUTS

Hardware inputs:
Includes the basic equipment for deployment: sensors, surveillance cameras, data
transmission equipment and audio / video encoders for the conversion of video and
digital signals. (Reason: To ensure deployment and data reception)

Software inputs:
Win11 and above operating system, Mysql (8.0 or above) or Oracle database, jdk (8.0 or
above), designed intelligent monitoring platform, security system. (Reason: To achieve
successful deployment and secure implementation of the platform in power systems)
Installation and maintenance costs:
Includes installation, commissioning and regular maintenance of equipment. (Reason:
Ensure long-term stable operation of the system)

Training costs:
Specialised training for operating and maintaining teams. (Reason: Ensure that personnel
are able to operate and maintain the system effectively)

1.5.2. OUTPUTS

System reliability improvement:

Improve power supply stability by reducing faults and outages. (Reason: Real-time
monitoring and alerting capabilities can be used for early detection and resolution of
potential problems.)

Improved safety of electrical operations:

Eliminates the risk of exposure to SF 6 gas poisoning during manual inspections, and is
more convenient. (Reason: remote monitoring avoids direct human contact).

Environmental benefits:
By analysing big data on electric energy, the rationality of resource allocation or tariff
setting can be improved, thus reducing energy wastage and contributing to energy
conservation and emission reduction (Xie et al. 2022).


This project is an intelligent monitoring platform on the basis of 330kV GIS switch, and
also combines digital twin related technology. The main interface is a big data analysis
display interface that integrates all the data and displays the collected (virtual) data in
different ways; Secondly, it can receive digital signals and video signals returned by the
monitoring camera on the GIS switch, detect and alarm the switch usage times, and
broadcast real-time video images; At the same time, it can display the corresponding
equipment usage conditions through the relevant data returned by the equipment sensors
(including equipment conditions and voltage conditions, etc.). Simultaneously, it can
display the corresponding equipment usage through the relevant data returned by
equipment sensors (including equipment conditions and voltage conditions). The sample
graphic is shown below in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.1: Demonstration of the expected results of the project


This section considers the social context of the proposed solutions, listing and analysing
literature reviews that support the project objectives.


This study is mainly related to three broad streams of literature: Safe and secure use of
GIS switches, Intelligent surveillance platform for digital twins, Smart grids.

GIS circuit breakers use SF6 gas as the medium of insulation. SF 6 gas insulation sealing
treatment formed after the switch high-voltage electrical assembly equipment.SF 6 gas may
undergo a chemical reaction under the influence of electric arcs, resulting in the
production of harmful substances, if abnormal conditions are encountered during manual
inspection of circuit breakers. This situation can pose a serious threat to the health of
substation personnel Chen (2021). Li, X. (2022) in his study showed that 110kV GIS
switches had various common defects: mechanical type defects, partial discharge defects,
heat generation defects and other common defects. And Chen (2021) also mentions in his
report that "staff need to regularly check circuit breakers for cumulative power up to
3,000 cycles or cumulative switching current up to 4mA".An intelligent monitoring
platform is therefore the way to ensure the daily detection of GIS switches while avoiding
any risk to the human body.

According to the theory proposed by Xie et al. (2022), intelligent, informative and
integrated power system infrastructure equipment is the core technology for realising the
transition to a low-carbon power system. The design of this project is an extension of the
expression for this idea. Verbong, Beemsterboer, and Sengers (2013) discuss smart grids
provide many benefits over conventional grid. Smart grids improve both the physical and
economic operations of the grid system, increasing reliability and sustainability. This
project will build a "330kV GIS switch-based smart monitoring platform", combining the
concepts and benefits of simultaneous digital twins and smart grids. Yang, X. (2023) in his
study "Brief discussion on digital twins in building smart grids" proposed a digital twin
architecture for smart grids (translated version) as shown in Figure 2.1. The original image
is in Appendix A. From this we can get that it is mainly divided into physical layer, sensing
layer, data layer, simulation layer and application layer. Yang, X. (2023) The same paper
also highlights the advantages of real-time mapping, real-virtual interaction and control
for network planning based on digital twins.


There are many research results or model ideas constructed in the current research in
relation to GIS switch smart monitoring system and digital twin smart grid.

Figure 2.1: Digital Twin Smart Grid Architecture (Translated version)

DTF means the digital twin framework. In this field, Zhou et al (2023) proposed a power
grid online analysis digital twin (OADT) methodology, supporting the implementation of a
new grid online analysis solution architecture. The results show that “OADT can track or
reflect the operational status of large networks with sub-second latency. This allows the
network to be scaled in real time”.


Zhejiang Electric Power Company began constructing and implementing a GIS platform for
power grids in 2004. The current platform has several capabilities, including three-
dimensional real view GIS application, engineering business management, offline analysis
function, and intelligent power outage plan (Shi et al 2012). The 3D field modelling
visualisation and data analysis capabilities are related to this project.


To prevent data leakage, it is important to encrypt the transmission and storage of grid
data. Additionally, strict authentication and access control measures should be
implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive

Based on basic training, the platform can be understood and used by people from
different backgrounds; at the same time, according to Blumsack and Fernandez (2012), it
can also develop operational efficiency and optimise assets, enabling end users to
participate in demand management.

Ensure compliance with all applicable national and international codes and standards in
the electricity industry, with reference to the:
- Electricity Law of the People's Republic of China (as amended in 2018): Basic laws used
to regulate the electricity industry .
- The Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China (People's Republic of China,
2021): Covering security regulation and management of data-processing activities.
- The Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China was enacted in 2017 (People's
Republic of China, 2017): Comprehensive provisions for cybersecurity, applicable to grid
data management and protection.
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):The General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) is one of the strictest data protection regulations globally. It applies to all
organizations that process personal data in the European Union, including grid data
- The Electricity Policy Act (EPA) of the United: States covers various aspects of the
nation's electricity system, including grid upgrades, reliability and efficiency.

Public perceptions of grid reliability and potential impacts on energy prices.Equity issues
in energy distribution, especially in areas with uneven energy access. According to Evan et
al. (2020), user needs have rapidly evolved over time, particularly during the COVID-19
pandemic. In addition to safety, reliable operation, and low cost, users are increasingly
accepting digitisation and mobility. Kojonsaari and Palm (2023) note that to fully realize
the smart grid project, it is necessary to research the actors responsible for implementing
the vision. Smart grids are considered typical socio-technical systems, where technology is
closely intertwined with its environment.

This project does not address the issues of privacy and security in the collection and
processing of data, as all the data used is modelled and does not involve any breaches of
copyright, as shown in Figure 2.2, the analyse in Figure 2.3, Source code sample in
Appendix B. This data may be changed in the future as specific features are implemented.

Appropriate staff training will be required for the development of this project. Similarly,
the US Department of Energy has funded a nationwide training programme for the smart
grid workforce (U.S. Department of Energy, n.d.).

Figure 2.2: Simulation data

Figure 2.3: Analysing simulated data


The purpose of this chapter is to identify the technologies to be used in the project
through an analysis of the software development life cycle.


The Software Development Lifecycle (hereinafter referred to as SDLC) “is also called [the]
software development process model” Shylesh (2016). To be specific, The SDLC model
defines the defines the sequence of phases and activities that need to be carried out
when developing software. It covers all stages of software development, from
requirements definition to deployment and maintenance. Benington (1987) highlights the
importance of SDLC by stating that "software engineers have recognised processes
as the foundation for successful software development since the introduction of the first
software process model by Benington in 1956."

While the SDLC is not a new concept, Angulo et al. (2022) discussed that it continues to
evolve with advances in computing and software engineering, and existing models are
being extended to include specific extensions for secure software development, green
computing that considers the impact of software systems on the environment Dhaini et al.
(2021), and the impact of machine learning/deep learning. Hence, it is necessary to
analyse the development process of this project.


Rastogi (2015) describes the "Waterfall" model as "the classic model of software
engineering" and "one of the oldest models" . Sommerville (1996) calls it "the original
lifecycle model". The model is based on Bennington's research(Bennington's work has
been described earlier).Saravanos and Curinga (2023) describe it as a sequential design
process, commonly used in software development, where progress flows steadily through
the stages, resembling a waterfall.

Boehm (1988) proposed a seven-phase software lifecycle model, commonly known as the
waterfall model. The phases are: system requirements analysis, software requirements
analysis, general design, detailed design, coding, testing, and operations and
maintenance. Each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. To complete
each phase, the following must be identified. The steps are shown in Figure 3.1 below.

Also in Royce's (1987) original work, the model is divided into seven phases: 'System
Requirements', 'Software Requirements', 'Analysis', 'Programming', 'Coding', 'Testing', and
'Operation'. However, many adaptations can be found in the literature that modify the
exact division and description of the phases, such as Petersen et al. (2009) and Paul et al.
(2010). The diagram below illustrates the steps involved: The applicability of the waterfall
model to development has been heavily criticised. Weisert (2021) notes that the key

Figure 3.1: Seven-phase Software Lifecycle Model (Translated version)

attribute of the so-called waterfall approach is its extreme lack of flexibility. Once a phase
is completed, the results are frozen. The author emphasizes that it is not possible to
modify anything in response to changing needs or new insights. Additionally, work on
future phases cannot commence until the current phase has been completed and
approved Weisert (2021).

Acuna (2010) and others define a software process model as an abstract representation of
the architecture, design, or definition of a software process. Kellner et al. (1999) describe
a process as a logical structure of people, techniques, and practices organized into work
activities designed to transform information, materials, and energy into a specific end
result (Pall 1987). Saravanos and Curinga (2023) demonstrate an adaptation of the
waterfall model consisting of five phases: analysis, design, implementation, testing, and
maintenance, carried out sequentially as shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2:Adaptation of the waterfall model, made by Saravanos and Curinga (2023)

According to Saravanos and Curinga's (2023) waterfall model, Figure 3.3 illustrates the
specific steps for developing this project.


Despite the growing popularity of iterative, incremental and agile software development
models, it is important to recognise that the Waterfall model is still relevant and therefore
there is still a need to research it. Humphrey and Kellner (1998) state that "outside the
research community, much software process thinking is still based on Waterfall
frameworks". This view is supported by Petersen et al (2009). According to Andrei et al's
study in 2019, 28.1% of software developers reported using Waterfall methodologies,
indicating that it is still a widely used approach in software development companies.
However, it is possible that this estimate is too low: according to PMI (2023) , 56% of
projects still use traditional project management methods, such as the Waterfall
approach.Fagarasan et al. (2021) also highlight the continued use of Waterfall methods,
noting that "although Agile methodologies have become the standard approach for
software project implementation, some organizations still use Waterfall methods because
they are effective and have a proven track record".

Figure 3.3: Diagram that illustrates the steps involved in simulating a given problem.

The result has been the emergence of a new approach that combines elements of both
waterfall and agile methods into a hybrid model. Kirpitsas and Pachidis (2022) explain that
this is motivated by the need to improve efficiency throughout the software development
lifecycle. For example, Bhavsar et al (2020) proposed a hybrid framework integrating
Kanban and Scrum with Waterfall, while Fagarasan et al (2021) proposed another hybrid
framework combining the benefits of Agile and Waterfall. Therefore, the study of the
Waterfall is relevant.


Based on previous research, my Gantt chart plan has been divided into 5 sections
altogether: analyse requirements, design, implement (code), testing, maintain. And if
there is a problem at any step, it will return to the previous step to repeat the
development process. The following is the structure of the work plan Figure 3.4 - 3.5 and
the Gantt chart Figure 3.7 - 3.x. (The complete two figures are in Appendix C)

Figure 3.4: Plan structure (Analyse & Design)

Figure 3.5: Plan structure (Implement)

Figure 3.6: Plan structure (Testing & Maintain)


Figure 3.6: Gantt chart (Analyse)

Figure 3.5: Gantt chart (Design)

Figure 3.5: Gantt chart (Implement_01)

Figure 3.5: Gantt chart (Implement_02)

Figure 3.5: Gantt chart (Testing)

Figure 3.5: Gantt chart (Maintain)

In my work plan, I have scheduled a series of tasks, starting with preliminary research,
followed by code design and writing, and concluding with summarising and archiving. The
Gantt chart includes a clear deadline (DDL) node, which is typically set 3-5 days before the
actual deadline.


There are two different groups of stakeholders involved in this project: internal and
external. The first stakeholder group is the project developer, who will be in charge of the
project from inception to completion and handover. The project's second internal
stakeholder will be the research mentors, Dr. Bond and Dr. Zhang. They are stakeholders
because they will offer guidance and critique throughout the project lifecycle. Also
considered internal stakeholders are those involved in the peer support group discussion
and evaluation.

In addition to the stakeholders mentioned above, there may be external parties who are
not directly involved in the project, but who can still influence it. These individuals can
provide valuable insights and recommendations for the project, and may also act as beta
testers to identify and help resolve problems, and may ultimately become the end users of
the the completed application. And the list of stakeholders is in the Table 4.1 below.

Internal Stakeholders
Liu Yuxiao Author/Designer/Developer/Tester/Project Manager
Professor Zhang zheng Mentor/Advisor
Professor Raymond Bond Mentor/Advisor
Peer Support Group:

Tang Rui, Zhu Ziyue, Zhang Peer Support/Advisory
Yanshuo, Wang Weilin, Xu
External Stakeholders
Students/Staff End Users
Table 4.1: Stakeholders list


The project's primary focus is the back-end monitoring of the power plant. This system is
used by administrators to manage the use of GIS switches and power system data. In the
daily operation scenario, the platform automatically collects and analyses data from the
sensors at the GIS switches. The administrator can log into the system with a specific
account password to view the various data presented on the main page. If an abnormal
situation occurs, the corresponding switches or data anomalies are marked with a switch
number highlighted in red on the main interface. The administrator can click to view or
even take the initiative to remotely close the switch in order to respond to and manage
the situation.


As this project involves technical areas not intended for the general public but rather for
internal monitoring systems within the power industry, the use of a questionnaire is not
feasible. Therefore, literature surveys are still being used to determine demand.Rihan
(2019) discusses the applications and requirements of smart grids and identifies three
essential features: enhanced monitoring and rapid control, increased awareness of
potential problems, and conscious islanding in the event of a failure in some part of the
grid. It can be concluded that this project requires big data analysis capabilities (with
speed), detection of anomalous data, early warning alarms, and active intervention in
serious situations.

Yan et al. (2013) state that, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a
dependable and secure system for monitoring and controlling smart grid operations. This
system manages and maintains electrical networks by collecting data from various systems
and using devices such as sensors, SCADA masters, and SCADA Remote Terminal Units
(RTUs). The 'GIS Switch-based Intelligent Monitoring Platform' can enhance the tasks of
SCADA systems, including data acquisition, communication, presentation, and process
control, resulting in increased automation, efficiency, and cost reduction. This platform
offers various benefits, such as programmable control, multi-protocol support, and the
use of alarms to detect network faults, thereby aiding the smart grid in delivering energy
in the most optimal manner.

This project discusses the concept of the digital twin, which is similar to the use of the

Geographic Information System (GIS) in utility companies, providing maps and
visualisations of points of interest, spatial data management and presentation. The design
requirement also encompasses modelling the power plant entities to be displayed on the
main interface, also known as the 'visualisation technology for the grid'.

The functional requirements for data analytics in smart grids aim to process and analyse
large amounts of diverse data effectively to enhance the intelligence, efficiency, and
performance of the grid. Firstly, as discussed by Daki et al. (2017), smart grids involve
various data types, including operational data, non-operational data, metering data, event
message data, and metadata, derived from smart meters, sensors, devices, and historical
records. In terms of data storage, smart grids require scalable mechanisms to meet the
demands of big data and support fast input/output operations (Stimmel, 2014). Data
analytics plays a crucial role in Smart Grid, encompassing signal analysis, event analysis,
state analysis, engineering operation analysis, and customer analysis, as well as
descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive models. The functional requirements
for data analytics in smart grids aim to efficiently manage and analyse large and diverse
amounts of data to enhance the intelligence and operational efficiency of the grid.The
following Figure 4.1 shows the data analysis model.

The smart grid monitoring platform is a significant engineering innovation for the modern
world. It requires the latest developments in sensing, communication, and control, as well
as a robust Information interaction, Supervisory control and data acquisition, Geographic
Information System (GIS) functionality, Demand Correspondence functionality, and a
reliable Big Data storage model for fast analysis and presentation of big data.

Figure 4.1: Smart Grid Data Analytics


Volere Shell was chosen for its structured framework for requirements documentation.
This ensures comprehensive and consistent coverage of all relevant areas. As noted in
Debra (n.d.), ‘the Volere shell is used for documenting uniform and completely
documented requirements’, users emphasised the importance of the template in ensuring
that all relevant domains are considered. In Isabwe, Moxnes and Ristesund’s (2017)
discussion, Volere Requirements was chosen for its efficiency in adding, editing and
deleting requirements in an iterative human-centred design process. This helps to create
functional and non-functional requirements quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, the official Volere website highlights a key point: 'We encourage the use of
this template for research and academia. We do not charge genuine students and
lecturers due to the popularity of this template in universities and colleges.' Therefore,
using this template can be efficient without any infringement.


The Volere template is designed to make sure that each requirement is defined
comprehensively and correctly, to ensure traceability and completeness. This approach to
requirements specification is formal and detailed, allowing for a clear understanding of
what is needed for the software to satisfy customer expectations.
The Volere Shell template includes various attributes for each requirement, such as:
Requirement : A unique identifier for the requirement.
Requirement Type: The category of the requirement, for instance, functional, non-
functional, or constraint.
Event/use case : The identifier for the specific event or use case that this requirement
pertains to.
Origin of the requirement: Where or how the need for this requirement was identified.
Description: A concise one-sentence statement that clearly states the intention of the
Rationale: The reasoning behind the requirement and why it is considered necessary.
Source: The individual or group who identified or requested the requirement.
Fit Criterion: A metric or set of metrics that define how to quantitatively determine if a
solution meets the requirement.
Customer Satisfaction: The benefit that the customer expects to receive from fulfilling the
Customer Dissatisfaction: The potential negative impact or the level of customer
dissatisfaction if the requirement is not fulfilled.
Dependencies: Other requirements that are related or have a change impact on this
Conflicts: Any requirements that are contradictory to this requirement.
Supporting Materials: References to any supporting information or documentation for the
History: The background or changes made to the requirement over time.
The satisfaction and dissatisfaction metrics in the Volere shell are directly linked to
customer satisfaction analysis. These metrics correlate with the satisfaction ratings
assigned by the customer and reflect the relative benefit and penalty as determined by
techniques like the Kano Analysis, which is used to gauge customer satisfaction.
In summary, a Volere Shell is a structured template that details individual requirements,
ensuring each one is clearly defined and can be traced back to its origin. It's a
comprehensive way of capturing the necessary attributes that make up one atomic
requirement, aiding in the analysis of customer satisfaction and the overall quality of the
requirements specification.



Prioritising work is a key decision in the software development process only. Proper
prioritisation ensures that the team focuses on the most important issues and achieves
the best results with limited resources. In MinBo Development, we can use a formula to
prioritise R&D work in order to better organise and manage projects.In multi-project
management, the establishment of a perfect project priority evaluation index system is an
important guarantee for scientific and reasonable project priority evaluation, and also an
effective method for accurate project selection. Therefore, certain principles should be
followed when constructing multiproject evaluation index system. In addition to the eight
general principles for the design of the indicator system proposed by Globerson (1999),
the following principles should be followed in the construction of the multi-project
priority evaluation index system: scientific, comprehensive, feasible, comprehensive and


In the process of prioritizing and evaluating projects, identifying and measuring the risk of
each project can avoid the one-sidedness that results from focusing only on the benefits

of the project and neglecting the risk in the project evaluation Zhang and Yi (2007) , thus
making the project evaluation more objective and accurate and reducing the loss resulting
from the company investing its resources in the project with too high a risk.


Shen, Xiong, and Shao (2013) concluded that according to the multiple project priority
evaluation index system is constructed from single project and multiple project level,
considering the correlation between projects in multiple project administration, and the
match between project and corporate strategic goals and project risk factors, it is more
comprehensive and precise.
Relative Benefit:
Benefits from addressing this need. In this system development,on a scale from 1 to 10.
The weight is determined by the developer.In this system the developer set its weight to 2
Relative Penalty:
The negative impact brought by this requirement is not resolved, on a scale from 1 to 10.
The weight is determined by the developer. In this system development, the developer set
its weight to 1.
Value = Relative Benefit Value*weight(2)+Relative Penalty Value*weight(1)
Total Value:The sum of all requirements values
Value% = Value/Total Value
Relative cost:
The cost of each aspect required to solve the requirement, on a scale from 1 to 10.The
weight is determined by the developer. In this system development, the developer set its
weight to 1.
Total Cost:The sum of all requirements Costs
Cost% = Relative cost/Total Cost
Relative Risk:
The risk of each aspect required to solve the requirement, on a scale from 1 to 10.The
weight is determined by the developer. In this system development, the developer set its
weight to 0.5.
Total Cost:The sum of all requirements Risks
Risk% = Relative Risk/Total Risk
Priority = Value% / (Cost%*weight(1)+Risk%*weight(0.5))
The requirements prioritization Table 4.2 is shown below.

Table 4.2: Requirements prioritization

The list of requirements is in Appendix D

We can see the degree of importance of each function in descending order of importance
in Table 4.3 below.

Table 4.2: Functional requirements (weighted from highest to lowest)


A specific example of an Enterprise Change Management process is Prosci's Enterprise

Change Management (ECM) project, which aimed to increase the maturity of the
organisation in managing change. The goal of the project was to increase the change
management maturity of the organisation, improve change capability and increase the
success of projects and initiatives.The ECM project had two workstreams: a technical
solution to institutionalise and embedding change management, and a people solution to
build the necessary support and commitment to change management within the
organisation Prosci (n.d.).
The project needs to understand how change is managed today (your present condition),
define what change capability is (your future condition) and develop a plan for embedding
change management and improving change management capability (your transition
condition). Transformation in software development can be understood as a change in
requirements to take into account the current state of development (time status, risk
analysis, etc.) It can also be understood as "critical assumptions and risk assessment"
where the functionality to be achieved after the change is identified and accompanied by
a new plan to be embedded in the current development plan. This can also refer to the "if-
then" or "action-result" statements mentioned in Esri (n. d.) to help manage changes to
the project and provide a clear direction. An example of what one of these plans may look
like is below Table 4.3.

Organizational Goal: Effectively manage the forests to protect from invasive species
and foster long-term health.

Supporting GIS Goal: Establish a GlS community to foster collaboration of data

between Federal, State, and Local agencies

If(Action) Then(Outcome)

Forest Service uses mobile ...stakeholders will be able to share

applications by March of 2016 for field reports of invasive specifies
collecting field data... for mitigation efforts.

Forest Service is able to share and use ...more effective partnerships will be
data to/from external sources by developed to manage public and
June of 2016... private forest.
Table 4.3: Example of one plan


This section will focus on the three stages of risk management: risk identification, risk assessment and
risk mitigation.


Risk identification is the initial and essential step in risk management. During the risk
identification process, three elements must be taken into account: events, threats, and
sources. Events are potential occurrences that could have a detrimental effect on project
objectives. Threats are negative consequences of events, and sources are factors that can
trigger events. For a pilot landing an aircraft, the weather can be a source of risk. Stormy
weather can be an event that poses a threat of losing control of the landing. To identify all
possible threats, it is important to start with the source and work down through the
events and threats. While it is impossible to ensure a complete list, Tufts University (n.d.)
suggests noting a few key points. Risk identification should primarily focus on project

objectives. It is important to examine the project goals and consider potential sources of
risks or events that could hinder their achievement. Learning from past experiences can
also aid in the assessment and mitigation stages. Additionally, it is crucial to keep the
identification process well-organized and understand the links between sources, events,
and threats. The following Table 5.1 identifies the risks samples of the project.

Sources Events Threats

Limited Inability to generate Inability to provide

programming dynamically changeable virtual sufficient and valid data
skills data (power plant modelling, for analysis and
electricity data, etc.) presentation
software itself Some trial versions of software The programme does
expire during development not start properly
Limited The knowledge of images was To ensure that the GIS
programming not sufficiently understood to switch video will be
skills meet the deadline for the downgraded, a local
required function. video must be imported
as a substitute.

Table 5.1: Risk Identification Sample


Assessing risks is the second and most straightforward step in managing risk. Since not
every risk can be fully addressed without compromising the overall objectives of the
project or the mitigation strategies for other risks, risks must now be prioritised according
to the severity of the threat and the likelihood of occurrence. Not all risks can be fully
addressed without compromising the overall project objectives or the mitigation
strategies for other risks. Therefore, risks must now be prioritised according to their
severity and likelihood of occurrence.

The most common method of risk assessment is to calculate a Composite Risk Index (CRI).
This is calculated by multiplying the severity of the hazard by the probability of occurrence
(Leung, 1996). For instance, brake failure in an old car has a very high severity and a high
probability of occurrence. We assign a severity of 8/10 and a probability of 40% in this
example. The resulting CRI is 8 * 0.4 = 3.2. The CRI can then be used to prioritise, with
higher CRIs indicating higher priority. The sample risks assessment of the project is
presented in Table 5.2 below


Risk mitigation is the third and most important step in risk management. At this stage, the
risk manager can use a prioritised list of hazards and their associated likelihoods,
severities, events and sources to decide how to manage each risk. risk to decide how to

handle each risk. The strategies that can be used in an engineering environment typically
fall into three categories: avoidance, mitigation and acceptance.

Severity (1- Likelihood CRI (severity *

10) (0-1) probability)

Some trial versions of

software expire during 5.5 0.4 2.2

The knowledge of images

was not sufficiently
understood to meet the 9 0.75 6.75
deadline for the required

Affected by the epidemic,

the task progress was
9 0.35 3.15
affected due to physical

Table 5.2: Risks assessment samples

Risk avoidance strategies involve eliminating the possibility of a risk by refraining from
activities or decisions that could lead to it. Risk reduction involves minimising the negative
impact of a risk by developing contingency measures (or mitigation or contingency
planning). Lastly, a risk acceptance strategy involves taking on a risk after evaluating its
potential benefits. In software development, if adding a new function might cause errors
elsewhere in the code, you might choose to avoid the risk by not adding the function, or
you might choose to back up the existing code to allow rapid recovery if the new function
causes an error, or you might choose to add the new function and accept the
risk.Markeset and Kumar (2001) state that risk managers often face trade-offs between
costs, risks, and benefits. Bristow, Fang, and Hipel (2012) suggest that risk managers
should aim for objectivity and scientific rigour to maximize the effectiveness of risk
management. Examples of risk mitigation measures are listed in the following Table 5.3.
CRI (severity * Threats Mitigation Strategy

6.75 The knowledge of images Risk Avoidance: Re-evaluate project requirements and consider
was not sufficiently replacing articulated camera functionality with local video
understood to meet the
deadline for the required Risk mitigate:additional training could be implemented or image
function. processing experts could be brought in to accelerate the team's
understanding and mastery of image knowledge.

Risk Acceptance: If the evaluation reveals that the potential value

of the feature is sufficient to bear the risk of delay, there is an
option to continue development and accept a possible delay.

Table 5.2: Risks mitigation samples

The risk table for the entire project is shown in Appendix E.


Engineering courses using a problem-based learning approach develop functional

prototypes for demonstration purposes. According to Hernández-Pérez, Osorio-Gómez
and Mejía-Gutiérrez (2017), this is an unexplored area with high potential.The authors
suggest that investing time, effort and creativity in a potentially profitable idea is
worthwhile. The authors propose a methodology for the transition from an academic
functional prototype to a product that can be prepared for industrialisation on the basis of
the capabilities of the local environment.This methodology is based on the assumption
that the local environment has the capacity for the development of the product and that
the product is ready for industrialisation.

In this case, designers can solely focus on the design and engineering aspects of their
work. Although they welcome multidisciplinary input, there is no prohibition on input
from different stakeholders throughout the product life cycle.


The prototype is mainly designed for high-risk projects, because clear direction and model
architecture design in advance can effectively avoid problems such as the aforementioned
"code design implementation difficulties". The issues are summarized in Table 5.3 below.

Insufficient test cases,

R5 substandard model 9 0.75 6.75
training degree
Insufficient learning of
big data algorithms,
resulting in an
R6 7 0.7 4.9
inability to excel in
presenting all data
Table 5.2: Issues targeted


The SSM framework integrates the spring, spring MVC, and mybatis frameworks and
follows the standard MVC pattern. Front-end and back-end development will be separated
in accordance with this framework. It consists of four layers: the dao layer (mapper),
service layer, controller layer, and View layer. The management of business objects is
achieved through the use of Spring. Spring MVC is responsible for request forwarding and
view management, while MyBatis serves as a data object persistence engine.The structure
Figure 5.1 is shown below.

Persistence layer: dao layer (mapper) layer. Role: Mainly do the work of the data
persistence layer, responsible for liaison with the database some of the tasks are
encapsulated in this.
Business layer: Service layer. Role: Service layer is mainly responsible for the logical
application design of business modules.
Performance layer: Controller layer (Handler layer). Role: Responsible for the control of
specific business module processes.

Figure 5.1: Spring MVC Framework


According to Wu et al. (2023), the Smart Grid Platform's database comprises an analytics
engine, an integrated analytics processing framework, and multiple storage methods. The
analytics engine employs SQL-MapReduce. SQL is a programming language used to access,
query, update and manage relational database systems. SQL-MapReduce is a
programming model that distributes large-scale operations on data sets to each node in
the network, ensuring reliability, data migration and scalability. According to Wang Yu and
Cheng's (2018) research, SNAP-FRAMEWORK uses unified SQL interface, integrated
execution, and integrated optimisation to achieve smart grid platform data integration and
analysis. The framework enables smart grid big data storage by adopting multiple storage
methods, including row storage, column storage, and file storage.The database structure
Figure 5.2 is shown below.

Figure 5.2: Database structure


Guide Page:

Figure 5.3: Guide Page

Home page:

Figure 5.4: Home page

Device Management Interface:

Figure 5.5: Device Management Interface:


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APPENDIX B – Digital Twin Smart Grid Original

APPENDIX B – Digital Twin Smart Grid Original

APPENDIX C – Complete development process and Gantt chart

APPENDIX D – Digital Twin Smart Grid Original

APPENDIX E – Risk Identification Analysis and Mitigation

Severity (1- Likelihood CRI (severity *

Risk ID Risks Mitigation Strategy
10) (0-1) probability)
IDEA's professional version,
learned from the video and
Some trial versions managed to download the
of software expire cracked version. Gantt charts
R1 8 0.5 4
during are exported using only three
development opportunities on the web page,
and the details are realized
through screenshots
knowledge of grid Enhance their knowledge of the
system data and grid, ask relevant people for
R2 insufficiently 8 0.85 6.8 relevant unclassified data, and
informative enhance the quality and
creation of virtual information of the virtual data
Changes in grid-
Because this project is not
related policies
going to be operational, change
prevent the system
R3 3 0.2 0.6 the development
from keeping up
documentation and accept the
with current
Affected by the
epidemic, the task Use teleworking or flexible
R4 progress was 2 0.7 1.4 working to reduce developer
affected due to absences due to health issues.
physical reasons
Insufficient test Add more test cases and
cases, substandard datasets to ensure
R5 9 0.75 6.75
model training comprehensiveness and depth
degree of model training.
Insufficient The recommendation algorithm
learning of big data is optimized through
algorithms, optimization strategies such as
R6 resulting in an 7 0.7 4.9 adjusting hyperparameters,
inability to excel in adding and combining features,
presenting all data and changing the model
analytics structure.
The requirements Implement a more stringent
in the project are requirements change control
R7 7.5 0.8 6
constantly process to ensure that only
changing and the changes that have been fully

tasks become evaluated and approved are
heavier. accepted.
Due dates for
other assignments
will affect the Prioritize tasks with more
schedule. There pressing deadlines and
are two major schedule regular time for
R8 8.5 0.8 6.8
courses per completing mandatory courses
semester, as well to ensure that overall progress
as some required is not compromised.
courses that will
take some time.
Implement a regular file backup
Project file missing
R9 6 0.3 1.8 and version control system to
and corrupted
avoid file loss or corruption.
While recognizing the risk of
possible delays, contingency
inaccurate time
plans, such as overtime or
R10 management, so it 8 0.5 4
reallocation of resources, are
may lead to failure
put in place to deal with
to deliver on time
possible delays.

Software version Ensure that software

optimization and versions are updated and
upgrading, not optimized on a regular
R11 timely update 4 0.6 2.4 and timely basis.
caused by the Implement an automated
failure of the link update system to
project minimize human delays.


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