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Adventure Time

Cai Rouch: Finn
Zara May Duncan: Bmo
Rebecca Duxberry: Ice king/queen
Jessica Marks: Princess Bubblegum
Lily O’Donnell: Marceline
Scarlet Steadman: Jake
(Intro song: I'm only me when I’m with you)

Friday night beneath the stars
In a field behind your yard
You and I are paintin' pictures in the sky
And sometimes we don't say a thing
Just listen to the crickets sing
Everything I need is right here by my side

And I know everything about you

I don't wanna live without you

I'm only up when you're not down

Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only tryna let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
(Fade out)

Scene 1: Pilot
(Spotlight lights up either balcony)
Bmo: Dear diary, 23rd of December 2023, land of Ooo
(Light out main light on)
(jake’s pancake song)
Bacon pancakes, making bacon pancakes, take some bacon and I put it in a
pancake, bacon pancakes, that’s what I'm going to make, bacon pancake, bacon
pancakes, making bacon pancakes’ take some bacon and put it in a pancake,
bacon pancakes, that’s what I'm going to make, bacon pancakes, making bacon
pancakes! Yea!
Bacon pancakes!
(Finn rushes on stage)
I'm here.
Bacon pancakes coming right up.
(Finn and Jake sit down at the “table” and Finn steers off into the distance)
Finn? Finn! Hey, Finn you there?
(Finn lets out a sigh)
Ahhh! Sorry Jake, I was just deep in thought.
What were you thinking about this time.
Are you thinking off the princess again.
What no-no-no! I was thinking of what adventure to go on next, maybe de-ice
the ice king or visit Billy for the holidays.
Sure, ok mhm
(Jake looks off into the distance with confused look, finger on chin)
(Fade out)

Scene 2: icy models

(Light up right balcony)
(Adventure time theme song)
Adventure time come on grab your friends we’ll go to very distant lands with Jake
the dog and Finn the human the fun will never end advancer time.
(Balcony light off, main light on)
Hey mum I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back later.
(ice king/queen rushes on set)
Ice king
Woah, Woah, Woah hold on a sec young lady! Where do you think you're going
at this time of night?
I'm just going out with my friends; you don’t need to be so overprotective.
Ice king
I am not overprotective, no way jose!
(Ice king turns away then slowly start to turn back)
Ice king
So, what are their names, do I know their parents, if I do, I might have to check.
Let me check what do you think Gunter-
Mum I'm going to hang out with Finn and Jake!
Ice king
Finn and Jake? Why are you so obsessed with them?! You know the relationship I
had between them the hero's and I'm the villain, so how do you think that turns
out, there the heroes!
And they're my hero’s especially Finn!
Ice king
Here it comes secondhand cringe!
Finn o Finn!
Ice king
Good god!
He's so brave, strong and kind!
(Finn and Jake run behind them like idiots)
So smart, fearless, and free it’s something I always wanted to be. He’s my role
(Marcilene grabs her stuff and runs off set leaving ice king/queen on stage)
Ice king
So, he’s your role model.
(Song the mother)
Ice king
Welcome to the end of being alone inside your mind
You tethered to another, and you're worried all the time
You always knew the melody, but you never heard it rhyme
She's fair, and she is quiet, Lord, she doesn't look like me
She made me love the morning, she's a holiday at sea
The New York streets are as busy as they always used to be
But I am the mother of Marceline
The first things that she took from me were selfishness and sleep
She broke a thousand heirlooms I was never meant to keep
She filled my life with color, cancelled plans and trashed my car
But none of that is ever who we are
Outside of my windows are the mountains and the snow
I'll hold you while you're sleeping, and I wish that I could go
All my rowdy friends around, accomplishing their dreams
But I am the mother of Marceline
And they've still got their morning paper and their coffee and their time
And they still enjoy their evenings with the skeptics and the wine
Oh, but all the wonders I have seen, I will see a second time
From inside of the ages through your eyes
You are not an accident where no one thought it through
The world has stood against us, made us mean to fight for you
And when we chose your name, we knew that you'd fight the power too
You're nothing short of magical and beautiful to me
I'll never hit the big time without you
So, they can keep their treasure and their ties to the machine
'Cause I am the mother of Marceline
They can keep their treasure and their ties to the machine
'Cause I am the mother of Marceline
Ooh, ooh

(Black out)
Scene 3: miss leading
(Main light on)
(Finn and Jake enter from behind the audience)
Hey Finn!
Why are we going this way? We are supposed to be going to the ice kingdom not
the candy kingdom!
Well, I wanted to make a quick pit stop on the way…
“Let me guess to see the princess”
(right Balcony lights up with pink highlight)
(Jake lets out a big sigh)
Seriously man again, I know you love the princess, but can we get back to our
adventure you can go and visit the princess later for once.
come on man it's just a little drop bye it won't kill you to say hi...
Fine let’s go in!
(jake knocks on the door)
(knocking sound)
hey princes you there
(Prince's bubblegum unfreezes)
(Bubble gum notice Finn and jake)
oh hey Finn hey jake what are you doing here?
we wanted to know if you want to go an adventure
(bubble’s looks around)
hold on I'll be down in a sec
(bubble’s leaves the balcony to go down the stairs)
Ha looks at you all scared to see the princess
Huh I'm not scared…. your scared
You totally are scaredy cat
Just shut up alright
(Jake chuckles)
(bubble’s walks onto stage left while Finn and jake expect her to walk on from
stage right she then walks up behind them)
so, what’s up guys?
(Finn and jake jump and scream)
(Finn fix himself while jake fixes his posture)
sorry guys so where was I oh yea what are you guys doing here
oh, yea we-
(Finn nudges jake)
We... were wondering if you wanted to come on an adventure with us!
umm I don’t think I can, but I'll have a look what is it anyway
(bubble gum takes out her phone)
We are going to visit Billy for the holidays
Oh ok
And de-ice the ice king
(Bubble gum looks at Finn stressed)
umm actually I might not be able to...
(bubble’s awkwardly pouts her hand on the side of her neck and whispers)
the whole princess kidnaping thing and security thing it doesn't leave a good
mark and plot
oh yea...
come on princess please well keep your safe wont we jake
Damm right if there's any on that can keep you safe it's us
(jake flexes to show his “strength”)
umm ok fine you go ahead ill catch you guys up

(Finn's face drops)

ok lets go Finn
(Background music)
(Exit stage then re-enter other side)
shit we went in a circle again Finn
(Bubblegum leaves down stage right while Finn follows on)
Hey, wait up guys...
(mutters to himself)
ugh what's the point
(Jake leaves other side)
(black out)
Scene 4 pulled in three directions:
(main light on)
(Marceline is onstage strumming her guitar and singing)
(Finn enters looking for bubblegum but notices Marceline)
Oh, hey Marceline What are u doing out here
I can be out here if I want to be
oh calm down I wasn’t trying to be aggressive
You? Aggressive? Don’t make me laugh
(Both laugh)
wait what are we laughing about??
(lightly giggles)
Finn you’re so stupid
(They look at each other)
Marceline look I-
(his hand reaches out to take hers but she just looks at it)
(The moment I- is said Bubblegum enters)
Oh, Finn I'm so glad I found you- (pause)
Hang on-
I- uh- I di- um- I-
What's with the stuttering Finn?

Yeah Finn got something you wanna say?
(Finn looks to Bubblegum then Marceline and runs off)
(Marceline and bubblegum stand on opposite sides to make a split scene and
together they sing traitor – olivia rodrigo)
Brown guilty eyes and little white lies
Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew
That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you
And ain't it funny
How you ran to her
The second that we called it quits?
And ain't it funny
How you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it
You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter
It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still a traitor
Now you bring her around
Just to shut me down
Show her off like she's a new trophy
And I know if you were true
There's no damn way that you
Could fall in love with somebody that quickly
Ain't it funny
All the twisted games
All the questions you used to avoid?
Ain't it funny?
Remember I brought her up
And you told me I was paranoid
You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
Loved you at your worst
But that didn't matter
It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still a traitor
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
When she's sleeping in the bed we made
Don't you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You'd talk to her
When we were together
You gave me your word
But that didn't matter
It took you two weeks
To go off and date her
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor (ah-ah-ah)
Yeah, you're still a traitor
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
Scene 5 metal heart:
(Scene starts BMO enters standing centre stage)
Who ever said love was easy? I mean I didn’t I’m a computer I can’t feel love. But
I can sometimes think about what it's like you know finding that one person that
you really connect with who’s always gonna be right by your side no matter what
In Finns case however there’s no one by his side anymore and that makes him sad
I can't even feel sadness either I really wish I could understand what it’s like so I
can help Finn because he’s my friend and it looks like he could really use a friend
right now I wonder where Jake is. Another thing I’ve learnt about love is that it's
not just boyfriends and girlfriends who love each other it's any close bond
including friendship and in a situation like this one Finn is in he needs the person
who he truly loves his best friend Jake I wonder if Finn can see that I sure wish I
had a friendship like Finn and Jake. From what can see love makes you feel many
things like excitement, passion, warmth but I’m pretty sure it can also make u
really, really sad.
(Jake enters upstage left with his head swung low clearly very down in the dumps)
(Jake sigh’s with disappointment)
Oh, hey BMO
Oh, hey Jake what’s up?
(Jake sits down)
Ya know it just seems to be one of those days where you feel like everything you
do or say gets unheard.
(BMO looks at Jake blankly then looks down at her buttons)
Oh, right I forgot about that maybe I shouldn’t try relate to a Nokia brick
(BMO slightly hurt by that comment)
Maybe I could help would you wanna talk about it?
I don’t really wanna talk about it
(BMO, she sits beside Jake)
Sometimes talking about your feelings can help if you just let them out
I’m not sure it’s just sometimes I feel like I'm trying so hard, and I don’t revive
anything back like I'm only here for convince to people like I'm just… there
Is there any reason you feel this way?
(Jake turns away)
BMO I'm not sure I fully want to get into it now
What do you think brought on these sudden thoughts?
(Jake starts to get slightly agitated now from the number of questions being
Listen BMO I think I've had eno-
How long have these thoughts been bothering you
BMO stop-
Have these thoughts lead to thoughts of death?
(there is an awkward pause until BMO finally speaks)
Jake? Does Finn know you feel like this?
(Jake scoffs)
Finn? Really? Of course, not He’s way too worried about what girl to pick ya know
is it Bubblegum? or is it, Marceline?
(Jakes volume increases in frustration).
(Jake mockingly says)

OH "What girl do I pick?” “Who’s nicer?” “Who’s prettier?” “Oh no If I pick this
one, I'll hurt the other one's feelings". What about my feelings huh does anyone
think about how Jakes feeling no because Jake is the sidekick Jake just sits in
Finn's corner makes a stupid joke because Jake is just a stupid invisible useless
stretchy dog who Just sits in Finn's shadow WHAT ABOUT ME!?...
(BMO is left in shock as Jake takes a breath from his outburst then releases BMO
is left speechless)
I-I’m sorry BMO I didn’t mean to yell maybe I should just go home…
(he exits down stage left)
(pauses and looks back to the audience)
I have just learned that love can also make you crazy sometimes.

Scene 6 frozen future:

(main light on)
(ice king/queen is showing her sweeping the floor)
Ice king
and done! I think I did a good job what do you think gunter?
(Gunter sound effect)
Ice king
(Finn enters via stage right)
Finn king are you busy
Ice king
What do you want brat!?
(ice king/queen ready's the broom as a weapon)
Look I know you don’t like me much, but can we put things aside for now I need
Ice king
Go on
I know this is ridiculous but what happens when a boy gets accused of cheating
on someone who he is not in a relationship with, and both parties take it awfully
and turn on you what do you do?
Ice king
then your screwed
(Ice king looks at Finn)
Ice king
but in all seriousness that person needs to first understand what went wrong
then talk to the others and understand how they feel. Once that's happened, I'm
sure yo- I mean they will be okay
(light chuckle)
thanks ice king I bet this will help them
Ice king
No worries but call me Simone no need for the title
(Finn has a sigh relief)
(Finn goes to walk off)
Ice king
Finn wait!
Ice king
Don’t hurt her more then she already is
I'm trying my best not to
(Marceline enters)
trying not to what?!
Ice king
Finn you should go
no Finn stay right there
Ice king
go Finn...
(Finn leaves stage right)
What is going on?? Why was Finn here?
Ice king
I....I....he....he just wanted help with something
That’s not a proper answer! (sighs) Please just be honest with me

Ice king
Okay fine, he came here to ask for advice... about you
What do you mean about me? what exactly did he say?
Ice king
Finn didn’t exactly specify but he mentioned something about cheating and fixing
so this is where he runs of too to fix his problems! Hiding from the inevitable
hiding like a coward and yet this is the man I looked up to this is the man I-!
Ice king
don’t you interrupt! what was that quote of yours oh yea ‘he’s the hero and I'm
the villain’ and know look at you! Pretending like nothing has happened “mending
your ways” they say you would never understand how I feel…
This is a story that I have never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro'

All the pain and the truth

I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I was broken and bruised

Now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again

Out of the ashes, I'm burning like a fire

You can save your apologies
You're nothing but a liar
I've got shame, I've got scars
But I will never show
I'm a survivor
In more ways than you know

'Cause all the pain and the truth

I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I'm not broken or bruised

'Cause now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me

There's a part of me I can't get back

A little girl grew up too fast
All it took was once, I'll never be the same

Now I'm taking back my life today

Nothing left that you can say
'Cause you are never gonna take the blame anyway

Now I'm a warrior

I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again
No-oh, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah
You can never hurt me again
look at you what kind of mother are you...
(Marceline starts to walk off but)
Ice king
a mother that cares!
(Marceline scoffs fully walks off stage leaving ice king/queen alone)
(ice king/queen sits down)
Ice king
a mother that cares for her daughter
(black out)

Scene 7 small yellow dog:

(we start off with Jake on stage sitting down looking at the moon)
(Jake picks up a picture of him and Finn)

what happened man, what happened to us... what made you change?
(Jake stands up)
I need to fix it or is it me!
(Bubble gum walks in)
it's not you Jake
(Jake looks at bubble gum then looks back and sits down)
oh, hey princess what's up?
just confused about the heart-breaking truth
what are you talking about?
after we left, I lost Finn and when I found him, he was holding Marceline’s hand,
and I don’t know how to proses what happened, and I don’t know what to do
looks like were both on that page sister
why what's up with you?
hey princess
I have a question how you fix a friendship
(Jake stands up)
(miss you by Gabrielle Aplin)
So what you been doing?
I’ve been loving my life waking up on my own
Are you doing the same thing?
You can say if you like but I don’t need to know
And I, I've been wondering why we’ve been wasting all this time
So what you been doing?
I thought that I saw you I guess I was wrong Are you doing the same thing?
Convincing yourself you’re better alone
and I could tell you how you never left my mind Then you tell me that you miss
me and I’m like
Oh god I miss you too It’s all I ever do
I’m coming back to you And I won’t let go
Oh God I miss you too We've got making up to do I’m coming back to you And I
won’t let go again Oh I won’t let go again
So what were we thinking?
You got me a cab and we said we were done
And I thought I was fine
But the days were so long and they rolled into one
And I, I couldn't believe you were taking it in your stride Then you tell me that you
miss me and I’m like
Oh god I miss you too It’s all I ever do
I’m coming back to you And I won’t let go
Oh God I miss you too We've got making up to do I’m coming back to you And I
won’t let go again Oh I won’t let go again
Will you be my best friend?
Will you be my last?
I need somebody who can love me like that You be my best friend?
Will you be my last?
I need somebody who can love me like that
Oh god I miss you too It’s all I ever do
I’m coming back to you And I won’t let go
Oh God I miss you too We've got making up to do I’m coming back to you And I
won’t let go again Oh I won’t let go again
Will you be my best friend?
Will you be my last?
I need somebody who can love me like that
Come on Jake lets fix this and I have the perfect way to do it
(She shows Jake some leaflets)
(black out)

Scene 8 Charismas spirit:

(Princess bubble gum and Jake are in the middle of the stage)
(Jake leans over bubble gums shoulder and asks)
So how is this going to work
Around the end of the year everyone in the candy kingdom gathers to lay their
biggest mistakes and fears in order to fix relations and help others
So, you think this will work
Only one way to find out but we do have a few new guests this time
(Bmo arrives)
Hello everyone
Hey Bmo
Hey Bmo, glad you could make it
(Ice king walks on followed by Marcilene)
(ice king looks around)
Ice king
This is a first, the first time I'm in the candy kingdom not destroying a thing I feel
like the grinch when he got invited to Hovel for charismas
(Marceline gives bubble gum an aggressive look)
(Jake jumps in-between them)
Let's not fight
(Everyone gathers around wating for the last arrival)

(Finn enters)
Let's do this
(An awkward tension fills the room)

I'm glad everyone could make it tonight considering the carom Stanses and I think
its time to confess to our wrong doings and fix our mistakes dose anyone want to
go first
I'll go
(Jake stands up)
Bmo I'm sorry for lashing out at you when you were only trying to help me get
back my friend
Its ok Jake I can’t really feel pain but thank you and I'm sorry for making you more
Ice king
If this is how it's going to go, then I'm sorry for invading the candy kingdom
princess its not actually that bad here and I'm sorry Marcilene for being the best
rule model
Lisson I'm sorry, for everything Marceline, bubble gum I'm sorry for making you
angry for making you confused
(Finn looks at Marcilene then bubble gum)
I'm sorry for making things seem a lot worse, when I ran off, I was confused but
little did I know at the time what more damage I did by leaving. Marcilene the
reason I was with to ice king was to seek Gidens because throw all the adventures
I've been throw love is one I still don’t get I'm sorry
But now I think I want to put that away and go on adventures with my best friend
Jake im-
No need bud I know
(slight pause)
Mum I'm sorry for taking advantage of what you gave me and I'm sorry for what I
(Ice king smiles)
Its ok Hun
(Last charismas starts to play)
Its charismas all ready
Why don’t we go and calibrate
(Lights out while music plays for outro and bows)
(Main lights on for bows and gestures until cast moves to the side revelling a
Misal tow in between bubblegum and Marcilene)
(Lights out)

The End

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