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Water plays an important role in our life. No one can live without water.

However, today,
water is becoming more and more polluted. Water pollution is the state when unwanted
materials enter into water and changes its color, quality and make it harmful to the
environment and human health. There are 3 main causes lead to water pollution.
 First, Factories often dump dirty water, used chemicals and oils, sewage directly into
the ground or into a community water source, such as a river, lake, or stream. Waste
dumped into the ground can poison the groundwater that feeds other water sources
such as wells and ponds
 Next, Domestic households produce wastewater that can cause pollution of many
lakes and rivers. Domestic wastewater, or sewage and laundry waste. Sewage also
often causes problems when people flush chemical and pharmaceutical substances
down the toilet
 Then, Agricultural land is another major source of water pollution, including
chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. Rainwater runoff can contain
these substances from farms, along with animal waste, and carry them into the local
bodies of water
Water pollution results in many bad consequences. Biodiversity is lost. The lives of many
plants and animals are threatened and endangered of extinction. In fact, we have witnessed
many unusual things like mass fish death, red tides, smelling-up black rivers everywhere and
so on. Furthermore, water pollution badly affects people’s health. Many peple are suffering
from strange and dangerous diseases. Water pollution makes the climate change and natural
disasters increase quickly every year.
To solve the problems
Firstly, Upgrades of wastewater treatment facilities are crucial, thereby reducing the toxicity
level of sewage. In order for wastewater treatment facilities to work exactly as intended, it’s
important that the equipment remains in great condition. To this end, a variety of water
treatment sensors can be used to be certain that the contaminants are being properly removed
from the water before the water is released back into the environment
Secondly, Laws and regulations should be enforced to restrict industry and agricultural
operations from pouring pollutants into lakes, streams, and rivers. Local and regional laws,
as well as international efforts, should set limits on pollution and create accountability for
those who might otherwise dump contaminants.
Finally, Planting trees reduce the speed of surface water runoff and prevents toxic substances
and chemicals from washing into water systems. Trees are excellent at managing
stormwater, so that when it rains, the topsoil with its chemicals will not get washed away.
Big trees will help prevent soil erosion
To conclude, I want to say that water pollution is the result of the negligence shown by
mankind. I believe it’s a warning by mother nature towards us to take care of our water
bodies. As a citizen, it is the duty of each and every person to take care of water bodies
around. Water pollution cannot be eliminated, but it could be controlled by everyone if they
think about the future.

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