Group Vid Ins

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Group video presentations

 Form groups of 3-4 students

 Prepare a video presentation (10-15 minutes)

 How to make video presentations:

 Topic: from one of the chapters (7-12) in the book

 Upload your presentation on Youtube (privacy: anyone with the link) and send a link to the
teacher via email before 26.11.2023 (

 All group members have to appear and speak on the video (at least upper part of the body)

 Use visual aids (e.g. pictures, slides)

 Full name of the student speaking should be visible on screen as text when he/she speaks

How to get a good score

 Give supporting evidence (give statistic, cite some research, tell an anecdote)

 Call others to action

 Use descriptive language

 Engage with your audience

 Don’t use too much text

 Use strong, contrasting colors

 Keep graphics or images simple

 Have good sound quality

 10-15 mins

 Speak clearly with good pronunciation and grammar

 Use body language

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