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DataBridge project report Annex A Open data requested by groups in project Item Population profile data such as that

t available through MOSAIC or ACORN Comment E.g. ESCU were interested in financial behaviours, benefit receipts. Availability Acorn and Mosaic are privately held data which charge subscriptions to use. OAC provides a similar classification of areas and is free to use. There is a range of benefit data that is freely accessible (benefits for unemployment, poor health, low income, disability, social care need, child related etc.) Population data is available broken down by gender and five year age band for small areas. Employment rates of people with disabilities and specific health conditions is published quarterly (city level). There is also quarterly data at small area level on people receiving benefits due to mental health related issues. There is data on children receiving disability benefits but no info regarding their parents. Not publicly available. Would have to get from Connexions. Census has data on people providing unpaid care by age (but is pretty out of date). Carers Allowance data published quarterly (city wide figure)

Range of general but fairly basic population data requests (age etc) Needs of parents of children with disability which parents have mental health issues of their own, are on benefits, employment status

Connexions and Schools data on young people with a caring responsibility

Figures for carers allowance from council, including number applied, number successful Data on housing benefit changes

To map who is affected There is some data on average rents by changes e.g. single in a Local area and estimates of how room rents many people face a shortfall in rent and average shortfall of rent by size of property. But data is only district wide (e.g. the whole of Brighton rather than anything more local) Such as BME, LGBT. Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

All grant funding to voluntary sector by community of interest Uptake of mental health services by LGBT population

Uptake of general services by LGBT population

Public sector duty to ensure equality of access. Some questions about quality of the information and safety of disclosure.

Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

Detail of complaints with the way people had been dealt with [in health service] on self harm

Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

Data on public service CAB is incurring the Not available from public sources. failure (where things have costs of service failure May be available on request. 'gone wrong') in public service. 30% of clients present because of service failure. Closing the loop, systems thinking (Nottingham vanguard). GP presentations / health Use individual level but Not available from public sources. outcomes / outcomes over of population. May be available on request. time. Number of carers using mental health services, counselling, preventative level stage. Carers within BME, LGBT, Gypsy/traveller groups Carers in supported accommodation Carers not living with cared for person Carer support reducing readmissions Council funding for prevention rather than acute / complex needs at Tier 1 (to prevent getting to Tier 3) Uninsured households Hidden carers Hidden carers From hospital discharge/readmission figures? Childrens Trust shift from intensive to tier 1 or 2 groups including carers Mental Health services Not available from public sources. assessment of what is May be available on request. a carer is different to social care. Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

Along the lines of that Not available from public sources. held by the Association May be available on request. of British Insurers, relating to a council run insurance scheme Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

How many people see their GP before attempting

suicide Data on out of hours suicide response How many people talk about suicide or work related stress with colleagues or managers Or what policies are in place to respond Not available from public sources. May be available on request. Not available from public sources. May be available on request.

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