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Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

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Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

Cybersuit Arkadyne .......................... 91 -3
53.25 US, $3.75 C m , 54.00 US oversea

Gates of Pandragon ....................... $1

, %

$3.00 US, $3.48 Can, $3.75 US oversea

OEJAoUU..................................... .......................................................................................... -
1 "XX.X.*.*.X... .... .."...........

0 Mecha-Pr- ...................................... t1,4 e

$5.75 US, $6.42 Can, $6.50 US oversea WHflT'S 6lJRDRll FIJRmUlR 917 ..................................1.........1...................................................1..........1..........1............
MP Subscription ......................... 6 issues WHRT'S .......-....._*..- .......-............................................. I ......... ...XI........ 1 .............
S25 US, $29.96 Can, $36 US oversea
Prateculture Addicts. .................. $10-1 1
GUnORm FOimuLR gi UUFRUIGU~........................................................ I. . .................................................. -..--.
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CHARACTE!lS .................X..........II.*.....I... ......lll.............. ......... O
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54.00 US, $4.82 Can, $5.00 US oversea

PA SUbGrifliOII ........................... 6 issues

$18 US, $22.47 Can, $25 US oversea
Canadian price includes GST m STRlJCflf'Al mRTERlR1S ..-... .22
All prices include Postage & Handling
Checks or Money-Orders must be drawn

SPIRIT UIRR AIOR ~ U D E L SEURLUATlfln .........._...._.1..-.-.-..........................-...=..............-...............-..-.X--X ..dU
11lnmu numn TO GRME HITS ........._.._..-. ................................................................................................. 32

Jeffrey Turn ...............( N ~ " P E Hobbies and Toys)

Dave Georgeson ,...._. (Seven!h Street Games)
Oany Gagnon ............. .....(LE VALET D ' C O W
Mike Pondsmith ........ ...... (R.Talsorian Games)
John O'Donnell ......... ....... U S . Maws Corps)
Janice Hindle ........... mol
Moboo Masuda (Sunrise)
Judith Lanauette
Robert Dubois
Stephane BrncCu

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

GUNDAM (f-91,M180: War in the Pocket)
P Sunrise. Gundarn models are made by

MECHAPIS & 1991 by Seventh Street

Games. Models produced and provided
by Seventh Street Games.

MEKTOM II c Mike Pondsrni!h, 1990 and

R Talsorian Games, IRC.

Alexandre Racine link)
Prerre Ouellette (color)

Dominique Durocher & Marc-Alexandre
VBzina ......................... 7,22-23. 30-33
Jeffrey Tom ................................. 6, 33

Technical Drawings
Dominique Duroher4,?.12-16. 26-27

Nikolai F~kteff................................ 29
Marc-Alexandre Vezina ................... 28

Other illustrations from:

Aerospace America
(Januar; 19931 -23
Aerospacs Engineering
(July iP32): ..................................... 21 -22
B-CIub P63 (02-911: ................................ 3,8
Gundam F-01 (Ntnqype iOQob Col'xtion 18).
0 Kadokawashotsn 1991.
pp. 43. 58-74. ..................................... 9-1 i
Des MaYBriaux. J.-h. D o r W J.-P. Baiton, J .
!I a sou nave . M ont rea I.
Ecole Polytechniqus. 1986. p 13 ............ 22
MeMon Techbook (ME).R. Taalsorian Games:

Mobi!e Suit Gundam F91

Mobile Suit Gumdam F91 The Official Edition

(B-Club Special). p. 67.87.91 .........5. 10-11
Mobi!e Suit Gunclam Illustration Worrd
(Book Nippan). pp, 122,125-26 ........5. 8. 9
hrlodel Kits, Box cover illustrztions
(Bandai. B-Club, General Products, Goiken
Muyou Factory, Kaiyodo. Vofksl ........ 7. 32
Plas!ics Engineering. R . J. Craiwford. Oxford.
Pergamon Press. 198J.p 93 . 23

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)



wobld be more to their taste). We can see the difference betweenthe'hvo timelines
I if we compare their respeche backgrounds. In Tomino's background, the
MPW+J~F!rqnceptis pushed to the timit(sometimes a little too muc

battle in N U GUNDAM: CHAR' NTERATTACK. That me;

t ~ f lhimceffa JWear space to work with if he wants to do a follovd-up to CHAR'S
,"IC l l l l l l V V l

' ""'VERATTACK (in case Char and Ammo are still alive!). When 1 talked to
@ i n q t h i m EXDO
~ W ,fie told me that he was very anxious to start

uy lurllltlC __ .

with I - , - W A R (a radio show which was also published in small installments in

. If we look closely at FSt's story. it is more or less of a rebirth for GUNDAM. Check
this: a brand new type of extremely powerful Mobile Suit, piloted by an inexperi- I

x enced young guy who's scared out of his wits but fights like a lion to defend his
home and loved ones. The enemy is a not so evil organization (only its leaders are
I evil, as it is often the case in real life!) with asuitably fascist inspired name! a blond
and good looking ace (who looks and acts like Char Aznable) and sharp looking
. Mobile Suits (the Feds suits always looked like cans compared to the 2eon"s). If
. this isn't a new GUNDAM MS, 1 don't know what is! The new GUNDAM universe
is set; how Tomino-San will continue it is anybody's guess!

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)


by Martin Ouellette
While we were at Rnime Expo '92, we learned that our
friend Jeffrey Tom (from New Type Hobbies and Toys)
was going to Japan forthe 1992 edition of the Wonder
Festival, which is considered to be "the" garage kit
convention. Organized by Kaiyodo, one nf the principal 1
garage kit companies in Japan, it was an went worth
The new FSS Morlar Headds.
seeing, even if it was rather short with only one day of
exposition (August 16).

Although stilf quite big, the event was smaller than the
other years' mainly because General Products, the
usual organizer, wasn't present. As a lot of model
fanatics in the anime world know. GP closed its doors
about a year ago It seems that the recession has P

started to hurt the garage kit industry because the

latest info vie have announces that Zero (a very good
Figures Galore! = Godzilla couldn't miss this show
company) has been forced to close too. But many
others still exist and showed up forthe event.The main
participants ivere (in no particular order): Wave. Toys
Press, Workshop Cast, Kotobukiya, Musashiya, Max
Factory, Realize, G-port. and of course Kaiyodo. Two
malor garage kit companies were noted for their ab- I

sence, however. It seems that Volks (who makes the 1

superb Five Starstories rnodels)and E-Club (maker of
the stunnrng 11220 scale Gundam models) decided to
save their energy for Jaf-Con '92. a

All the companies present had at least one new kit to
present to the public, and more often than not a bunch 8

ofthemi Workshop Cast showed off the three kits they

have produced so f a r a rnaonificent 1/100 scale resin
Joker3100 Knight of Gold, the ultimate krf otthe Bang E

Doll and a superb Schpeltor (Knight of Chrome or m

Water Dragon). Those three kits are the best of the FSS
kits available and are Qf the highest quality. justifying Labors and more Labors of all kinds.
A huge monsler: 1/35Led Mirage.
their prices

Kotobukrya presented the 11144 scale resin model of

the YMS-I6 Xamel: anyone who has seen Gundam
0083 can imagine how big it is1 Notethatthis isthe only
kit of the Xamel available (but a 1/220 scale version
would be neat').

Kaiyodo displayed the AMP graviton gun from Silent

Mobius (in l/l scale), a vinyl kit 01 Giant Robo and a
new kit of MazingerZ. Whileit's beenoutforquitesme Wide varie:y of Ullraman kits. a
time, their 1/35 scale Led Mirage is still one of the best
and biggest kits in existence. The labors from Hobhy-
Japan's "Patlabor the 3-0 show" were also exposed.

As w e can see Jeff rev's trip was worth it. The chance of
seeing new products plus the possibtlif~: of meeting
company executives made the Wonder Fest a must
The Japanese being qurte frrendly. h e lwa5 able to olive
an even better base t o his numerous business relations
and make sure that North American fanatics have a
chance io buy their dream kits at reasonable orices.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

Bandai has just reieased three new plas- Yow avaitable at New Type Hobbies and Toys are
tie kits from the serfe Gundam 0123: accessories packs for Sci-Fi models. Ne!v Type carnes
Silhouefte Formula. In addition to the lenses, ball joints. rubber joints. thrusters, sole pieces
R G M - f l l HardygunandRXF-Sl,!he mo- and metal detail parts such as hands (square, rounded.
bile suits now available are the RX-99 or articulated plastic). Also check out €he new "clear"
Neo-Gundam, the XM-07G Vigna-Zhira packs: each contains many beam sabers and detail
and the F-AB I;-Cannon Magna. Except parts. Several grades of rubber and metallictubingscan
for the Neo-Gundam, alt the suits are be ordered in standard packages Please call for details.
reworked versions of the F-91 models
with many added features. Accessories packs, various manufacturers, availables
at New Type Hobbies and Toys (see ad in this issue).
Silhouette Farmula Of23 models, manu-
factured by Bandai, plastic model kits, I /
100 scale.

The newgst ip a gro'mng l i i e of books for the ac-

cfaimed MeMon II game svstem is fresh out of the
oven. The MeMon Tech S\&m (MTS)isa collsctioil
of 'add-ov' rules thatwlll enable the players and the
gamemaslers to recreate almost any mecha from
theirfavortc anime. And not just mecha. br!tar;y 4ird
of hi-iech prop!

Dont throw oat your MeMon vanuaf because all the

stuff presented in the Techbook is full2 tornpa?ib:e
with all the rules ouolished before by R Talsorian
G a m s . Any r e c h from previolrs campaigns can be
updated. or used as is1

Here 1s a brief list of what you ail1find iflslde:

- elec!ronic warfare package:

- grav propulsion;
- mapewer verniers.
- sectient, A1 avd orgaiic rnecqas;
- refined basic systems (pO?v%plant, sensors. etC!,
-advanced transformabfes;
- remote drones;
- and lasi but far from least. a complete sjsteT for
custov-building weapons ot any kindl

That's right. you can now choose the ve&f effect of

the guns. missiles and other equipmerts on your
mech. From hundreds of micro-mtssiles to a ptanei
busting Seam cannoq. everjthing goes. but you'd
better watch that CP cost .

Th~TechbookalsocootaInsacompfete gurdefor i?
o i rhe more common meMons used in the Kargan-
Elaran Owam. Designed by iha Waitrip brothers. ?he
mebons have a sleek mechanical look that is
garanteed to olease 'be garnea In addition to !he
gaming slats, a fuit historical ov?nvjew along ~ i t h
variations and favocs prfots names is lncludsd for
each rnektor.
MeKan Techbook: advanced COnS!ruCtiOP and mecha
refGrence guide. publislled by R Talsorian Games.
SOEC T K . 96 pages.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

Cecily Fairchrld (one of the principal characters) gets (who suspiciously looks like Char) has the "hots" for the
m elected Miss Countrs, Side. As she begins to refuse her new C.V. Queen, Vera Ronah).Theho getaway from the
pnze (she seems to have been pressured into participat- battle. Following a few scenes which offer some much
ing inthecontest),there'sa big explosion and aRGM-B9R needed explanations. Cecily re-joins the Federation.
Jegan falls on a building, crushing the people inside. The
The anxiously awaited finale happens soon after, when
5 Jegan returns fire on a XM-02 Den'an Gel (a Crossbones
Kororo "Iron Mask Ronah sends a bunch of Bunsaw
Vanguard IQWrank off icersuit) butthe C.V. machine kicks
1 drones (an extremely silly part of the movie, believe me)
the Den'an Gei's head off. The carnage begins as the
which manages to waste a lot of Frontier IV'S civilian
L outclassed and outnumbered Federation Mobile Suits try
population inamost gruesome way. Gecily and Seabook
to hold the C V. suits back. Amidst the panic, Cecily,
battlethem and,tinding awayto getout of thecolony, try
Seabookdrno (the future Gundam pilot) and theirfnends
I ta destroy the Lafressia, 'Iron Mask's personaE Mobile
appropnate a museum exhibit M S (an old transformable
Armor. Cecily jumps him fiEt but gets beaten back. Even
m Guntank) and try to help the Feds, but nothing works and
worse, she is ejected from her MS and rendered uncon-
everything is lost. Seeing this, thekids tryto make it to a
by Martin Ouellette 1 scious. Enraged, Seabook engages Lafressia and by
space rescue boat (it l o o k like a school bus to me!)
using a Newtvpelpsvcommu trick, destroys it.Seabook,
When I heard, inearfyl990,fhatLerewasto bea flew
Seabooks dad has secured for them On their way there,
terrifiedattheZhougRtofhaving tostcecily, looksforher.
GUNDAM in 1991, I freaked! People alt around me 1 they are attacked by a contingentof C.V. Suits led by UOml
After searching crazily. he finally finds her. Luckily. she's
knewthat 1 was a GUNDAM manisc and announced the Ronah (high rank officer of C.V. and mernberof the Ronah
1 still alive and they return to the waiting Gundam.
news to me very carefully (probably because they royal family). With the help of Cecily's traitorous stepfa-
thought Iwas going to blow an artery!). Nearly a year L
ther Theo, Dorel captures her and starts to explain that I felt a liltle betrayed: a happy ending i n GUMDAM?
passed before I saw the incredfble runner for it on a she's Vera Ronah, his kid sister. Cecily remembers him Well, times change, don't they!
GUNDAM 0083: STARDUST MEMORIES laser disc one and agrees to follow him without resistance.
of our friends gave us. And hay! [was not disaplpointed!

I had towaituntilAugust1991,atbnimecon'91,to beable

. The kids and Seabook, having escaped capture (or rather
destruction, Dorel being a little rough on them), find
to see this movie for the first time. It began with a big themselves in another colony. They join the crew of the
colony hatch being cut open and the entry af Crossbones B Space Ark. aFederation training shipwhich ivason itsway
V a n - guard's (I was going ta say Zeon) Mobile to deliver a brand new S.N.R.1 protoType MS to the
Suits into % the Frontier IVcolony (or is it Side IV?). At fIagship Rah Gustar but had beenforcedto hidelkelffrom
the same ::. time, them's a big festival going on and C.V.'s MS units patrolling around Frontier IV (now re-
= named "New Babylonia" and under C.V.k rule).
At the same time, Cecily is taken to see her
grand-tather Meitler Ronah [the G.V.'s "King"
or "Grand Duke") whom she's very glad to meet

who now wearsan iron mask.

At first, she doesn't believe him and
asks himto remove his mask to prove it. He
refuses, saying that he swore not to remove it until
osrno Babylonia had become a reality (the Cosmo
Babylonia theory is nearly the same thing as the
Newtype theoty advocated by the Zeonists 30

the F91 MS. now known as Gundarn in honor of

attack and another one some days later. It is

during this later attack that, as he prepares t D

to their side. The pilot, Anna Maria Broughia (who looks

just like Lata Sun) seemstohave defected because her
boytriend (7). aC V high officer named Zabine Chareux


I P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
"The degarr makes a thruster jump and lands on top of suits were given a great numb
the buiiding. Unfortunately.the root isn't strong enough (nearly 90 in cetfain cases) and f
1 and the Suit starfs to sink in. Tu the plot's dismay, a considerably augmented. In the past, the ratin thrust,
~ C.V.3 Den'an Eei jumps a1 him and kicks his Jegan's weight was usually 1.5 kun kg (the Jegans used by the
head off ...' Federation have this ratio). The new Suits have a 3.5 to
4 kgll kg ralia! C.V.'s R&D department gave aspeeial
attention tb the keaponry. The beam shield was devel-
why is the Uen'an Gei winning? Quite simple: C.Y.'s oped and the heavy machine-guns were given a large
Suits are much more advanced than the old J W n grace. Wlthtime. theXR1 line nfrnilitarysuitsgave birth
e which have been in sewice for 34 years! In 11.6.W93, t o six more MS types, XM-02 through 07.
the MS hadreached thelr ultimatesize limits. Asirnple
GM (theJe~an)was19meterstall faraweightof nearly I n 01-23 U.C.. Meltzer Ro decided that C.V. hsd
58 tons? And they had to fight agaimf Zakus [ G e m waited long enough aad cked Frorrtier IV. The
Dogas)ffratwere 20 mefers high and weighfed GOtons! Federation tried to defend itself hut their 34 years old
The Gundam ollfraf Bge (RX-93 Flu Gundam) measured degans just didn't m~aswv6up to C.V.'s RBW suits. The
22 meters high and M a r Amable's suit. the Sazabi, Federation had. with the FTG~-t89HeavyGunandF-7f
was 23.00 meters. But those momtrow machines had G-Cannon, very capable. miniaturized MS as wet1 but
II gone theit wap just like the dinosaurs. theirpilots had neverseenfeaf combat (the Federation
had been in peace for nearty two generations) and
Thlrty years have passed since Neo-Zeon's defeat at didn't know how fa light agalnst the highlytrained C.V.
, the hands of Lond Bell and for the Federalion, those
- years have been peaceful and nearlyserene. Aver the
fifteen years of war (from U.E. DO78 to 00931, life had
pilots who had in f a ~ fheir
t backs against the wall.
Having started the attack, fhey would not be able to
retreat wry tar. Sa at the end, smaller, highly devel-
Is starfed to reorganize itself for peace. ReCDnStlUCtiOII aped MS and very well trained pilots gave C.V. the
was one of the blggest businesses around and one of vietnrj in Frontier IV and other subsequent battles.
the companies had started building its own independ-
ent little colony. The Buhho recycling company was Only the arrival af the F91 Gundam on the battlefield
founded by Chaln FIolstwho, hauino made his lorttme, saved the situation. Boasting the bio-computer tech-
had bought the family name of the Ronah's, one of the nology. it was more than a match for C.Y.'s machines.
most distinguished famili es of otd Europe. Hotst, being In shori, the F91 was Ihe best MS available. But even
1 a shrew4 man decided to build a colony where his then, the MSdevehped by C.V. still had fhe upperhand-
~ employees coutd liveand warkwithouf being harassed when compared to the anes used by the Federation.
by the Federals. Chaln's son, Meitzeri continued his^
* father's work.
In his mid-lhirties, Faeitzerlounded the Cosmo Rrlstbc-
" racy movement, which was nothing morefhaa theZeon
I ideology all over again. To attain his goab, a special
school wasestablished foffhose whnwovld undertake
military training and mechanic tesis. The students af
this school later became Crossbones Vanguard.

Evidently, a rnititary outfit like C.V. needed Mobile "

* Suits. The Buhho company, in ils infancy, needed lo

constructtheir own work M S (the pricesfart he standard
ones, as well as the fact that they were usuallytoo big
for construction work had made it so) sa the Uen'an
c daxs wQrk MS was developed. Getting smaller and
smaller, in U.G. 0121 they atlained their optimal sire:
14 meters and less than 75 tons. This suit was much
* smaller than the ordinary suits used by the federalion
I lor two reasons: first, the suit's flrnction was work so i t

had to be agile and small enough to l i t just about

..anywhere; second, the quantity of raw materials l o

make the sui$ was limited. Since even C.V.'s colony
wassmall, eveflhinghadto be miniaturized, compact
and 100% eflicient. The Den'an suits being very good,
' it was decided that they would be the base for the first
1 milItary MS.

Named XM-U1 Den'an Zon. it had a miniaturized fusion

* engine and beam generator which. although smaller
than their Federation counterparts, had a nearly dou-
bled oufput. Maneuverabitrty was of concern, so the

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

. 1
Monica is Seabook's mother. She is an engineer holding
I I a high posrtion at the S.N.R.I. (Space 'Navy Research
Institlrte) where she developed the bio-computer, now
part of the Gundam. Monica is a rather brilliant person.
rn 1
She based the bio-computer's circuitry diagram on a
I 1 game she played when she was a kid, named "Cat's
craddle" (makingfigures with your fingers and a string).

L 1
She had to leave her family for her work, but Leslie (her

by Martin Oaellette 1 . husband) and Seabook do not harbor any hard feelings
toward her. That is not the case with Rees, her ten- year-
old daughter,who greatly resents her not being withthem

when they needed her the most. At the end of the movie,

. Monica joins the Space Ark crew to help take care of the


1 1

I m


* rn

rn m
._ w I X^XIX._XI


L Although living on Frontier IV, Cecily is the daughter of
Nadia and Koruzo Ronah, members of the Ronah royal I

family. When she was ten, Cecily's mother disappeared

L . .
with her, eloping wth Theu FairchildQ ~Frorrtier
I IV. Vera's
rn name was h e n changed to Cecily Fairchild. Gecily is a rn - < .,. * -. - I

beaulihl, strawbemy-blond haired young woman, with

Rees is SeabooKs IiAle sister. Exceptionally intelligent,
piercing blue eyes and a wry simple (yet dignified)
I she's the one who solves the problem the Space Ark
manner. Her gentleness hides a fierce nature,though she
engineers are experiencing with the Gundarn's bio-corn-
m sometimesshowsburstsofragethatputherin ratherbad m
puter circuitw by showing them the relation between the
situations (like when she engages the Lafresssia giant rn Cat'scradlegarneandtheaforementlonedcircuitw. Rees
Mobilearmor single-handedly).After she gets "abducted"
rn I is much like herfather Leslie, which meanswlm, discreet
by her brother Qorel, she decides to follow her destiny as
and collected. She resents Monica (her mother) for
a Runah royal heir and agrees to be named "Queen of E
leaving her and the rest of the family for her work. Rees
Crossbones Vanguard". But later. after seerng Seabook,
m I is a distinguishedmember of the "Pioneer Wnder Club".
she changes her mind and goes back wth him to the
Federation side. Cecily pilots the SM-07 Vigna-Ghina, a

I high-officer Crossbones Vanguard Mobile Suit made

especially for her. rn
.... ..-. __

.... ..
... ,- _...


. .
Seabook is a high-school student on the Frontier 1V
I .....
colony. Since he wanted to become an engineer {like his
mother), he decided to get his degree. The arrival of

Crossbones Vanguard on Frontier IV changed his plans,

and he is now the pilot of one of the most advanced
Mobile Suit the Federation has ever put on the field, the F-
91 Gundam. Seabook is very courageous and cool-
m .
headed under fire but he can get extremely dangerous rf
I h
Re's pushedtoofar. Inthat aspect<he is much likeCamille
Vidan, the Gundam pilot in ZETAGUNDAM. His mother is m I

Monica Arna, the engineerwhoactually designedthe bio- 1 m

computerthat rnakesthe F-91 soadvanced.Although she
x m
neglected him, his little sister Rees, and their father for . .
-. _. ._ .-
._. .-.............. ..I . .
herwork, Seabook loves hervery much. He pilots the F- 1 8
. . . . . . . .
91 Gundamwith skills reminiscentofdrnuro Rey, the first 1 I . . ~ , I ~ .
of all the Gundam pilots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a E

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

If there's a professional posturer in the Federation, this
guy is it! Show-off and brash, he newer backs off from a
fight, whatever the odds. He's also cynical and without
pm. At one time, he even suggests that if the enemy has
Newtype pilots, they should be taken care of right away.
The remark by aself isn't that bad but he could at least
just got back to the Feds side) wasn't there. Tact and
diplomacyaren'this game. Eutyes, he'saverygood pilot
and he knows it. At the end of the movie, he pays for his
show-off atthude when his RGM-109 Heavy-Gun GM
gets dismembered and himself killed by the Bunsaw
drones sent into the Frontier IV colony.
. . . .. . ..
. .. . -..-
: .....
- .-

The master of CrossbonesVanguard (butonly in appear- Since 30 years have elapsed since the events of NU
ance) andgrand-father of Cecily (Vera) and Dorel, Mebeer GUNDAW CHAR'S COUNTERAllACK and the death of
is a kind old man who believes in his dreams. He's the Char Amable (at least as far a3 we know), then this guy
author of the "Cosrno Babylonia" theory. Meilzer isn9 a cannot logicalb be his son if he's 24 years old? But he
cruel conqueror though. He really believes in his theory looks so much like Char that making this assumption is
and truly wants to take care of humanity.There is a very onlynatural.Thefact that heacts like him onlymakesthis
strong bond between his grand-children and himself. But idea more tempting. Zabine is the leader of the Black
all those qualitiesshouldn't mask the fact that he'll go to Vanguard, an elite Mobile Suit und which could also be
ridiculous lengths to make his dream come true, like called "Royal Guard". Like Char, he has many women
taking on the entire Federationarmy with a very small (but around him that can cause some major hassles if one of
well-trained) army at his disposition. Furthermore, he is them is jealous enough to try to kill him! He is what's
, , . . .,.
not the real master of Crossbones Vanguard - his son usualtycalleda "dream boat", even with his eye patch! At
Korm (Iron Mask) is!Inthat aspect, Meber Ronahis much first, he pilotsa black XM-05 Berga-Giros and after some
like Degin Zavi, the first master of the Zeon Archduchy. damage, replaces it with a black XM-02 Den'an-Gel.
Meiher is avery decorative and useful kind Ot puppet.

. .. ,. .
. - . .. . " >

- -.-~
, .
- .
. .
: :
. , . .. , .. . .
: :

i-1 -

_ -_ q
-. .
l_. _-
,._ ._

What else can we say about this glry except that he's a
_ -
new Gren Zavi. Me's got 811 the deviousness and cruelb
necessary. Gren killed his father (or at least, had him .
.. . - -~_..._ One of the supenor officers of Crossbones Vanguard's
killed) and tried to kill hFs sister. Korozo goes a Step scouting Mobile Suit unit, Annamaria is also an intimate
furtherand tries to kill his own daughter! In reality, he's The older 'brother of Cecily (Vera) and, after KWDZO'S (!) friend of Zabink Chareux. But after Cecily's arival,
the true master of CrossbonesVanguardand his father is death, legitimate heirtothe Ronah royal throne. He'salso &bin6 loses interest in her and Annamaria, out of spite,
nothingmore thanapuppet. Heeven managesto havethe the commander of C.V.'s Mobile Suit forces and a very passestothe Federation'sside. In a battle, during the last
Lafressia, his personal giant Mabile Armor, constructed good MS pilot (if a lrttletoo cocky for his own good) in his third of the movie, Annamaria, at the command of her
in secret so that even Meitzer doesn't know about it. No own right. Dorel believes in his grand-father's Cosmo newly repainted XM-06 Qaghi-Ins (it is now tan and red
mean feat when we know the size of the Lafressia. Its Babylonia theory and acts accordingly with arrogance instead of dark green and red) engages &bine and gets
armament and size alone show how power-mad its pilot and pride1 LeYsjust hope that hedoesn'ttumout like his killed in a rather messy way. Physically, Annamaria is a
must be father Korozo. Dorel pilots an XM-04 Berga-Dalas. near clone of Lala Sun in GUNDAM MS.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

The F9f is much more admnced fian any other MS ever built as far as Cechnofogjandweaponry are concerned Its " -

looks is a proof of that by itself. Much more streamlined than any other Gundarn, it is also much smaller and weighs
alot less.Bui nooneshould befooled1 T~lsmachrneisdetlnltelyaGundam? Theantennae (The bes~v.ay~adrstingujsh
a Gundam! m d € kb o e y ~ a r surclypresent.
e as is the famous red chin An rnterestingdetar1:theface plateconceals
~ dpsychurnrnu ejector (other machines have this meapon mounted on the forehead) which, when in use. makes the
suit look like it's spitting?The shouldersare broad and contain lhree deptoyable flaps each. The role atthose flaps IS
unclear (maybethey are used tu dr~tveflargyfromtheMtnovskiparticla floating both inspaceancl insidethecnlontes.
Dr simply as heat sinks).
- ~ " " "

x " " ""

. - .
. .
Code name: Gundam F91 ~ > ^ ^ x -
" Qfficial code: F-91 (Formula Jf) " " " " " "

" " ~ ""

Generator: 4 250LW ~

Thrusters: 15 358 b g M , 4380Irg-x6

Max thrust 87 680 kq
Apagee motors: 51
Armament: 20 mm vulcan guns k (ieadj. 60 mm vulcan gun, d (torso), ^ ^ ^

beam sabers WZ. V.S.B.R. (Variable Speed Beam R i f l e ) d . beam shield 12,
one beam rifle. one b a r n launcher bazoolta. one psgcummu laumhn (headhce pfate).

The GM Mobile Suit of Gundam F91, the Heavy Gun seems to bea direct descendant of the nol:/ffarnous RGM-89
"Jegan' tChar'sColmrerattack,WoGundam)Although achildfwith its 15.80 meters) comparedtothe Jegan (19.00
meters),theHeavy Gun is one ofthe biggest MS in F91 It is alsothe heaviestafterthe Jegan (the HeavyGun weighs
23 5 tonswhile the Jegan weights51.9tonsl). The HeayJ Gun has all the particularities of the Ghl lineage: thin but
tall with a motorcycle helrnet-!rks head. standard weaponry, low armor projection and a shield
The cockpit 15 similar to the Gundam's aith its 360"view screen and deproyabte head-up display. A rape ladder is
installed on the inside o f t h e cockdit Ratch, making the wheekd mechanical ladders of the oldtimes obsolete. Its
colorrsaveryligMcream overaliwithSome touchesof redand light orange. We seetheHeay Gunfhrougholrtthe.
movie. ~~

" "

Cmde name: Heavy Gun

Official code: RGM-IDS " ~

Use: Federal force ~ O S combaf

Height: 15.8U m e t m ^ ^ ~ ~

Werght: 9.5 tons (tIty),23:5 ton$ {cnmhat]

Armor material: gundarlum alloy
Gmemtnr:Z87OkW - ~ ~

Thrusters: 2t 250 kg rr2. ?6 790 kg r2,9 Sa0 kg x4

klaxthrusf:1?5840kq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Apogeemot~u:SS "-

Armament. 20 m m vutcan guns a (head), ~

low grmade ra~ksd, " - ~ x ^ ^ ^ "

" one beam saber, one heam rifle, one%hiild.-

x ^ ^

~ ~ - ~ - - -

. . x j l " " " -

~~ ^ x x "

^ ^
^ _ " "
~ " " " - "
~ ^ " " - " " " .
- " - " ... " " ~ . _ .
- - -

I " ~ ~ ~ _ _ ^ _ -" ". ~

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

nnnnugn 5mdii ( 1 4JU ~ r i e ~ s r sIIW
j. U~lrdllllUIIIS U I ~ C

the Federatiki has ever

dams (of course), The R1-
~ when seerrfrom a
but if^observed closety, hi differences are1evide
. The head is smaller, the sh
-.three maneuvering thrusters on each 5l them. Since -
7 l i e VI is more-sqvaf than lhe?eavy Guil, its Waist isA
_thicker and Upper bady Wler. The IegLare slrongl
.--built (in order-tosustaintheweight and tfibmtions
' - t h e machine-cannons) with-a 1'6 790 k~ thruster on
" A
" - sack of the ankles. The bac!i;pack"isdso bigger arid:-_
-"-more powerful than the H f m y Gun's - --
- ~

' The culmar~identicatto the H cream-

o v e r a ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ e t o ~ c b ~ ~ o - -~ ~ ne&-

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

ing the quimtessential Zakus Cade name: Den'an Zon
t still looks like a Zaku but OIficial code: XM-IIl
~- ~ -" ~

erent machine, The dimen- "Use: Crossbones vanguard c I o i ionhat MS"(soldier me)
sions are certainly the biggest diffmnce. The Zakus were Height: 14.00 meters
-Weight 7.9 ions (dry), 17.4 tons (combat) - - -

usually 18.00 meters tall vith a weight of about 4D to 50

Atmor material: compound high-cerarnicsAitaniUm alfny ~

tons! - . .
Generator: 3 880 kW
Another change Isthe presence of two eyes (which bok like ^Thrusters: 17 310 kg d ,B 950 k# d,4 450 kg f4
Max thrust:70 360 kg
big blue goggles) instead of the mono-we seflsot camera
we're so accustomed to The shoulders are massive-with
Apogee molors:84 ~" - "" x 1

y v Rrrnamenl: oneshut runfhex(gun form), heavy machins-guns

both of them n o ~ vSporting the points the Zakus had on the x2, one dual haam yun. one bmrn shield (round type), one
lefi shoulderonly. Thearmor is much more efficient and the

beam saber. ~~.

~ adva'nced^arficulaTition systems give it an incredible agility.
The thrustheight ratio is much higher. giving the Den'an ~ - " - - ~

Zona maneuverability unattatnabk by the earher machines. Code mama: Denbn Gei
- "
Official code: XM-02
The [ow rank officers' Suit of Crossbones Vanguard, the Use: CrogsbonesVangmrd ekecombat MS (lmrankofflcer)
Height 73.90 melets

Den'an Get seems to be asouped-up version of theXh-07

Den'an Zon. The amur is improved. as well as the thruster Weight: 7.1 ions (drf), 19.2 tons (comb
power and weaponry. One of the distinctive tralts of the Armor material: compound high-cerami
Genetator: 4 020 kW
Den'an Gel is its head: the shoulders are also veiy different, . Thrusters. 17790Rgx2,lI030bgw2,8700 kgr2,i 348 kyx4 x

with no points on them. Instead. the left one has a triple Max thrust: 80 400 kg
- grenadarackinstalled on rtstop The rest ofthebody ismore Apogee motors: 76
or less the same as the Den'an Zon Thruster power is quite Armament. one beam rille, one beam gun. one beam shteld- .
improved though. (polygonal type), one beam saber, nne triple grenads rack
(shoulder mounlwl). 20 mm uulcan grrns x2 (bead].
There are hvo different color schemes for the Den'an 2on
grey forthe orellnary C V. soldiers and black Lvith x l - "

nd gold trim for "Black Vanguard ' (a special elite

unit led by ZabinbChareux) Thosetmversions are preserrt " " "

on and off during the entlre movie.

^ "

- " " "

1 Although the ugliest Mobife Suit ever made (personal

taste here), the Fbirhu-s is aR enemy to be reckoned
wrth. Small and mean. its efftciency cannot be ig-
nored Even tf it'sa "sc~ut"L E , its armament is veof
heavy. includrng a small drone on the right shoulder.
The left shoulder contains sensor cameras and the
left leg has an ECM pod an its exterior side. Thruster
po?ver is minimal.

The Ebirhu-S, like the Den'an Zon and Gei has two
paint schemes avaifable. the standard grey (C.V
Standard soldier) and the BlackVanguardtype, black
with purple and gold trim. We see the XM-03 through-
out the mwte

Cnde name: Fbfrhu-S ~ ~~ ~

Qflrcial code: XM-03

Use: Crossbones Vanguard scout M S ~

Height: 13.20 meters

Weight, 6.8 tons (dry), 76.7 tons [combat)
Armor material: compound high-cerarnicsflitanium afloy
Generator: 3 O W BW
Thrusters: 22 54P kg XZ, 11 390 kg x2
Max thrust: 67 840 kg
Armament: one shot rnnther, heavy machine-guns XU, one
beam spray-gun drone, shot claws 14, one beam saber,
one tn'ple grenade rack. shrefd.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

The Crossbones Vanguard's high rank officer MS.the"
Berga-Dalas is heavily armorgd and
best weapons available. Only one ex
Qpefortbe XM-05 Berga-Gms and
Ronah (see Character guide, p.8). "~

Its head is vep/distinct(ve witha crest much like the one

theancient Greek wore OR fheir helmets Although rt ts
usually hand-held on other designs. the right forearm
has the shot runther attached to rt. The back-pack ~

thruster assembly has two special caracteristics: the six

articulated, fin-fannel like thruster/drones (but rt ISnot
specified what these things really are) and an outlet f o r
a beam flag (it's just like a beam saber but with an
electromaganetjcfield eHectinQthe shape of a flag with
the C.V 's insignia A nifty piece of hard1warel).
The Berga-Giros is theoperational version of theberga-
Dalas IXM-04) prototroe The Bey-Giros isn't very
drtferent from the Berga-Dahs. onty detaik distinguish ~

them from each other. The backpackthrusterasse~bly

IS nearlythesame. the onlydiffersnce being ttle number
of thrusteddrones f8 instead of 6 ) and their shape

Ths armament stays the same. except for" the shol

ruother.which rsnowhand-held and mountsfour heavy
machme-guns {instead of b o \
The Berga-Dahs hasa tight purple overall pamtjob,ivith
golden yellow trim We see ii throughout the entire
movie. There are two aaint schemes for the Berga-

&ed by Zabtnk Chareux. We see this Mobile Suit

during the first 2/3 bf the movie. ~

Code name:Beiga-Glros ~

Official code: XM-05

Use: Crossbones Vanguard commamdMS (&adard)
Height: 15.80 meters ^ ^

Weight: 9.1 tom taw), 22.7 ton$ (combatb -

Armor material: compound high-cerarnicsffitanlum a h y

Generator: 4 790 kW

Aaxthrwk98f7P kg - ~ ~ ? "

npogeemotot?.:73 ~ " --
Armament: ona shntmm7her (Cand.hel# tvpi?). h a V y ma-
chine-guns 14, beam s a b m d,oneAbearnshield. " - "-

-Generafor: 4 630kW " .

~ Thrusters' 22 500 kg d,8 950 k g f i , 3460 h'&

" "

Maxthru3: 92 S9Dko x x

Apogee motors:82 -
Armament: oneshotrunther(r1ght
guns 12. beam sabers Q, one b a r n shield.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

A prototype Mobile Suit. the Vigna-Ghina was espe-
cially made for Vera Ronah. Queen of the Crossbones ~

Vanguard domain. ~

The head of the V-G keeps the cresl and some of the.
facial features of the BergPGrros but the viewpane is
inspired by the Daghi-Iris. The shoulders and loner
body are also a mix between those b o machines. The
torso is modifred though, the cockprt hatch sliding
forward horizontally lust like the F9t The back-pack is
quite mecial ~ i t Eight
h directional thrusters that give
the impression the Suit has wvlngsT
~~ - "

The armament is composed of bearnweaponsa beam

launcher bazooka is added after Vera RonahlCecily
Fairchild's defectron to the Federation's side.Jhe V-G is
painted a w r y light grey wtth light purple markings and
is seen in the last third of the movie.

Code name: 1Cigna-Ghina
Qtlicial code: XM-07 ^ ^ " "
Use: Crossbones Vanguard prototype command MS (Vera One of the biggest Mobile Armor ever
Ronah's private MS) created (onlythe NZ-353 "Alphabziehf" is
Height:15.80 meters
bigger), the Lafressia cannot be regarded
Weight: 8.9 tons (dry), n.5 tons (combat)
Armor material: compound hiqb-CeramicsAifanium alloy
asa suit (while the Alphakteru could).Its
Genetator: 4 790 kW shape isffiatutan enormousflower. toaded
wilh thrusrers and weapons. Each of the
Max l h r u s t 97720 kg five petals can deploy and has one enor-
Apogee mMm: 87 mous main thruster and four smaller di-
Armament: nne beam rifle. one %beam saber, one beam wctional thrusters. ~

launcher bazooka, one beam shield.
~ The petals also have weaoons mounted in
them. one mega-beam cannon and 25-
heat rod tentaclesforeach.The main body ^ "

(the stem ofthe flower) contains fivemega-

gain-cannons, four beam cannons and Code name: taftessIa ~ " "

" eigM diffusion beamcannons. The cockpit Offictal code: XMA-01

islocated inthe corolla ofthe flower and is Use: Crossbones Vanguard pmtahme Mobile Rrmw
~ nothing more than a glass dome. Height 37.50 meters
Weight. 184.5 tons (dry); 263.7 toos (combat)
The hfressra's color is fed. That maehine Armor material: compound high-ceramicsr9itanium alloy
IS piloted By Korozo Ronah and is a secref
Generaior: 31 650 kW " "

Thruslers: 52 020 kg x5,43 350 kg &,28 900 kg XZO ~

weapon developed withaut the permrs- ~

" "
Max thrust: 1 US4 850 !qi
sion of Mettrer Ronah, the current master Apogee motors. 40 ""

of Crossbones Vanguard. We see the ~

Arrnamenf: mega-gain cannons x5, mega-beam canions x5,

Lafressiaioraboutten minutes, atthevew beam cannons x4. dilfusion beam mnnons x8. lenfacle heat
end of the rnovre, I rodsx125

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648) - ... .. . .

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
AI rm away.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

H o b b i e S a n d T o Y 5 :



1531 8 10th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122
UrnS m Am
TeL: (415) 731-3077
Store horrrs=
Sat. and SUR.: 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM
Man. to Fri.: 6:30 PM tu 9:30 PM
By appointment only
Mail order cafalog: $2.00

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648) -- . .

F: :. maintaining most of its room-temperature strength at
500"Cwhensteels'aie reduced by509'0,ahminum's by
7098 Titanium is generally used lor applications like
a 1 E 1 8 m 1 5
. high-temperature area sheeting, engine mounts and I Ceramicsarethefirstknowntransfoimed materials,Bricks,
armored cockpit tubs. It is also Ron-magnefic, meaning concrere and glass are structural ceramics They are an
that it dOES not affect nor is itafiected by magnetic fields. agglomeration of clays and other oxide powders that are
Some classes olSovietsubmarines havetitaniumhulls to fired lo form a solid block. They have rarely been used in
E avoid rnagnebc anomaly detection. It is expensive and a [he construc!rDn of mechanical de!'ices, anly far static
CDnSiderably more difficult to form and machine, making structures like buildings. This is because, although they
Structural materials are those ased as load bear- any use of it quite costly Nickel alloys, under the names ~ can be very stong, they are somewhat heavy. not particu-
ing paths, that is, the elements that held an object Hastaloy and Inconel, are used for areas of extiems heat larly good in tension (being pulled) and they are brittle.
together. This is opposed to non-structural mate-
rials that are used for finishing and decoration.
. andtligh stresses like turbine bladesand bvmeiexhausts. breaking suddenly. Their main mechanical use has been
as refracfive coatings for hot structures. such as jet
These materials are classified into two major = exhausts and re-entry hea: shields Recentdsvelopments
* however have mad2 ceramics more resilient, and proto-
groups. The first issteelsand otheralloys, namely
all metals and metal combinations. Thesecond is = ~ Noe engine blocks and mechanisms ar8 being tested
non-metallic materials: plastics, ceramics and They are however still codher! to high-ternpyme ap-
composites. . plications where other materials weaken

Metals and metallic alloys 218 ihe most widely used and =
best kflown structural materials. Thsy are known lor their
high teqsilestrength, eleclrial conductivity,ductility and
iso?ropic(equal in all directions] prmeriies

Among these, steel is the most common. It is one of the

F c i Cci'lmssian -;.IT tes: of a corxet? c:Irnl?r
earliest k n w n alloys. the best understood and the vas! E

varied in types and uses There are lrterally hundreds o i I Another appllcatron of ceramics was quite unsxpecfed.
different grades Of steel. Steel is defined as an iron alloy-
I Not onlyare metals inherentlystrong,iheyan be subjected ~ SinGeoxidesareusually non-conductive. itwasasurprise
Th~s that its major, Or greatest is to a number .of heat frmiments, like hardening 2nd tgmper- that an yttrium-b3rium-copoeroxidecerarnrcwasa (rela-
''On. This meanIhat is Iron borne ing. chemical treatments. surface treatments and coatings * tively) high temperature SUperGondUChraf 93 K.
Steels C Q n t N l than 30%),but that no 0 t h Compo-
to enhance their propetjes, Each ofthese possibilitiesMn E

nentwrll exceed it inquanW.The basic,and earliest, steel L

fill many lrOlumes They have a great
contains only carbon- The Quantity Of carbon determines
forming processes, Catting will give general shaoes for I
the properties of the steel. Most carbon steels will contain E most applications,Lvith machiningto obtain smooth I

between0~5and4~3%ofcarbon~Usefu'prQ~ert'esGhange SUtfaCeS and Some holes, such as ki the me with piston polymers, better known 3s plastics, are r2rely used by
littlebeyond in carbon 'Ontent
can have a Iarge effect on the alloy's properties. '' rial
engine blocs Mrusion, orforchg a serni-solidiliedmatE
through a die, can be used tocreate long Shapes such
themselves as a structural material, They are formed of
chains of organic molecules linked into giant mol-
as I-beamsandtubesfor structural elements. h e y canalso
Most steel alloys include other metals 10 modify specific ecules. Their main appeal is that they are lightweight.
properties. Chromium is often added to help prevent be pressed to form complex CUWatUrC sklns, as with the I Polymers are inherently weak, their tensile strength
= skins of air and spacecrafts. Many of these techniques are rarelycornesto a quarter of that of any metal Therefore,
corrosion, these are usuallycalled stainless steels Nickel
steels are generally more heat tolerant Many such alloys usuallycombinedtoproduceafinal P a t Thin metalsheets
using combinationsof chromium, nickel, copper, carbon ' mnalsobegluedtogefherandstretchedouttoformcell-iike
. they have generally been used either for low-strength
applications, likefurniture, or when they do not have to
and others are used for various applications.
shctures called honWcomb. When bonded 10 Surfam carry efirerne loads. A common aerospace appiication

Many other metals are used as structural materials. The

most common of these is aluminum and the aruminurn-
skins.this honeycombcanformsurprisingly light and rigid
dwc~ures,a5 figure 1 .. is non-conductive covers for antennae. acrylic
(Plexiglass) is used for aircraft windshields and nylon
gears are used in some machines, the highest strength,
copper alloy duralumine. They are extremely light and application for a non-reinforced polymer. They also

stronger than fhe equivalent weight of steel. Aluminum have a limited useful temperature range. Below -lO°C
structures are lighter, but larger than steel. They are also they can become brittle. and they usuallysoften consid-
more corrosion resistant and ductile. Aluminum is also '
Other than wood and concrete, very few nonmetallic erably above SO'C. Their main contribution lo struc-
much more difficult to weld. Duralurnine Is used as the materials have been used structurally, but rather only tures isas resinsforcomposites.Althoughpolymersare
main structural material in most aircrafts. Titanium is decoratively. In recent decades however, advances in .
I gEner3lly made from petroleum by-products, they can
comparable in weight to aluminum, but has about the .
I materials technologies have made many of them ex- I essentially be synthesizedfrom any organic substance.
samestrength as steel. It is also much more heat tolerant, trernely useful. since they are composed of the same basic atoms

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
' fibres will b? in the optimal orientation to the part's
Plastic structures are usuallymolded byacasting mefhod
or more commonly injection molding. ' operational loads (different layers usually vary in dirsc-
' tion for shear and torsion control), then vaccum-bagned
and cured in an autoclave at high-temperatue and pres-
C O m P o s r r E s m sure. producing very solid panels. These panels are oflen
bonded to honeycomb for additionat reinforcement
Composites are, as Ihe name implies, a combination of
composites have seen some use in low-strength applica-
~ V or
O more materials Generally, these are fibrous mate-
tions such as small boats and car body panels, notably in
rials encased in a resin matrix. Wood is the oldest and
the raseof fiberglass(also knownas glass fiber reinforced
most used composite, since it is nzturally available al-
plastic, GRP or GFRP). Carbon fibers (CFRP) have also
most everywhere It consists of oiganiccellulosefibers in
a lignite matrix. If is also where the idea for modern
seen much use. CornposiZe panels have been used in-
creasingly in military aviation over the last thirty years,
composites comes from Today, the fibsrs can be of
although commercial carriers have been reluctant to fol-
mineral origin likeglassorboronfibers, or organicaswith
wrbon or aramid fibers. The matrix is generally either
low suit. There are now some all-composile airframes,
Iike !hat 01 the Y-22tift-rotor. dramid fiber, or Kevlar, is
polyester or epoxy resins
also used as armour, because it makes for very puncture
and tear resistant composites. Some hybrid composites,
using more than on! type of fiber have also bsen devel-
oped to combine for example, the very higb strength of
carbon fibers with the damage tolerance OX Kevlar Thare
is also a material known as reinforced carbon-carbon (or
RCC), in which fhs matrix k also carbonized by a very
lengthyancl costlycuring orocess. Heatshkldsand brake
dis%sare the main current application for this material.

Fig. 3 Typical balanced composite laminate lay-up.

In composites. the fibersare theactual load bearers,since

they can easily be ten times the streng:h of steel. Asingle
perkfglass fiber the size or a hair cai liit over ?,YO i w s ,
although theslightest nick in it will reduce itsstrength by
90%. The matrix is used to hold the fibers in place and
transmit the load to the fibers This means that the
proportionsof resin and fiber greatly influence ihe prop-
erties of the comoosite. More fibers means a stronger
composite, but if there is not enough matrix, fiber c o b Fig. 6 Thermplastic w n carbon fibre conposit?iUbE.
sion cannot be maintained and the !oad will not be
oroperFy transmitted to the fibers. Also, fibers are very In an attempt to replace polymer resin matrices, metal-
strong along their length, but weak on transversal loads; matrix and ceramic-matrix composites are bsing devel-
just as wood is stronger along the grain than across it. ooed. As Iheir name implies, Zhess use either modern
Since the orientation of the fibers influences the finzl ceramics or metals as their matrix This makes them much
properties, this allows the tailoring of the comaosite's stronger, not being limited by a low-strength resin, and
strength by positioning !he fibers along thz calcu?ated much more heat resistant
load paths. optimizing strength in the direction it is
needed and not wasting strengt?in directionsitwould not We have reached a point where we no longer need to
b? u s d (Fig 23. They can allow for considerable weight design structures to a material's Iimiis, we can nowtalor
savirlgover mstals. Composites havevery ditisrent failure materials to our structural needs This is pariicularily true
modes from metals Often darnage will be deepwithin the of composites, but is also accomplished w f h metals
composite and not Show on the surke, such as zn Materials are not what would complicate cons:ructjon of
irnpact-induced core delamivat ion, effectivelyChanging a a mecha,theyzctuzllymake it hat much simpler Pat labors
oart into two weaker ones They also do not k i d to bend use composite skins around a steel and titanium skeleton
b!:ore breaking. and comoosite tears resembles cloth Gundams USE a titanium alloy as armor: for Battlernzchs
tears Comoosite struclures are constructed by laying-vo it's cxmics. 4'50ceramic pision engines, turbines and
aswes of fibre mi-directional tape or bi-directionzl cloth rockets ?re practically a fact today. Watch out. beczuse.
imoregnaied with resii. called nrs-pregs, Over a mcld to with what we can build today, mscha might be just around
form a cormsite 'aminata. TClg tape is aligned so ihe the corner.

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)


The complex powerplant system was designed when my rs Tip Cost&Ki 1s

players complained that all our mecha had the super-
19 Suprlight 2
. charged(8)powerplantasstandard (and thereforemoved
at the same s p d ) because of its low cost. We also
8 1-29 LiQMHleight 4
1-39 Striker 6
was directly linked to its chance of surviml. Because of ~

this, any mech that had not purchased the supercharged k49 MdStriker 8
by Marc-Alex Vezha
" powerplant was at a distinct disavantage (a.k.a. a largely
increased chance of death).

' The resulting alternate system worked great but any 0-79 Light Hmy 14
The long wait far the Mekton Technical System incrmse in speed andlor agjlity demandedagreat number
* of CPs, not to mention a lengthy chat with a pocket
(MTS)is finally over. After months of UWesome ID89 Med Hmy 16
testing, this new sourcebook will finalty enable = mlcul&r. After discussing it with many Mekton players
outside my group, 1 declded to use a new simplified = a99 Arm. H m y 18
you to truly represent almost any tech system of
the Japanirnation world. method which is still batter than the original Mekton I! lOa-109 Smer H o w 20
system and also take into account the MTS improvement
While this is very nice, it also cause a bit of 11Ot MepHmy 22
trouble concerning those of us using the a h -
1 1

nafe rules published in Mecha-Press K?and 3.

Let's take a loak and see what we can s a h i e . . . ~
The powerplant chart works much the same way as the
original from Mek2on !I. Check the weight of the mecha
afterweioht efficiency is used and note down thecost and

lwel of powerplant needed. Then spend as many CPs as


The need for these two elements seem to have been

.. you want to upgrade it. Of course, since the cosZ doubles
each time, you won't be able to go far ... This high cost is
used to prevent the "supercharging" phenomenon that 1

importantenoughforR.Talsori~~to begin thesourcebook was so annoying, while still leavlng some room for

with them.Thedifferencein technologyis represented by ~ va~iations.RefertetheMA&(MVchartfortheoZherengine

a process called 'efficiency", which aElow a 20-tons suit slats.
as destructive as a 300-tons ~ Q ~ ~ F EtheS Sstate
ditierenceistakencareof byaprDcesssimllar
extra actions. Extra actions give am jmmense advantage
to my om,~ n l morey developped. For these
1 ~

reasons, the tech & scale factors are con- over those who do not havethem, and should be obtained
sidered obsolete and won't be used only through special systems like thought control or V-
Max powerboostsr (making them truly devastating, like
they should be). However,to balancethisand the new MV
= chart. I have included an updated Action chart.

. The reason why I changed the flight system table

was one of simple physics. W e all know h a t for a
given force a small mass will gain more accelera-
tion than a large mass: but in Mekton I I three extra
points of thruster will add 1 point of MA- regard-
' less of the actual weight of the machine. In the new
= table, small suits need less lift points to stay in the
. air and move than big ones (this is also a side


bonus of reducing the weight of the mecha with the
efficiency process) I've also included the gravitic
flight system for those who wish to use it.

- -
Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
.c P
. The ch& are %xioily if m e dzrn?? gE's mt the a m r ;
Tqenvmberoi Killsaddedlothedis 1041 istknurnbero: Kills
before 2rmor or ShiEld (but ngt force defence) are taken into
Tois Frj Lifi I E ~ ~ C
1-19 3 I H
0 Wben moving UoordownthetaSresbecause olweigCt,poinls
3 e should be added 01 substracted Iron the die rcll

30-39 6 SDaretheKilFstCatgot pasttCearmor(iethenorm~1danage
you usually substract)
W9 6 II

50-550 9 P

9 m r n E K T U I l 31!
70-79 12 The three! dimensional rules were greatly appre-
ciafed by prayers. It does add a highly visual
8049 12
I aspect to a game, as well as providing us with a
90-99 15 1
nifty reason far playing around with little robots!
The MTS fits right in with these rules and there
103-109 18
are no modifications to be made. However, you
- f i 24 6 may want to make some newtemplates for wide-
angle weaponeq, and maps af the nlavinu area
lor secretly moving cloake
Fans cost 1 CP pe' 2 points of lift. B a e MA: 8
Thrusters cost 1 CD psr piroi117kse YA I2
. In next issue: a scenario fc
Gravities ccst 2 CPs per pcint of lip %se VA 14
Thre Umts of 1% fiiin one spaa
One small side note i s the new MA bonus for fighter
and astrofighter All players 1 ialked FO agreed that 1
Fif7uaid astro'ighterdouClsths calculzh3 fltg?t MA
they 2re much too slow comoared to actual planes,

hence the new bonus. Calculate the flight speed

norma[ly, adding any bonus ;or wiigs or form (see
MTS), !hen sirnoly double i: W i j l e this w i ? Iprob-
ably allow any fighter to zip through the battle:ield, " F U E L
if does make sense (after all the speed of sound, r

Mach 1, is 1225 4 Kph O F 68 MA) Smme readers complained that the fuel
rules were a bit nbscure so here are some
a m
Fans mar; or may not need fuel depending on YOU' design. If
they do. lh$ fue! is autornalically a cornbyst bfeof s m so0
I crs Y\ IJ:! li and cart explode (effectsdetermined bythe refsreed w n d i i g
- on the desigo): s
1-19 a -3
Gmvi:ic syssterns do no! r l e d fuel; .

20-29 7 -4 Each jet flight sys!s:smautornaticallyhas20 000 oornts of he!.


at no spaw cost,
339 6 -3 I

Each point of fuel equals one point of ilight MA:

0 6 9 6 -5 ~

Amage fuel expendr:ure dOflQtuel porn+aer hour, at 10

9 1s
359 5 -1 MA.
EM9 5 -8 ~ btm h1:l(l000 points) costs 1 CP per len tons or part o l the I
mecha's weight and lakes t mace per 2000 points 01 lael.
7a79 4 -9 E 1

80-89 4 -1 0 1

90-9 3 -11 . D R r n A G E C H R R T =

100-1 09 3 -1 2 .

Oreh. Nobody undedood those and sometimes


110+ 2 -13

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)


20RO Inf. 3 turn warm-up. W deg

- _--.----
Q- " N" e" 10nQ inf.
Location Lwei Biifs h o r TYPE SP
SL 20 s- S 1c io/1D inf. RV5, AMlVaI)
SL 10 SL S 1P in 10 Mach. !ice BV3
llad SD. Armor
1. Aim SL 20 SL S 10 Q/r 0
R Arm SL 20 sc s IO lOfrQ - Quick. Handy
1MO - Quick. Handy

Powerplant MH 10 Fragilbl -
Hydraulics 6 space -

Name Kills Game effects

Em SFXP pro: :cl m
Esc Pod MB. ran b uspul
Link +Ad Autwnnons (all)
Vemrsrs t8 MU M! 9 LW S? -28 MB
Th Control 3Y dam=l hit lo head of PllOt Q8 4K h8giIe+1 4K
1 Woosterpack - 30 MA. 5 FfPJurn. MB CR 15 SP 0 Rage6
lrsters 26 1 space UB, 1 YXEBinder OR 45 shols Inf

.". . .... .. ^ , - - L

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

by Marc-Alex Vetina
I was browsing through the Mecha! rulebook, searching
foran ideafor my nextmechaadaptationwhen the thought
m u r e d to me: Mecha!can acoornodatesurfacevehicle as
well as airplane! So I decided to transfate the big lshtar
battle tank fr5m Venus War, the Admiral A-1 Tako.

The Tako uses the rules published in issue #4. If you do

not have it, it is a simple matter io redesign the tank to
conform to the regular rules.

Ps you can sw,this M e (!) nasv is wellLarmored and

wll-armed.Three crewmen means a least three chances
to shoot in a round, making the Tako extremely deadly. A
good selection of long, medium and short range gum
gives you great versatility. Of course, to pay for all this
some speed and agility had to be scrified.

While I was at it, I designed fie battlebikes. 1 used the

powersuit rules, but when Combat! is released you may
waut to redo them. The Hound is a class 5 suriace
powersuit, with little armor and SI but a big gun, four
missiles, great speed and an attitude. Use them in packs
to wear down the amor of the enemy, then chop it to
pieces with the milgun.



6azC3k3 N
... q _

malm - 10 6 _. q.

PC21an x - 10 6
4nfi 40 1

Say6 -

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)


lnis scenario IS oesigriw so it ma:, be played as a stand-
alone game, but irrnaymily bP incorporated Muoa Spirit
Wmior Evpnpire s/ory!ine campaignas eithera Garrison or
1 SearchandDesimymission(dpoendingupon which et&-
state the 'active' pJayer is playing.
The no-soace weanon is contained within a t o w r rmchmg
up toward the sky.This tower sits on asmalI. rockyaioll nezr
the fringes of the Boiling Sea of Tamozchan. The Yacatecutlj
foras have sent a full-strength war parbto seek and destroy
the weapon that threatens their cib-state of Ixcuina. The
Storm Riders. on the other hznd, have recently sent a war
party to the tower in case iheir bolt into no-space attracts
some unTweicorneShadow Walker attention Neither side
really expects the resistance it will receive. but neither one
iswilling to bzckoffeither This battletakes placeaboveand
below the wafers around the no-space tower.

= Q B J € G T I Ir E
Storm Riders: The TlaEoc forces must drive off the Way
Bringers without loss of the no-space weapon.

' Way Bringers: Yacatecutli's forces must destroy t i e tower

.,iv one of Iwo ways: Either penetrate the powerful force
screensurroundingthetower. or break throuohthe under-
E water door below the surface of the se2 and sabotage the
Heart of Jade within (See Special Rules 1


' U I E T O R t s
In addition tothe nomalvictoryawardsfor kills. captures,
and salvages, the following awards are also awarueu.

S!orm Riders. If the enemy is repulxd adthe tower has

I rasen I B S inan
their total.
~ four critical hits. add 3 victory points t3

Way Bringers. If the tower is destroyed and Yacatecutli's

sidgstill has at least 1000 points of rnxha still remaining
in the war oarty, 3dc 5 victory points

These additionzl victov point awards are ignored if this

scenario is played as part of a storyline campaign

. T E R R R l U
The entire table is ashzllawseacoveringtaefirst fl ight band
3f a Sattlepole Therefore. a ~ msci
y al FB-1 is considered
' under:iater. The tabletoo is the seaflmrmd c?nbe walked
.. DP. There should be at least two islands, u!h one oi :be
islands hiding the no-space tower. Tie ria-spxe tower
extevds to FB-Sand has several pla!forms thakllow rnecba

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

to battle from (and on) diffxent IaveIs of the tower In
addition. undemler groPoes of seaweed, kelp. and coral
h d n to make the underwater baffles more interesting.

Each side begins the game with a full 2.000 point war
party. (For ease of play, use the war parties detailed in
Spirii Warrior Empire.) The Way Bringers ot Yacatecutli
will be theattacking forceand begin thegamewith control
of the first phase sequence. If your game table is longer
than it is wide, have the Way Eringerscomein from a long
end and have the no-space tower, and corresponding
island, about 18' from the other end. The Storm Bringers
of Tlaloc may sel up anywhere on that half OF the table -
but remember that they automatically lose control of the
first phase sequence, so set up accordingly.

1 0 -he -cr:er is m b c t ? o c y 2 f x e
screen that absorbs fivecriticalsper
phasesequence. It 1spoweredby the
Heart of Jade within the base and
will replenish its field at the end of
each phase sequence. The tower it-
self can take live additional criticals
before it is destroyed The tower is
Substantial, Indestructible and only
criticals on a 6.
" " ^ ~ ~ " "

Thedoor belowtheseashouldbe
marked on the side of the island
befure d a y begins. To add spice to
the game, the door should be on the
side of the islandfacing the side the
Way Bringers came in from. This
undenvater door is not protecled by
a force screen, but can sustain 7
criticals before it is destroyed. The
door is Substantial, Indestructible.
Once h e door is blown open, the
Hear! of Jade within must lake a
single critiwl to be destroyed. The
Heart of Jadetakes critic& 01'124or
bster. When it does ta%ezcritical it
will exnlode in a 6d6. 6" rzdius
blast (However, pay attention to un-
demater rules )

3 * The rule about de'endkng terrain

tzrgets lrom missile attacks czn be
crucial io th? success of !his sce-
nario. It is o t ~og. 8 of SpmT V/arr!or

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

their intended posrtion [sse picture); you may have to add
0 u E 1 u 1 E w *
asmall scrap of plastic between the torso pieces to help
in this task. I glued the model to a base to permanenfly

The kits come packaged on a bed of foam in a very nice * solve the ,,robfern,
transparent box (save the box. it's great to Store Small
models or partsl). A wraparound sheet of gfossy paper
identifies the model and presents hints plus a schema to
I help buifd the model

Let's face it, eveathe smallest Japanese kit is in

the twenty (or more) dollars range. Personally, I
. of the molding There is flash on all the parts, as well 2s
sink holes and lots of small air bubbles, Some surfaces


are u n e w and can present problems when assembling 1 had no major problem cleaning and assembling the
find it disappointing to pay sixty bucks for a
the model. While easily fixed.all this can frighten inexpe- craff bscause it is even simpler t9an the rest. The wings
mecha three inches tall, even if it's the superb
rienced modelers. On the brigM side, the resin is not too a gave me the most troubles, but tfiat's because 1 rnisrezd
Watchamakallt from Wave or V o l b . This wide-
brittle and is easy to workwith. I tha instruction scheme and glued them on the wrong
spread phenomenon hasturned many away from
spot' 3e sure to g V e them UNDER the 'box on either side
the joy of "exotic" material (resin, vinyl, metal). 3 I
of the fuselage, not on the box like I did. I added the
Hey, who would want to do a poor job on a I
missil? caiisters urder the wings u w g parts from my
handred dollar kit? [Isi t just me or are the prices m
spares 5ox.
gelling higher the farther I go into this article?]
Paintingwas a breeze. The bird-like shzos Screams foT a
SSG needed models tor their fhree- I
colorful feather job, and that's what I did.
dimensionalgame Mecha?andthey n
had the great idea to cast them i n 6
resin. The long announced pro-
$ duction kits have finally
X ?

: reached ouroff icefor evalu- 0

ation. Feast m

According to the Soilit Warrior sourcebook. the Hum- m

rninpbird is a light nech agile arld ferocious: it certainly
looks the part. Guricusly, b e model doesn't have any
arms or sbield everl it they are prssent in the sourcebook.
SSG told meth~fthesourceb~o'iwill bearnended,and Ihe I

mod?! is t k c m c ; sbap? f3r $e Hummubird f

m t
T k madel stands about h;o inchss high and is qui?
uistabk This isduetothes~apeof'~elegs,whichplaces
the c~rllero'grau'tytoofaraheado:tWeet To correctthis rn Thescreech Owl is ah1bigger,sharing h e mainbody ct ;he
youw~llhave to g!ue thewingstnd !he main body be"lnd f
Super-HeavyGIass Feast oi Flags. It also has the same

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

'Vesther" ornament an its shoulders, as ?wllas the same
f o w m and hand Theshield balsostandardissue.with an
Mec styte skull motif on top.

I CouIdn'tfiteitherthelegs or thearms properly. The guys

at SSG showed me how to do it using epoxy glue to till the
gap. but I preferred to make som~joints with plastic
tubing. This also has the nice side effecls ot enlarging
YQUrmOdel (makingit lookmeaner!)andhelpingio create
an attractive stance I glued the legs on first. then checked
the fit of the arms and shoulder wings. The aims were
painted separately. but the wings w e atiacPed and
putiied betore painting.
GTC sells o broader
Again, ths mecha was glusd to a bzse to prevent it irom
selection of
toppling over, even if i t s fairly stable.
Sci-Fi Scale Models
than any other distributor
in North America!
fend 63 US for CTC's New
28 page illustrated catalog
with over I, 000 Different
Models from Robotech, Star
Trek, Galactica, Gundam,
The Feast of Flags is a super-heavy mecha and it shorvs.
Thvnderbirds, Star Wars,
The mode[ is larger than the others in the series. even if
Macross, and more;
many of the parts used in its construction are standard
ALL in Stock.
s We ore open from
The fit proved to be no real p r o b l m alfhouoh I had to Me 12 Ncon rill 10 P?n
* the bottom of the feet so the mechawould s2nd CIP its own Domestic merchandise orders
occomponied by u ?4oney Order
a in a naturzl way The arms were a maim exc9plion: a cre fallec in ar! overage
plastic "shoulder" had to be builtto accommodate them Tumoround Time oi Less than 5 days
, You'll also have to orovidza length of wireto reoresent lhe Cmodrc- w t o T e ^ i :'E= 3 low
suq spezr's barrel. j D 3 .$=ks for delr-ery

c Painting was no magr hassle Th? arms and shoulder

fearhers were painfed separate'ly, as were the rnodh gun
and t'le mouth itself Final assembly was a breeze.

- c 0 n c t u s 1 0 n
~ While these models are far from being perfect,
When I first opened the box, I lhought ihe Hawk was just they are an excellent sfart for SSG. They make a

avariant o'the Screech Owl Boy1was I wrong! The head perfect introduction to alternative material
* modeling, and they add Something different to
uni! i s diferent, and the legs ai: sjmoly not the same.
Ins!ead of having a combo clublmissile bay in the right your collection.
arm, ths Hawk ha3 the classic armlhanc' unii, with a
When I met the SSG peoples at GenCon 92 this
hand-held maguahuiflclub. a
summer, 1 talked to them about the kits and they
I had the same problemwith the fit of the legs and aims showed me some of their newest prototypes.
They were already better, and I do believe fhelr
as on the Owl and the Feast of Flags Again the plastic GALACTK TRADE COMMISSIOPI
jojntssolutionwasused. In fact. both ZheHawkandthe models are worth checking out.
I 0 185 Switser
Omlarebuiltmuchinthesameway,buitdingonehelps 1
Overland Park, KS 66212
understanding the process, s'1 it's m e r 1% secmd
time around. Bs carziul however as the mouth of the
Hawk has a much tighte? fit than the one on its (91 3) 492-2169

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

careful. a good blade cuts hot vinyl like butter. When
0 U F R U I E W = opening holes for the arms, legs and other parts, always
leave a little excess Test tit the part and trim a little more
The first one Martin bought was a resin Wave V144 scale until it fits when heated a little,
Knight of Gold. It proved one thing to us. for high
precision rnofding, plastic cannot beat resin1The preci- Betorefinishing assembly, be sure to put sameweights in
sion of resin casting 1s unbelievable. Each nut and bolt, the legs so your model will stand up by itself Also check
each crevice (even scrztches onthe matrix pad) no matter for surface defects: apply some putty and sand smooth
how small it is will appear and be reproducedwith extreme using tine wet sandpaper. We use Tarniya pu'iiy and
detail.And the posture is generallyquite interesting, since Squadron Green putty, and they work fine, $0we recom-
the model's design doesn't have to accomodate movable mend them. Normal putty might crack and fall off when
articulations(look at the plastic modelsfrom Aura Battler applied to certain types of vinyl, Check on a scrap piece
Qunbine talk about compromise!) or variable structure before starting
(transformablemodels). Soft vinyl offersthe same advan-
tage even if the molding isn't as crisp as with resin (which
is reallyhard vinyl), Inaddjtion,sincesoftvinyl ischeaper
by Mare-Alex Vkina and the parts are lighter (being hollobq/due to the molding
process),it is suitable for big figures (1112 to 1/1) or big
We, as modelers and consultants, have often
mechas and rnonsfers~Giant Robo, Godrilla and the like.
heard the fears of fans who would like to buy
Even if the precision of the parts is a bit lower, the overall
garage kits but are ratherscared of them because
look is often spectacular and extremely wild!
of their price andlor materials. We do prefer
plastic ourselves (Martin has over two thousand As far as complexity goes. resin and vinyl kits are less
doliars worth of piastic kits, so. -.) bot garage kits complicated than plastic models, although they do re- rn
are also quite popular in our workshop. quire some getting used to. The process 01 building a
rn I

garage kit is not the same as building a plastic kit, and

further vary it it's a soft vinyt ar resin kit. Here's a short
description of each:
Use cyanoacrylate (EA) glue to oui the parts together.
Some pzris will be easier to glue if you inssrt them first
(using the hairdryer) and then aoply the glue to the
outside Or you could leave them unglued to have a
The first thrng to do upon opening your kit is 10 check if posable (it iragile) model
thereareany parts mishapedor missing Ifso, nowwould
be a good time to return it.

Vinyl parts, being thin and hollow, have a tendancy to R E s i n

mrpwhen taken out of the mold rapidly andlor carelessly
Some resin kitsaremolded on sprue like plastic, but most
This is normal and easilv corrected by immersingthe part
of them will have free parts In either case, check if you
in hot (noi boiling!) water to soften the material and allow
haveall the parts unon opening h e boxto avoid unpleas-
it to return to the correct shape You may have to manually
ant surprises later. Broken parts can be repaired, Sui
shape Ihe part and hold ii in the correct posrfion while it
check first if you cogld exchange the kit tosave yOUr3elf
cools. Anoiher alternative IS to use a hairdryer to beat the
part. This technique is useful when assemblingthe model
some work.
to make sure thzl no water is traDped inside.

d I =

T i e process of moldrpg uqen leaves a raised line where

Once the parts are &y, start trimming them, using the
the mold hzlves cowected. The partmay also haveexcess
resin atlached to it. so the first step is to remove these to
jnstruciions as reference. Use a sharp blade and be ~

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

obtain a clezn oart Pefcr extensively t3 the iisiructian znywaya itisl:,visr-bzsX S e o a l bw~dssxist.the best
sheet so yclu won't rePnovf more ' t a p yo1 s b ~ t l dOnce kno?:n beiig Tarniya Polly-S and Gunza-Sangyo (G-S
this is dore. re3fiacbzrycPip2h?t v y have broke1 loose of% a'l b e w r d 'Gcndam" colors in its anime lire') E

2nd fill un any sArfa-,e dsfe-,:

lwb ~ r s'lould row
3 ~ l Ycu Wsr. xcembly and painting ar3 firished. 3 lrght coat of I

have a complete set of perfez: p a m -eacy to be assen- varnis'lw'lIpratecither?~deli~esame~~~lvasaplastic kit II

bled. Resin m i be clued e i i k r w t h CA olueor j-r?i'lU% ThevarniAshouid bsmattforl~gu~es and matlorsl*gl'tly m

e m y glue hertding on t i ? rquired strengti ar!d,or glxsv io' mcrstas and mnechzs
oersonal preferepce.

D?pending on the ~ o d e y! , w rnay hzv: tosirengthentbe

$ue bond betwen big oarts by iisertirg a mela: 3111
beWesn them Ligh:y Glue IPe pzrts tqethet, t'w draw Prices are a big concern, but they really shouldn't

lour evenly spaced dnts arouid the ioirt Break the jolnt 1
of Gold is
be. We thinkthat a
and connectthe dots so you'l! havsa -c:oss-ha;r" on each ' '
plenty worth its 120$ US! No plastic model can
part to Indicat: the drilling pcln!. give that precision, that realism, that perfection.
And at a fraction of the work requirea for a plastic

. model! If you have the money, you might consider
a 120$ of perfection rather than a 120$ of plastic
which will have to be banged oa the wall to be
Some peaples think thal ifyou mess up agarage kit. it is made pedect (and even then)... so, while prastic
and YOU E n kiss I: [oodbve blothino iS hrther m bashing is part ofthe fun, why nottry a garage kit?
tram the truth' When lWOrklng Wi? plastic, 2 SYlOUS Who knows, might grow to like them[
vishap i d ruin ibe parr, requi-iflg you to watchbuild a

nw one. T'laa: might 5: i;ne if ihe pa? I cuntion :s an

armor skirt but not i f itsthe hezl or Pandl Tiis does rot *-*i,/O?KS*"*
haopeps with w i n orvilyl kits. Su3pose your m t 3 r '001 IQLSQl EX-78 GIJdDA%I !/lo3 resis .................................................................................. 240.00
*'IC nn
lust slioped and r a c e a big hole ir ihe bocy of you- L?d VOLSQ3 RX-TBGPOSS I ji 00 resir! .......................... ....-.............................................................. sw.uw
Mirage After h a g syitably v p s a - o r a few rinuks ' x e
%me resin 3u3y (like: Millip? 2nd apply z blm to the ***GRENADA"*'
damaged m a yo^ my have io back up it-? hole wth a GRESEO2 Cima Garahau (0033) 116 !esin ........................................................
s"lset of plastic in the case of 2~115~1
kit). A k r rvorklrgit
more or less to shape, kt iFsei, tken v t i sandozoer. files """MISC*"*
I,IlSQOOl Yina PArpletDn 118 resin . ...................................................... ..................... 70.GO
and X-acto %Wedo the final ccrrectiols. A goo3 set Of
m z l l jeh0;eIer files and ar asscflment 0- s m l l grain
\j1sCOO2 iekkarner' Brad: 1!10 resin .............................................................. ..................... 80.00
p.~lsCOO3 Sc!12ft Ivleca-Iron 1 3 0 0 r e m ...................................... .......................................... 103.00
sandpapers a-e very useful for tiis If p u do it correct y,
nme d the damage will show'

m121j Pai (1 (3x3 Eygs) ................................. ..........................................................
~ 1 2 7 Naufilus N/S resin [Secret of Blue W e .......................................................
Resin and vinyl kits cai be p a i n k with 2cryIic ovenamel
K&128 Garfish NJS w i n (Secret of Blue N&r .......................................................
paints, although vinyl tends to react iwith t i g enzm
29 Skyst$ $#S resin (Secret of Blue Wale
solvent, producing a marred suriac?. Again. check on a
scrap niece betore s!arting Acylic oaini is e2sw to use

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)
in contributing fa the magazine 26-1 What kind of merchandizing productswould you buy from
lanus Publications if they were prodvced? (You can circle
m more than one answer).
a\ Yes, (precise what kind of contribution1 5) No
E a l T-Shiri
I-72. Are you satisfied 'by Ihe cover art and the general look of b) Poster
the magazine? CI Sticker
a) Yes b) No d ) Best 01 the magame articles

.-- 13- Are you satislied by the articles in the magazine?

a) Yes b) No
e) Conversion kit ior model
f) Garage kit
g) Rssin Figunne
h) Set of dice
L I) Repnnt of old ESUES
What kind of coverage do you prefer lorthe magazine? 1) Our own Role-Playing Game
a) One sublect cokvered in deoth k) Gaming adventure based on anime series
blSevera[ suSjects cowered through smaller articles I) Subidled vidsa [just Bidding!)

What aspect IS !he most impoflant fnr you? For questlons 27 to 3P, vole by putting the letfers corn-
a) Modeling b) Gaming sponding to your choice from the list bElOW:
a) Edi!orial
76- Do you think there are enough illustrations inside !he b)'This Month" (Qeneral presentation of the issue)
magazine? c ) Mailing column
E a)Yes b) No d) h?e#,tsAnimation
e) Neas Games
17- Are you satisfied with Ihe printing qualify of the magazine? f ) Ne:vs M o d d kits
Help us make Mecha-Press even more * a)Yes b) No
g) Irrtervietw
h) Pmort on convention
YOUR magazine by answering our little 11 R w e w Anime 8 manoa
18- Mecha-Press used to be 35 pages in a 9 I t 4 x 12 Iormal. 11Rsvierrr Games
questionnaire. Photocopy this page or L-The original idea was to have a BIG magazine for big k) Review Model Kits
just write your answers on a sheet of I rnecha but il tamed nul lo be an encombrlng size for I) Short comic story ( 1 3 pgs)
display and shipping. To cotre6t thai grohlem we will m)Engineenng Outlook
paper and send it back to us. reduceitssizelo 8 1IQxlO3l4, miseihepage countto44 n) Op-ional rules Battletech
pages, and make 8 of thnse pages IN COLOR. Are you oj0p-ional rules IAecha""
= favorable l o this change? p)Opiional rules Inatton
4 How old are you? ~ alYes b) No q)Optional rules Tesnayrs from Outer Space VFOS)
al Less than 18 b) Betwen 18 and 24 r) Kccha design adauta:ian Baltletsch
C I Eeiw2en 25 and 35 d) Between 36 and 4 ~ L79-I The price of the magazine otlginallywas34.95 US1$5.50 s) Kecha design adaptation Mechal''[
el Bshvsen 45 and 59 f ) O m 60 Can. Higher produciion cos1 (raise in paper price, infla- t) r:echa design adaptatioo Merrton
lion, and ot ciwrse those 8 color pages) leaves us no u)Aiime arlz18
2- Whal
- is your sek? chaice bul to mise the price. Which price would you judge knime sh'nopsis
al Male b) Female w reasonable and be ready l a pay? vh4nime character guide
b) S5 95 USEAII x) dnime mechz design 8 specs
a) S5.50 US/GA'?I
3- What level of studies have you compfstad? E
CI $6 25 USICA:I d) S6.50 USEAFI y) Model kits article
2) Modal kits conyeision tips
a) High School b l College e) S6 95 USICA'4


c) University
e) Self-taught
d] Graduate studies
20-170:bafthe Mec~a-Press~4coplescontaineda freeposter 127.From the list above, whlch five subiects doltrowld you
.of Dominion's Puma Sisters. Would you be interested to prefer Ihe most in Mecha-Press?
- What is your present occupation? .
I see more insertsd pasters in MP, even i f 11 may I
occasionnally raise the price of the magazines
a) S;udent bllndustry worker
c) Office worker d)Sewicelsaleworker a)Yes b) No
e) Professional f) tditiiav] 1-28- Which live oubjeds do/wouId you like in second place?
0) Seli-employed h) Unemployed * eWhat can you suggest io improve the magazine?
11 &her 1 S

5. I Where do you live? (State or province i f i m USA or Canada, B I [-29: Gtue five subjects that you don7 mind seeing removed
- Countw if not).
Whatsubjectscan you suggsstforfuture issues ofMecha-
from the magazine:

I 6- Are you a subscriber?

m Give live subjects that you really don't like in the maga-
a1Yes ti) No zine:
-23-1 We will release one special issue each year. The first
' 7- Do you buylread other magazines orfaazines on gaming, special issue will be on Spaceships. Whaf are your
modeling or animation? If yes. name them: I suggestions lor our tuture special issues?

8. Whatsubjectdoyouprefer?(Youcancirclemorelhanone
answer). -24: Have you boughtlreadheen any ol out other products? If
a) Gaming $\Model Kts a yes, which one? (You can circle more than one answer).
c) Japanese animation d)Animation In general a) Protoculturz Addicts
e ) h'anga b)Anims Shower Special
c) Cybersuit Arkadvne (cflmic by Tim Eldred)
/9- Which games do you play? (You cam circle rnorethan one ~

d)Gates of Pandmgon fcornic)

answer). el Mira Poster-Zln?
a) 3atlletech b)Cyb!rpunk f) Garners' Herald (Gaming Foumal)
c) GURPS d) Mecha'" g ) f!lght's Edge (Cykrpunk Sourcebook on Vamptres)
e) MeWon f) Rift h\ Wecrology Kybernunk Adventure on Flattinin!)
g) Rmotech h) Teenagers From OuterSoece = I) Science Fiction Sooks (5 titles - in French)
1) Others 1) Samizdat l h e b e c SF fanziine - m French)

L l O . What else do you read? Z5:I For how long have you hoardread Mecha Press?
E -
[You can circle mare than one answer). a) Less than three months
a) Science Fiction novels b)Comic books b) Between 3 and 6 months
c) General lilerature d)Scientific magazines c) Between 6 rnonns and a war
e) Daily newspapers f ) blewis magazines m d iStnce issue f l
0) Cthers. e) Srnce the first issue JI(big, red, dUO-tDnel

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

t'r seldom that an


animated film achieves

the rank of instant
classic Call Force - Ekernal '
Shy is one of those films
Prior to Call Force, .

GROWN-UPS. r first time, writer

Hideki Kakinuma
[well known for hrs design -
work on cult classic M e p o n e 23 and the I v w e 5
Mo~peutlo,basis of the American Robotech) vowed to createp an
equally powerful animated feature film. ,4 a result of CullForce's
success, the "hard" SF trend led to the creation of such best-sellers
as Appleseed, Dominion and Bubblegum Crisis.
Most groundbreakingwar CullForce's complex visual presentation,
due to Kakinuma's collaborationwith renownedmanga artist
Kenichi Sonoda. Beginning as the serialized photo-itoy "Star
Front Call Force'' in Model Cruk maqarine, their remarkablework

Raymond P Campiglio (Order #33181648)

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