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AI: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is another way of saying "Computers that can learn". Most
people think of robots when they imagine intelligent computers, but not all robots have AI.
Some robots do use artificial intelligence, but AI only needs a powerful computer. Some AI
systems are becoming very good at learning.
For example, an AI program called AlphaGo beat the world champion of an ancient
Chinese game called Go. Go has simple rules, but millions of possible moves, so every
game is different. AlphaGo could not win by memorising the games of human Go
champions. It learned the rules and got better, just like a human player.
There are lots of AI systems doing helpful things, like for example, when you ask your
smartphone a question. These systems “live” in the cloud, which is a network of computers
linked to the Internet. Through your phone, they can play music that you like, remind you
to do things, or suggest food for dinner. They are becoming more common and a lot of
people no longer feel strange talking to a computer.
Self-driving cars are another example. In Japan, you can get into a taxi and just tell the car
where to go. Robots with AI have the potential also to help in dangerous situations, like
searching for survivors after disasters. They might even visit other planets. Some robots
can even make facial expressions when they talk to people.
However, not all AI is so good for people. Intelligent robots are taking jobs, for example, in
factories. One day, AI might even be better than humans at designing robots! The most
alarming use of AI is in warfare. There are now armed drones that are controlled by
artificial intelligence, and one day, these flying robots might make their own decisions,
which would be very dangerous.
AI already provides a lot of benefits to humanity, but some people argue that letting AI
become smarter than humans might have terrible consequences.

L'intelligenza artificiale, o AI, è un altro modo di dire "computer che possono imparare".
Molte persone pensano ai robot quando immaginano computer intelligenti, ma non tutti i
robot hanno l'AI. Alcuni robot utilizzano l'intelligenza artificiale, ma l'AI ha bisogno solo di
un computer potente. Alcuni sistemi di intelligenza artificiale stanno diventando molto bravi
Ad esempio, un programma di AI chiamato AlphaGo ha battuto il campione del mondo di
un antico gioco cinese chiamato Go. Go ha regole semplici, ma milioni di possibili mosse,
quindi ogni partita è diversa. AlphaGo non poteva vincere memorizzando le partite dei
campioni umani di Go. Ha imparato le regole ed è migliorato, proprio come un giocatore
Ci sono molti sistemi di AI che fanno cose utili, ad esempio quando chiedi al tuo
smartphone una domanda. Questi sistemi "vivono" nel cloud, che è una rete di computer
collegati a internet. Attraverso il tuo telefono, possono suonare musica che ti piace,
ricordarti di fare cose o suggerirti cosa mangiare a cena. Stanno diventando sempre più
comuni e molte persone non si sentono più strane a parlare con un computer.
Le auto a guida autonoma sono un altro esempio. In Giappone, puoi salire su un taxi e
semplicemente dire all'auto dove andare. I robot con AI hanno anche il potenziale per
aiutare in situazioni pericolose, come la ricerca di sopravvissuti dopo disastri. Potrebbero
persino visitare altri pianeti. Alcuni robot possono persino fare espressioni facciali quando
parlano con le persone.
Tuttavia, non tutta l'AI è così vantaggiosa per le persone. I robot intelligenti stanno
prendendo posti di lavoro, ad esempio nelle fabbriche. Un giorno, l'AI potrebbe persino
essere migliore degli esseri umani nel progettare robot! L'uso più allarmante dell'AI è nella
guerra. Ci sono già droni armati controllati dall'intelligenza artificiale, e un giorno questi
robot volanti potrebbero prendere decisioni autonome, il che sarebbe molto pericoloso.
L'AI già fornisce molti benefici all'umanità, ma alcune persone sostengono che permettere
all'AI di diventare più intelligente degli esseri umani potrebbe avere conseguenze terribili.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of computers to learn. Some robots use AI, but not
all. The successful example is AlphaGo, an AI program that defeated the world champion
of Go by learning the rules and improving like a human player. AI is used in many useful
systems, such as virtual assistants on smartphones and self-driving cars. These systems
live in the cloud and can perform tasks like playing music, reminding you of things, or
suggesting food. Robots with AI can also help in dangerous situations, like searching for
survivors after disasters. Some can even express facial emotions. However, AI can also
lead to issues like job loss due to intelligent robots in factories. The most concerning use
of AI is in warfare, with AI-controlled armed drones that could make autonomous decisions.
AI offers many benefits, but some fear the consequences of intelligence surpassing

1) What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is a computer that can learn.
2) Which AI beat the world champion Go player?
The AI AlphaGo beat the Go world champion.
3) What did the AI need to do in order to beat the Go champion?
It needed to learn the rules and to get better just like a human player.
4) What is the cloud?
It is a network of computers linked to the internet.
5) Why do people think it isn’t strange to talk to a computer?
Because AI are becoming more common.
6) Where can you take a self-driving taxi?
You can take a self-driving taxi in Japan
7) What are two good things robots with Artifiial Intelligence might do?
They might help searching for survivors after disasters or even visit other planets.
8) What jobs are robots doing today?
Today, robots are working in factories.
9) What do you think about AI making decisions in warfare one day? Why? / Why
I think that AI could be used in warfare but only after being educated on war laws,
norms and ethical problems.
10) Would you like to have your own AI robot? Why? / Why not?
I’d like to have one but I think it would only make me more lazy

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