AI Term-2 Preboard (Optional) Set-A

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Vidya Mandir, Sector 11-12, HUDA, Panipat

Pre- Board Exam March 2022
Artificial Intelligence

Time : 1 Hour (60 min) MM : 25

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully
2. This Question Paper is divided into 03 sections, viz., Section A, Section B and Section C.
3. Section A is of 05 marks and has 06 questions on Employability Skills.
a) Questions numbers 1 to 4 are one mark questions. Attempt any three questions.
b) Questions numbers 05 and 06 are two marks questions. Attempt any one question.
4. Section B is of 12 marks and has 12 questions on Subject specific Skills.
a) Questions numbers 7 to 12 are one mark questions. Attempt any four questions.
b) Questions numbers 13 to 18 are two marks questions. Attempt any four questions.
5. Section C is of 08 marks and has 03 competency-based questions.
a) Questions numbers 19 to 21 are four marks questions. Attempt any two questions.

SECTION A (3 + 2 = 5 marks)

Answer any 03 questions out of the given 04 questions (1 X 3 = 3)

1. What attitude makes a person an entrepreneur?
2. How does an Economist define an entrepreneur?
3. Write any two benefits of green jobs?
4. Name any two organizations which launched the Green Jobs Initiative.
Answer any 01 question out of the given 02 questions (2 X 1 = 2)
5. Mention any two ways through which we can reduce the amount of waste generated??
6. Write names of different types of entrepreneurs. Explain any one type of entrepreneur.

SECTION B (4 + 8 = 12 marks)
Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06 questions (1 X 4 = 4)
7. ____________________ is the central element of storytelling that conveys insights to the
audience using data .
8. Data storytelling make information memorable and _______________
9. The ________________________is lesson of how the character overcome a challenge.
10. When visuals are applied to data, they provide_____________to audience.
11. Narrative is the way we simplify and _____________________.
12. A well-told story is an inspirational narrative that is crafted to engage the audience

Answer any 04 questions out of the given 06 questions (2 X 4 = 8)
13. Identify the below elements used to make a compelling data story.

14. How is AI used in storytelling? Share any tools which are used for this purpose.
15. Analyse the data and represent it in tabular form.

16. Write three components that make up a good story.

17. What is the Need of storytelling? Explain with example of The Anscombe’s Quartet
18. The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children’s charity located in the USA spent and
received in one year. Write data story from the following graph.

Section – C (8 Marks)
Answer any 02 questions out of the given 03 questions (4 X 2 = 8)

19. Visualize the following data on graph.

20. What are the various steps in data storytelling?

21. Why data storytelling has acquired a place of importance?

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