Off-Market Cash Offer Text-OnLY Scripts

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Off-Market Cash Offer Text-ONLY Scripts
Step 1:
Search and download FREE off-market (direct-to-seller) properties
*Propwire (FREE) Tutorial:

Step 2:
Skip trace to get phone numbers
*Propwire Tutorial:

Step 3:
Follow text scripts and process…

Text 1:
Hi _____ (seller name). This is ______(your name). I’m interested in purchasing
_______(property address).

[Ask 1 or 2 of the following questions]

Are you the owner?

Are you interested in selling?
Are you looking to sell?
Would you be interested in a cash offer?
Want to sell your house fast for cash?

If seller responds…send text 2

Text 2:
Great! I’d like to make you an offer. If I could buy it as-is, for all-cash and close
whenever it’s convenient for you, what’s the best price you can do for an offer
like that?

If seller won’t give a price (“you make me an offer?”) - send text 3

If seller responds with a slightly lower price but still too high (no
motivation)- send text 4
If seller responds with a significantly lower price but still a little too high
(clear motivation)- send text 5
If seller responds with an offer price that is acceptable (50% of Zillow
estimated) - send text 6

Text 3:
Ok, no problem. For me to buy it as-is for all- cash, I would need to be around
$_________(half of Zillow estimate). I would pay all the closing costs and can
close quickly so you could have $_______(offer) in your pocket in 3 weeks! How
does that sound?

Text 4:
That would be awesome if you got that price! I might not be the right buyer for
you. Given the amount of work needed and with a fast and convenient cash offer,
I really need to be quit a bit lower still. I can come up a little to $______ (5%
increase). Keep in mind, I would buy it as-is, pay all the closing costs and can close
quickly so you could have $_______(offer) in your pocket in 3 weeks! How does
that sound?

Text 5:
Thanks for being willing to come down on your asking price. I might not be the
right buyer for you. Given the amount of work needed and with a fast and
convenient cash offer, I need to be a little lower on the price but I’d love to get a
deal done with you. I can come up to $______ (5% increase). Keep in mind, I
would buy it as-is, pay all the closing costs and can close quickly so you could have
$_______(offer) in your pocket in 3 weeks! How does that sound?

Text 6:
Ok, is that as low as you can go?

Text 7:
Ok, it’s a little higher than I’d like but I really want to get a deal done with you so
let’s do it! What is your email? I’ll send you an agreement you can approve right
from your computer. Once we have that in place, I’ll contact the title company so
they can prepare everything for closing.

Seller gives email

Text 8:
Ok, got it. What is your full name so I can put it on the agreement? Is anyone else
on title with you that I should include (like a spouse)?

Text 9:
Ok, also, I want to make this as convenient as possible for you. Does 3 weeks give
you enough time to close?

Text 10:
Ok, one last thing…is someone living in the home or is it vacant?

Text 11:
Ok, I have the agreement ready. Are you in front of your computer so I can send it

Text 12:
Ok, I just sent it. Open it up, take a look and let me know if you have any
questions. Then you can just follow the prompts to initial and approve and that’s
it. Let me once you’ve approved and I’ll make sure I received it back.

Text 13:
I just received it back. Congratulations! I’ll get back shortly with more info about
the closing. I need to set up a time to come see the property. Does tomorrow at
________ (time) work?


**FREE Purchase & Sale Agreement:

**FREE Tutorial to fill out the contract:

**Custom digital contracts to email directly to sellers

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