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Sound PART 1

Table 2. Tabular Presentation of the Figures of Sound

Elements of Excerpts in the text


Alliteration “Hunyo, Hulyo, Agosto”

“Ngalan ng labindalawang buwan,

Ulit-ulitin natin bigkasin”

“Ulit-ulitin natin bigkasin,

Sabay-sabay nating awitin”.

Repetition “Lubi-lubi”

“Ulit-ulitin natin bigkasin,

Sabay-sabay nating awitin”.

Rhyme “Enero,Pebrero,Marso,Abri,

Mayo, Hunyo, Hulyo, Agosto”

“Halina at pag-aralan,
Ngalan ng labindalawang buwan”

“Ulit-ulitin natin bigkasin

Sabay-sabay nating awitin”

Assonance “Enero, Pebrero, Marso, Abril, Mayo,

Hunyo, Hulyo,Agosto,

Setyembre, Oktubre, Nobyembre, Desyembre,


As all poems have, present in this poem are some of the sound elements. There is

rhyming, repetition, alliteration; assonance and consonance. Here in this poem

observed the consistent use of rhyming words at the end of each line in every stanza. In

the first and second line there are the words “Mayo and Agosto” both ending in “o”,

“Enero,Pebrero,Marso,Abri, Mayo, Hunyo, Hulyo, Agosto” In the second stanza there

is rhyywitb the words “pag-aaralan and buwan” found in the first and second line “

Halina at pag-aralan, Ngalan ng labindalawang buwan” both ending in “an”. Lastly in

the third and fourth line of the second stanza there is rhyiminv between the words

“bigkasin and awitin” found in “Ulit-ulitin natin bigkasin, Sabay-sabay nating

awitin” both ending with “in”. Rhyming makes a poem more fascinating as it enters
our ears. It serves us a window for better comprehension and connection of the reader

to the poem being recited and being heard. Rhyming gives a poem and organization not

to bombard the readers with information rather to connect them even better. This also

creates an echo leaving a lasting effect to the readers, evoking emotions. The rhyming

here creates an entertaining vibe but in a very informative way.

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