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Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

English Department

Contrastive Linguistics


Full Name:
Student I.D.:

Statement on Plagiarism
I certify that the attached material is entirely my own work. No other person’s work
or ideas have been reproduced or paraphrased without full and precise
acknowledgement. I have not presented this for assessment in another course or
unit at this or any other institution. I have retained a copy of this assignment.
Full name / signature: Date:

I certify that I have:

paraphrased correctly and included a reference to clearly indicate the parts of my work that are
drawn from another person’s work.
Paraphrasing is when you use what someone else has said or written, but you write it in your
own words. You must still include an in-text citation so the reader can locate the source.
You also have to follow your Instructor's guidelines on the declaration of generative AI.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

used direct quotations sparingly.

It is fine to occasionally quote other people, and it is expected that you do – but make sure you
provide your own contribution or viewpoint. Each quote must be followed by an in-text citation.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

provided a reference for every non-original image, diagram, or figure.

If you edit an existing item, it will still need to be referenced.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

included a reference list of all work cited in APA Style (7th edition).
Make sure you understand what type of referencing protocol you are required to follow for your
unit. You will usually need to include in-text citations and a reference list that gives the full
details of source material.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

kept a copy of the original sources that I have referenced.

Always keep your work and the original reference together. You could, at any time, be required
to produce the original source for comparison.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

not used copy and paste to take text from another source (unless it is a direct quote and I
reference it).
If you copy and paste from a source and fail to reference it properly, then you have plagiarised.
Plagiarism may be treated as academic misconduct where serious penalties can apply.
You also have to follow your Instructor's guidelines on the declaration of generative AI.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

not used another student’s work or submitted someone’s work as my own.

Copying from someone else’s work is plagiarism and serious penalties can apply.
Do not allow anyone else to submit your work as this is considered academic misconduct.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

not copied from a previous assignment submitted to this or any other unit.

Full name / signature: ______________________________

Contrastive Analysis Essay

Relevant Concepts
Conceptual Metaphors

Methodological Approaches

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