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Hướng dẫn làm bài thi viết thư tiếng Anh

Trước khi bắt đầu viết, hãy đọc kỹ đề bài, ghi ra các câu hỏi và vạch ra các câu trả lời dưới dạng các cụm từ.
Tránh viết câu hoàn chỉnh gây mất thời gian.

Task 1 THƯ MỜI

• Thư thuộc loại thư mời

• Phần lớn thư thuộc loại informal (thân mật)

2. Cấu trúc bài viết thư mời:

• Lời chào: Dear Name/Mr. /Mrs. (nếu biết rõ tên) hoặc Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam/Department
(nếu không có thông tin cụ thể)
• Mở bài: Gửi lời chào và lời mời

o Lovely to hear from you: Rất vui khi nhận được tin tức từ bạn.
o How are you?: Bạn khỏe không?- thư thân mật
o How are things?: Mọi việc thế nào?
o Hope you’re well: Tôi hi vọng bạn khỏe.
o I’m so pleased/glad to hear that…: Tôi rất vui khi biết rằng…
o It’s great to hear that…: Thật vui khi biết rằng…
o I sincerely invite you to…: Tôi chân thành mời bạn tới…
o I would like to invite you to come to my house
o I would like to ask you to come …: Tôi muốn mời bạn tới…

• Thân bài: Nêu thông tin chi tiết về lời mời

o We are planning to…: Chúng tôi đang định…

o On (date), at (time), I plan to have…: Vào (ngày), vào lúc (giờ), tôi dự định có…
o The party will take place at (time), on (date), at/in (place): Bữa tiệc sẽ diễn ra vào lúc (giờ), vào (ngày),
tại (địa điểm).

• Kết bài: Nhắc nhở chấp nhận lời mời và gửi lời cảm ơn

o Please accept my invitation: Hãy chấp nhận lời mời của tôi.
o We would be very happy if you could come to join us: Chúng tôi sẽ rất hạnh phúc nếu bạn có thể tới
tham gia với chúng tôi.
o I should be cheerful if you could come to…: Tôi sẽ rất vui nếu bạn có thể tới…
o I look forward to your arrival/ attending: Tôi mong sự ghé thăm/sự tham dự của bạn.

• Kết thúc: Yours faithfully, (Kính thư) nếu chưa quen biết người nhận, Yours sincerely, (Kính thư) nếu
đã quen biết người nhận. Ngoài ra, có thể dùng Yours truly, Yours respectfully, (Kính thư) hoặc All the
best, Best wishes, Best regards, (Chúc mọi điều tốt lành)
• Ký tên: Ko kí tên thật vì là đi thi.

3. Ví dụ: Mr. Jack is a friend of yours when you studied in the UK. He is coming to Hanoi for an international
conference. You want to invite him to Ho Chi Minh for a short visit. Write a letter to Mr. Jack to invite him to Ho
Chi Minh city.

Dear Jack,

I am very glad to know that you’re going to take part in an international conference in Ha Noi. I would like to
invite you to come to Ho Chi Minh City to see us after the conference.

I have talked about you to my parents and they also want to see you. We have moved into a big flat with 4
bedrooms. You can stay with us when you are in Ho Chi Minh City. My parents are both retired. In case, I don’t
have time to take you out to the scenic spots, they are willing to be your guides. My father’s English is not very
good, but enough for you to understand without any difficulties. The Reunification Palace, the Notre Dame
Cathedral and Ben Thanh Market are the places you ought to see.
Before you come, please give us a call. (Our telephone number remains the same, but I think I’d better tell you once
more. It is 123456789). I will welcome you at the airport.

Please do come. We look forward to your arrival.

All the best, hoac Best wishes,

You received a wedding invitation card from your close friend Edulife
Write him/her a letter of congratulation and confirm your presence at the reception

Dear Phuong,

I write this email to confirm that I received your wedding invitation card yesterday.

I am so surprised and happy for you. Finally, you have found your true love after all. And I will attend to your
marriage ceremony, absolutely, I don’t want to be missed at my best friend’s wedding party..

I am so excited and can’t wait till your wedding day. Can I bring my girlfriend with me to the ceremony? I want to
introduce her with you and your wife. Have you invited other friends in our university class? I’m sure they will be
happy for you, too.

If you need someone to help you preparing your wedding, you can call me anytime, I will give a hand as possible as
I can.

Warm regards,


1. Giới thiệu:
o Thư viết với mục đích cảm ơn
o Thư có thể thuộc loại formal (trang trọng) hoặc informal (thân mật)
2. Cấu trúc bài viết thư cảm ơn:
o Lời chào: Dear Name/Mr. /Mrs. (nếu biết rõ tên) hoặc Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam/Department (nếu
không có thông tin cụ thể)
o Mở bài: Giới thiệu mục đích viết thư (cảm ơn ai, về cái gì)
• I am writing this letter to extend my sincere thanks to…: Tôi viết bức thư này để biểu lộ lòng chân
thành cảm ơn của tôi đến…
• I am writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks to…: Tôi viết vài dòng để thể hiện lòng cảm ơn
chân thành đến…
o Thân bài:
+ Lí do bạn viết thư:
• I am writing this letter to thank you for…: Tôi viết lá thư này để cảm ơn bạn vì…
• How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. I will cherish this memory forever: Bạn
thật là chu đáo và tuyệt vời khi nhớ tới ngày sinh nhật của mình. Mình sẽ nhớ mãi kỉ niệm này.
• This letter is to express my thanks and appreciation for…: Tôi viết lá thư này để biểu lộ lòng biết ơn của
tôi vì…
• This is to thank you for…: Lá thư này để cảm ơn bạn đã…
+ Hãy nói lên những cảm nhận cá nhân của bạn về lý do để cảm ơn:
• I was especially pleased to…: Tôi đặc biệt rất hân hạnh để…
• It made me happy to…: Nó khiến tôi rất hạnh phúc để…
• I really appreciate your gift/assistance…: Tôi thực sự cảm kích khi nhận được món quà/sự giúp đỡ của
• I don’t know how to return your favor: Tôi không biết làm thế nào để báo đáp bạn.
o Kết bài: Nhắc lại lời cảm ơn
• Again with my thanks for your hospitality: Một lần nữa cảm ơn vì sự đón tiếp nồng hậu của bạn.
• Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in Vietnam: Đừng
ngại ngần viết cho tôi nếu bạn muốn tôi làm điều gì đó cho bạn khi bạn ở Việt Nam.
• If you need anything in your study, please let me know: Nếu bạn cần gì trong học tập, hãy cho tôi biết.

• I hope you will give me the chance to return your kindness: Tôi hi vọng rằng bạn sẽ cho tôi cơ hội báo
đáp lòng tốt của bạn.
o Kết thúc: Yours faithfully, (Kính thư) nếu chưa quen biết người nhận, Yours sincerely, (Kính thư) nếu
đã quen biết người nhận. Ngoài ra, có thể dùng Yours truly, Yours respectfully, (Kính thư) hoặc All the
best, Best wishes, Best regards, (Chúc mọi điều tốt lành)
o Ký tên
3. Ví dụ: Write a letter to your gramma to thank her for birthday gift.

Dear Grandma,

I am writing this letter to thank you for your present on my birthday party. I was really appreciate that you
prepared such a wonderful present for me.

On that day, everything was ready. However, I was anxious that you were absent. Then, grandpa came to me to tell
that you gone down with a slight flu and sent me a birthday present. I was hopeful that you would recover soon.

The birthday present really made me happy. It was Sherlock Holmes novel that I had dreamt of for a long time. I was
also surprised that you had known my wish. I would keep it carefully.

Thank you so much for your meaningful preparation. I would spare time to come to see you as soon as possible.
Hope that you and grandpa are still OK.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


Gửi bà yêu quý,

Cháu viết thư để cảm ơn món quà sinh nhật của bà. Cháu rất biết ơn vì đã đã chuẩn bị một món quà tuyệt vời như
thế cho cháu.

Vào hôm ấy mọi thứ đã sẵn sàng. Thế nhưng cháu sốt ruột vì không thấy bà đâu. Rồi ông đến bên cháu nói là bà đã
bị cảm nhẹ và gửi cho cháu một món quà. Cháu đã hi vọng bà sớm khỏi.

Món quà sinh nhật thực sự làm cháu rất vui. Đó là tiểu thuyết Sherlock Holmes mà cháu mong ước có từ lâu. Cháu
cũng rất ngạc nhiên khi bà biết được mong muốn của cháu. Cháu sẽ giữ gìn nó thật cẩn thận.

Cảm ơn bà rất nhiều vì sự chuẩn bị rất ý nghĩa. Cháu sẽ dành thời gian để thăm bà sớm nhất có thể. Hi vọng bà và
ông vẫn ổn.

Yêu bà,

Your sister abroad has just sent a gift on your birthday. it’s something that she remembers that you
said you liked
Write her a sincere thank-you letter.

Dear Phuong

I have just received your amazing birthday gift for me. I just could tell you that I truly like them. How could you
know that I’m supposed to buy pair shoes? At the first time receiving them, I was extremely surprised, they are so Edulife
expensive and fashion. Also, I have to mention that they completely fit my feet, and I feel very comfortable when
wearing them and try for a track.You are my greatest sister I’ve ever had.

Thank you very much for your gift. I wish that you will return to me and our parents as soon as you can.

I’m waiting for your email.


Dear Professor,

I am writing this letter to express my infinite gratitude for your support on my science project. I really appreciate
your willingness to help me even it was out of your current position.

I have to admit that I was really confused at the beginning. Since I was a newbie, I had not had any experience in
doing project, not to mention doing on my own. Therefore your direction really helped to lessen my burden of doing
alone. I was totally impressed by your expertise and enthusiasm.

I had completed the project under your guidance two days ago. I realized how lucky I was to meet you. I sincerely
appreciate your assistance for sparing time to support me. I am really looking forward to having an opportunity to
work with you as an assistant for your work.

Yours faithfully,

Kính gửi giáo sư,

Em đang viết bức thư này để bày tỏ sự biết ơn vô hạn vì sự giúp đỡ của thầy trong dự án khoa học của em. Em thực
sự đề cao sự sẵn lòng giúp đỡ của thầy mặc dù nó nằm ngoài trách nhiệm của thầy.
Em phải thừa nhận rằng em rất bối rối lúc bắt đầu. Vì em là người mới nên chưa từng có kinh nghiệm làm dự án,
chưa kể tới là làm một mình. Vì thế mà sự hướng dẫn của thầy thực sự làm giảm gánh nặng của em. Em hoàn toàn bị
ấn tượng bởi sự uyên bác và nhiệt tình của thầy.

Em đã hoàn thành xong dự án dưới sự hướng dẫn của thầy hai ngày trước. Em nhận ra rằng mình may đến đến
nhường nào khi gặp được thầy. Em chân thành đánh giá cao sự ủng hộ của thầy vì đã dành thời gian giúp đỡ em. Em
mong có cơ hội làm việc với thầy như trợ lí để giúp đỡ công việc của thầy.

Kính mến,

Thư cảm ơn bằng tiếng Anh khi được nhận quà giáng sinh – Thư thân mât
Dear Linh,
Thank you very much for the dress, it really was just what I wanted for Christmas!
I wanted to take the time to write my thanks and I will call you soon, to thank you in person.Every time I wear the
dress I will think of you and your thoughtfulness.he color of the dress seems to suit me, so much so that I have
already received some compliments when wearing it.The dress will be a great help when going out with friends.
Thank you, once again, for your lovely Christmas gift and your kind thoughts. Happy New Year!

Kind regards,

Thư cảm ơn về món quà cưới
Dear Lan,

This is the first opportunity I have had to thank you for your wonderful gift. But, as you know, our arrangements
were changed at the last moment and many of our wedding gifts we did not have time to open before going away. So
we hope you will forgive us for the delay.
We are now back in town established in our new home and I want you to know how appropriate are those exquisite
candlesticks. Thang and I are both deeply grateful for your thought of us.

Best wishes,
1. Giới thiệu:
o Thư viết với mục đích yêu cầu, đề nghị về một vấn đề
o Phần lớn thư thuộc loại formal (trang trọng)
2. Cấu trúc bài viết thư yêu cầu:
o Lời chào: Dear Name/Mr. /Mrs. (nếu biết rõ tên) hoặc Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam/Department (nếu
không có thông tin cụ thể)
o Mở bài: Giới thiệu mục đích viết thư
• I am writing this letter to…: Tôi viết lá thư này là để…
• I am writing this letter in regards to…: Tôi viết lá thư này liên quan tới…
o Thân bài: Nêu lí do yêu cầu
• The reason for this request is that…: Lí do cho yêu cầu này là…
• The reason why I am asking for this is that…: Lí do mà tôi yêu cầu là vì…
o Kết bài: Nêu yêu cầu và cảm ơn về việc xử lí yêu cầu
• Considering …, I propose/suggest that…: Cân nhắc…, tôi đề nghị rằng…
• Concerning this matter, my proposal is…: Liên quan đến vấn đề này, tôi đề nghị…
• On behalf of…, I suggest…: Thay mặt…, tôi đề nghị…
• If you…, you had better…: Nếu bạn…, bạn nên…
• I would like to suggest (that) you (should)…: Tôi muốn đề nghị rằng bạn nên…
• Thank you in advance for your help: Cảm ơn bạn trước sự giúp đỡ của bạn.
• I look forward to your early reply: Chúng tôi mong được trả lời của bạn.
o Kết thúc: Yours faithfully, (Kính thư) nếu chưa quen biết người nhận, Yours sincerely, (Kính thư) nếu
đã quen biết người nhận. Ngoài ra, có thể dùng Yours truly, Yours respectfully, (Kính thư) hoặc All the
best, Best wishes, Best regards, (Chúc mọi điều tốt lành)
o Ký tên

3. Ví dụ: The English Department has decided to hold a speech contest in late December, but your classmates find
that it is too near the final examination. Write to the Dean of the department to ask him to change the schedule of the
contest. In your letter:
• Explain why you are writing
• Explain why you are asking for a change
• Suggest a change of the time

Dear Proffesor,

We are students of Class A2018 . We are glad that the department is to hold an English speech contest. But we are
writing this letter to expect you to change the timetable of the contest. Edulife
We are noticed that the time of the contest is on 27th of December. What troubles us is the time of the contest. As
you know, according to the school schedule of this term, the final examination is to begin on Jan. 5. We all wish to
do excellently in both, but we are afraid that it will be very difficult for us to prepare for the examination and the
contest at the same time. As a result, we would spend less time on the preparation of the contest.

Considering the outcome of the contest, we suggest that it should be postponed to the next term, preferably in the
first few weeks. We suggest so because, generally speaking, we have more free time in that period of time.

We look forward to your early reply. Hoac to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,

All of Class A2018

You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for some information about one of your
friends. Read a part of her email below.

I’ve just got an email from your friend, An. She said she’s going to take a course in London this summer. She
asked if she could stay with my family until she could find an apartment. Can you tell me a bit about her (things
like personality, hobbies and interests, her current work or study if possible)? I want to see if she will fit in with
my family.

Write an email responding to Jane.

Dear Jane,

I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond your email soon because of the difference time zone. I’m surprised that An
sent an email to you for your permission for a stay at your home. Surely, I’m glad to tell you a little about her.

An is a good girl. She is glad to make friends with everybody, especially with foreign friends. We have been
together for 3 years. I can completely guarantee (đảm bảo) that she is a very honest( thành thật) person so you may a
point about her.( an tâm về cô ấy)

She likes sports, such as swimming, jogging. Also, she can play the guitar and the piano. She also enjoys reading
and she could spend all day reading a bunch of her favorite books. At present, she is doing a MBA course at
National Ecomics University.

As An’s friend, I hope that you will accept her wish. I and An will be glad to hear that.

I look forward to your early reply./ to hearing from you

Thanks and best regards,

You received an email from your English friend, Susan. She told you about her two week trip to Vietnam and asked
for some advice. Read part of her email below.

I’m so excited about my trip because it’s the first time come to Vietnam. Can you tell me about the weather now
in Viernam? What kinds of clothes should I bring? Where should I stay? What are some interesting places I

should visit? What kind of food I should try? What souvernirs I should buy for my parents and my youngest

Write an email responding to Susan.

Dear Susan,

I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond your email soon because of the difference time zone. I’m very happy to hear
that you will visit Vietnam for the first time, therefore, I’m glad to introduce some interesting information about my

The weather in Vietnam is very special. The Northern Vietnam has 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter,
but in the Southern Vietnam, it has only 2 seasons: dry season and rainy season. It is in summer now so please, bring
t-shirts and shorts in your luggage.

Vietnam is a friendly country so you can travel anywhere you want. But I suggest that you should visit Nha
Trang City and Da Lat City. Nha Trang is a beach city which has a beautiful coast and a lot of delicious seafood
restaurant. Otherwise, Da Lat City is located in highland, it is called “The flower city” because the local people grow
a lot of beautiful flowers, thanks to the warm weather here.

Each city has different cuisines and souvenirs so you can buy anything you like for your family

I hope you will enjoy your trip in Vietnam. I am looking forward to seeing you again.

Best regards,


1. Giới thiệu:
o Thư viết với mục đích phàn nàn về một vấn đề
o Phần lớn thư thuộc loại formal (trang trọng)
2. Cấu trúc bài viết thư phàn nàn:
o Lời chào: Dear Name/Mr. /Mrs. (nếu biết rõ tên) hoặc Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam/Department (nếu
không có thông tin cụ thể)
o Mở bài: Miêu tả tình huống phàn nàn.
• I am writing to complain about…: Tôi viết thư để phàn nàn về…
• I am sorry to inform you that…: Tôi thấy rất tiếc để thông báo rằng…
• I am writing to place a complaint against…: Tôi viết thư này để phàn nàn về…
• On (date), I purchased (item) – (model number) at store (address): Vào (ngày), tôi đã mua (món hàng) –
(mã hiệu) ở tại cửa hàng (địa chỉ).
• This is the third time this mistake has occurred and I am dissatisfied with the service you offer: Đây là
lần thứ 3 điều này xảy ra và tôi không hài lòng với dịch vụ mà bạn cung cấp.
o Thân bài:
+ Trình bày về vấn đề, chỉ ra những vấn đề gặp phải dẫn đến complaints. Nêu ra lịch sử của vấn đề nếu xảy ra nhiều
• I think the reason is that…: Tôi nghĩ lí do là...
• Could you check/take special care about…: Bạn có thể kiểm tra/có sự quan tâm đặc biệt về…
• I was shocked to see that…: Tôi bị sốc khi thấy rằng…
• I have to say that…: Tôi phải nói rằng…
• I must point out that…: Tôi phải chỉ ra rằng…
• It is very rude/impolite for somebody to do something: Ai đó thật thô lỗ/bất lịch sự khi làm gì đó.
+ Đề nghị giải pháp: nếu nghĩ đến giải pháp nào đó hữu ích, có thể đề xuất cho người mà bạn than phiền. Edulife
• I think the best solution would be…: Tôi nghĩ giải pháp tốt nhất là…
• I would much appreciate it if you…: Tôi sẽ đánh giá cao nếu bạn…
• I request that you refund the money in full: Tôi yêu cầu bạn hoàn tiền đầy đủ.
• I would be grateful if you could send me a replacement or refund: Tôi rất biết ơn nếu bạn có thể đổi
hoặc là hoàn lại tiền cho tôi.
• I think the best way to solve the problem is to replace it with a better one: Tôi nghĩ cách tốt nhất để
giải quyết vấn đề này là thay thế nó với cái tốt hơn.
• If our demand is not accepted and put in practice, we would resort to other measures: Nếu yêu cầu của
chúng tôi không được chấp nhận và thực hiện, chúng tôi sẽ dùng đến biện pháp khác.
o Kết bài:
+ Sử dụng ngôn ngữ khách quan hoặc chủ động để thể hiện vấn đề.
• Please ensure this sort of problem does not arise again: Xin đảm bảo vấn đề này không lặp lại lần nữa.
• This mistake must be corrected as soon as possible: Sai lầm này nên được chỉnh sửa sớm nhất có thể.
• I hope you will look into the matter and give me an immediate reply: Tôi hi vọng bạn sẽ xem xét vấn đề
này và phản hồi tôi sớm.
+ Cung cấp thông tin liên hệ để nhà cung cấp có thể phản hồi.
• Please call me at (phone number) or send me email via (email address) to let me know how you would
like to deal with this: Xin vui lòng gọi điện cho tôi theo số điện thoại (số điện thoại) hoặc gửi cho tôi thư
điện tử theo địa chỉ (địa chỉ thư điện tử) để cho tôi biết cách bạn giải quyết vấn đề này.
• You can contact me on (phone number) to discuss this matter further: Bạn có thể liên hệ tôi theo số điện
thoại (số điện thoại) để thảo luận thêm về vấn đề này.
+ Gia hạn thời gian cần có phản hồi hoặc hành động từ phía nhà cung cấp.
• I am looking forward to hearing your response and action for this issue latest by (time): Tôi mong nhận
được phản hồi và hành động của bạn cho vấn đề này trước (thời gian).
• I expect to hear from your company with a solution by (date): Tôi mong nhận được giải pháp từ công ty
của bạn trước ngày (ngày).
o Kết thúc: Yours faithfully, (Kính thư) nếu chưa quen biết người nhận, Yours sincerely, (Kính thư) nếu
đã quen biết người nhận. Ngoài ra, có thể dùng Yours truly, Yours respectfully, (Kính thư) hoặc All the
best, Best wishes, Best regards, (Chúc mọi điều tốt lành)
o Ký tên
3. Ví dụ:

Viết một bức thư phàn nàn về chuyến đi (Write a letter to complain about your trip/ holiday

Dear sir/ madam,

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with the quality of service from your company. I booked
online a package tour on the website of your company but unfortunately, the trip did not live up to my expectations.

When it comes to my trip, I was deeply dissatisfied not only with delayed flight but also low- quality service from
your company. As I booked all- inclusive vacation package, the accomodation at least should have provided
necessities to satisfy my demands but it did not. For three days, I had to live cramped in a narrow and lightly
furnished room. In addition , the air conditioner and the shower were out of order, which really annoyed me.
Moreover, a visit to the zoo was cancelled unwarrantedly only because of rainy weather.

In this worst case scenario, I expect to receive a refund from your company for all the charges I paid or any
measures you could take to compensate for me.

I look forward to a swift solution to this matter/ hoac to your early reply

Yours faithfully,

Chào bạn,

Mình viết lá thư này là để bày tỏ niềm thất vọng của mình với dịch vụ từ công ty của bạn. Mình đã đặt một chuyến
đi trọn gói trên trang của công ty nhưng buồn thay, chuyến đi đã không đạt được kì vọng của mình. Edulife
Khi nói về chuyến đi của mình, mình khá là không hài lòng không chỉ vì chuyến bay bị trễ mà còn bởi các dịch vụ
chất lượng kém từ công ty bạn. Vì mình đã đặt chuyến đi trọn gói, ít nhất thì nơi ở của mình phải cung cấp đủ những
thứ cần thiết để phục vụ nhu cầu của mình nhưng nó đã không như vậy. Suốt ba ngày mình phải sống chật hẹp trong
một căn phòng chật và ít đồ đạc. Thêm nữa, máy điều hoà và vòi hoa sen bị hỏng khiến mình rất khó chịu. Bên cạnh
đó chuyến đi tới sở thú cũng bị hủy một cách không đáng chỉ vì lí do là trời mưa.

Trong tình cảnh tồi tệ này, mình mong nhận được sự hoàn lại số tiền mình đã trả hoặc bất cứ giải pháp nào bạn có
thể đưa ra để đền bù cho mình.

Thân mến,

Viết một lá thư phàn nàn về việc mua hàng trực tuyến (Write a letter to complain about an online purchase)

Dear Sir,

My name is Adison who purchased online a dress from your shop and my order number is #26102001. However,
against all my expectations, I was fairly dissatisfied with quality of the product and its delayed arrival.

Firstly, I placed the order online on 15th January. But not until two weeks had gone by did I receive this product
while you promised to send it to me for around 6 days. Secondly, the product I got is faulty one and it is far different
from what I saw on the website. The cloth material and patterns of the dress only have a few similarities in
comparison with the product you suggested me. In addition to, you gave me a yellow one instead of sending me a
white dress as I ordered.

I will not demand a refund but please arrange for a replacement of this product at the earliest. I hope that this
problem will be solved promptly.

I look forward to hearing from you soon

Yours faithfully,

Chào bạn,

Tên mình là Adison người đã đặt mua online một chiếc váy từ cửa hàng của bạn và mã hàng của mình là #26102001.
Tuy vậy, đối lập với sự mong chờ của mình thì mình cảm thấy khá là thất vọng với chất lượng của sản phẩm và việc
giao hàng trễ.

Điều đầu tiên, mình đã đặt hàng này vào ngày 15/1. Nhưng mãi đến hai tuần sau thì mình mới nhận được hàng trong
khi bạn hứa là trong vòng sáu ngày là hàng sẽ được gửi đến. Điều tiếp nữa là hàng mà mình nhận được là sản phẩm
lỗi và nó khác hoàn toàn với cái mà mình nhìn trên trang web. Chất liệu vải và hoạ tiết của chiếc váy chỉ có một số
điểm giống nhau khi so sánh nó với sản phẩm mà bạn giới thiệu với mình. Thêm vào đó, bạn lại gửi cho mình một
cái váy màu vàng thay vì gửi cho mình cái màu trắng mà mình đã yêu cầu trước đó.

Mình không yêu cầu bạn phải hoàn tiền nhưng mong bạn sắp xếp và gửi một sản phẩm khác thay thế sớm nhất có
thể. Mình hi vọng vấn đề sẽ được giải quyết nhanh chóng.

Thân mến,

Write a letter of complaint to a restaurant/hotel manager to complain about poor service or food.
(Chủ đề: Viết bức thư gửi đến quản lí nhà hàng/khách sạn để phàn nàn về chất lượng tồi của dịch vụ hoặc đồ ăn.)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain of the poor service I received at your hotel on July 5, 2014.
I stayed at your hotel on that day. The weather unexpectedly turned bad with strong wind and heavy rain. The roof
of my room was leaking rain water, and the heater was not working well. I reported the problem to your customer
service officers at the front desk, but they just came, looked at the heater and the roof and said, “We’ll be working
on them”. In fact, nothing was done at all. Then I asked them to change my room, but unfortunately there were no
available rooms at that time. With two days and one night in very poor conditions, I soon got sick. Returning home, I
had to ask my boss for two more days off and missed one important meeting.

I would suggest that you pay more attention to your service center and take better care of your customers to make
sure that the same problem will not happen again.

Next time, I will not choose to stay at your hotel and tell my family and friends about my bad experience at your
hotel if I see no improvement in your service.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,


1. Giới thiệu:
o Thư viết với mục đích xin lỗi
o Thư có thể thuộc loại formal (trang trọng) hoặc informal (thân mật)
2. Cấu trúc bài viết thư xin lỗi:
o Lời chào: Dear Name/Mr. /Mrs. (nếu biết rõ tên) hoặc Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam/Department (nếu
không có thông tin cụ thể)
o Mở bài: Gửi lời xin lỗi
• I apologise for N/V-ing: Tôi xin lỗi vì…(thư trang trọng) S _applogy (to sb ) for doing smt
• I terribly regret that + S + V: Tôi rất lấy làm tiếc rằng…(thư trang trọng)
• I am sorry that I shall not be able to…: Tôi xin lỗi tôi sẽ không thể…(thư trang trọng)
• I have to ask for your forgiveness of not V-ing: Tôi buộc phải xin sự tha thứ từ bạn vì không…(thư trang
• I’m sorry that…: Tôi lấy làm tiếc rằng…(thư thân mật)
• I’m deeply sorry for (not) V-ing: Tôi xin lỗi sâu sắc vì (không)…(thư thân mật)
• I could not… because…: Tôi không thể…bởi vì…(thư thân mật)
o Thân bài: Nêu lí do xin lỗi
• This is the reason why I…: Đây là lí do tại sao tôi…
• The reason why I was late is that…: Lí do tại sao tôi đến muộn là vì…
• This is one of the reasons I couldn’t make it: Đây là một trong số những lí do mà tôi không đến hẹn được.
• The only reason for the delay is that…: Lí do duy nhất cho sự chậm trễ này là…
o Kết bài: Nêu hành động bù đắp hoặc hứa hẹn không tái phạm lỗi
• I really hope you’ll forgive me for being so thoughtless: Tôi rất hi vọng rằng bạn sẽ tha thứ cho tôi vì sự
đãng trí này.
• I promise I will…: Tôi hứa tôi sẽ…
• I hope you’ll let me make it up to you: Tôi hi vọng rằng bạn sẽ để tôi bù đắp cho bạn.
• By way of an apology, I…: Để thay lời xin lỗi, tôi…
• We are happy to offer you…: Chúng tôi vui để tặng bạn… Edulife
• To make up for…, I…: Để bù đắp cho…, tôi…
o Kết thúc: Yours faithfully, (Kính thư) nếu chưa quen biết người nhận, Yours sincerely, (Kính thư) nếu
đã quen biết người nhận. Ngoài ra, có thể dùng Yours truly, Yours respectfully, (Kính thư) hoặc All the
best, Best wishes, Best regards, (Chúc mọi điều tốt lành)
o Ký tên
3. Ví dụ:
Write a letter to your colleague to apologize for not going to a scheduled meeting. In your letter:
• Apologize for missing the meeting
• Explain why you missed it
• And say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry

Dear John,

I am deeply sorry for missing our scheduled meeting on 15th October 2016, regarding the discussion of the latest

As you might understand, I was unable to come for the meeting because my flight was delayed by 20 hours due to
extremely poor weather conditions in New York. I tried to inform you the same through a call but the networks
failed to work at that time. This meeting with you was very important as I was to discuss all the working directions
and the product requirements for our new project.

I would like to settle another meeting with you for the upcoming week. I would be available from 25th October to
30th October, anytime before 7:00 PM. Please let me know whatever time best suits you by 20th October so that I
book a ticket for myself, beforehand.

I look forward to seeing you soon

Best wishes,

Yesterday afternoon you arranged to see one of your teachers at 3:00 in the staff room. An accident happened and
you couldn’t get there.
Write her an email appologizing and explaining the reason

Dear Ms.Hoa,

I want to apologize for my absence in your class yesterday. Also, I would like to make an excuse for what happened

Yesterday before your class about 30 minutes, I was riding my motorbike slowly, then suddenly a car hit my
motorbike in the back with a very high speed. I and my motorbike hit the road critically. I was injured badly but
luckily a man took me into the hospital immediately. After checking my body, the doctor said my left leg bone was
broken and I had to stay there in 4 days.

I have just wakened up for a moment, trying to write email for you to make you understand and pleased for my
situation. Also, I want to ask you if you could allow me to absent your class until my bone is better.

I hope to see your response soon/ hoac I look forward to your early reply.

Thanks and best regards,

Some more samples: You received an email from your English friend, Peter. He asked you for some advice about how
to study English well. Read part of her email below .

"I am very sad now because I got bad mark of English yesterday. English seems to be the hardest in all of my
subjects. In next letter, could you give me some advice? Tell me how to be good at English ?"
Dear Peter,

Lovely to hear from you . How are you ?I am so sorry to know that you got bad English mark. Today I’m writing to
tell you some methods to study English well.

First, You should surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can
learn passively. Second, don’t forget to practise every day. You had better make yourself a study plan , then decide
how much time a week you are going to spend studying. Third, practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking
and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve. Remember to keep a notebook of new words you
learn and use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.

I hope that your English will be better. If you have any problem in English, ask me freely. I am looking forward to
hearing from you.
Taking part in cultural festivals when travelling is attracting most of tourists

Write a letter to your English friend and tell him about Tết Holiday in Vietnam as an interesting
cultural festival which is attracting foreign tourists

Dear Helen

I would like to introduce a special native occasion in my country, which is called “Tet” holiday, so that you can
understand more about our tradition.

Tet often begins in late-January and ends in early-February. With the meaning of seeing the old year off and
welcoming the New Year, Tet becomes a special occasion of reunion for Vietnamese families. At that time, all
family members try to come back to their home and get together to make such preparations for Tet as buying new
clothes and cleaning their house. A branch of apricot blossoms or a Kumquat tree is indispensable decoration for
every family in these days. They seem like a fresh air to the house. We display a tray full of fruits and vases of
flowers on the ancestral altar. Some typical Tet’s food are sweets, coconut jam, fruit candies, melon seeds, stew pork
with eggs, and especially sticky rice cake. Tet meals are usually bigger and more delicious than our daily ones.

On Tet holiday, people have many recreational activities. Many people visit relatives to wish a happy new year.
Adults will give lucky money to children. Women like to go to the pagoda to wish good things for their family.

If you have time, please visit Vietnam at Tet period to enjoy the best time here.

Best regards,

Your English friend plans a two week holiday in vietnam and he wants to spend his time in rural areas
write him a letter to introduce rural tourism in Vietnam with some suggestions for a good holiday. Edulife
Dear Anna,

I heard my friend said that you are planning a two day week holiday in Vietnam, especially, you want to visit the
countryside. In that case, I want to introduce a rural tourism for you. (giới thiệu du lịch VN …)

You should travel to the West of Vietnam, which has beautiful countryside areas. The weather in there is perfect and
ideal for growing fruits such as coconut, jackfruit, pineapple and so on. The West people are very friendly and kind,
you will feel their peacefulness when you meet them. One another thing, you have to try the cuisine in the West,
they are cheap but very delicious and various as well because the local people grow vegetable and feed fish, animal

If you don’t mind, I would like to be your tour guide, so I could present to you a lot of interest thing when you arrive
in Vietnam

I look forward to seeing you soon/ I look forward for your arrival

All the best,

You’ve been out of your home town for a few weeks and now you’re back home.
Write a letter to a friend saying how delighted you are be home again, back among friends, and familiar

Dear Phuong,

I write this email to notify you of the day that I will return to Vietnam is next Wednesday. I’m so excited to meet
you and my parents again.

After finishing studying at London, I waited to come back home every day. I miss you and my parents very much
also I almost forget my neighbor’s face because I haven’t seen them for a long time. I remember when we were
young you and I usually rode our bicycle around the town, ate ice-cream and went to your house to play video
games. Do you remember the time that we founded a dog and fed that puppy for 2 days before returning him to his
owner? They are unforgettable memories to me.

If you have time, please pick me up when I take off the plane. I hope to meet you soon.

Best regards,

You have been invited to the wedding in London by an English friend. Unfortunately your work
commitments make it impossible for you to go your friend’s wedding.
Write her/him an email as a polite refusal

Dear Mary,

I have just received your wedding invitation. But unfortunately, I have to apologize for my absence in your wedding
in next Wednesday

I would like to go to London to grace your marriage ceremony. But my work hasn’t been finished yet. Also, my
deadline is nearly coming that is close to your wedding day. Therefore, going to London and observing you and your
husband being together may be impossible.

I hope that you won’t be upset because of my awkward situation. I wish you and your husband will be happy forever
together. And please, send your wedding photos for me if you can. I would like to see what will happen there.

Thanks and best regards,

Đề mẫu 01 Edulife
Đề 02

18 Edulife
Đề 03

Đề 05

Đê 08 Edulife
Đề 09

Đề 10 Edulife
Đề 11

Đề 12 Edulife
You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend, Sam, asking you about how to get to your
apartment from the airport. Read part of Sam’s email below.

Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month I’m not sure how to get to

your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some basic instruction? What would be
the best method of transport for me? I’d prefer one that isn’t too expensive!
Just one other thing- What will the weather be like when I get there? (Just so I’ll know what clothes to pack)
Write a letter responding to Sam. You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include your name.
Dear …..,
I am very happy to hear that you will visit my hometown. It is very far from the airport to my home. You have to get
off the plane at Noi Bai airport in Ha Noi. You can go to Thai Nguyen by taxi, car, or bus. It takes about two hours.
The bus is very cheap, but you will have to catch 3 trips. Taxi is the most convenient way. However, you have to
pay more for a taxi than a car. I think moving by car is most suitable for you.
About the weather, it is autumn here, so you should bring summer clothes. My country is tropical climate, It is
always hotter than yours.
Hope to see you.
Dear Natalie,

I’m really glad that you would come to stay with me next month. When you get out the airport’s lobby, take a taxi to
the centre of the city. My apartment is in a big building opposite to the Vincom Center on Ba Trieu street. I live in
room 507 on the 5th floor, so just take the elevator in the lobby. I you have any problem finding the, please call me.
To get to my place, you can take a taxi or use the public city bus, which is the means of tranport. It takes about 45
minutes to move from the airport tothe city downtown by taxi and maybe 1 hour by bus, and the buses seem to be
quite crowded all the day. Anyway, you have to pay only 5 thousand. So taxi is expensive, isn’t it? You don’t have
to bring a lot of warm clother to Vietnam, because the winter of this year hasn’t year been very cold.
Look forward to seeing you in Hanoi,
All the best,
An English friend of yours, Anne, is a student. She has written to you asking for advice. Read part of her letter
We’d love to know when best time of year to visit your country. Also, we want to meet people of our own age (17-
18). What’s the best way to do this?

We don’t want to carry too much stuff, so can you tell us what clothes we should bring? And while we are
there, would you like to join our group and travel round with us? I think it would be great fun?

Dear Anne,
I am really pleased to get your letter and get to know that you are going to visit our country next year. Well, the best
time to visit my country is during the summer, from April to June. Since this is the beginning of the summer, the
weather is extremely nice. It seems sunny all the time and temperature is around 35 degree. In addition, the best way
in order for you to meet people aged from 17 to 18 is in Hanoi. As you know, Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam which
is the most modern and busiest city in Vietnam. You can easily find young people everywhere, especially in famous
places where tourists often visit such as Hoan Kiem Lake or old quarters. They like hanging out with their friends to
find foreigners to practice English. I am sure that you are welcomed by the people of my own age who are very
sociable and hospitable.
I suggest that you should not bring too much stuff because you can buy them in Vietnam where there are a variety of
high-quality clothes at very reasonable price. If you prefer bringing your own things, my suggestion is summer
clothes like shorts, tank top, skirt, swimsuits.
I have my summer holiday in May so I will be available to travel around with you. I will be your free tour guide,
taking you to visit our stunning Hanoi as well as the most attractive beaches and places in Vietnam. I promise you
will really enjoy your trip in our country.
I look forward to welcoming you in Vietnam.
You received an email from your English friend, Lily. She asked you for some information about traditional
festivalsin your country. Read part of her email below. Edulife
I have just watched such a fantastic program about traditional festivals in the world. There are not
many festivals like these in my country. Are there many traditional festivals in your country? Which is
the most popular one? Could you tell me about it? In what time of the year does it happen? What do
people often do in this occasion? Is it widely known by international tourists? Do young people in your
country still enjoy it?

I look forward to your reply.

Write an email responding to Lily. You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or
Dear Lily,
I am so glad to hear from you. There are many traditional festivals in Vietnam. The most popular countrywide
festival is our Lunar New Year Festival, also known as Tet. It celebrates new year in Lunar Calendar, normally in
January or February of Catholic Calendar. People will buy new clothes, clean or refurnish and decorate their houses
with beautiful kumquat trees or cherry blossom trees. On first day of new year the elders will give lucky money to
the youngers, packed in red envelops. I am sure you heard about this festival because it is widely known by
international tourists as well. We young people still enjoy it very much as we will have a long holiday and spend
time with families and friends, last but not least receive lucky money. If you find it interesting, you are welcome to
join us in the coming Tet.

All the best, Task 1 - Giving advice

You are planning to make a trip for your Australian friend to Vietnam. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, tell him/her
• How he/she is going to get there;
• What activities he/she will do there;
• Why you choose the place for him/her to visit
Dear John,
You wanted me to tell you a few things about an interesting tourist destination in Vietnam. So I’m writing this letter to give
you some information about Danang city.
From Hanoi, you can arrive to Danang by plane. It takes just around two hours and it’s not too expensive
I suggest Danang to you because it is one of the most attractive destinations for tourists thanks to its long stunning beaches. All
the beaches have long stretches of white sand and the water is crystal clear. The sea can be calm at times but the surf can also
be spectacular. The beach is not only beautiful but also easy to reach by different kinds of transport as it lies right next to the
Danang is also popular for its set of 6 awesome bridges and that strikes many visitors to this fair city. And if you have any
chance to visit this lovely city, don’t forget to try its local food.
I hope this will help you. I am looking forward to seeing you again.

Love, / All the best, Task 2 - Opinion

Task 1 - Asking for advice

You want to work for a foreign company. Write a letter to your English friend. In your letter:

• Give reasons why you want to work for a foreign company
• Tell him/her what kind of job you want to do
• Ask him/her advice about working in a foreign company
Dear Tom,
How are you? Are you doing fine? I’m thinking about changing my job and I’m writing to ask you for some advice.
As you know, I have been working for a public company for a long time. It is low-paid, boring and I don’t have opportunities
for promotion. So I think I will find a new job in a foreign company in order to work in an international environment.
I would like to find a job that I can use my English skills and meet a lot of people from different countries. I find it very
interesting to me. Also, I want to work in a company near my home so I don’t have to spend much time commuting.
Please let me know what you think I should do. What is it like to work with a foreign company?
Thank you so much. I am looking forward to your early reply,
All the best,

Task 2 - Discussion and opinion
foreign-language-at-primary-school - Sample 4

Writing Task 1 - Invitation

You are organizing a house warming party next weekend. Write a letter to your American friend. In your letter
• Give reasons why you are organizing the party;
• Tell him/her how many people are coming and who they are;
• Tell him/her about going to a house warming party in Vietnam.
Dear Mary,

How are you? I hope that everything is going well with you. I’m writing this letter to invite you to a house
warming party next Saturday evening. I’ve just bought a new house, which is larger and closer to my workplace. My family are
very happy about it because we all have been working hard and have saved money for a long time.
I’m going to invite around fifteen people, who are my closest friends and their family. The party will be held in my new house
at 7 pm on Cau giay street.
When going to a house warming party in Vietnam, you don’t have to bring anything special. Guests normally just come to
enjoy the food with the host and have fun. But you can buy some fruit or some drinks if you want.
I hope you’ll be able to make it. hoac to come .
Please do come. I am looking forward to your arrival/ hoac to seeing you soon.

Best wishes, Task 2 - Opinion
stay-connected-with-each-other - Sample 5 (Agree)

Task 1 - Apology
You finished your study without saying goodbye to one of your American friends. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• apologize for not saying goodbye to him/her

• explain the reasons why you were not able to say goodbye to him/her
• tell him/her what you’re planning to do in the future and when you might come back. Edulife
Dear Mary,

How are you? I hope that everything is going well with you I’m writing this letter to apologize for not saying
goodbye to you when I finished my study. I know I made you sad and I feel so bad about that. I’m deely sorry.
As you know, I booked my flight early in the next morning after our graduation. This was because I had to attend an important
meeting at home. I was so busy packing up clothes and everything that I could not call you or see you to say goodbye. I should
have arranged my schedule more carefully.
I’m planning to come back at the end of this year to go travelling. Would you like to meet when I come back? I will surely
bring you a lot of interesting gifts from Vietnam.
I hope you can forgive me. Looking forward to your reply.

Love, /Yours, Best wishes, Task 2 - Discussion and opinion



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