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Subject : Physics Paper Set : 1

current electricity
Standard : 12 Date : 31-12-2023
Total Mark : 400 Time : 0H:0M

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physics - Section A (MCQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(1) When the current i is flowing through a conductor, the drift velocity is v. If 2i current is flowed through the same metal but having double the area of
cross-section, then the drift velocity will be
(A) v/4 (B) v/2 (C) v (D) 4 v
(2) Every atom makes one free electron in copper. If 1.1 ampere current is flowing in the wire of copper having 1 mm diameter, then the drift velocity (approx.) will
be (Density of copper = 9 × 103 kg m−3 and atomic weight = 63)
(A) 0.3 mm/ sec (B) 0.1 mm/ sec (C) 0.2 mm/ sec (D) 0.2 cm/ sec
(3) A potential difference of V is applied at the ends of a copper wire of length l and diameter d. On doubling only d, drift velocity
(A) Becomes two times (B) Becomes half (C) Does not change (D) Becomes one fourth
(4) Masses of 3 wires of same metal are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 and their lengths are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. The electrical resistances are in ratio
(A) 1 : 4 : 9 (B) 9 : 4 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 : 3 (D) 27 : 6 : 1
(5) A current of 2 A flows in a system of conductors as shown. The potential difference (VA − VB ) will be ............ V

(A) +2 (B) +1 (C) −1 (D) −2
(6) The reading of the ammeter as per figure shown is

(A) 1
A (B) 3
A (C) 1
A (D) 2 A
(7) The electric field E, current density J and conductivity σ of a conductor are related as
(A) σ = E/J (B) σ = J/E (C) σ = JE (D) σ = 1/JE
(8) The equivalent resistance between points A and B of an infinite network of resistances each of 1 Ω connected as shown, is

(A) Infinite (B) 2 Ω (C) 1+ 5
Ω (D) Zero
(9) A battery of e.m.f. 10 V is connected to resistance as shown in figure. The potential difference VA − VB between the points A and B is .................... V

(A) −2 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 20

(10) In the given circuit, the potential of the point E is

(A) Zero (B) − 8 V (C) − 4/3 V (D) 4/3 V
(11) Effective resistance between A and B is ........... Ω

(A) 15 (B) 5 (C) 5

(D) 20
(12) In the circuit shown here, what is the value of the unknown resistor R so that the total resistance of the circuit between points P and Q is also equal to R

√ √
(A) 3 ohms (B) 39 ohms (C) 69 ohms (D) 10 ohms

(13) In the arrangement of resistances shown below, the effective resistance between points A and B is ............... Ω

(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 90 (D) 110


(14) A cell of e.m.f. 1.5 V having a finite internal resistance is connected to a load resistance of 2 Ω. For maximum power transfer the internal resistance of the cell
should be ............. ohm
(A) 4 (B) 0.5 (C) 2 (D) None of these

(15) By a cell a current of 0.9 A flows through 2 ohm resistor and 0.3 A through 7 ohm resistor. The internal resistance of the cell is ............ Ω
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.2 (D) 2
(16) The total current supplied to the circuit by the battery is ............. A

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6

(17) An unknown resistance R1 is connected in series with a resistance of 10 Ω. This combinations is connected to one gap of a meter bridge while a resistance R2 is
connected in the other gap. The balance point is at 50 cm. Now, when the 10 Ω resistance is removed the balance point shifts to 40 cm. The value of R1 is (in
(A) 60 (B) 40 (C) 20 (D) 10
(18) Thirteen resistances each of resistance R ohm are connected in the circuit as shown in the figure below. The effective resistance between A and B is

(A) 2R Ω (B) 4R
Ω (C) 2R
Ω (D) R Ω
(19) A primary cell has an e.m.f. of 1.5 volts, when short-circuited it gives a current of 3 amperes. The internal resistance of the cell is .............. ohm
(A) 4.5 (B) 2 (C) 0.5 (D) 1/4.5
(20) When a resistance of 2 ohm is connected across the terminals of a cell, the current is 0.5 amperes. When the resistance is increased to 5 ohm, the current is
0.25 amperes. The internal resistance of the cell is ............. ohm
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2
(21) In the given circuit the current I1 is .............. A

(A) 0.4 (B) −0.4 (C) 0.8 (D) −0.8

(22) In the shown circuit, what is the potential difference across A and B ......... V

(A) 50 (B) 45 (C) 30 (D) 20

(23) For driving a current of 2 A for 6 minutes in a circuit, 1000 J of work is to be done. The e.m.f. of the source in the circuit is ................ V
(A) 1.38 (B) 1.68 (C) 2.04 (D) 3.10
(24) A cell of constant e.m.f. first connected to a resistance R1 and then connected to a resistance R2 . If power delivered in both cases is then the internal resistance

of the cell is √

(A) R1 R2 (B) R1
(C) R1 −R
(D) R1 +R

(25) In meter bridge or Wheatstone bridge for measurement of resistance, the known and the unknown resistances are interchanged. The error so removed is
(A) End correction (B) Index error (C) Due to temperature effect (D) Random error
(26) The n rows each containing m cells in series are joined in parallel. Maximum current is taken from this combination across an external resistance of 3 Ω resistance.
If the total number of cells used are 24 and internal resistance of each cell is 0.5 Ω then
(A) m = 8, n = 3 (B) m = 6, n = 4 (C) m = 12, n = 2 (D) m = 2, n = 12
(27) Two sources of equal emf are connected to an external resistance R. The internal resistances of the two sources are R1 and R2 (R2 > R1 ). If the potential
difference across the source having internal resistance R2 is zero, then
(A) R = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ) (B) R = R1 R2 /(R2 − R1 )
(C) R = R2 × (R1 + R2 )/(R2 − R1 ) (D) R = R2 − R1
(28) Twelve wires of equal length and same cross-section are connected in the form of a cube. If the resistance of each of the wires is R, then the effective resistance
between the two diagonal ends would be

(A) 2 R (B) 12 R (C) 5

R (D) 8 R

(29) The current in a conductor varies with time t as I = 2t + 3t2 where I is in ampere and t in seconds. Electric charge flowing through a section of the conductor
during t = 2 sec to t = 3 sec is ............. C
(A) 10 (B) 24 (C) 33 (D) 44
(30) The effective resistance between points P and Q of the electrical circuit shown in the figure is

(A) 2Rr/(R + r) (B) 8R (R + r)/(3R + r) (C) 2r + 4R (D) 5R/2 + 2r

(31) In the given circuit, with steady current, the potential drop across the capacitor must be

(A) V (B) V /2 (C) V /3 (D) 2V /3

(32) A wire of resistance 10 Ω is bent to form a circle. P and Q are points on the circumference of the circle dividing it into a quadrant and are connected to a Battery
of 3 V and internal resistance 1 Ω as shown in the figure. The currents in the two parts of the circle are


(A) 6
A and 18
A (B) 5
A and 15
A (C) 4
A and 12
A (D) 3
A and 9
(33) In the circuit shown here, E1 = E2 = E3 = 2V and R1 = R2 = 4 ohms. The current flowing between points A and B through battery E2 is

(A) Zero (B) 2 amp from A to B (C) 2 amp from B to A (D) None of the above
(34) In the circuit shown, the value of each resistance is r, then equivalent resistance of circuit between points A and B will be

(A) (4/3)r (B) 3r/2 (C) r/3 (D) 8r/7

(35) A torch bulb rated as 4.5 W , 1.5 V is connected as shown in the figure. The e.m.f. of the cell needed to make the bulb glow at full intensity is ................ V

(A) 4.5 (B) 1.5 (C) 2.67 (D) 13.5
(36) In an experiment, a graph was plotted of the potential difference V between the terminals of a cell against the circuit current i by varying load rheostat. Internal
conductance of the cell is given by

(A) xy (B) y
(C) x
(D) (x − y)
(37) The V − i graph for a conductor makes an angle θ with V − axis. Here V denotes the voltage and i denotes current. The resistance of conductor is given by
(A) sin θ (B) cos θ (C) tan θ (D) cot θ
(38) The V − i graph for a conductor at temperature T1 and T2 are as shown in the figure. (T2 − T1 ) is proportional to

(A) cos 2θ (B) sin θ (C) cot 2θ (D) tan θ
(39) A cylindrical conductor has uniform cross-section. Resistivity of its material increase linearly from left end to right end. If a constant current is flowing through it
and at a section distance x from left end, magnitude of electric field intensity is E, which of the following graphs is correct
(A) (C) (D)

(40) When a current I is passed through a wire of constant resistance, it produces a potential difference V across its ends. The graph drawn between log I and log V
will be
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(41) For a cell, the graph between the potential difference (V ) across the terminals of the cell and the current (I) drawn from the cell is shown in the figure. The
e.m.f. and the internal resistance of the cell are

(A) 2 V , 0.5 Ω (B) 2 V , 0.4 Ω (C) > 2 V , 0.5 Ω (D) > 2 V , 0.4 Ω

(42) I − V characteristic of a copper wire of length L and area of cross-section A is shown in figure. The slope of the curve becomes

(A) More if the experiment is performed at higher temperature (B) More if a wire of steel of same dimension is used
(C) More if the length of the wire is increased (D) Less if the length of the wire is increased
(43) From the graph between current I and voltage V shown below, identify the portion corresponding to negative resistance

(A) AB (B) BC (C) CD (D) DE

(44) The resistance of the series combination of two resistance is S. When they are joined in parallel the total resistance is P . If S = nP , then the minimum possible
value of n is
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1
(45) In the adjoining circuit diagram each resistance is of 10 Ω. The current in the arm AD will be


(A) 2i
(B) 3i
(C) 4i
(D) i
(46) In order to quadruple the resistance of a uniform wire, a part of its length was uniformly stretched till the final length of the entire wire was 1.5 times the original
length, the part of the wire was fraction equal to

(A) 1/8 (B) 1/6 (C) 1/10 (D) 1/4

(47) If two bulbs of wattage 25 and 100 respectively each rated at 220 volt are connected in series with the supply of 440 volt, then which bulbs will fuse
(A) 100 watt bulb (B) 25 watt bulb (C) None of them (D) Both of them
(48) A 100 W bulb B1 , and two 60 W bulbs B2 and B3 , are connected to a 250 V source, as shown in the figure. Now W1 , W2 and W3 are the output powers of the
bulbs B1 , B2 and B3 , respectively. Then

(A) W1 > W2 = W3 (B) W1 > W2 > W3 (C) W1 < W2 = W3 (D) W1 < W2 < W3
(49) In the network shown the potential difference between A and B is ................. V (R = r1 = r2 = r3 = 1Ω ,E1 = 3 V, E2 = 2 V, E3 = 1 V )

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(50) The variation of current (I) and voltage (V ) is as shown in figure A. The variation of power P with current I is best shown by which of the following graph

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(51) A wire has a non-uniform cross-section as shown in figure.A steady current flows through it. The drift speed of electrons at points P and q is vP and vQ .

(A) vP = vQ (B) vP < vQ (C) vP > vQ (D) Data insufficient
(52) A meter bridge set up as shown to determine end correction at A and B. When a resistance of 15 Ω is used in left gap and of 20 Ω in right gap, then null point
comes at a distance 42 cm from A. When these resistances are interchanged null point comes at a distance 57 cm from A. Values of end corrections are

(A) 1 cm, 2 cm (B) 2 cm, 3 cm (C) 3 cm, 4 cm (D) 3 cm, 2 cm


Subject : Physics current electricity Paper Set : 1

Standard : 12 Date : 31-12-2023
Total Mark : 400 (Answer Key) Time : 0H:0M

Physics - Section A (MCQ)

1-C 2-B 3-C 4-D 5-B 6-B 7-B 8-C 9-B 10 - C

11 - B 12 - C 13 - A 14 - C 15 - A 16 - C 17 - C 18 - C 19 - C 20 - B
21 - B 22 - D 23 - A 24 - A 25 - A 26 - C 27 - D 28 - C 29 - B 30 - A
31 - C 32 - A 33 - B 34 - D 35 - D 36 - B 37 - D 38 - C 39 - B 40 - A
41 - B 42 - D 43 - C 44 - A 45 - A 46 - A 47 - B 48 - D 49 - B 50 - B
51 - C 52 - D



Subject : Physics current electricity Paper Set : 1

Standard : 12 Date : 31-12-2023
Total Mark : 400 (Solutions) Time : 0H:0M

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physics - Section A (MCQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(1) When the current i is flowing through a conductor, the drift velocity is v. If 2i current is flowed through the same metal but having double the area of
cross-section, then the drift velocity will be
(A) v/4 (B) v/2 (C) v (D) 4 v
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
vd = neJ
⇒ vd ∝ J (current density)
J1 = A i
and J2 = 2A
= Ai
= J1 ; (vd )1 = (vd )2 = v

(2) Every atom makes one free electron in copper. If 1.1 ampere current is flowing in the wire of copper having 1 mm diameter, then the drift velocity (approx.) will
be (Density of copper = 9 × 103 kg m−3 and atomic weight = 63)
(A) 0.3 mm/ sec (B) 0.1 mm/ sec (C) 0.2 mm/ sec (D) 0.2 cm/ sec
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Density of Cu = 9 × 103 kg/m3 (mass of 1 m3 of Cu)
( 6.0 × 1023 atoms has a mass = 63 × 10−3 kg
Number of electrons per m3 are
= 6.0×10
× 9 × 103 = 8.5 × 1028
Now drift velocity = vd = i
= −19
8.5×10 ×1.6×10 ×π×(0.5×10−3 )2
= 0.1 × 10−3 m /sec

(3) A potential difference of V is applied at the ends of a copper wire of length l and diameter d. On doubling only d, drift velocity
(A) Becomes two times (B) Becomes half
ss (C) Does not change (D) Becomes one fourth
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) Drift velocity vd = ρ lVn e ;
vd does not depend upon diameter.

(4) Masses of 3 wires of same metal are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 and their lengths are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. The electrical resistances are in ratio

(A) 1 : 4 : 9 (B) 9 : 4 : 1 (C) 1 : 2 : 3 (D) 27 : 6 : 1

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
l2 l2 l2 l2
R∝ ⇒ R1 : R2 : R3 =

m m1
: m2 : m3
2 3
⇒ R1 : R2 : R3 = 9
: 4
: 13 = 27 : 6 : 1.

(5) A current of 2 A flows in a system of conductors as shown. The potential difference (VA − VB ) will be ............ V

(A) +2 (B) +1 (C) −1 (D) −2

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Current through each arm DAC and DBC = 1A
VD − VA = 2 and VD − VB = 3 ⇒ VA − VB = +1V

(6) The reading of the ammeter as per figure shown is

(A) 1
A (B) 3
A (C) 1
A (D) 2 A
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

Resistance across XY = 2

Total resistance
= 2 + 23 = 83 Ω
Current through ammeter
= 8/3 = 68 = 34 A

(7) The electric field E, current density J and conductivity σ of a conductor are related as
(A) σ = E/J (B) σ = J/E (C) σ = JE (D) σ = 1/JE
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Let I current flow through a conductor when applied potential difference V volt. then, from ohm’s law,
I= V R
But R = ρ A L

I = VL
=⇒ A
= ρL
but, A = J, VL
Hence, J = σE
=⇒ σ = E J

(8) The equivalent resistance between points A and B of an infinite network of resistances each of 1 Ω connected as shown, is


(A) Infinite (B) 2 Ω (C) 1+ 5
(D) Zero

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
2 ×R
(c) By formula R = R1 + R

R +R 2
R = 1 + 1×R
==> R2 + R = 1 + R + R √ √
==> R2 − R − 1 = 0 or R = 1±
= 1± 5
√ 2

Since R cannot be negative, hence R = 1+ 5


(9) A battery of e.m.f. 10 V is connected to resistance as shown in figure. The potential difference VA − VB between the points A and B is .................... V

(A) −2 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 20

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(b) Req = 5 Ω, Current i = 10

= 2 A and current in each branch = 1 A
Potential difference between C and A,
VC − VA = 1 × 1 = 1 V .......(i)
Potential difference between C and B,
VC − VB = 1 × 3 = 3 V ......(ii)
On solving (i) and (ii) VA − VB = 2 volt
Shot Trick : (VA − VB ) = 2i (R2 − R1 ) = 2
(3 − 1) = 2 V

(10) In the given circuit, the potential of the point E is

(A) Zero (B) − 8 V (C) − 4/3 V (D) 4/3 V
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
The current in the circuit = 5+1
= 4
Now VC − VE = 4
× 1 ⇒ VE = − 43 V

(11) Effective resistance between A and B is ........... Ω

(A) 15 (B) 5 (C) 5

(D) 20
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) The given figure is balance wheat stone bridge.

(12) In the circuit shown here, what is the value of the unknown resistor R so that the total resistance of the circuit between points P and Q is also equal to R

√ √
(A) 3 ohms (B) 39 ohms (C) 69 ohms (D) 10 ohms
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

The given circuit can be simplified as follows

R=3+ 10+3+R
= 3 + 30+10R
R = 39+3R+30+10R
= 69+13R
13+R √
13R + R2 = 69 + 13R ⇒ R = 69 Ω.

(13) In the arrangement of resistances shown below, the effective resistance between points A and B is ............... Ω

(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 90 (D) 110

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(a) By the concept of balanced Wheatstore bridge, the given circuit can be redrawn as follows
⇒ RAB = 30×60
= 20 Ω

(14) A cell of e.m.f. 1.5 V having a finite internal resistance is connected to a load resistance of 2 Ω. For maximum power transfer the internal resistance of the cell
should be ............. ohm
(A) 4 (B) 0.5 (C) 2 (D) None of these
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) For maximum power, external resistance = internal resistance.

(15) By a cell a current of 0.9 A flows through 2 ohm resistor and 0.3 A through 7 ohm resistor. The internal resistance of the cell is ............ Ω
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.2 (D) 2
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) 0.9(2 + r) = 0.3(7 + r) ⇒ 6 + 3r = 7 + r ⇒ r = 0.5 Ω

(16) The total current supplied to the circuit by the battery is ............. A

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

Given circuit can be redrawn as follows

⇒i= 6
= 4A

(17) An unknown resistance R1 is connected in series with a resistance of 10 Ω. This combinations is connected to one gap of a meter bridge while a resistance R2 is
connected in the other gap. The balance point is at 50 cm. Now, when the 10 Ω resistance is removed the balance point shifts to 40 cm. The value of R1 is (in
(A) 60 (B) 40 (C) 20 (D) 10
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
For first balancing condition 10+R
= 50
⇒ R2 = 10 + R1 .
For second balancing condition
R1 R1
= 4060
⇒ 10+R = 23
⇒ R1 = 20 Ω

(18) Thirteen resistances each of resistance R ohm are connected in the circuit as shown in the figure below. The effective resistance between A and B is

(A) 2R Ω (B) 4R
Ω (C) 2R
Ω (D) R Ω
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(c) Hence Req = 2R


(19) A primary cell has an e.m.f. of 1.5 volts, when short-circuited it gives a current of 3 amperes. The internal resistance of the cell is .............. ohm
(A) 4.5 (B) 2 (C) 0.5 (D) 1/4.5
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) Short circuit current iSC = E
⇒3= 1.5
⇒ r = 0.5 Ω

(20) When a resistance of 2 ohm is connected across the terminals of a cell, the current is 0.5 amperes. When the resistance is increased to 5 ohm, the current is
0.25 amperes. The internal resistance of the cell is ............. ohm
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Let the e.m.f. of cell be E and internal resistance be r.
Then 0.5 = (r+2)
and 0.25 = (r+5)
On dividing, 2 = 5+r
⇒ r = 1Ω

(21) In the given circuit the current I1 is .............. A


(A) 0.4 (B) −0.4 (C) 0.8 (D) −0.8

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

(b) The circuit can be simplified as follows

Applying KCL at junction A
i3 = i1 + i2 .. . . .(i)
Applying Kirchoff’s voltage law for the loop ABCDA
−30i1 − 40i3 + 40 = 0
⇒ −30i1 − 40(i1 + i2 ) + 40 = 0
⇒ 7i1 + 4i2 = 4 .. . . .(ii)
Applying Kirchoff’s voltage law for the loop ADEF A.
−40i2 − 40i3 + 80 + 40 = 0
⇒ −40i2 − 40(i1 + i2 ) = −120
⇒ i1 + 2i2 = 3 . . . . . . .(iii)
On solving equation (ii) and (iii) i1 = −0.4 A.

(22) In the shown circuit, what is the potential difference across A and B ......... V

(A) 50 (B) 45 (C) 30 (D) 20
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) Because cell is in open circuit.

(23) For driving a current of 2 A for 6 minutes in a circuit, 1000 J of work is to be done. The e.m.f. of the source in the circuit is ................ V
(A) 1.38 (B) 1.68 (C) 2.04 (D) 3.10
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) P = Wt
=Vi⇒V = W it
= 1000
= 1.38 V

(24) A cell of constant e.m.f. first connected to a resistance R1 and then connected to a resistance R2 . If power delivered in both cases is then the internal resistance
of the cell is √

(A) R1 R2 (B) R1
(C) R1 −R
(D) R1 +R

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
( )2
(a) Power dissipated= i2 R = E
( )2 ( )2
R +r
R1 = R E+r R2
1 2
==> R1 (R22 + r2 + 2R2 r) = R2 (R12 + r 2 + 2R1 r)
==> R22 R1 + R1 r 2 + 2R2 r = R12 R2 + R2 r2 + 2R1 R2 r
==> (R1 √− R2 )r 2 = (R1 − R2 )r2 = (R1 − R2 )R1 R2
==> r = R1 R2

(25) In meter bridge or Wheatstone bridge for measurement of resistance, the known and the unknown resistances are interchanged. The error so removed is
(A) End correction (B) Index error (C) Due to temperature effect (D) Random error
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
(a) In meter bridge experiment, it is assumed that the resistance of the L shaped plate is negligible, but actually it is not so. The error created due to this is called,
end error. To remove this the resistance box and he unknown resistance must be interchanged and then the mean reading must be taken.
(26) The n rows each containing m cells in series are joined in parallel. Maximum current is taken from this combination across an external resistance of 3 Ω resistance.
If the total number of cells used are 24 and internal resistance of each cell is 0.5 Ω then
(A) m = 8, n = 3 (B) m = 6, n = 4 (C) m = 12, n = 2 (D) m = 2, n = 12

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) Total cells = m × n = 24.... (i)
For maximum current in the circuit R = mr

==> 3 = m n
× (0.5)
==> m = 6n ..... (ii)
On solving equation (i) and (ii), we get m = 12, n = 2

(27) Two sources of equal emf are connected to an external resistance R. The internal resistances of the two sources are R1 and R2 (R2 > R1 ). If the potential
difference across the source having internal resistance R2 is zero, then
(A) R = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ) (B) R = R1 R2 /(R2 − R1 )
(C) R = R2 × (R1 + R2 )/(R2 − R1 ) (D) R = R2 − R1
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)

(d) i = 2E
R+R1 +R2
From cell (2) E = V + iR2 = 0 + iR2
==> E = R+R2E+R × R2
1 2
==> R = R2 − R1

(28) Twelve wires of equal length and same cross-section are connected in the form of a cube. If the resistance of each of the wires is R, then the effective resistance
between the two diagonal ends would be

(A) 2 R (B) 12 R (C) 5
R (D) 8 R
Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(c) The given circuit can be simplified as follows

RAD = 6

(29) The current in a conductor varies with time t as I = 2t + 3t2 where I is in ampere and t in seconds. Electric charge flowing through a section of the conductor
during t = 2 sec to t = 3 sec is ............. C
(A) 10 (B) 24 (C) 33 (D) 44
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
dQ = Idt [ ]
∫ t=3 ∫3 ∫3 2
⇒ Q = t=2 Idt = 2 tdt + 3 t dt
2 2
[ ]3 [ ]3
= t2 2 + t3 2 = (9 − 4) + (27 − 8) = 5 + 19 = 24 C.

(30) The effective resistance between points P and Q of the electrical circuit shown in the figure is

(A) 2Rr/(R + r) (B) 8R (R + r)/(3R + r) (C) 2r + 4R (D) 5R/2 + 2r

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

In a circuit, any circuit element placed between points at the same potential can be removed, without
affecting the rest of the circuit. Here, by symmetry, points A, B and C are at same potential, for any potential difference between P and Q.
The circuit can therefore be reduced as shown below
Effective resistance Req = R+r2Rr

(31) In the given circuit, with steady current, the potential drop across the capacitor must be

(A) V (B) V /2 (C) V /3 (D) 2V /3

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)

(c) Moving anticlockwise from A
− iR − V + 2V − 2iR = 0
or 3iR = V or i = 3R

VA − VB = iR + V − V = iR
==> Potential drop across C = V3

(32) A wire of resistance 10 Ω is bent to form a circle. P and Q are points on the circumference of the circle dividing it into a quadrant and are connected to a Battery
of 3 V and internal resistance 1 Ω as shown in the figure. The currents in the two parts of the circle are

(A) 6
A and 18
A (B) 5
A and 15
A (C) 4
A and 12
A (D) 3
A and 9
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

In the following figure Resistance of part P N Q;

R1 = 104
= 2.5 Ω and
Resistance of part P M Q;
R2 = 34 × 10 = 7.5 Ω
Req = RR1+RR2 2.5×7.5
= (2.5+7.5) = 15
1 2
Main Current i = = 3
15 +1
( ) 8 ( )
So, i1 = i × R +R
= 24
× 7.5
= 18
1 2
and i2 = i − i1 = 24
− 18
= 6

(33) In the circuit shown here, E1 = E2 = E3 = 2V and R1 = R2 = 4 ohms. The current flowing between points A and B through battery E2 is

(A) Zero (B) 2 amp from A to B (C) 2 amp from B to A (D) None of the above
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)

The given circuit can be redrawn
Eeq = E1 R2 +E2 R1
R1 +R2
= 2×4+2×4
= 2 V and
Req = 4
= 2Ω. Current i = 2+2
= 2A from A to B through E2 .

(34) In the circuit shown, the value of each resistance is r, then equivalent resistance of circuit between points A and B will be

(A) (4/3)r (B) 3r/2 (C) r/3 (D) 8r/7

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)


(d) The given circuit can be simplified as follows.

(35) A torch bulb rated as 4.5 W , 1.5 V is connected as shown in the figure. The e.m.f. of the cell needed to make the bulb glow at full intensity is ................ V

(A) 4.5 (B) 1.5 (C) 2.67 (D) 13.5

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
(d) Current in the bulb = V
= 4.5
= 3A
Current in 1 Ω resistance = 1 = 1.5 A

Hence total current from the cell i = 3 + 1.5 = 4.5 A

By using E = V + ir== > E = 1.5 + 4.5 × (2.67) = 13.5 V

(36) In an experiment, a graph was plotted of the potential difference V between the terminals of a cell against the circuit current i by varying load rheostat. Internal
conductance of the cell is given by

(A) xy (B) y
(C) x
(D) (x − y)
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Here internal resistance is given by the slope of graph i.e. x
. But conductance = 1
= y

(37) The V − i graph for a conductor makes an angle θ with V − axis. Here V denotes the voltage and i denotes current. The resistance of conductor is given by
(A) sin θ (B) cos θ (C) tan θ (D) cot θ
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
At an instant approach the student will choose tan θ will be the right answer. But it is to be seen here the curve makes the angle θ with the V − axis. So it makes
an angle (90 − θ) with the i− axis.
So resistance = slope = tan (90 − θ) = cot θ.
(38) The V − i graph for a conductor at temperature T1 and T2 are as shown in the figure. (T2 − T1 ) is proportional to

(A) cos 2θ (B) sin θ (C) cot 2θ (D) tan θ

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) As we know, for conductors resistance ∝ Temperature.
From figure R1 ∝ T1
⇒ tan θ ∝ T1
⇒ tan θ = kT1 . . . (i)
and R2 ∝ T2
⇒ tan(90o − θ) ∝ T2
⇒ cot θ = kT2 . . . .(ii)
From equation( (i) and (ii) k(T
) 2 − T1 ) = (cot θ − tan θ)
cos θ sin θ (cos2 θ−sin2 θ)
(T2 − T1 ) = sin θ
− cos θ
= sin θ cos θ
= 2 cot 2θ
⇒ (T2 − T1 ) ∝ cot 2θ
(39) A cylindrical conductor has uniform cross-section. Resistivity of its material increase linearly from left end to right end. If a constant current is flowing through it
and at a section distance x from left end, magnitude of electric field intensity is E, which of the following graphs is correct
(A) (C) (D)

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
Let resistivity at a distance ’x’ from left end be ρ = (ρ0 + ax). Then electric field intensity at a distance ’x’ from left end will be equal to E = iρ 0 i(ρ +ax)
= A

where i is the current flowing through the conductor. It means E ∝ ρ or E varies linearly with distance ’x’. But at x = 0, E has non-zero value. Hence (b) is
(40) When a current I is passed through a wire of constant resistance, it produces a potential difference V across its ends. The graph drawn between log I and log V
will be
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)
According to ohm’s law V = iR
⇒ loge V = loge i + loge R ⇒ loge i = loge V − loge R
The graph between loge I and loge V will be a straight line which cut loge V axis and it’s gradient will be positive.
(41) For a cell, the graph between the potential difference (V ) across the terminals of the cell and the current (I) drawn from the cell is shown in the figure. The
e.m.f. and the internal resistance of the cell are

(A) 2 V , 0.5 Ω (B) 2 V , 0.4 Ω (C) > 2 V , 0.5 Ω (D) > 2 V , 0.4 Ω

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
E.m.f. is the value of voltage, when no current is drawn from the circuit so E = 2 V .
Also r = slope = 25 = 0.4 Ω
(42) I − V characteristic of a copper wire of length L and area of cross-section A is shown in figure. The slope of the curve becomes

(A) More if the experiment is performed at higher temperature (B) More if a wire of steel of same dimension is used
(C) More if the length of the wire is increased (D) Less if the length of the wire is increased
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
( ) ( )
(d) Slope of V − i curve = R = ρl A
. But in given curve axis of i and V are interchanged. So slope of given curve = 1
= A
i.e. with the increase in length of
the wire. Slope of the curve will decrease.
(43) From the graph between current I and voltage V shown below, identify the portion corresponding to negative resistance

(A) AB (B) BC (C) CD (D) DE

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
(c) For portion CD slope of the curve is negative i.e. resistance be negative.
(44) The resistance of the series combination of two resistance is S. When they are joined in parallel the total resistance is P . If S = nP , then the minimum possible
value of n is
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(a) If two resistances are R1 and R2 then

S = R1 + R2 and P = (RR1+R R2
1 ) 2 ( )
From given condition S = nP i.e. (R1 + R2 ) = n R1 R 2
R1 +R2

==> (R1 + R2 )2 = n R1 R2 ==> (R1 − R2 )2 + 4R1 R2 = nR1 R2

(R1 −R2 )2
So n = 4 + R1 R2
. Hence minimum value of n is 4.

(45) In the adjoining circuit diagram each resistance is of 10 Ω. The current in the arm AD will be

(A) 2i
(B) 3i
(C) 4i
(D) i
Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

Applying Kirchoff’s law in mesh ABCDA

−10(i − i1 ) − 10i2 + 20i1 = 0

⇒ 3i1 − i2 = i ....... (i) and in mesh BEF CB
− 20 (i − i1 − i2 ) + 10 (i1 + i2 ) + 10i2 = 0
⇒ 3i1 + 4i2 = 2i ...... (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii)
i1 = 2i
, i2 = 5i ⇒ iAD = 2i 5

(46) In order to quadruple the resistance of a uniform wire, a part of its length was uniformly stretched till the final length of the entire wire was 1.5 times the original
length, the part of the wire was fraction equal to

(A) 1/8 (B) 1/6 (C) 1/10 (D) 1/4

Solution:(Correct Answer:A)

(a) Let l be the original length of wire and x be its length stretched uniformly such that final length is 1.5 l
Then 4R = ρ + ρ A′ where A′ = (0.5l+x)
(l−x) (0.5l+x) x
l l−x (0.5l+x)
4ρ A = ρ A + ρ xA
2 2
or 4l = l − x + 41 lx + xx + lxx
or xl = 18

(47) If two bulbs of wattage 25 and 100 respectively each rated at 220 volt are connected in series with the supply of 440 volt, then which bulbs will fuse
(A) 100 watt bulb (B) 25 watt bulb (C) None of them (D) Both of them
Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
(b) Resistance of 25 W bulb = 220×220
= 1936 Ω
Its safe current = 1936
= 0.11 amp.
Resistance of 100 W bulb = 220×220
= 484 Ω
Its safe current = 484
= 0.48 amp.
When connected in series to 440 V supply, then the current I = 440
= 0.18 amp.
Thus current is greater for 25 W bulb, so it will fuse.
(48) A 100 W bulb B1 , and two 60 W bulbs B2 and B3 , are connected to a 250 V source, as shown in the figure. Now W1 , W2 and W3 are the output powers of the
bulbs B1 , B2 and B3 , respectively. Then

(A) W1 > W2 = W3 (B) W1 > W2 > W3 (C) W1 < W2 = W3 (D) W1 < W2 < W3
Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
V2 2
P = R
so R = VP
2 2
R1 = 100 and R2 = R3 = V60
Now W1 = (R +R )2 .R1 , W2 = (R +R )2 .R2
1 2 1 2
and W3 = R
W1 : W2 : W3 = 15 : 25 : 64 or W1 < W2 < W3

(49) In the network shown the potential difference between A and B is ................. V (R = r1 = r2 = r3 = 1Ω ,E1 = 3 V, E2 = 2 V, E3 = 1 V )

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
No current through R, so potential difference across
E1 E E
+ r2 + r3 3+2+1
AB isV =
r1 2 3 1 1 1
1 + 1 + 1 = 1+1+1 = 2V
r1 r2 r3 1 1 1

(50) The variation of current (I) and voltage (V ) is as shown in figure A. The variation of power P with current I is best shown by which of the following graph

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Solution:(Correct Answer:B)
2 ( )
Power P in terms of v is P = VR and in terms of I is P = I 2 × R
Hence the shape of the curve will be similar but with a different slope.
Therefore option B is correct.

(51) A wire has a non-uniform cross-section as shown in figure.A steady current flows through it. The drift speed of electrons at points P and q is vP and vQ .

(A) vP = vQ (B) vP < vQ (C) vP > vQ (D) Data insufficient

Solution:(Correct Answer:C)
The drift speed of electrons is inversely proportional to the radius of cross section. Thus here the cross sectional area at point P is smaller than the cross sectional
area at point Q. Hence, the drift velocity is large for smaller area and small for larger area. The drift speed will relate as per the relation given below
vP > v Q

(52) A meter bridge set up as shown to determine end correction at A and B. When a resistance of 15 Ω is used in left gap and of 20 Ω in right gap, then null point
comes at a distance 42 cm from A. When these resistances are interchanged null point comes at a distance 57 cm from A. Values of end corrections are

(A) 1 cm, 2 cm (B) 2 cm, 3 cm (C) 3 cm, 4 cm (D) 3 cm, 2 cm

Solution:(Correct Answer:D)
Let and corrections at A and B α and β
= 58+β ⇒ 42+α = 43
⇒ 3β + 174 = 168 + 4α
4α − 3β = 6 ............(i)
= 43+β ⇒ 57+α 43+β
= 34 ⇒ 171 + 3α = 172 + 4β
3α − 4β = 1 ............(ii)
from (i) and (ii)
α = 3 cm, β = 2 cm


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