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Business Plan Outline

Executive Summary: The opportunity Problems to solve or need to be filled

D escription of the business m odel T he Target M arket T he M anagem ent Team B rief Sum m ary of Financial Projections D escription of W hat the B usiness N eeds T he am ount of capital needed and w hat the capital w ill be used for, if the plan is going to a potential investor E xit strategy for investors (if the plan is going to investors) 2. T he B usiness: A . The O pportunity Problem to solve or need to be filled H ow the proposed business solves the problem or fills the need B rief com pany history or background C om pany m ission and objectives C om petitive A dvantage D escription of the business m odel H ow the business w ill create a sustainable com petitive advantage C urrent Status and R equirem ents D escription of w here the business stands today D escription of w hat the business needs to m ove forw ard 3. M anagem ent T eam : A . M anagem ent T eam M anagem ent experience M anagem ent ability T echnical expertise B oard of D irectors

N um ber of directors C om position of the board B oard of A dvisors N um ber of advisors C om position of advisory board H ow the advisory board w ill be used K ey Professional Service P roviders L aw firm A ccounting firm B usiness consultants 4. C om pany Structure, Intellectual P roperty and O w nership: A . O rganizational Structure O rganizational chart D escription of the organizational structure B. L egal Structure L egal form of organization O w nership structure of the business C . Intellectual Property Patents, trade m arks and copyrights applied for or approved 5. Industry A nalysis: A . Industry D escription Industry trends Industry size Industry attractiveness (grow ing, m ature or decline) Profit potential B . T arget M arket D escription of target m arket C. C om petitive Position w ith T arget M arket C om petitor analysis

M arketing Plan M atrix ( B C G , Product com petitive grid) PEST, SW A T A nalysis Porter's M odel C om petitive G rid Segm entation, T arget m arketing, positioning Product Feasibility and strategy Product strategy C oncept testing U sability testing Pricing Strategy C hannels of D istribution Prom otions and A dvertising D em and forecasting M arketing budget M arketing M aterial R equired: B rochures V isiting cards N ew spaper or m agazine ad W ebsite A ny other m arketing m aterial

7. O perations Plan: A .M ethod of P roduction or Service D elivery B .A vailability of Q ualified L abor P ool C .B usiness P artnerships T ypes of business partnerships Purposes of business partnerships D. Q uality C ontrol E. C ustom er S upport C ustom er support strategies C ustom er support obligations

8. F inancial P lan : A . C apital R equirem ent for the N ext T hree Five years S ources and uses of funds B . O verview of Financial P rojection E xplanation of how financial projections are prepared (assum ption sheet) C Incom e S tatem ents D . C ash Flow P rojections E . B alance Sheets F . P ayback and E xit strategy 9. C ritical R isk F actors: A . M anagem ent R isks B. M arketing R isks C . O perating R isks D . F inancial R isks E . Intellectual P roperty Infringem ent F .O ther R isks as A ppropriate G . R em arks P ages 10. A ppendix (separate file) A . Supporting D ocum ents Resum e of founder and key em ployees Pictures of product prototypes O ther docum ents as appropriate Legal docum entation

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