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e-ISSN 2615-8582

p-ISSN 2620-3960

Neuroscience, Wellbeing, and Urban Psychological Research

on Urban Society
Design: Our Universal Attraction to 2020, Vol. 3(1): 6-17
© The Author(s) 2020
Vitality DOI: 10.7454/proust.v3i1.81

Colin Ellard Received: March 3rd, 2020

Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo Revision Accepted: March 26th, 2020

Although urban planners and architects understand that there is a relationship between the design
of urban settings and our thoughts and emotions, it is only recently that we have had the tools to
properly dissect this relationship. New methods for measuring affective, physiological, and
cognitive states in people immersed in virtual reality have generated a host of novel findings, but a
consistent theme is the idea that human beings have a deep affinity for vitality at every level, from
home interiors to urban streetscapes. Recent evidence also suggests that we respond to the vitality of
scenes almost immediately, even after exposures as brief as 50 milliseconds, possibly using ambient
visual processing mechanisms that rely on our peripheral visual field. Further, when we sense and
respond to vitality, positive affect increases, which in turn promotes affiliation and protects us from
urban loneliness. This paper presents findings from laboratory and field experiments that show the
power of vitality to positively change behavior and improve psychological wellbeing. Harnessing
this power in urban design is one of the keys to building a psychologically sustainable city.

Urban design, Urban streetscape, Vitality of scene, Neuroscience

n his book The Phenomenon of Life one, Alexander claims, and I concur from my
(2003), the first volume of a monumental own informal investigations during lectures,
four-volume opus, architectural theorist that a resounding majority of people have no
Christopher Alexander sets out to reach difficulty at all with this task, and most arrive
the foundation of the phenomenon of life in the at the same kinds of answers. For example, if
built environment. Arriving at a set of 15 fun- you glance at Figure 1, you will likely arrive
damental properties that he says imbue built rapidly at an easy response, even though you
spaces with life, he argues that these properties, may not be able to identify exactly which fac-
and the liveliness that they convey, are the key tors led you to this response. Alexander’s work
to establishing design principles that promote has certainly had its detractors—in part be-
wellbeing. Early in the book, Alexander pre- cause of his tendency to answer key questions
sents pairs of images that he has shown to through intuition rather than through the con-
many people, asking them to indicate which of duct of careful experiments—but there is little
the two images contains more life. Though in doubt that his ideas regarding the possibility of
some contexts the question may seem an odd deeply rooted design principles, some perhaps
even written into our biology, have gained
Corresponding Author: increasing traction in the emerging field of
Colin Ellard
urban and architectural psychology. Though it
University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave W,
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, Canada
almost seems as though Alexander’s agenda
Email: has been to identify the meaning of life itself,
ORCID: emerging tools and ideas in scientific psycholo-
7 Ellard

Figure 1. A pair of images of different styles of nature. Which one has more life?

gy mean that we may be close to being able to list of life-giving properties of built spaces and
categorize and analyze the ineffable. In the Jacobs’ “vital little plans”— using ideas that
words of author Douglas Adams (1987), we have emerged from efforts to relate the build-
should “…prepare to grapple with the ineffable ing sciences to biology and neuroscience. In
itself and see if we may not eff it after all, (p. short, I will argue that good design for human
150).” environments at any scale, whether it be the
In an entirely different realm of discourse, inside of a house or the plan for a city, is good
noted urban planner Jane Jacobs, delivering a precisely to the extent that it captures the “life-
speech in Hamburg in 1981 at a conference on stuff” that Alexander described, which, in turn,
urban renewal (Zipp & Storring, 2016), argued might emerge from the kind of bottom-up,
against what she called “big planning,” which local urban planning practices espoused by
is the kind of urban planning that is conducted Jane Jacobs.
from the top-down, where entire neighbor-
hoods might be orchestrated by a few strokes Facing Buildings
of a mighty pen in the hands of a mega-
planning department. Railing against this way Research in cognitive neuroscience has consist-
of designing cities, Jacobs argued that ently shown that there is something specialized
“diversity is a small-scale phenomenon. It about our perception of faces. For one thing,
requires collections of little plans (p. 226).” Her faces appear to be processed holistically rather
meaning here was that the best neighborhoods than in piecemeal fashion. One piece of evi-
are built by collectives of individuals, each dence for this comes from the remarkable
working on a small part of a larger mosaic, Thatcher illusion (Thompson, 1980) in which
rather than by sweeping edicts from a central- the distorted face of a famous person (Margaret
ized authority. As we will see later, there may Thatcher) is inverted, and the distortion is
be a straightforward connection between Ja- unrecognizable until the face is shown in its
cobs’ musings on what makes a good city and normal orientation. Perhaps the strongest
what recent findings in neuroscience and psy- evidence for the “specialness” of faces, howev-
chology have told us about the inherent design er, has come from human neuroimaging
preferences of the human mind. studies (Kanwisher, et al., 1997), which have
In this paper, I intend to draw the connec- shown that there is a specialized module in the
tions between these two sets of grand ideas – human brain (the fusiform face area; FFA) that
the deep-rooted determinism of Alexander’s shows selectively increased activity in response

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Neuroscience, Wellbeing, and Urban Design 8

Figure 2. Image of a building illustrating pareidolia.

to presentations of human faces. Moving Buildings

What does this have to do with perception
of the built environment and vitality? In a In 1973, Swedish psychologist Gunnar Johans-
strange phenomenon called pareidolia, we son began to transform our understanding of
seem to be predisposed to sometimes perceive motion perception with his discovery of the
non-face objects—even buildings—as if they phenomenon of biological motion, in which
are faces (see Figure 2). This phenomenon is point light displays (PLDs) were used to pro-
something that most people have experienced duce compelling impressions of the movements
to one degree or another, and it has been ar- of biological figures Johansson (1973). In early
gued to underlie at least part of the aesthetic experiments, PLDs were generated by attach-
response to non-face objects. Chalup et al., ing lights to different parts of an actor’s body
2009), for example, have shown that face pro- and then filming their movements for presenta-
cessing software designed to detect emotional tion to observers. More recently, computer
expressions, when used with non-face stimuli, programs have been used to generate patterns
will not only classify those stimuli but to some of biological motion in PLDs. The general
degree those classifications will agree with the finding of Johansson’s early experiments, and
impressions of human observers. This tantaliz- the many that have followed (for a review, see
ing finding is just one piece of evidence for the Blakemore & Decety, 2001), is that most hu-
importance of vital features of the human mans are exquisitely sensitive to the motion
aesthetic response, which might be relevant to parameters of PLDs and can use them to accu-
our emotional relationship with the built envi- rately assess the gender and mood of actors, for
ronment. example, and can interpret even quite complex
PLDs consisting of many different moving

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9 Ellard

actors. biological patterns. It is this capacity that also

Just as the FFA is specialized for face makes it difficult for us to respond to the
perception, there appears to be an area of the actions of robots (even simple devices like
neocortex that is dedicated to the processing of robotic arms) as if the machines were alive.
biological motion, called the superior temporal
sulcus (Saygin, 2007). Interest in this area of the Moving Façades
brain has intensified considerably with the
recent discovery of the relationship between In a pilot study conducted at a pair of field sites
so-called mirror neurons (Rizzolatti & Sinigag- in Toronto, Canada, we studied the effect of
lia, 2016) and the neural circuitry involved in façade design on the overt behavioral respons-
biological motion processing (Centelles et al., es of pedestrian passersby (Ellard, 2014). The
2011). These mirror neurons are part of a experimental site was a chain-link fence that
sophisticated neural system that interprets surrounded a brown field in the city. Because
motive and intention in others by simulating the site was hazardous and would take many
their observed physical movements. Although, years to refurbish, the city had commissioned a
to my knowledge, nobody has yet tried to public art competition to beautify the site. The
extend ideas about biological motion pro- winners of the competition had constructed a
cessing to the domain of environmental or set of simple laser-cut plywood panels depict-
architectural perception, such extensions may ing features of the local environment, including
become possible with advances in interactive vegetation, birds, and silhouettes of historic
environments that move and shape themselves buildings that once occupied the site but were
to a user’s needs. For present purposes, my demolished (see Figure 3). The control site
intent in mentioning these findings is related to consisted of a simple chain-link fence, with
my argument that the human mind is innately nothing more than a few small advertisements
receptive to evidence of vitality and, in most on it, in front of a construction site. Both sites
cases, responds positively to such evidence in were of approximately equal size, flat in eleva-
natural and built settings. tion, and quite close to the city. Both locations
Related to the phenomenon of biological were also on busy pedestrian streets near
motion, the landmark experiments of Heider subway train stations.
and Simmel (1944) showed that we are also For our experiment, we predicted that
very much prone to imbuing even seemingly pedestrians would be affected by the artistic
random patterns of motion with life. In a designs on the fence at the experimental site to
somewhat informal demonstration of this, such an extent that there would be measurable
Heider and Simmel presented participants with differences in pedestrians’ overt behavior at the
an animated display of a small number of public art site compared to the control site. To
geometric shapes moving in a coordinated test this hypothesis, we placed a discreet
pattern. Participants were instructed to de- observer on the street at both sites, at different
scribe their observations, providing phenome- times of the day, who measured the time it took
nological data. Uniformly, participants inter- each pedestrian to walk to a midpoint on the
preted the objects as behaving like animate site and from the midpoint to the end of the
characters, with goals, motivations, and even site. To control for site differences in elevation,
emotions. These observations showed that wind, and other noise variables, we measured
humans tend to take seamless streams of move- pedestrians walking in both directions as a
ment and parse them into a series of meaning- natural counterbalance (though we could not
ful events. In other words, we have an innate control for the possibility that there might have
tendency to process the motion of inanimate been subtle differences in intentions between
objects by imposing a narrative structure upon pedestrians walking in one direction and those
it. In Heider and Simmel’s experiment, there walking in the other). In addition to measuring
was patently no real biological vitality in the walking speed, the observer also monitored the
patterns displayed. However, the human brain number of times each pedestrian turned their
is predisposed to find life and, therefore, head, the direction of the head turn, and the
imposes such properties on random non- number of times they paused walking.

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Figure 3. Photographs of the designed fence (upper) and control fence (lower) used in the study of
the influence of façade design on pedestrian behaviour.

Our findings were dramatic. At the control often in front of the public art fence and turned
site, pedestrians walked at an average speed of their heads toward it significantly more often
about five kilometers per hour. At the public the simple chain-link fence at the control site
art site, pedestrians initially walked at around (Ellard, 2014). The message of this simple
the same speed but eventually slowed to study, which was based on field methods
speeds that were sometimes only half of the pioneered first by urbanist William Whyte
average walking speed at the control site (see (1980) and later elaborated by master planner
Figure 4). In addition, pedestrians paused more Jan Gehl (reviewed in Gehl & Svarre, 2014), is

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11 Ellard

Figure 4. A bar graph showing mean walking speed as a function of time of day, segment, and façade
design. The graph shows that pedestrians slowed down during the walk along the designed fence.

that even subtle interventions in the urban world (Toronto, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and
landscape can have a remarkably robust impact Berlin), we found that participants reported
on human behavior, often visible from afar low levels of positive affect in settings that
with nothing more than a set of curious eyes, a were rated as low in complexity. Not only this,
stopwatch, and a counter. but when we monitored autonomic arousal
While our study is a convincing and simple (i.e., skin conductance) using simple wrist-
demonstration of the power of façades, it tells worn sensors, we found a relationship between
us little about the subjective experience of façade complexity and physiological arousal.
observing an urban façade. To determine how Overall, our results demonstrated that low-
different types of urban environments, and complexity settings produced a combination of
specifically environments with different levels low positive affect and low arousal.
of complexity, might influence both the mental Although urbanists like William Whyte and
and physiological states of urban pedestrians, Jan Gehl would have found such findings
we designed a protocol in which participants unsurprising, based on their simple observa-
responded to a series of location-specific ques- tions of human behavior, the history of our
tions while walking through an urban environ- understanding of the relationship between
ment (Ellard & Montgomery, 2011). The partici- environmental complexity and aesthetic prefer-
pants were urban pedestrians who were re- ence runs deeper and has its origins in the
cruited at a central meeting point and invited work of Canadian psychologist Daniel Berlyne.
to walk with us for about an hour, during From early in his career, Berlyne believed that
which time we presented them with a range of curiosity is a powerful driver of behavior,
urban settings. One of our variables of interest comparable to better-known drives such hun-
was façade complexity. In earlier studies, we ger or sex (Berlyne, 1960; 1971). He eventually
quantified façade complexity using simple self- parlayed these ideas into a comprehensive
assessment methods, but in later work, we tried theory of human aesthetics, which he based on
to measure it using a variety of definitions of experimental evidence that curiosity was
environmental entropy (Dzebic & Ellard, 2015). positively motivating and that it heightened
In different urban settings throughout the physiological arousal.. According to Berlyne,

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too much environmental complexity is overly 2001). The foundational idea of ART is that
stimulating and negative, but so is too little being in a natural setting engages cognition in a
stimulation. particularly beneficial way. Kaplan, for exam-
More recent experimental evidence, both ple, describes the phenomenon of “soft fascina-
from our lab (Dzebic, 2018) and from others tion” in which attention is gently and involun-
(see Dzebic, 2018 for an extensive review), has tarily captured by a succession of fascinating
suggested that the inverted-U function that natural images that release attentional process-
Berlyne described is an oversimplification and es from the focal demands present in most built
neglects many other factors that influence settings (Kaplan, 1987). Both theories posit an
aesthetic attraction (e.g., cognitive factors essentially bottom-up process for the restora-
outlined by Kaplan, 1979; 1987)). Nevertheless, tive response. SRT is undergirded by the idea
there is still some evidence in support of Ber- of an innate affective response to natural scenes
lyne’s model, especially from simple field derived from our evolutionary lineage, while
studies of the influence of building façades on ART proposes that particular types of visual
affective state. Furthermore, the idea that there patterns in nature elicit soft fascination, thereby
are deep, basic properties, such as visual producing regeneration in the cognitively
complexity, that influence our attraction to a taxing systems underlying selective attention.
setting is very much in line with the underlying There is even evidence from imaging studies
ideas of theorists like Alexander (2003), who (Biederman & Vessel, 2006; Yue et al., 2007)
argued that what attracts us to a setting is our that the areas in visual cortex that are sensitive
feeling that it is alive. By its very nature, life is to scene properties may also contain the mecha-
unpredictable and chaotic, which manifests in nisms that underly the positively reinforcing
the generation of patterns through “ordered effects of exposure to scenes of nature.
disorder.” While the evidence for the restorative effect
The idea of nature as “ordered disorder” is of natural settings is quite clear, the mechanism
taken up explicitly in experiments aimed at through which natural scenes exert their effect
understanding the so-called human restorative remains unclear. One idea is that the deep
response to natural settings. This response was mathematical structures of scenes are responsi-
first observed by Roger Ulrich (1984) in a land- ble for the effect. Richard Taylor (2006) and his
mark paper in which he observed lower levels colleagues (Taylor et al., 2011) have argued that
of pain and shorter periods of recovery for the inherent power of self-similarity—that is,
patients who resided in rooms that had a view visual elements that repeat at a number of dif-
of nature rather than those that faced a blank ferent scales--influences both aesthetic prefer-
wall. This single small-scale study energized ence and physiological state. Taylor and col-
the field of environmental psychology, result- leagues have experimentally demonstrated that
ing in thousands of studies attempting to both images containing fractal dimensions seen most
document and understand the phenomenon commonly in natural scenes (those with fractal
(see review by Joye & van den Berg, 2018). dimensions of approximately 1.4-1.5), are those
Two markedly different theories have that elicit the strongest positive affective re-
arisen to account for the effect observed by sponses. This idea makes sense in that it sug-
Ulrich, both of which have evidence in their gests that the mechanism for the effect of
favor. Ulrich’s theory was couched in psycho- natural scenes on the restorative response and
evolutionary terms, suggesting that the restora- positive affect is tied to a low-level visual prop-
tive response is adapted from a fundamental erty that is a kind of ‘signature’ for nature. It is
inclination for natural settings. His stress re- also consistent with the general idea being
duction theory (SRT; Ulrich, 1983) posits that espoused in this paper, which is that among all
natural environments contain a set of features the human responses to urban design, our
that lower stress in humans (including com- attraction to vitality is the most important.
plexity, as well as other elements such as a There are other possible explanations for
geometry that affords safety). Others have in- restorative responses to natural settings, which
stead argued for an attention restoration theory are not completely at odds with Taylor’s
(ART; Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989; Kaplan, 1995, findings. In our lab, we demonstrated that

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13 Ellard

spatial frequencies are one of the main drivers vision through low convergence on retinal
of aesthetic preference and eye movement ganglion cells, and 2) a peripheral region most-
patterns that are characteristically produced by ly populated with rod cells that, although
images of nature. Using Fourier analysis, every responsible for lower image resolution, are
image can be described as a spectrum of spatial highly sensitive because of high convergence
frequencies that range from high frequencies, on retinal ganglion cells. Functionally, we gen-
which contain information about fine detail, to erally think of the fovea and the surrounding
low frequencies, which contain information parafovea, subtending about the central five
about basic shape and contrast. Our findings degrees of the visual field, as underlying the
suggest that only visual information contained basic process of object recognition or, as classi-
within certain spatial frequencies will differen- cally described by Trevarthen (1968), focal
tiate between images that either do or do not vision. In contrast, Trevarthen argued that the
have restorative potential (Valtchanov & peripheral visual field contributes to ambient
Ellard, 2015). One nice feature of this finding is vision. That is, visual processes that encompass
that, in contrast to fractal patterns, spatial large swaths of the peripheral visual field,
frequency preference is an extremely well- though lacking in visual detail, are exquisitely
characterized property of visual perception well-tuned to picking up the gist of a scene.
areas in the brain (DeValois & Devalois, 1991). According to Trevarthen, ambient and focal
In addition, our specific findings for spatial vision work hand-in-hand: rapid scene pro-
frequency preferences match nicely with the cessing is undertaken in the periphery by the
spatial frequency properties of cortical brain ambient vision system, which guides subse-
areas thought to underlie scene processing quent focal vision processes that help to flesh
(Fintzi & Mahon, 2014). out the finer details of a scene. An enormous
Regardless of the fine details of the nature amount of research supports this broad concep-
and mechanism of the restorative response, tion of the human visual system. For example,
research in this area makes one thing very participants who are presented with scenes for
clear: underlying successful design at any scale, a very brief duration, even when restricted to
whether it is explicitly natural or not, is a the peripheral field, are capable of accurately
connection between the features of that design processing the gist of a scene (Oliva & Schyns,
and the human affinity for vitality. If it is true 1997).
that this affinity comes from low-level mathe- At higher anatomical levels of the visual
matical properties of images, it is not necessary system, where many different areas of the
that an image must be of actual nature. Indeed, visual cortex contribute to our ability to under-
in our experiments (Valtchanov & Ellard, 2015), stand and move through the world, this pattern
some scenes were not recognizable at all, and of specialization continues. It is sometimes said
yet they influenced aesthetic preference and that we can characterize most visual cortical
eye movement. areas as belonging to one of two main path-
ways: 1) the dorsal or “where and how” path-
How Our Visual System Processes Infor- way, which receives preferential input from the
mation visual periphery and helps us to answer
questions about where things are and how to
In some of our most recent work (Srikanthara- interact with them, and 2) the ventral or “what”
jah, Condia & Ellard, submitted), we have be- pathway, which is mostly invested in foveal
gun to explore how different parts of the visual vision and keenly involved in identifying the
field are processed, both from natural and built details of objects so that they can be recognized
scenes, with explicit focus on the contrasting (Milner & Goodale, 1995). Although it is im-
roles of central and peripheral visual pro- portant not to overstate the independence of
cessing. these two pathways—because for most ordi-
The human visual system, beginning in the nary visual tasks, there must be communication
retina, contains two markedly different regions: and cooperation between them—the distinction
1) a foveal region composed of cone cells, between “where and how” and “what” has
which mediate high image resolution and color been a valuable heuristic for those of us trying

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Neuroscience, Wellbeing, and Urban Design 14

to understand exactly what visual perception is also asked to complete brief questionnaires
meant to accomplish and what processes it has probing their affective and cognitive state
available to do so. immediately following exposure to each envi-
With this background in mind, and moti- ronment.
vated by Rooney’s et al., (2017) argument that Our findings showed that participants were
the peripheral visual field and ambient vision easily able to recognize scenes presented in the
are largely responsible for the visual perception peripheral visual field (where they could only
of architectural atmosphere, we designed a see views outside of the fovea) but not in the
pilot study (Srikantharajah et al., submitted) in central field. Though the contrasting effects of
which participants were invited to explore classical and modern design were subtle, there
public squares rendered in virtual reality and was some preliminary indication that classical
presented to either the central or peripheral designs were associated with more positive
visual field. Figure 5 presents the images and affect than the modern designs, even when
reveals that one feature of our study was an presented only to the peripheral visual field.
attempt to compare responses to classical and What is remarkable about this finding is that it
modernist designs of essentially the same suggests that even when deprived of central
square. In terms of vitality, the classical design vision, which is regarded as the main system
contains many more of the kinds of features for processing detailed visual information,
that are present in natural settings. In this scenes presented only in the periphery were
experiment, participants moved through each able to elicit affective responses. This suggests
of the settings using a kind of immersive slide that the coarse processing of the peripheral
show in which images of the environment were visual field is sufficient to drive the human
flashed in glimpses. At the same time, a mask, preference for vitality.
as illustrated in Figure 5, was presented to Following our virtual reality study, we have
either the central or peripheral visual field to conducted research in which participants are
ensure that participants could not scan each very briefly presented (66.6 milliseconds) with
image. In other words, we were careful to chimeric stimuli, consisting of images of natu-
restrict each successive view to either the cen- ral settings presented to one part of the visual
tral or peripheral visual field. Participants were field (center or periphery) and images of built
outfitted with equipment that allowed us to settings presented to the other part of the field
measure physiological arousal and they were (Srikantharajah & Ellard, in preparation). Our

Figure 5. View of the modern glass plaza, looking back toward a classical facade, in one of
the immersive VR environments created for the study of central and peripheral vision. The
chrome egg was included as a feature of interest to aid in legibility

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15 Ellard

results have shown that participants can relia- Declaration of Conflicting Interest
bly identify the gist of the scenes presented to
the periphery. Not only this, but this recently The author has no conflicting interest in the
completed work suggests that such brief publication of this manuscript.
peripheral presentation of an image can elicit
preferences that suggest a bias toward stimuli Acknowledgment
that show vitality.
I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of
Conclusion Jatheesh Srikantharajah, Hanna Negami, Emily
Grant and Deltcho Valtchanov in collection and
There is currently a groundswell of interest in analysis of data for some of the experiments
the idea that we can promote good design at all reviewed here. In addition, I am grateful to
scales, from the interior of rooms to urban Robert Condia and Nathan Storring for discus-
streetscapes, by establishing principles based sion of some of the key ideas presented here.
on our accumulated knowledge of sensory
systems, neuroscience, and cognitive science Funding
(Ellard, 2015; Goldhagen, 2017). This interest is
driven in part by emerging methodologies that This research was supported by a grant from
allow novel, previously impossible, approach- the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
es. In the laboratory, immersive virtual reality Council of Canada.
can be used to build convincing simulations of
built or natural settings. In the field, wearable References
biometric sensors allow us to collect unprece-
dented details about physiological function in a Adams, D. (1987). Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detec-
naturally moving observer. Collectively, these tive Agency. London: William Heinemann
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who are exposed to them. As cities throughout
the world try to sensibly respond to expanding Chalup, S. K., Hong, K. & Ostwald, M. J. (2010).
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