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Alok Public School


Name :- Zeel Patel

Class :- XI - Athena

Roll no. :- 18
Subject :- Chemistry
Page no.02

This is to certify that Zeel Patel a student of class XI
has successfully completed the research by her own efforts
under the guidance of Mrs. Shivani Singh (subject teacher)
during the year 2022-2023.
Page no.03

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my
teacher Mrs. SHIVANI SINGH as well as our principal Mrs.
SMRITI SINGH who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new things I
am really thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends

who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the
limited time frame.
Page no.04

S.No. Title Page no.

1. Aim 05

2. Introduction 05

3. Theory 06

4. Apparatus Required 07,08

5. Procedure 09

6. Observation 10

7. Conclusion 10

8. Bibliography 11
Page no.05

To Study the presence of insecticides or
pesticides (Nitrogen Containing) in various
fruits and vegetables

Pesticide use has increased globally with increasing demand for
food, modernization of agriculture, and pesticide marketing.
During pesticide applications, many farmers do not follow
recommended mixing concentrations on label instructions.
Some farmers also do not comply with the recommended pre-
harvest intervals between pesticide applications and harvesting
of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, farmers and market
vendors use pesticides to increase fruits and vegetables’ shelf
life. The presence of high pesticide residues in fruits and
vegetables may in part be due to the low levels of knowledge
among farmers of good agricultural practices (GAP) and
sustainable agriculture methods such as crop rotation and
minimal tillage.
Page no.06
In the decade, there has been a tremendous
increase in the guilds of various crops to meet the
demand of our growing wrold population. This
great feat has been achieved by adopting new
methods of forming and by expensive use of
fertilizers and insecticides.

A pesticide is any substance is mixture of

substance intended for preventing, destroying
repelling or mitigating any pest. A pesticide may
be a chemical substance, biological agent
antimiolbal disinfectant or device used against any
pest. Pests includes insects, plant pathogens
insects, mollusces, birds, mammals, fish
nematodes and microbus that destroy property,
spread disease or are a vector for disease or cause
a nuisance. Althoufh there are also drawbacks,
such as potential to humans and other animals.
The term includes substances intended for use as
a plant growth regulator, defoliant, desiccant or
agent for thining fruit or preventing the premature
fall of fruit and substances applied to crops either
before or after harvest to protect the commodity
from deterioration during storage and transport.
Page no.07

Apparatus required
Mortar and pestle Glass rod

Beakers Filter paper

Funnel China dish

Page no.08

Water bath Knife

Tripod stand Test tube

Fusion tubes
Samples of fruits,
vegetables, alchohol,
sodium metal, ferric
chloride solution, ferrous
sulphate crystals,
distilled water and dilute
sulphuric acid.
Page no.09

1. Take different kinds of fruit and vegetables and cut them into small
piece seperately.

2. Transfer the cut piece of various fruits and vegetables in mortar

seperately and crush them.

3. Take different beaker of each kind of fruits and vegetables and place
the crushed fruit and vegetable in these beakers, and add 10ml of
alcohol to each or these. Stir well and filter collect the filtrate in
seperate china dishes.

4. Evaporate the alcohol by heating china dishes one by one over

water bath and let the residue dry in an oven.

5. Heat a small piece of dry sodium in a fusion tubes, till it melts. Then
add one of the above residue from china dish to the fusion tube and
heat till red hot. Drop the hot fusion tube in china dish containing
about 110ml of distilled water. Break the tube and boil the contents of
the china dish for about 5 minute to cool and filter solution. Collect
the filtrate.

6. To the filtrate add 1ml freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution

and warm the contents. Then, add 2-3 drops of ferric chloride solution
and acidity with the dil. Hydrochloric acid if a blue or green precipitate
or colouration is obtained, it indicated the presence of nitrogen
containing insecticide.

7. Repeat the test of nitrogen for residue obtained from other fruits
and vegetable and record observaion
Page no.10

Name of the fruit or Test for the presence of Presence of
vegetable nitrogen insecticide/pesticide

1. Tomato +ve Yes

2. Grapes +ve Yes

3. Carrot -ve No

4. Potato +ve Yes

Thus from the above experiment we conclude
that the fruits and vegetables that we consume
especially grapes, tomato and potato contain
nitrogen containing insecticides and pesticides
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