Lone Star Station

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Lone Star Police Station

This location is designed for Shadowrun 4th Edition. It describes a Lone Star police station - the
private security force that has contracts in several North American cities. It makes an interesting
target for a run. The supplied security forces are realistic for Lone Star so are not extremely
powerful. However, they will co-ordinate very well and reinforcements will arrive quickly

Note: Some of the location maps don't fit easily on A4 paper. The last two pages of this document
are therefore at A3 size. Strongly recommended if you can, to print out the maps at full size.

If you have any comments / suggestions, please email me at K@knasser.me.uk

Overview (unless they are someone of

considerable importance and rank).
The station covers a precinct of
some 30 sq. miles (approx. 77 sq. The building was completed in the
km) of mostly urban landscape. It late 2050's and is metahuman-
has an administrative staff of just friendly. Ceilings are high-enough
over a hundred at on average, a to accomodate trolls (except the
maintenance staff of around ten, a very tallest of them) and seats are
permanent security staff of around either adjustable or there are dwarf
fifteen plus drones and serves as a and troll seats already present. The
base for approximately a further 80 front desk has discreet standing
actively patrolling officers and blocks for Dwarf patrons as is
additional detectives and officers on common in many public facilities
top of that. Even so, it is sometimes these days.
stretched to the limit dealing with
the gangs and criminal elements Personnel:
that exist in the area.
In charge of the precinct and based
It has small at the station is Precinct Captain
medical facilities (Dwayne) Hodges, a hard-nosed
for officers and former beat-officer popular with
minor medical the men and passably
facilities that can media-capable.
be made available
to a member of In charge of the
the public in station itself is
emergency. Station Manager
Pauline Bush (Lt.
The layout of the Meeting Rooms 1...8
equivalent rank),
police station divides it naturally affectionately known to the people
into both areas that will be visited under her as the Hell Bitch for her
by the public (e.g. wating rooms, admirable attention to efficiency
interview rooms, etc.) and those and detail.
that are not intended to be. Though
of course, these areas connect. The majority of the staff and officers
Should an officer or other person are human, though there is a
working at the station need to meet smattering of all metahumans other
an outsider, normally one of the trolls, with orks being the most
meeting rooms will be made prevalent of these though none
available, rather than inviting them have yet achieved any real status
into the body of the station itself
under network.
Captain Hodges. Sex is
mixed, with a greater Magical security is weak,
majority of males than geared more toward
females. The notable raising an alarm than
exception to metahuman actually effective counter-
advancement is Special measures. Watcher spirits
Community Relations are used to spot astral
officer Troy Baker, an ork, intruders. In the event of
who has good relations magical attack, more
with a number of the local powerful spirits and / or
metahuman groups (and magicians will be sent from
some gangs) and is used a central Lone Star facility
to try and soothe any or under contract with an
feathers that the Star affiliated Magical Security
ruffles in its duties. The firm (such as the Initiates
station also has an on- of the Flame).
staff magician - Joshua
Avraham. Power to the station is
supplied by the local grid but
Security it does have a secure
generator in the sub-level
The station is not a which can run on reserve fuel
fortress, but is built with for 48-hours. The station is
security in mind. It is one of the listed "Secure
No Sexual Activity
situated off a main road,
No Drug or SIM Use Operations Points" in Seattle
but the entire site is
No Buying or Selling City Council's emergency civil
surrounded by a 14' unrest planning. Similarly,
(4.2m) reinfoced wall though normal Matrix connectivity is
sturdy enough to withstand managed by underground table, the
vehicular collision. Within the wall, station does have its own transmitter
as well as an onsite garage and and satelite uplink enabling it to
drone shop, there are four continue functioning in a slitghly
reinforced heavy gun reduced fashion if the normal data
emplacements. These are the main routing is interefered with.
line of defence for the station.
However, interior security is Operations
provided by fixed gun
emplacements in a couple of The station is in near-constant
particularly significant locations and communication with its patrolling
ceiling-mounted rail drones officers and aerial drones and
throughout. Naturally any officers commanding officers can co-
on site will also fight alongside the ordinate their activity visually
resident security force. through the (now slightly old-
fashioned) large Trid display units
Matrix security is off-the-shelf but in the control rooms, which display
relatively decent, bought as part of either computer generated location
Lone Star's security deal with maps or camera feeds from drones
Renraku. There is wireless access or officers on the site.
through out the station complex
using Lone Star's own secure
During the day, the public waiting permanent
room is moderately busy throughout holding facilities. In these cases,
and this diminishes somewhat the station plans and statisitcs can
during the night. A desk fitted with serve as an impromptu encounter.
trid display units shows generated
Agents to handle enquiries, Another alternative is an
directing visitors to one of the infiltration run to retrieve data.
public meeting rooms for talking This could normally be carried out
face to face, though staff can come Matrix-only, so perhaps the data
through from the back office to talk run needs to be accompanied by
to people at the desk for brief the retrieval of some items in the
conversations. The trid-displays evidence storage.
appear as neatly-dressed, ethnically
blended males in police uniform of For a slightly more difficult or role-
around thirty-years of age, quite playing heavy game, the PCs could
clearly holograms. need to go under-cover to gather
evidence or find out some
The station has some holding cells information from officers. In this
in the sub-level suitable for case, they will be spending
temporary incarcerations. During considerable time in the station
occasional riots, several people at pretending to be Lone Star officers
once have been crammed into a and interacting with the people
single cell. The sub-level also there. Such information could be
contains a special interrogation identifying turnable staff and
room where occasionally officers in officers on behalf of a local
more urgent need of information use Syndicate (the Yaks have the most
more traditional methods of control in Auburn) or for a rival
extracting it. Nothing sophisticated corporation that wants to take the
as a rule. Capt. Hodges is a big local law enforcement contract with
believer in the simple boot and fist. the minimum of transitional issues
It's a running joke at the station (such as Knight Errant). A further
about a prisoner having "fell down possibility is to discredit Lone Star
the stairs". (The station has no by sabotaging operations, making
stairs) if they get a beating. Or them look incompetent. For this, it
(though it is rare), that they "jumped would be critical that the
from the top floor" in the event of a involvement of an outside party
death (the station is ground floor never be revealed. Mr. Johnson for
only). such an operation could again be
from a rival corporation or Yakuza
Run Ideas / Usage in (it is more their style
Game than other syndicates
such as the Mafia or the
It is not uncommon for PCs Vory). There is a fair bit
to have a difficult of anti-meta prejudice in
relationship with local law Lone Star and PCs could
enforement, in some cases also be trying to expose
coming to blows. In these this.
cases, the PCs may need to Report Deaths Here
either rescue someone (or The PCs could also be
themselves) from the station before hired to help defend the station
they are moved on to more
against more serious attack or, by the Shedim,
simply, be present during such an get the evidence out, etc.
attack. In this case, it becomes
something of a siege. The GM (A note on the illustrations: In SR2070,
should probably give them a reason reading and writing is a forgotten skill for
not to just make a break-out attempt many of the SINless and the young. Ubiquitous
and leave the station to fall, e.g. a voice-mail and conferencing along with
friend in the sick bay too hurt to be limitless storage and software that can analyse
moved, bulky and / or fragile spoken word, has diminished the need for
evidence that would be too risky to written words to communicate or preserve
move through a fight. There are a information. Where visual media are needed to
variety of potential attackers. A communicate, iconography is frequently used in
syndicate-funded attack is probably place of written word. The icons in this sample
unlikely unless there has been location are examples of what you'd see in a
serious bad-blood between the two Lone Star facility, in the lobby, in the
factions, but a GM could work washroom or at the desk. The icons are
toward such a scenario. An normally intuitive but naturally if a visitor
uncovered hive of insect spirits doesn't understand one, they have only to touch
could make a last ditch attempt to the icon with an AR glove or visual pointer and
destroy the station or rescue a a polite voice will narrate its meaning to them.
captured Princess (Nymph). If the Language is, if not dead, getting a good kicking
Princess were FleshForm, Lone Star amongst the less-educated).
might not even realise what they
have. Or quite possibly they don't
even need a reason that humans can Copyright Khadim Nasser, November 2009
understand. They're alien after all. (K@knasser.me.uk)
Shedim are a possibility as are
spirits generally. If the GM has Catalyst Game Labs. has sole ownership of the names, logo,
artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or
played up the gang power and any proprietary material used in connection with the game
Shadowrun. Catalyst Game Labs has granted permission to
closeness of urban civilisation to knasser.me.uk to use such names, logos, artwork, marks
and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and
collapse in his campaign, then it informational purposes on its website but does not endorse,
and is not affiliated with knasser.me.uk in any official
could simply be a particulaly bad capacity whatsoever.
flare-up of gang-anger from the
death in custody of a popular
member. Metahuman rage is still a
possibility if Lone Star racism
showed up in a particularly public

The station itself could

also be subverted, by an
insect hive, shedim etc.
and have to be re-
captured. Again, the GM
should furnish the PCs
with some reason to go in
their ahead of the still-
being-planned re-capture
operation that Lone Star
will carry out. Rescue someone
before invested by the Insects, taken
Game Notes

The walls of the station enclosure count as Reinforced Material and have an Armour Rating
of 24 and a Structure Rating of 15. They are 14' (4.2m) high and wide enough that a
character could slow-run across the top (threshold 1 if walking, threshold 2 if running,
threshold 4 if sprinting).

The gates of the compound (both sets) are solid (without gaps) reinforced alloys that run on
rail systems on the inner side of the compound wall. They the same height as the walls and
have braces against the ground. They count as Heavy Structural Material and have an
Armour Rating of 16 and a Structure rating of 13. Both gates are fitted with Zapper
Strips (Arsenal, pg.106) doing 10(e) damage to vehicles passing over it and 5(e) damage
to passengers. Obviously these are activated only for targets chosen in the station's control
room. Both gates do have locks, but these are mechanical - electronic locks controlled from
within the station via underground cable. They are not pickable, but the gates are never
normally closed anyway, except in siege conditions.

External walls of both the station itself and the garage, count as Reinforced Material and
have an Armour Rating of 24 and a Structure Rating of 15. Getting through the walls
of the station is not easy.

The two external doors to the station count as Structural Material (n.b. they are above
"Security Doors") and have an Armour Rating of 12 and a Structural Rating of 11. The
public doors are never normally locked and are set to slide open when a person approaches.
The police door is normally locked and is opened as needed by the security personnel
behind the grill in the police entrance foyer's secure room. The locks for both doors are the
same model however. Maglock Rating 4, Anti-Tamper Circuits 2, legitimate access
via transmitted Passcode + Card. Note that entrances are monitored by camera and
frequently in use. Any access is liable to be noticed unless the human factor is dealt with

Internal walls of the station are also classed as Structural Material and have an Armour
Rating of 12 and a Structural Rating of 11, with the exception of any lighter partitions
that the GM feels are appropriate (e.g. between adjacent offices).

Internal doors of the station are mostly classed as Average Material with an Armour
Rating of 4 and a Structure Rating of 5. Some areas, e.g. the armoury, the Nexi room
or the lift to the sub-level, may have security doors with an Armour Rating of 8 and a
Structure Rating of 9.

The external gun towers are tall at nearly 20' (6m) and have an excellent range of fire, both
360° in the horizontal plane and nearly 360° in the vertical plane, excluding only a 1m
radius around its actual base. They can even fire over the wall at external traffic as long as
it isn't too close to the wall itself (actual trigonometry left as an exercise for the GM, use
formula of d = 2.3s for a rough approximation where s is the distance from the tower to
the wall to give d which is the maximum distance someone on the other side of the wall can
get before they are targetable by the guns - distance may be reduced for tall metahumans).
The material of the towers themselves is very tough, counting as Reinforced Material with
an Armour Rating of 24 and a Structural Rating of 15. They are approximately 1m
thick, so sufficient damage to create a "1m hole" can topple the tower. The weapon
emplacement itself is can be counted as a stationary drone with Body 4 and Armour 10.
Grant it Good Cover due to the design of the tower and shielding cupola (-2 to dice pool
for attacker, as it is unable to dodge). The guns themselves are MMGs, with no recoil (due
to being implanted in large concrete towers) and are fitted with Laser Sights, and
expansive additional ammo bins. The guns can be either rigged by trained officers in the
station or set to fire automatically on a variety of criteria (incoming vehicles moving above
a certain speed, people with visible weapons, anyone in the compound not carrying a Lone
Star transponder, etc.). Matrix access is via underground cables linking the emplacements
to the station. They do not have wireless enabled. The guns could be disabled with a
Armoury (3) test if anyone is able to climb up there and mad enough to try.

Statistics are:
Fixed MMG. 6P, -2AP, FA, 500 bullets (reloadable by technician on ladder).
Pilot 3, Sensor 3, Targetting Autosoft (3).

All interior doors have slots at the top to allow rail drones to pass over them. These slots
are too small for most adult metahumans, but a particularly slim character might squeeze
through. Some doors (most offices) have privacy panels that close and open for the drones
and if that is the case, then the panel must be forced (Str(1) test). The GM should
determine if a privacy panel is appropriate for a given room. Anywhere where private
conversations will take place should likely have one.

The rail drones can move at an impressive speed. It is not reasonable to track where they
all are or how long it takes them to arrive at any trouble spot. Instead, assume the following:

1st Combat Phase after alert is given: 0 drones.

2nd Combat Phase after alert is given: 1 drone.
3rd Combat Phase after alert is given and each phase thereafter: 2 drones.

A maximum of 12 drone are active in the station normally.

Note that a drone can disengage from the track if it needs to, so long as it retains some
basic functioning. A disengagement can be remotely commanded by the network if need
be, e.g. in the case of a broken drone jamming the rail. If disengaged, the drone will fall to
the floor with a thud. Note that the drones are designed to disengage if they are damaged
to the point of shutdown.

A number of food / drink dispensers are placed around the station (including the public
waiting room) and contain a full range of snacks including Soy-bread Donuts (a particular
favourite). A three pack of Soy Donuts is 2¥.

The garage and police parking area contain whatever vehicles and drones the GM feels are
appropriate, but should include at least two citymasters, a number of aerial surveillance
drones. and some patrol vehicles.
NPCs, Grunts and Drones
Dwayne Hodges, Precinct Captain

Skills: Blades (Knives) 1, Clubs 4 (Stun Baton),
Pistols 3, Automatics 2, Dodge 3, Unarmed Combat 4,
Running 2, Con 3, Etiquette 3 (Media), Instruction 2,
Intimidation 4 (Interrogation), Leadership 3, COMMLINK:
Negotiation 3, Perception 4, Shadowing 2, Street
Knowledge (Crime) 4, First Aid 2, Knowledge (Law) 3,
Pilot (Ground Vehicle) 3

Implants: Bone Density Augmentation Gear: AR Glasses with Image Link,

(Aluminium), Muscle Replacement 2 Smartgun and Flarecomp
Description: A thick-set man, about 5'9", looks in
his forties., thining, curly red hair and blue eyes. He
looks like a boxer run to fat but he carries himself with
presence and his gaze is steely. He plays the "working
man" schtick quite hard. He's worked his way up from
being a beat cop and is tough and short on sympathy,
though he cares for his men. At least the human ones. A
paid up member of Humanis. He also has good relations
with the local Yakuza. He is married with three young

Lone Star Officer

Professional Rating 3

Skills: Clubs 3, Knowledge (Law Enforcement) 3,
Intimidation 1, Perception 3, Pistols 3, Automatics 2,
Unarmed Combat 3
Implants: None

Description: Big, burly police officer. Even the
female ones are muscled like oxes.

Gear: AR Contacts, 2x Jazz dose.

Onsite Security
Professional Rating 2

Skills: Clubs 2, Perception 2, Pistols 2, Automatics
2, Unarmed Combat 2

Implants: None

Description: Security guard in a plain grey

armour suit to distinguish him from a police officer.

Rail Drone
Hndl Accel Speed Pilot Body Armour


Ares Citymaster
Hndl Accel Speed Pilot Body Armour

Hndl Accel Speed Pilot Body Armour

Station Sub-Level
(Holding cells, power/ plumbing and private
interrogation room)

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