Chapter 2 CRT Study Questions

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Chapter 2 Critical Thinking

Study Questions
1. What is critical thinking according to the textbook ?
Critical thinking according to the textbook is the process gathering information
and analyzing and evaluating it in order to come out with a logical conclusion.

2. Explain R.E.D model and give an example.

R.E.D model, is a systematic step-by-step way used to accomplish a certain task,
it means : Recognize assumptions, Evaluate arguments, Draw conclusions
It contains 4 steps:
 Step 1 : Stop and think: which means that you need to pause before
solving an issue, get a deep breath and get rid of all distractions.
 Step 2: Recognizing assumptions : Separating fact from fiction , which
mean that we need to evaluate our assumption, and question our own
positions and theories.
 Step 3 : evaluating Information : remaining objective and unemotional,
we need to analyze objectively and forget about our beliefs.
 Step 4 : Drawing conclusions : making a decision, and come up with a
conclusion based on our analysis.
 Step 5: plan of action ; apply what I understood from my analysis and
form my education.
Example : I have some homework to do.
Step 1; pause and take a breath and focus only on homework.
Step 2: Question my positions and my assumptions, for instance I assumed that it would
be easy, but is it really going to be easy? After that read all the questions and think of
potential answers.
Step 3: get rid of emotions, I should not care if I like the subject or not, I should do the
homework unemotionally, and begin to analyze all the questions and give an answer.
Step 4: After a lot of thinking I should conclude which answers are correct and draw a
Step 5: apply what I analyzed and give a fina sheet of the homework.
3. How do you use C.A.R.L to understand critical thinking?

C.A.R.L means : Clarity Accuracy Relevance Logic.

This model helps us evaluate the quality of our analysis and make our critical thinking
more precise and accurate.

4. Explain Bloom’s Taxonomy with an example.

Bloom’s Taxonomy : you have to divide the analysis to steps, and begin with the easiest
then go to the hardest in order to master it, and use the language of bloom: remember,
understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create,

5. What is the difference between creative thinking and problem solving?

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