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Digital SAT Craft and Structure - Level Medium Thành Đạt Chu

Submitted on: 27 Aug 2023

- Le

Total 370/400

Minutes 15:30/32


In our adaptive learning platform, the difficulty level of each module is personalized based on your performance in the previous module. The
complexity of Module 2 will be tailored according to how well you performed in Module 1 of the respective section.

Summary Answer Sheet

1 Emily, a fitness enthusiast, started a YouTube channel to share her knowledge about exercise and nutrition. In her videos,
she demonstrates various workout routines, offers healthy recipes, and answers questions from her subscribers. Emily's
channel has gained a large following due to her engaging content and practical advice.
Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

A It introduces a fitness expert, outlines the content she creates, and describes the success of her YouTube channel.

B It presents a success story about a fitness enthusiast who started a business and later expanded it into a YouTube channel.

C It compares the YouTube channels of two fitness enthusiasts, highlighting the differences in their content and style.

D It describes the challenges faced by a fitness expert in creating engaging content for her YouTube channel.

Extended Answer:
00:20 Minutes

2 The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence have led to concerns about the potential impact on human employment.
As automation becomes increasingly sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks, experts argue that it is
crucial to ______ the workforce by providing education and training in new skills that complement, rather than compete with,
these technologies.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A dismantle

B retool

C disperse

D stagnate

Extended Answer:

00:20 Minutes

3 A recent study conducted by Dr. James Kim investigated the relationship between sleep and academic performance in high
school students. The study found that students who slept for at least eight hours per night performed better in school than
those who slept less. Dr. Kim suggested that schools should consider adjusting their start times to allow students to get
more sleep.
Which choice best describes the function of the last sentence in the text as a whole?

A It presents the main finding of the study.

B It describes the methods used in the study.

C It offers a recommendation based on the study's findings.

D It introduces a new topic for further research.

Extended Answer:

00:11 Minutes

4 Lucy, a professional photographer, wrote a blog post about the importance of proper lighting in photography. She explained
that good lighting can enhance a subject's features and create depth in images. Lucy also shared some tips on how to use
natural and artificial light sources effectively for various photography situations.
Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

A It introduces a problem in photography, discusses its negative effects, and then offers solutions to overcome the issue.

B It presents a specific photography technique, followed by a detailed tutorial on how to implement it.

C It highlights the significance of a photography aspect, provides an explanation of its benefits, and shares advice on
utilizing it effectively.

D It compares different types of lighting in photography and recommends the best option for various situations.

Extended Answer:
00:34 Minutes

5 Text 1
Some people think that the best way to learn a new language is through immersion. This means that they should be
surrounded by native speakers and forced to use the language to communicate. By doing this, they believe that they can
quickly pick up on the language and become fluent.
Text 2
Learning a new language can be achieved through various methods, and one popular approach is immersion. By being
surrounded by native speakers and using the language to communicate, learners can quickly develop their language skills.
However, other methods, such as classroom learning and online courses, can also be effective.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the idea presented in Text 1 about the best way
to learn a new language?

A By agreeing that immersion is the only effective method for language learning

B By suggesting that immersion is a popular approach but acknowledging other methods as well

C By dismissing immersion as an ineffective way to learn a new language

D By arguing that classroom learning and online courses are better than immersion

Extended Answer:

00:23 Minutes

6 Many people assume that creativity is an innate talent that cannot be developed or improved. However, research in the field
of cognitive psychology has demonstrated that creativity is not only a product of genetics but also a skill that can be
cultivated through consistent practice and exposure to diverse experiences. This finding challenges the misconception that
creativity is a ______ trait and emphasizes the importance of nurturing creativity in individuals.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A malleable

B stagnant

C fixed

D transient

Extended Answer:

00:19 Minutes

7 Text 1
Studying history is important because it helps us understand the past, which can inform the present and future. Some
people believe that the events and changes of the past are linear and straightforward. They think that history can be seen
as a series of events that lead directly to the present day.
Text 2
In contrast, many historians argue that history is not always linear and predictable. They believe that it is a complex web of
events, circumstances, and decisions that shape the course of human history. This view suggests that understanding
history requires a more nuanced and comprehensive approach, taking into account the various factors that influence the
outcomes of events.
Based on the texts, how would the historians in Text 2 most likely respond to the view presented in Text 1?

A By agreeing that history is a simple, linear progression of events

B By arguing that history is a series of unpredictable and unrelated events

C By suggesting that history is a complex web that cannot be easily understood through a linear lens

D By claiming that historical events are predetermined and cannot be influenced by individual decisions

Extended Answer:

00:27 Minutes

8 As a response to the growing concern over climate change, many countries have turned their focus towards renewable
energy sources, such as solar and wind power. However, the transition to a more sustainable energy infrastructure requires
not only technological advancements but also a ______ shift in societal values and priorities, recognizing the long-term
benefits of investing in renewable energy over the short-term gains of relying on fossil fuels.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A transient

B marginal

C fundamental

D negligible

Extended Answer:

00:20 Minutes

9 The scientific article "Effects of Urban Green Spaces on Mental Health" investigates the correlation between access to
parks and green areas in cities and the well-being of residents. The authors analyze data from several cities worldwide,
showing that individuals who live near green spaces report higher levels of happiness and lower stress. The study
highlights the importance of urban planning that incorporates green spaces to support mental health.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A It discusses the role of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change.

B It debates the effectiveness of urban planning policies that prioritize green spaces.

C It presents the findings of a study on the relationship between urban green spaces and mental health.

D It compares the mental health benefits of living in rural and urban areas.

Extended Answer:

00:36 Minutes

10 The novel "A Journey Through Time" tells the story of Alice, who finds herself transported back to the 19th century. As Alice
navigates her new surroundings, she learns about the customs, values, and daily life of the people in that era. Throughout
her journey, Alice comes to appreciate the similarities and differences between the past and the present.
Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?
A It summarizes the plot of a novel, explores the themes of the story, and discusses the protagonist's character

B It introduces a time-travel novel and describes the setting, followed by a list of the main characters in the story.

C It presents a critique of a novel's portrayal of the past and compares it to other historical fiction books.

D It discusses the challenges faced by the protagonist in adapting to a new environment and the lessons she learns in the

Extended Answer:

00:25 Minutes

11 In a study of the effects of various light spectra on plant growth, researchers observed that plants exposed to red and blue
light wavelengths exhibited increased growth rates compared to those exposed to other colors. As a result, some indoor
farmers are beginning to ______ the use of traditional white light in favor of red and blue LED lights to optimize crop
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A abandon

B scrutinize

C maintain

D anticipate

Extended Answer:

00:36 Minutes

12 Text 1
In a remarkable study, ecologist Sarah Loft and her team introduced wolf packs into a forest area overrun by deer. The
researchers found the ecosystem began to recover remarkably as the wolves controlled the deer population. Loft's study
implies that the wolves played a vital role in ecosystem restoration, changing our traditional understanding of predator-prey
Text 2
Wolves don't comprehend the ecological significance of their predation. Nevertheless, Loft's research highlights their
potential role in reviving a distressed ecosystem by controlling an overpopulated species. Other studies have pointed to the
negative impact of introducing a top predator, but Loft's team affirms that in certain situations, the benefits might outweigh
the drawbacks.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the underlined portion of Text 1?

A By arguing that the wolves might have had a detrimental impact on other species in the ecosystem.

B By emphasizing that the introduction of wolves can sometimes have unexpected and harmful effects.

C By acknowledging that while wolves played a role in restoring the ecosystem, their impact is influenced by specific

D By suggesting that other predators might also play a similar role in ecosystem restoration.

Extended Answer:
00:33 Minutes

13 A group of scientists was exploring the depths of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans, using a
remotely operated vehicle (ROV). They discovered a previously unknown species of bioluminescent jellyfish, which they
named "Abyssopelagic jewel." Further studies indicated that the jellyfish's bioluminescence served as a defense
mechanism against predators. The scientists posited that the species might have evolved in isolation due to the extreme
pressure and darkness of the trench.
Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A To describe a scientific expedition that led to the discovery of a unique marine species and its adaptive features

B To argue that bioluminescence is an effective defense mechanism for deep-sea creatures

C To explain how the extreme conditions of the Mariana Trench have shaped the evolution of its inhabitants

D To present the technical aspects of using a remotely operated vehicle for deep-sea research

Extended Answer:

01:37 Minutes

14 In the field of psychology, there is a debate about whether nature or nurture has a greater influence on human behavior.
Proponents of the nature argument emphasize the role of genetics and biological factors, while those who support the
nurture perspective argue that environmental and social factors play a more ______ role in shaping an individual's behavior.
This ongoing debate highlights the complexity of understanding human behavior and development.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A peripheral

B antagonistic

C pivotal

D stagnant

Extended Answer:

00:11 Minutes

15 Text 1
Playing a musical instrument has been found to have various cognitive benefits for children. It can improve their memory,
enhance their ability to concentrate, and boost their problem-solving skills. As a result, many parents encourage their
children to learn an instrument from a young age.
Text 2
The cognitive benefits of playing a musical instrument are well-documented. Children who play an instrument can
experience improved memory, increased concentration, and enhanced problem-solving skills. These advantages are the
reason why parents often support their children in pursuing music education.
Based on the two texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely regard the reason for parents encouraging their children
to learn an instrument as mentioned in Text 1?

A As justified, because playing a musical instrument has cognitive benefits for children

B As misguided, because the cognitive benefits of playing an instrument are overstated

C As irrelevant, because the focus should be on children's enjoyment of playing an instrument

D As unnecessary, because children can develop cognitive skills through other activities

Extended Answer:

00:20 Minutes

16 In her article about healthy eating, nutritionist Sarah Thompson discussed the benefits of consuming a balanced diet. She
noted that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains could help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and
diabetes. However, Sarah also emphasized the importance of moderation and portion control in maintaining a healthy
Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

A It explains the drawbacks of consuming an unhealthy diet and then offers a solution for maintaining good health.

B It introduces the topic of healthy eating, provides evidence supporting the benefits of a balanced diet, and highlights the
significance of portion control.

C It presents a discussion on the importance of fruits and vegetables, followed by an explanation of how portion control
contributes to weight loss.

D It lists different types of diets, compares their advantages and disadvantages, and recommends the most effective diet.

Extended Answer:

00:29 Minutes

17 Text 1
Renowned physicist, Dr. Allen Barrow, conducted an experiment where he manipulated the temperature of superconductors
and observed interesting shifts in their electrical resistance. Barrow theorized that these superconductors could hold the
key to revolutionary changes in energy transmission, transforming the way we understand and utilize electricity.
Text 2
While superconductors don't possess an inherent "intelligence," Dr. Barrow's study showcased that altering their
temperature can result in dramatic changes in their electrical resistance. This has led to speculations about their potential
to revolutionize energy transmission. However, as acknowledged by Barrow and his team, such changes, though intriguing,
would require an enormous amount of resources and technological advancements.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the underlined portion of Text 1?

A By highlighting that despite the potential of superconductors, the revolution in energy transmission would require
extensive resources and technological development.

B By emphasizing that Dr. Barrow's experiment may lead to crucial breakthroughs in other areas of physics.

C By proposing that other materials might also exhibit similar changes in electrical resistance.

D By suggesting that Dr. Barrow's observations might not directly lead to the revolution in energy transmission.

Extended Answer:

00:45 Minutes

18 Botanists Dr. Samuel Green and Dr. Linda Adams conducted an experiment with a particular species of cacti found in the
deserts of Arizona. They subjected these cacti to two different conditions: one group was exposed to normal desert
temperatures, while the other experienced an artificially induced extreme heatwave. The control group was maintained
under normal desert conditions. The cacti exposed to extreme heat displayed signs of stress such as wilting and slower
growth, compared to those in the control group. Post-experiment analysis confirmed increased stress levels in the heat-
exposed cacti.
Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

A It presents a study that examined the effects of excessive heat on a desert cactus species.

B It provides evidence arguing that cacti are invulnerable to changes in desert temperatures.

C It discusses an experiment that tested the similarity between normal and extreme desert conditions.

D It compares various ways of assessing heat stress in cacti under artificially induced desert conditions.

Extended Answer:

00:41 Minutes

19 In response to the increasing prevalence of cyberbullying, many schools have implemented policies designed to address
and prevent this harmful behavior. By promoting open communication and fostering a culture of empathy and respect,
educators hope to ______ the instances of cyberbullying and create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A curtail

B condone

C intensify

D replicate

Extended Answer:

00:28 Minutes

20 Text 1
Many people assume that insects are pests, and they are surprised to learn that some insects can actually be beneficial to
gardens. For example, ladybugs eat aphids, which can cause damage to plants. By having ladybugs in a garden, the number
of aphids may be reduced, and the plants can grow more successfully.
Text 2
Insects are often seen as harmful, but not all insects are pests. Some insects, like ladybugs, are beneficial to gardens
because they eat aphids, helping to protect plants from damage. Ladybugs play a crucial role in maintaining the balance in
a garden's ecosystem.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely view the general assumption about insects described in Text

A As accurate, because all insects are pests and cause damage to plants

B As misleading, because not all insects are pests, and some can be helpful to gardens

C As irrelevant, because the role of insects in gardens is not important

D As exaggerated, because insects have minimal impact on plants in a garden

Extended Answer:
00:38 Minutes

21 Text 1
According to a popular belief, sports can teach children important life skills such as discipline, teamwork, and
perseverance. Many people also believe that children who participate in sports are more likely to excel in academics and
develop strong friendships. These benefits, they argue, justify the time and resources invested in youth sports programs.
Text 2
However, some experts argue that the connection between sports and life skills is not as straightforward as it may seem.
They contend that while sports can indeed teach valuable lessons, it is the quality of coaching and the environment in
which sports are played that determine the extent of their positive impact. Furthermore, they suggest that the focus on
sports may detract from other important aspects of a child's development.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the “popular belief” presented in Text 1?

A By denying that sports can teach any valuable life skills

B By supporting the idea that sports always lead to academic success

C By stressing the importance of the coaching and environment in determining the benefits of sports

D By insisting that sports should not be prioritized in a child's development

Extended Answer:

00:25 Minutes

22 In order to ______ the impact of climate change on coastal communities, a variety of adaptation measures have been
proposed, such as constructing seawalls to protect against storm surges and developing early warning systems for
extreme weather events. By proactively addressing these challenges, it is hoped that vulnerable populations can be better
prepared for the inevitable changes in their local environments and reduce the potential for damage and displacement.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A exacerbate

B minimize

C propagate

D complicate

Extended Answer:

00:12 Minutes

23 With a rapidly growing global population, the need for sustainable and efficient food production methods is becoming
increasingly urgent. By embracing innovative farming techniques, such as vertical farming and precision agriculture,
farmers can ______ the environmental impact of traditional agriculture while still meeting the demands of a growing
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A minimize

B accentuate

C sustain
D trivialize

Extended Answer:

00:35 Minutes

24 A common belief is that people with introverted personalities are less effective communicators compared to their
extroverted counterparts. However, recent studies have shown that introverts possess a unique set of communication
skills, such as active listening and empathy, which can lead to more ______ conversations, debunking the stereotype of
introverts being poor communicators.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A boisterous

B superficial

C insightful

D fleeting

Extended Answer:

00:09 Minutes

25 Text 1
In an analysis of avian communication, researcher Thompson Wright and his team observed the interaction between
different groups of parrots. The researchers witnessed certain parrots mimicking human speech when there was no direct
benefit or reward for them to do so. They theorized that this mimicry could potentially be seen as a form of play or
entertainment for these birds.
Text 2
Birds do not possess the same brain structures as humans, including those areas often associated with speech and
language processing. Nevertheless, Wright's study proposes that parrots may engage in mimicry as a form of play,
potentially hinting at some form of enjoyment or amusement. Other research has pointed to avian distress behaviors, but
as Wright and his team have noted, emotions in birds, if they exist, are likely quite basic.
Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the underlined portion of Text 1?

A By arguing that the parrots' mimicry could be an indication of distress rather than amusement.

B By noting that even humans sometimes engage in mimicry for reasons other than amusement.

C By suggesting that other avian species may also have the capability to mimic human speech.

D By agreeing that if the parrots were indeed mimicking for amusement, their enjoyment would likely be rudimentary.

Extended Answer:

01:12 Minutes

26 Text 1
Some people believe that sports are just a form of entertainment and have little impact on society beyond providing
enjoyment to fans. They argue that the outcomes of games and competitions do not have any lasting significance.
Text 2
Others argue that sports can have a profound impact on society, as they can inspire and unite people, promote healthy
lifestyles, and serve as a platform for addressing social issues. They believe that sports can play an essential role in
shaping our culture and values.
Based on the two texts, how would the author of Text 2 mostlikely regard the view presented in Text 1?
A As accurate, because sports primarily serve as entertainment for fans

B As misguided, because sports can have a significant impact on society beyond entertainment

C As reasonable, because the role of sports in society is limited to physical fitness and well-being

D As irrelevant, because the importance of sports in society is determined by individual preferences

Extended Answer:

00:42 Minutes

27 In recent years, the impact of social media on mental health has become a growing concern for both researchers and the
general public. As evidence continues to emerge linking excessive social media use to feelings of loneliness and
depression, experts are urging users to ______ their time spent online and engage in more offline activities to maintain a
balanced lifestyle.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A curtail

B extend

C disregard

D accelerate

Extended Answer:

00:00 Minutes

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