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Hunting the

H unting
The W hite L a dy
Chapter 1: Cannot Reach It Atoll 11
Chapter 2: Big Fishing 17
Chapter 3: That’s Our Megalodon! 27
Chapter 4: A Bounty Paid Fairly 33

Writer Playtesters : Michael Craft, Rosemary Lynley, Emily

WJ MacGuffin McGlawn, Liam O’Dea and Emma Schulte.

Matthew Sprange

Layout & Illustration

Cassie Gregory, Anderson
Maia, Andoni Fernandez,
Jon Torres

Special thanks to Peter Hentze, Adam Park and the whole Sea of Thieves team.

© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft, Rare and Sea of Thieves are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

Horace the Hoarder has lost one too many Horace has placed a 1,500 gold piece (15 Gold
chests thanks to a Shrouded Ghost Megalodon Token) bounty on the Megalodon. He figures he
he has nicknamed The White Lady. He has a will lose more if that monster is not destroyed
large bounty on it: whoever can kill The White soon, but he is not stupid; he will not just take a
Lady and drag her to Dagger Tooth Outpost as pirate’s word that The White Lady was killed. To
proof will receive 15 Gold Tokens. This creates earn that gold, a pirate has to return to Dagger
a frenzy of skilled pirates hunting Megalodons. Tooth Outpost with the Megalodon’s carcass.
The players will have to track down Merrick’s
shanty to summon The White Lady, defeat it and Not only is the bounty a lot of gold for a pirate,
tow it back to Dagger Tooth while fending off it is a proper pirate adventure. Some pirates are
pirates looking to steal the catch. wary of battling a Shrouded Ghost Megalodon
and (perhaps wisely) have stayed away, while

others laugh and believe Shrouded Ghosts are
only scary myths. But some will hunt The White
Lady, their minds already ablaze with all the
Megalodons are giant sharks (emphasis on the gold and glory this adventure would earn.
giant) swimming in the deeps that occasionally

New Rules
come to the surface. They have existed for a
long time in the Sea of Thieves but disappeared
before a pirate named ‘Merry’ Merrick helped
bring them back. He discovered a sea shanty and This Voyage introduces some new ideas for
drum that, when played correctly, summoned the Sea of Thieves Roleplaying Game that have
the biggest Megalodon ever discovered up to appeared in the video game: Megalodon variants
that point: The Hungering One. Giant even for and harpoons.
a Megalodon, its arrival in the Sea of Thieves
brought back other Megalodons for good. Megalodons
GMs can find rules for a typical Megalodon on
Some are just curious about ships sailing the page 49 of The Book of Lore. Presented here are
Sea of Thieves, while others are territorial and the rules for four new variants: Crested Queen,
will sink even galleons that dare sail through Shadowmaw, Ancient Terror and Shrouded
their waters. Even experienced pirates in the Ghost. They are similar to a typical Megalodon
Sea of Thieves worry when they see a giant fin but with some differences in appearances,
breaking the waves. Still, it is not like the Sea of difficulties and special abilities.
Thieves is a safe place. Megalodons became just
one more thing to worry about.

Lately, a Shrouded Ghost Megalodon (the most

dangerous of its kind) has claimed the waters
near Shipwreck Bay. Time after time, it attacked
and sank ships heading towards Dagger Tooth
Outpost. As more treasure chests sink to the
deeps, Horace the Hoarder is getting fed up. He
lost a lot of gold that was ‘his’, so he has decided
to finally do something about the creature.

Shadowmaw Megalodon
(black skin with a glowing red-ish fin)
Legendary | 22 | Weak with harpoons
(see below)
Instead of Danger: -1 Timer if PCs try to
escape, use Danger: -1 Timer if PCs try
to fight.

Crested Queen Megalodon

(dark purple skin with a glowing, purple fin)
Legendary | 22 | No weakness
Instead of Danger: -1 Timer if PCs try to
escape, use Danger: -1 dice with cannonballs

Ancient Terror Megalodon
(gold and green skin and fins)
Legendary | 24 | Weak with harpoons
Instead of Interrupt: -2 Victories with
sailing, use Interrupt: -2 Victories for
repairing ship damage.

Shrouded Ghost Megalodon

(white skin with a pink fin)
Legendary | 26 | Weak with powder kegs
Instead of Interrupt: -2 Victories with
sailing, use Interrupt: Lose half of Victories
in the hold.

dragged aboard. It will cause an Injury if it hits
Harpoons a PC like this.
All pirate ships now have two harpoon stations
near the bow. While they can be used as a
If the pirate hits a big object, they can tow it
weapon for a violent Solution, their primary
behind their ship so long as it is not resisting.
purpose is to either capture objects or tow/
If the target resists (as a crewed brigantine or
anchor the ship.
Megalodon likely will) , the Consequence will
include being towed by the object rather than
If a PC is manning the harpoon station, they
the other way around. Try to tow a galleon and
can include drawing in an object or person
fail, and it is the PCs’ ship that gets towed!
aboard their ship in the Solution to a Problem.
For example, if the PCs are facing the Problem.
GMs should let players have fun with harpoons
The enemy sloop will get away (4/4 ) , a player
and come up with creative ideas. Remember that
can say ‘I use the harpoon to slow the sloop
in this game, players do not roll to hit something;
down so we can capture it’. In these situations,
they roll to solve Problems. Rather than have
the harpoon grants +1 Legendary Dice at Hand,
players roll to hit with a harpoon, let players use
Close and Middle ranges ( but not Long) .
it in a Solution to one of the GM’s Problems like
any weapon. And do not forget to include the
The GM can say a harpoon will not work
harpoon’s effects when narrating rolls!
for some Solutions, such as trying to defeat
a skelly-manned cannon on an island. Also,
harpoons can only hit something off the bow
(straight ahead or to one side) . P r epa r ation
Before starting the Voyage, explain how
If a pirate hits a small object with a harpoon,
harpoons work. The PCs will need them in this
they will have it aboard their ship when the
Voyage to tow The White Lady back to Dagger
Problem is solved (if used outside of a Problem/
Tooth Outpost. Also, make sure the players
Solution, there is no need to worry about the
have 3 banana, bullet and plank tokens aboard
time) . Treasure chests, small barrels and even
their ship . Resources will be scarce in this
pirates or skellies can all be harpooned and
Voyage, so start them with the usual amount.

C hapte r 1:
C annot Reach It Atoll
The crew were chasing down a sloop with a This gives two Problems for the crew to solve:
Captain’s Chest. Realising they were losing, the
enemy crew dumps the chest overboard and sails 1. The Remora’s Rest will escape (6/4) .
away. The PCs will have to decide which to go 2. The treasure chest will remain on the
after. The sloop can be caught easily enough, ocean’s floor (4/U) .
but the chest sinks into a group of four sharks.
Afterwards, the crew sails to nearby Dagger The crew can try to do both, but if they pick
Tooth Outpost to sell their loot – and hear of the treasure chest first, they will lose the
Horace’s bounty on The White Lady. enemy ship as it skirts the blood-red waters
along the Devil’s Shroud. Also, GMs should
adjust Difficulties depending on the PCs.

A Tough Decision If they have a full crew and each has plenty
of Legendary Dice, increase them a bit so the
Problems are more challenging.

B ack on Dagger Tooth Outpost, you

heard the two-pirate crew of the
If they go after the ship... The Remora’s Rest
will sail deep into the Shroud. They expect to be
sunk, so will at least want to take the PCs down
Remora’s Rest complain that people
keep picking on them. Apparently, with them. GMs should use the sloop’s Interrupt
they’ve lost the loot from their last five to take away 2 Victories as the PCs try to catch
quests when other pirates attacked it (manoeuvring is not the same as speed, but
them. As they talk about being sunk here in the choppy waters of the Devil’s Shroud,
repeatedly, you got a devilish idea. the sloop keeps turning in random directions) .

That was yesterday. Today, as the Whenever a player rolls a , the Shroud
sun sets on the Sea of Thieves, you’ve creates a new Problem: Holes in your ship
been chasing their red-painted sloop will sink it (4/4) . Keep piling up new Problems
across the waters, laughing as they use as they sail through the Shroud even if they
speaking trumpets to complain you are capture the enemy sloop.
not being fair. As you both near Black
Sand Atoll, you watch as the pirates The two pirates aboard the Remora’s Rest will fight
dump a Captain’s Chest overboard rather than be captured but complain bitterly the
in the shallow waters. They then sail whole time about how this is so unfair.
due north towards the Devil’s Shroud.
Clearly, they hope to escape.

Would you like to anchor and get that

chest, or pursue the Remora’s Rest? Crew of the Remora’s Rest
(2 average pirates)
Average | 6 | Weak with talking
Interrupt: -1 Victory with fighting

The Remora’s Rest

-2 Victories for manoeuvring

If they go after the treasure... By now, the players GM’s Note: The PCs should sail for Dagger Tooth
will see four sharks swimming in the waters next, but if they want to visit another outpost, that
near the treasure chest. Diving down to get the is fine. Just change the name of the Gold Hoarder
treasure means fighting them: The sharks will eat liaison from Horace to someone else.

Angry Horace
one of you alive (10/4) . Since the Problem related
to grabbing the treasure has Timer Unlimited,
the PCs do not need to worry about running out
of time to collect the chest. But if they do not Once they arrive at Dagger Tooth, they find Horace
solve the shark Problem in time (and notice how standing on a barrel and speaking to a crowd.
sharks have an Interrupt ability to -1 Timer) ,
then one of the PCs will die here.

The chest is a Captain’s Chest so it will earn the

crew 8 Gold Tokens if they turn it in at Dagger
T he outpost’s Gold Hoarder
liaison is standing atop a barrel
and shouting at group of pirates.
Tooth Outpost.
Some seem riled and ready to fight
while others look annoyed. Parts of
Horace’s body, including the right
Four Sharks side of his face, are covered in gold.
Average | 10 | Weak with cutlasses It’s hard to tell, but it looks like his
Interrupt: -1 Timer in water left eye is a green jewel and his right
eye is covered over.

‘That’s right!’ Horace says, sweeping

his hands grandly. ‘This great
bounty goes to the crew who can kill
The White Lady and show me her
broken body! Don’t let ol’ Merrick be
the only one who finds a Megalodon!
Now go forth and earn your gold
and infamy!’

The crowd seems split. Some shout,

‘Arrr!’ and then quickly rummage
through barrels to get all the supplies
they can find. But others scoff at
the idea that this meg is even real,
believing Shrouded Ghosts are just
myths told to frighten pirates. A tall
captain even tells Horace directly,
‘My crew have better things to do
than chase your ghosts, Horace.
Maybe you should just hire capable
pirates like us?’ Horace looks
frustrated but these pirates wander
away soon enough.

The PCs can talk to Horace and readily get the
following information.

• • Horace is enraged because he is running

short on gold (and even for a Gold Hoarder,
Horace is obsessed with the stuff) .

• • This is because a giant Shrouded Ghost

Megalodon has sunk the past four ships
that took his quests. All those chests sank
deep in the ocean, deeper than people can
dive. Besides, there’s that whole Megalodon

• • Tired of this, Horace has placed a bounty

on the Megalodon which he keeps calling
The White Lady. Whoever kills it will get
1,500 gold pieces (15 Gold Tokens) for their

• • However, Horace does not trust pirates.

Before claiming the bounty, the crew
must drag The White Lady’s corpse back
to Dagger Tooth Outpost. Once Horace
verifies this Megalodon is The White Lady,
he will hand over the treasure – but not a
single coin before that happens.

• • Accounts put The White Lady somewhere

between Shipwreck Bay and Shark Fin
Camp, so Horace suggests starting there.
However, he offers no advice on how to kill
the Megalodon. He is into gold, not battles.

If the crew has the chest from the Remora’s

Rest, Horace jumps down off the barrel and
practically dances. He gives 8 Gold Tokens in
return for the chest. Then he drags it into his
tent to creepily admire the treasure.

Horace the Hoarder

If someone asks about ‘Merry’ Merrick (as
Powerful | 8 | Weak with gold
mentioned by Horace in his speech) , he tells a
Interrupt: -1 Timer with gold
short version of the tale.
Danger: -1 Victory with talking

‘It’s not gold, but the story shines
like gold. ‘Merry’ Merrick is an
Captain Cho Kwon
Assertive | Overbearing
old pirate who discovered the first
Powerful | 10 | No weakness
Megalodon thanks to a special song
Interrupt: -1 Victory with talking
and drum. That golden noise called
Interrupt: Lose half (rounded down)
forth the goldest... err, biggest
Victories in the hold with her ship
Megalodon you would ever see —
Danger: -1 Victory with fighting in Hand
The Hungering One! Merrick lost
two legs in the process, which might
Danger: A cannot be used to
be why he loves alcohol better than
belay a
gold, if you believe that. But now
he runs some kind of new trading
company out of Stephen’s Spoils.
Probably trying to get more gold.
Pierre La Mort
Powerful | 8 | Weak with cutlasses
That would make sense.’
Interrupt: Must pick two options
from ’s tough choice
Danger: cause -1 Victory + tough choice
Normally, an outpost is a great place to stock
up on supplies before a Voyage. Since Horace’s Boatswain Elisha McKean
bounty has interested so many pirates, the Strong | 6 | Weak with blunderbusses
barrels are now bare. No tokens can be found Interrupt: -1 Victory with teamwork
here. The players can sail to another outpost Interrupt: -1 Timer with talking
(the North Star Seapost is likely closest, but
barrels can be found on most islands in the Sea Young Pete
of Thieves) to stock up if they want. Average | 4 | Weak with talking
Interrupt: -1 Victory with fighting
As the players search for supplies, or if they
try to head straight to their ship, they are
blocked by Captain Cho and her crew from the
Note: If the GM wishes to treat all four pirates
galleon Black Bull. Cho was the tall captain who
as one Problem, the Difficulty would be 18.
does not believe in Shrouded Ghosts, but she
is smart enough to know she could be wrong.
When she realises the PCs are going after The
White Lady, she wants to intimidate the PCs The Black Bull
before secretly following them. -2 Victories with combat and -1 Victory
with speed (at full sail)
Cho and her pirates will not let this become a
fight if they can avoid it; they really just want to
intimidate people. At most, the GM can introduce GM’s Note: The Black Bull and her crew will
a problem like Captain Cho will embarrass you return to try and steal The White Lady from the
in front of the whole outpost (10/4) . After some players, so take note of any rivalries developed
eyeballing and choice words, they casually head in this scene. For example, if one PC openly
to their galleon. mocks Captain Cho, she will remember that
when everyone meets up again in Chapter 3.

C hapte r 2:
Big F ishing
The players set sail to find The White Lady but Eventually, it will be time for The White Lady to
it dives deep before anyone can kill it. This is make her appearance.
when they track down Merrick to find the song
and drum needed to keep a Megalodon on the

surface. Once acquired, the crew can summon etween the white-topped waves,
The White Lady, defeat it and use harpoons to you spy the largest shark’s fin
pull their spoils back to Dagger Tooth Outpost. you have ever seen. It’s the size of
a pirate, and it almost glows pink!
L ooks like Shrouded Ghosts are
Stay Up, You very real! As you scramble about
your ship, it effortlessly swims in
Stinking Fish! circles around you. You hear a deep
rumble that rattles your bones, and
Using the world map, the GM should ask the the air smells of rotting fish . Your
players to decide exactly where they want to Problem is clear: The White Lady
search for The White Lady. Horace said to will sink your ship (26/5) .
search between Shipwreck Bay and Shark Fin
Camp, but that is still a lot of water to cover.

There are two ways the GM can handle this scene. There are two goals to this scene: First, to give
the players a taste of how hard it is to defeat
1. Place The White Lady somewhere spe- a Megalodon and second, to get the players
cific: The GM sets either a home or path annoyed when The White Lady eludes them.
for The White Lady, such as ‘just west
of The Sunken Grove’ or ‘repeatedly That is right, they cannot kill the Megalodon
swims between Shipwreck Bay and Isle yet. When the players have around 13 Victories
of Lost Words’. When the crew sails to in the hold or Turn 4 begins, The White Lady
the right spot, they can roll against a descends to the deeps so it can heal.
Problem like The White Lady remains
unseen (12/U) or just skip straight to
the fight.
2. Let the players find The White Lady
when it is the right time : Instead, the Y ou watch the great beast slam
into the waves, nearly toppling
your boat in the process. But it
GM can either go straight to a ‘find
the Megalodon’ Problem like above and stays down. Minutes pass, and the
have players roll Victories until they Megalodon has not reappeared.
get enough. However, there are several The waters are calm once again.
things the GM can throw at the players Some seabirds fly overhead.
beforehand, such as the Black Bull say-
ing hello with a salvo of cannonballs or
a skeleton galleon popping up from the
depths. Just do not offer up a Kraken;
one giant sea monster is plenty for now.

The White Lady
Legendary, | 26 | Weak with cursed
Interrupt: Cause 1 Injury to all
players on the same ship when no
Victories are rolled
Interrupt: Create the new Problem
The ship will sink (4/4 ) when a
player is injured
Interrupt: Lose half of Victories in
the hold
Danger: -1 Timer if PCs try to escape
Danger: Must pick two options
from ’s tough choice
Danger: -1 Victory with fighting

In the meantime, you should let The White Merrick learned this shanty and its mystical
Lady cause as much mayhem and damage as beat by studying the Ancients. Once he found
possible. Fighting a Megalodon is supposed the Drum of the Deep, he tried to sing the
to be dangerous! When new Problems appear, song. He really did! But he was hitting the
showcase the damage done to the players’ grog heavily in those days and could not do it
ship such as Holes in the hull caused by the himself. Eventually, another pirate crew used
Megalodon’s bite will sink your ship ( 6/4 ) or the drum and defeated The Hungering One.
use the Megalodon’s Interrupt ability. The
Megalodon will not swallow any pirate whole, Since then, Merrick has cleaned up his act. He
but it will cause injuries. has reunited with his wife, Serik, and their
extended family. Together, they founded a new
Just be careful about killing too many players. trading company in the Sea of Thieves : The
Although death is only a setback thanks to the Hunter’s Call. Instead of trading gold or spices,
Ferryman, it still takes away one Legendary they are dedicated to fishing and hunting. They
Dice permanently (well, at least until they are mostly based at seaposts, and Merrick and
finish this Voyage) . That can make it harder to Serik are typically found at the Stephen’s Spoils
survive the huge battle later on in this Voyage, in the Ancient Isles (the same one featured in
and if The White Lady sinks the players’ ship, Poor No More in the Book of Voyages) .
it will swim away while mermaids take them to
their restored ship several islands away. And good ol’ Merrick has even sobered up. Mostly.

If The White Lady runs away to hide, how can

the crew defeat it and win the bounty? If the
players do not think to find Merrick and get
his song/drum (as was mentioned by Horace I f this small place was not on your
ship’s map, you might not have
found it. Stephen’s Spoils is more
the Hoarder earlier) , they can spot the Black
Bull sailing southwest to reach Stephen’s rock than island, and quite tiny
Spoils seapost. at that. It has almost doubled in
size thanks to a wooden platform
extending from it. A small shack
Bang a Drum occupies the back by the tall rock
and a former ship’s mast stands tall
First, a brief history of ‘Merry’ Merrick. just behind it. Several barrels and
chests take up valuable space.
This sad sailor was one of the pirates to
discover the first Megalodon in the Sea of You see an old man with two
Thieves called The Hungering One. Rumours peglegs, a hook for a hand, an
suggest he lost both of his legs to the monster. eyepatch and more tattoos and scars
Losing limbs caused a deep depression, which than you can count. His grey and
he complicated by becoming drunk most of the black beard shifts slightly in the
time. Then he lost an eye to a hungry parrot. breeze. He spies you coming and
Despite his drinking, he discovered that the half-heartedly waves you closer.
Ancients who lived in the Sea of Thieves before
pirates arrived had worshipped the Megalodon.
They had a secret song that could call the
beasts to the surface.

This is Merrick, and he assumes the PCs are
here to trade (if the crew could not get enough
supplies back on Dagger Tooth Outpost, there
are enough here to fill their ship to capacity) .
He is proud of his new job as cook and Hunter’s
Call leader, so when the PCs bring up the
shanty, Drum or hunting Megalodons, Merrick
gets a bit grumpy.

He will not refuse the PCs’ request for

information, but will create a Problem: Merrick
refuses to talk about how to summon Megalodons
(10/4) . If the players fail to solve this Problem,
Merrick will only talk if given 6 Gold
Tokens. If they roll any new
Problems, the GM can have a set
of average pirates sail here to get
supplies – and pick a fight simply
because they are pirates.

Where is the Drum of the Deep? Merrick has

it in a box behind him, and since it is not really
magical (pirates assume it is because it has a
mystical name) , he does not mind sharing it.
However, he sold his journals describing the
shanty to a Captain Rodrigo a while back.
Merrick thinks that pirate and his crew can be
found drinking at Plunder’s Outpost. He will
give the players a paper with his mark so the
others know Merrick sent them.

Merrick is right; Captain Rodrigo and the crew

of the brigantine Swordfish are drinking grog
and playing cards in the Drowned Rat tavern on
Plunder Outpost.
Captain Rodrigo is well known in the Sea of
Thieves, so the players probably have heard
of him. He is known for being polite and well-

‘Merry’ Merrick spoken (and not just for a pirate) , but once he
gets something in his mind, he does not let go.
Dedicated | Anxious
Powerful | 8 | Weak with fish
Interrupt: -1 Timer with fighting
Danger: -1 Victory with trading

How can the PCs get the jounral containing
the sea shanty from Captain Rodrigo? There
are several ways but combat is likely the worst
choice. Sure, it is technically possible but the
captain and his pirates are one of the strongest
crews in the Sea of Thieves. Fighting all
four pirates combined would be harder than
defeating The White Lady! That is why there
are some non-fighting options :

● Theft: The jounral is locked tight in the

captain’s quarters aboard the Swordfish,
which is anchored by the outpost’s docks.
Stealing it is very possible but it would
require solving a Problem such as The cab-
inet remains locked (8/U). Worse, Captain
Rodrigo will be hell-bent on finding out
who stole it.
● Gambling: Captain Rodrigo and his crew
love to gamble, so it is possible to beat
them at cards and win the drum. Howev-
er, the GM should note Rodrigo’s abilities
(Interrupt and Danger) making this a hard
game to win.
● Trading: Captain Rodrigo is not incredibly
Captain ‘Ready’ Rodrigo
attached to the journal but he is not stupid.
Articulate | Single-minded
If the PCs sound eager to get it, he will
Pirate Legend, | 16 | No weakness
only part with it for 8 Gold Tokens. The
Interrupt: -2 Victories with pistols
only thing he will not agree to is any side
Interrupt: -2 Victories with sailing
quest. If the PCs offer to get something for
Interrupt: -2 Victories with gambling
him in exchange for the drum, he politely
Danger: Lose half of Victories in the hold
explains that he does not want anything
with gambling
from them.
Danger: -1 Timer with fighting
● Asking nicely: This might actually work.
Danger: One cannot be used to belay
The PCs will have to solve a Problem like
Captain Rodrigo does not feel you are
worthy of the song (14/6), but Rodrigo
Two strong pirates (Big Saul
is open to the idea of helping the PCs – if
and Chatty Lucy)
they return the journal intact afterward.
Powerful | 12 | Weak with cutlasses
Interrupt: Must pick two options from ’s
Once the crew gets the journal, they are ready to
tough choice
sail back to where The White Lady can be found.
Danger: cause -1 Victory + tough choice

Fight Like a Lady
T he Drum of the Deep is both
primitive and elegant. The fine
red wood is braced by a shark’s jaw
Once the players have the song and drum, and
they are in the right position (wherever that
turned out to be at the start of this chapter) ,
and teeth. Centred on the blue skin they can start the shanty and summon The
is the image of a shark’s teeth. It is White Lady. If they want, the PCs can play
reportedly magical, but you do not along with a concertina or hurdy-gurdy.
feel anything when you hold it.

The journal details the sea shanty t first, the shanty sounds
needed along with the drum’s beat. no different than any other.
It is not a difficulty song and calls Then the sound starts to echo and
for whistling instead of lyrics, but reverberate in your skull. The loud
it does require your entire crew noise seems to come from everywhere
playing along at the same time. at once, and any tattoos on your skin
Thankfully, every pirate has a glow brightly. The waves around
concertina or hurdy-gurdy to help you flow in time with your beat and
pass the time on long voyages. seabirds fly away as fast as they can.

The waters to the north start to

As they sail back towards The Wilds, the players darken and churn. Suddenly, a giant
can spot the Black Bull sailing parallel with them Megalodon bursts through the waves!
on the southeast horizon, but when they sail You see massive jaws with multiple
past Crook’s Hollow, the ship seems to disappear. rows of sharp, jagged teeth snapping
What happened? Captain Cho has realised at the air before it twists and falls
Shrouded Ghosts are real and it would be easier back below the surface. A minute
to steal The White Lady from the PCs after (or if) passes, and it bursts through the water
they defeat it, so she is waiting a bit near Crook’s again. This time, it does not dive deep.
Hollow. She will sail into battle in Chapter 3. Its pink fin is clearly visible, and is
now sailing straight at your ship! You
are facing a huge Problem: The White
Lady will sink your ship and kill
everyone aboard (26/8).

Unlike the previous scene, this Megalodon is And here are some possible new Problems
going nowhere as long as at least one pirate should players choose that tough decision when
keeps playing the song on any instrument. The rolling .
GM should not hold back unless the players
either all die at least once or if their ship is sunk
twice. This should be a gloriously hard battle, • • You will lose your instrument overboard (4/4)
but should not take forever or get frustrating.
• • Merrick’s journal will fall out of your hands
Here are some tips for running this fight:
and into the ocean (3/4)

• • The White Lady’s tail creates several holes

in your hull below the waterline (6/4) .
• • The GM can only use one special
ability per turn, so pick wisely • • If the players try a harpoon during the fight:
between a Danger or an Interrupt. The White Lady pulls hard enough to knock
two PCs into the water (8/3) .
• • If a player takes an Injury from
a , use The White Lady’s Eventually, the PCs will defeat The White Lady.
Interrupt ability to start sinking
the ship.
Its corpse floats upside down and the PCs
• • When the players have half or can easily harpoon it and begin to sail back to
more of their needed Victories Dagger Tooth Outpost.
in the hold, consider using the
Interrupt that removes half of Where are the other pirates? Waiting for
those – but only if the battle is Chapter 3.
going well for the players. If they
keep rolling poorly, use something
else so the players do not get What if the PCs lose against The
demoralised. White Lady? Again, that’s fine!
• • If the Interrupt is used to injure Piratin’ is not a safe pastime!
all PCs, narrate how The White
Lady slams hard into the ship and If the ship sinks, the GM should
almost sinks it as everyone gets remove all Victories in the hold.
hurt. Everyone starts over since they are
approaching the Problem anew, and
• • If the players use a harpoon they can get a ride from friendly
before the Megalodon is defeated, merfolk to their ship a few islands
it quickly swims around the boat away. But if their vessel stays
and drags the ship. seaworthy, any Victories in the hold
• • Do not forget that players can are still there.
spend tokens (like bananas) to
avoid injuries or related problems. If the players keeps losing, consider
In fact, it is good fun to start increasing the Timer or lowering
taking away those tokens one by the Difficulty next time. This
one so the PCs start to run out. should be a tough battle, not an
impossible one.

C hapte r 3:
That’s our Megalodon!
With The White Lady attached to their ship by
harpoon ropes, the players discover their ship
is much harder to manoeuvre. That is when the U p ahead, the sky is getting
dark. You see the occasional
flash of light, then distant thunder
Black Bull shows up to either sink the PCs’ ship
or steal The White Lady from them. Then the some time afterwards. Looks
Remora’s Rest appears, trying to cut the harpoon like a bad storm is hitting
lines so the players do not have the Megalodon Dagger Tooth Outpost and
anymore. Finally, a bad storm moves between headed your way. But then, so
the PCs and Dagger Tooth, forcing them to is a dark-hulled galleon flying a
pay attention to their own ship as much as the traditional Jolly Roger.
enemies sailing around them.

This is the Black Bull from Chapter 1. Now

Bull in a Megalodon Shop that she knows Shrouded Ghosts are real,
Before moving forward, the GM should ask the Captain Cho is hell-bent on getting The White
players about their supplies. Chances are they Lady’s bounty. Her plan is to sink the PCs’
used quite a number of tokens in the battle ship and act like she was the one who really
against The White Lady, so they may want to defeated the Meg. In other words, she and her
resupply before heading back to the outpost. crew come looking for a fight. The Black Bull
Then again, they might be more interested in will sink your ship (18/6) .
getting there as fast as possible. It is their choice,
after all. To help them, Captain Cho managed to get her
thievin’ hands on two cursed cannonballs:

• • An anchorball that magically drops the

anchor on the PCs’ ship. This means any
Solution created by the PCs that involved
movement (such as trying to outrun the
Black Bull) is cancelled and any Victories
in the hold are discarded. If the players’
Solution does not involve getting away, then
the anchorball will not remove any Solution
or Victories.

• • A venomball that gives one Injury to each

player aboard their ship when it hits. If a
PC is in the ocean or has boarded the enemy
ship, they will not get hurt.

How does the GM know if the enemy fires a

cursed cannonball? Remember, the GM in the Sea
of Thieves Roleplaying Game does not roll dice. If
a player rolls a , and chooses a new Problem, a
cursed cannonball hits their ship (this does not

actually create a new Problem exactly but the This is the Remora’s Rest back for revenge
cursed effect takes place immediately) . but they are not trying to attack the PCs.
Instead, one of the pirates that crews this
Captain Cho will try to sink the players from afar, sloop is already swimming up to the PCs’
but if they sail close to the Black Bull, she will send ship. She intends on quietly cutting the tow
her boatswain and quartermaster to board the lines so The White Lady gets lef t behind as
PCs’ ship and cause mayhem. This creates a new the PCs fight the Black Bull . Then her friend
Problem such as The enemy will kill a PC (12/3) still in the sloop will harpoon the Megalodon
or The enemy will drop anchor (12/2) depending and sail straight for Dagger Tooth Outpost
on what will cause the biggest disruption. Note just like the Captain Cho and her crew want
that although some enemy pirates boarded the to do : A pirate will cut loose the Megalodon
vessel, the original Problem’s Difficulty remains being towed behind the ship (4/4 ) ( increase
unchanged. the Dif ficulty to 6 if the pirate aboard the
Remora’s Rest gets involved, and do not forget
Let this go on for two turns, then any player who is that a sloop gets a -2 Victory Interrupt with
in the crow’s nest, helm or sails sees the following. manoeuvring but not speed ) .

This Problem is not meant to be difficult, but it

T he storm is getting closer and will take dice away from the players’ cannon fire
you start to feel a fine mist on (and maybe boarding attempts) . The GM should
your face. Wait, what’s that? Off emphasise how the two Problems need to be
the starboard bow is a red-painted solved simultaneously or the players could lose
sloop that looks awfully familiar. the Megalodon, their ship, or the bounty.
It’s sailing close to you but not
exactly at your ship. From here, you
can spot a pirate manning the helm
and waving like an old friend.

Did the PCs steal Merrick’s journal in Chapter • • For a new Problem, the storm can knock a
2? If so, guess who shows up during this sea pirate overboard where they have to avoid
battle? The Swordfish and her crew will not drowning with a Problem such as The giant
try to sink the PCs’ ship. Instead, they will waves will drown you ( 6/3 ) .
board her to kill the players, take back the
• • For more fun, have the tow lines snap in
jounral and head back Plunder Outpost to
the storm. A Megalodon corpse slowly
continue their card game.
floating away as three pirate ships fight
during a tropical storm is a mighty fine Sea
of Thieves scene!
Dark and Stormy Day
Before the PCs can solve both Problems, the
storm hits. This is not just a squall ; it is a
f ull-blown tropical storm. The sk y becomes
black as night lit only by lightning. Waves W hat happens if the players
all die or lose their ship in
this battle? As the PCs and their
rise up to four metres tall, crashing over the
ship. The wind roars, mak ing conversation all ship reappear a few islands away,
but impossible. the Black Bull and Remora’s Rest
will fight over the Megalodon.
The best scenario is to have the Black Bull The PCs will have to solve a
(and maybe even the Remora’s Rest) still Problem The Megalodon will not
fighting for the Megalodon and its bounty. be there when you finally get back
The storm will not change the Dif ficulty of (10/5) to arrive in time. The GM
any established Problem but here are a few should use the original Problems
ways the GM can make the scene interesting: above but with lower Dif ficulties
to represent how the two battling
• • Ship’s compasses do not work in a storm ships have damaged each other.
like this, so the crew has no idea where
they are sailing unless they can see
landmarks. Their ships are also sailing of f-
course, though that will not be apparent The storm will peter out as the players solve
until the storm ceases. (Pirate’s compasses the last Problem. Depending on their Solution,
still work, but any pirate using that to the other ships might be sailing back to that
navigate cannot add any Victories to any very spot thanks to merfolk, so while the PCs
Problems as they have to focus on holding will not have to roll to reach Dagger Tooth
it steady. ) Outpost in time, they will have to hurry.

• • If a player rolls a , and chooses an

Injury, they get struck by lightning. It only
removes one Legendary Dice temporarily
like any Injury, but maybe that will teach
them not to sail into a thunderstorm.

C hapte r 4:
A Bounty Paid Fairly
Horace will keep playing this angle until

A s you sail close to Dagger Tooth’s

docks, you start to hear pirates
cheering. A dozen of them stand on
someone threatens him (either physically or
his reputation) , then he will relent and give the
players 10 Gold Tokens. He will even give the
the shore, waving their hats in the air full 15 as promised if called out on it, but if the
as they see you approach. players prefer the trophy, the GM should remind
them that there is no mechanical benefit from
having that installed. Still, Horace is right – no
If you want, it might take a roll to navigate one can just buy a Megalodon’s jaw.
correctly, such as The Megalodon’s body will
crush the wooden pier (6/3) . Otherwise, the PCs
Cho Again
can anchor nearby. Horace will see this, realise
Once the situation with Horace is settled, the
how much gold he promised and start to weasel
Black Bull sails into port. Captain Cho fires a
out of the deal.
cannon over the island to get everyone’s attention.

H orace the Hoarder walks

slowly over to you, his gaze
locked on the Megalodon’s body
‘Pirates! Do not be fooled by these
pretenders!’ She stands on the side
of her ship, one hand holding the
as the sun shines off his gold
rigging and the other holding her
skin. ‘What a golden shark! Not
cutlass. ‘The bounty is rightfully
true gold, but worth much gold.
ours! We defeated The White Lady,
Take that, you gold-stealing
not these dogs. They only stole it
fish!’ Horace spits at it and the
from us when that storm hit and cut
pirates cheer again. ‘Thank you,
our lines. They are dishonourable
pirates! You probably think golden
interlopers and I challenge their
thoughts about getting gold, but
captain to a duel!’
listen to me a moment. I have a
better offer for you.

If the players did not sink the Black Bull, she

Instead of gold, how about a bigger
shows obvious signs of damage and Captain
reward? I will have Sandra the
Cho will use that to lend credence to her lies.
Shipwright debone that Megalodon
and fasten its toothy jaw to the
The other pirates do not care much since they
front of your ship. As you sail the
are obviously not the ones getting the bounty,
Sea of Thieves, all will tremble
but they love a good fight and encourage the
when they see the ship that defeated
duel. The players can pick which of them will
The White Lady! You cannot buy
fight, but they must pick one whether or not
that fear with gold!
they are the ‘captain’ of the crew.

The Problem will be Captain Cho will kill you her crew simply sail away. Everyone at Dagger
(10/4 ) . Only one player can roll dice here Tooth Outpost is convinced the players never
unless the others try something tricky. Cho will defeated The White Lady and sneer and laugh at
fight with honour; too bad her crew has other the crew. Some even say the corpse is fake, still
ideas. After the first turn of the duel, her three stubbornly believing Shrouded Ghosts are not
pirates will attack the other PCs with The Black real despite the evidence lying on the beach.
Bull’s other pirates will kill you all (12/4 ) .
The other pirates will watch, cheer and jeer as If the PCs defeat Cho and her crew... Everyone
everyone fights. cheers louder and Horace reluctantly hands over
all 15 Gold Tokens. Meanwhile, the players are
If the PCs are defeated... Horace refuses to asked what they want to do with the Megalodon
give gold to anyone. Cho is not dumb enough body that is already starting to smell…
to attack a Gold Hoarder liaison so she and


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