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U 1 Hieu: Good evening. Well, I live with my parents and my brother.

And I must say that all my (1) achievements are the result of their
Host: Do your parents help you with your studies?
Hieu: My parents are farmers. They know little about physics. But they believe in me. They always listen to me and cheer me up whenever
I have (2) difficulties.
Host: So they encourage you to try harder?
Hieu: That's right. Their love and (3) trust give me strength to carry on.
Host: How about your brother?
Hieu: My brother is my best friend. He shares his happy and sad moments with me, and is always there for me when I need help.
Host: You're so lucky to have a (4) supportive family. Do you spend a lot of time together?
Hieu: Yes. My parents have created some family (5) routines so that every week we can spend some time together although we're all very
Host: Family routines? Can you tell us more about that?
Hieu: Well, family routines are...
U2: Welcome to our club meeting. As you know, we are (1) organising a Go Green Weekend event next Sunday. Before presenting the
event (2) schedule, let me briefly tell you about the teams and activities. There will be three teams. Each team will take care of one specific
task. The Clean-up Team will be (3) responsible for cleaning the central park in our town. They will pick up rubbish, bottles, plastic bags,
anything that's lying around. They will also water small trees and flowers in the park.
The Donation Team will collect used items from local people. Then they will have to sort and put them into the correct bags. This will make
(4) delivery much easier and will also help reach the people who need these items quickly. The Media Team will be (5) responsible for
reporting on the event. They will take photos of the activities during the event and post them on the club's website. They will also write a
report which will summarise the results of the event and make (6) suggestions for other club activities in the future.
U3: Tam: Hi, this is Tam at the site of the second International Youth Music Festival. There are just two days to go before the festival opens
on Sunday. As you can hear in the (1) background it's very busy here. I'm with Jack, one of the festival organisers. So, Jack, how's it all
Jack: Hi, we're very busy. We're still (2) setting up the main stage and there's still a lot to do, but we want to get it ready by tomorrow so
that the bands can start to practise.
Tam: I heard that there are some changes to the festival this year. Can you tell us about them?
Jack: Well, last year the festival was on the beach and it was free of charge. We didn't know it would be so (3) popular and we had
problems with (4) overcrowding. This year we have sold the tickets in advance so that we know how many people are coming. What's
more important, we've decided to move the festival to this country park.
Tam: Why the country park? Isn't it a bit too far from the town centre?
Jack: Yeah, that's why we've chosen it. This (5) location is better for everybody because ...
U4: This is a public announcement by the City Centre for Community Development. We are a (1) non- profit organisation that supports
local people and communities. Thanks to many generous (2) donations, we are building houses for poor people, organising job training
courses for teenagers, helping lonely old people, and creating facilities, such as children's playgrounds in the local area.
To continue working on our (3) projects, we need more volunteers. We are looking for teenagers who are interested in community (4)
development work and have a couple of hours to spare at weekends. Once chosen, you will become a member of our local and national (5)
community development network. You will also be trained by our (6) experienced volunteers.
If you are interested in helping the community and want to meet teenagers with similar interests, please fill in the online application form.
Remember to also send your application letter to us no later than 1st (7) January. Don't miss this exciting opportunity. We look forward to
hearing from you.
U5: Salesman: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
Woman: Yes, please. What is this device?
Salesman: Well, that is the most helpful invention in the world: The (1) RoboVacuum - a vacuum cleaner!
Woman: Thanks, but we already have a vacuum cleaner at home.
Salesman: Well, it's not just any vacuum cleaner you've seen before. It's a smart robot and can do many things. Why don't you try this?
First, place the (2) vacuum cleaner on the floor.
Woman: Like this?
Salesman: Yes. Second, press the Clean button on the left if you want RoboVacuum to clean the whole room. Or you can press the Extra
clean button on the right if you want to remove (3) dirty stains.
Woman: What about this button under the name RoboVacuum?
Salesman: It's the Start button. Press it to start or stop the device. Try it!
Woman: Wow. Amazing!
Salesman: Using RoboVacuum is a wonderful way to clean your house, but avoid using it on wet
floors, or it won't run.
Woman: I see.
Salesman: Don't use it for more than an hour either, or it will (4) overheat and break down.
Woman: OK.
Salesman:Finally, you'll need to charge your RoboVacuum for five hours before you can use it.
Woman: Five hours?
Salesman: Yes, and RoboVacuum will become your best (5) helper in your house!
U5 P1: Thomas Edison was born on February 11 in (1) 1847, in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan. He is an American
inventor and (2) businessman who has been described as America’s Greatest inventor. In (3) 1866, at the age of 19, Edison moved to
Louisville, Kentucky, where, as an Employee of Western Union, he worked the Associated Press bureau news wire. Edison requested the
night shift, which allowed him plenty of time to spend on his two favorite pastimes reading and (4) experimenting. He developed many
devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and motion pictures. These inventions, which
include the (5) phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric light bulb, had a widespread impact on the modern (6)
industrialized world. His first patent was for the electric vote recorder which was granted on June l, 1869. Early in his career, he worked as
a telegraph operator, which inspired some of his earliest inventions. In (7) 1876, he established his first laboratory facility In Menlo Park,
New Jersey, where many of his early inventions were developed. He would later establish a botanic laboratory in Fort Myers, Florida in
collaboration with businessmen Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone, a laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey that featured the world’s first
film studio, the Black Maria. He was a prolific inventor, holding (8) 1,093 us patents in his name, as well as patents in other countries.
Edison married twice and fathered six children. He died in 1931 of complications of diabetes.
U 4 P 1: Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was born on February 4th, (1) 1913. She was an African-American human rights activist who was
honored by the US Congress as the “mother of the modern human rights movement”. On December 1, (2) 1955 in Montgomery; Alabama,
Parks, at the age of 42, turned down the offer of the bus driver called James Blake to make room for a white passenger. Although she was
not the first to disobey the orders of racist proposals, Parks’ action raised the movement of boycotting Montgomery buses.
Her actions became a symbol of the modern human rights (3) movement, and Parks became an international icon representing the
movement against racism, She organized and collaborated with a lot of civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King, who won a Nobel
Peace Prize. Although widely (4) honored in later years, she also suffered for her act; she was fired from her job as a seamstress in a local
department store, and received death threats for years afterwards. From 1965 to 1988 she served as a secretary and (5) receptionist to John
Conyers, an African-American US Representative. She was also active in the Black Power movement and the support of political prisoners
in the US. She was voted as one of the 100 most Influential figures of the 20th century by Time magazine. She died in October 24, 2005 at
the age of 92.
U 3 P 1: American Idol is a singing (1) competition and television show of the United States. The first season of American Idol premiered
in June 11,2002 and is one of the most popular TV shows in the United States. American Idol was bought the rights from the British Pop
Idol program (2) founded by producer Simon Fuller. The American Idol contest was founded with the aim of finding the most promising
singers in the US through a series of auditions held throughout the country. After that, the finalists will be decided by the vote of the (3)
audience by phone. The program’s feature is that after the contestant’s performance, the judges will make their comments to help the
audience choose suitable contestants. Initially, three judges of American Idol were Randy Jackson, a music producer, Paula Abdul, a pop
singer and dancer and Simon Cowell, a director of record. By the 8th season, Kara DioGuardi, a music producer, was invited to be fourth
judge of the show. Currently, from the (4) 13th season, the program has three judges, Harry Connick, Jr, Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban.
The host of the competition is Ryan Seacrest.
American Idol is shown on a (5) variety of TV channels such as FOX channel of the US, TVNZ of New Zealand, CTV of Canada,
FOX8 of Australia, ITV2 of the UK. Viewers from Vietnamese and some Asian countries can also watch American Idol on star World
U 2 P2: Pollution is the world’s biggest (1) killer. It caused 16 per cent of all deaths in 2015. Most people died from heart disease, lung
cancer and (2) stroke. Around 92 per cent of these deaths were in poor and developing countries. Bangladesh and Somalia were most
affected by (3) pollution. Brunei and Sweden were least affected. A researcher said pollution was linked to poverty and poor health. He said
it threatens human rights. Air pollution was the biggest killer. It killed (4) 6.5 million people in 2015. The second biggest killer was (5)
water pollution. Next, was pollution in the workplace. A scientist said: “Air pollution is reaching crisis point.”
U 1 P 1: Today we’ll discuss the changes in roles (1) performed by men and women in the family. Changes in family life have made men’s
and women’s roles more alike than ever as the wives are also be responsible for the family finances. Family (2) experts say the old notions
of who does what in families may be more and more unclear. Men are not the sole (3) breadwinners for the family like they used to be and
they are becoming much more involved in housework and parenting. Because men’s and women’s roles in families have become more
alike, for couples to balance their work and family life, perhaps, equally shared parenting’ is the best solution. (4) Equally shared parenting’
means the conscious and purposeful sharing’ in four domains of life:
1. Child-raising: Both parents have equal (5) responsibility to nurture and to take care of the children;
2. Breadwinning: Husband’s and wife’s careers are equally important;
3. Housework: The household chores should be equally divided between the wife and the husband;
4. Recreation: Both partners have an equal chance and time for their own interests, and of course, to be with each other.
Experts have found out that families that can keep to those four principles of’equally shared parenting’ become happier and the (6) divorce
rate is the lowest amongst them.
U 1 P2 In my cultures, doing housework is considered a woman’s duty. The mother is usually the homemaker, who has to do most of the
household chores, while the father is the breadwinner, who is responsible for the family finances. However, it is not good for the mother
when the rest of the family does not help out. When families share (1) household chores, it is good for them as individuals and good for all
the relationships within the family. According to psychologists, most people do not realise the (2) enormous benefits that come to a family
when husbands and children share the housework. Children who share the housework with their mums and dads do better at school, become
more sociable, and have better (3) relationships with their teachers and friends. They learn good skills, are more responsible, and tend to be
overall good people. When men share the housework, they tend to have better relationships with their wives. Women often feel happy when
they see their husbands doing housework because It says, ‘He cares about me and he doesn’t want to put all of the housework on me.’
Women whose husbands do not (4) contribute to the household chores are more vulnerable to illness and tend to think more about divorce.
When everyone works together on household chores, it creates a positive (5) atmosphere for the family and sets a good example for the
children. This is especially true if mum and dad can find a way to work well together and are not critical of each other.

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