IT Project

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Create the following table Frozen Food Supply with the following fields

Name Datatype Size Contraints

Fcode Integer 5 Primary Key
Brand Character 25 Not null
FName Character 25 Not null
Price integer 5
Quantity integer 5 Not null

Create database Food;

Use Food;

Create table Frozen Food Supply(Fcode int(5) primary key, Brand

varchar(25) not null, Fname varchar(25) not null, Price int(5), Quantity
int(5) not null);

Insert the following details

FCode Brand FName Price Quantity

1101 Sadia French fries 500 120
1102 Freshly Chicken Breast 1000 256
1103 BaskinRobins Vanilla Ice-cream 1250 575

Insert into Frozen Food Supply values(1101, ‘Sadia’, ‘French Fries’, 500,
Insert into Frozen Food Supply values(1102, ‘Freshly’, ‘Chicken Breast’,
1000, 256);
Insert into Frozen Food Supply values(1103, ‘BaskinRobins’, ‘Vanilla’,
1250, 575);

1) To display the structure of the table Frozen Food Supply

- Desc Frozen Food Supply;
DESCRIBE Table command allows the user to view the structure of an already
created table.
Describe <tablename>;
Describe student;
Desc student;

2) To display all records from Frozen Food Supply table.

- Select * from Frozen Food Supply;
SELECT command is used to retrieve a subset of rows or columns from one
or more tables. In other words it is used to make queries on the database.
SELECT <column name> [,<column name>,…..] FROM <table
name> WHERE <condition>;
SELECT sno, sname FROM student;

3) To add a column Suppliers to the table Frozen Food Supply

- Alter table Frozen Food Supply add Suppliers varchar(20);
ALTER TABLE command alters the structure of the table. It allows the user To
ADD/DELETE/MODIFY columns or constraints of the table
Alter table <table_name> add/drop <column_name> [datatype];
Alter table <table> modify <column> <new_definition>;
4) To delete Frozen Food Supply record with Price<1000
- Delete from Frozen Food Supply where Price<1000;
DELETE command is used to delete one or more records from the given table.
The WHERE clause in a delete query deletes selected records based on
The condition, if omitted all the records would be deleted.

Delete from <tablename> where <condition>;

5) To update Quantity of Vanilla Ice-cream to 1000 in Frozen Food Supply

- Update Frozen Food Supply set quantity=1000 where Fname='vanilla Ice-
UPDATE command is used to modify the values of one or more records in the
Update <tablename> set column1 = value1[, column2 = value2,..]
where <condition>;
The WHERE clause in an update command updates the selected records
Based on the condition, if omitted all records will be updated

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