Prabationer Exam Leave Rules

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prabationer exam leave rules Bharadwaj

Dec. 4, 2023, 7:14 a.m.

Your score: 65% /
26 40

1 / 1 point
1. At the time of availing LTC, a Govt. Servant may be permitted to encash at a time
EL up to

Your Answer: Correct

7 days

15 days

10 days

5 days

0 / 1 point
2. Total EL that may be encashed by Govt. servant during his entire service at the
time of availing LTC is --- days

Your Answer: Incorrect





1 / 1 point
3. What is the minimum number of days of EL that shall be available at the credit of a
Govt servant after taking into account the period of encashment as well as leave availed at
the time of availing LTC?

Your Answer: Correct




no minimum leave at credit required

1 / 1 point
4. Cash equivalent of leave salary shall be considered for both EL & HPL at the time
of retirement subject to a overall limit of
Your Answer: Correct


300 + 15



1 / 1 point
5. What is the quantum of leave salary payable when a Govt. Servant proceeds on EL

Your Answer: Correct

No pay

Half pay

3/4th of pay

Full pay

1 / 1 point
6. What is the quantum of leave salary payable when Govt. Servant proceeds on
Extraordinary leave

Your Answer: Correct

no pay

half pay

full pay

1 / 1 point
7. Number of days of maternity leave granted to a female govt. servant shall be ---

Your Answer: Correct

6 months




0 / 1 point
8. For abortion, miscarriage etc, the maternity leave that may be granted during the
entire service to a female Govt servant, shall be limited to----- days
Your Answer: Incorrect





0 / 1 point
9. What is the maximum number of days of Commuted leave that may be granted
without MC in continuation of Maternity leave

Your Answer: Incorrect

45 days

90 days

60 days

120 days

1 / 1 point
10. What is the maximum period of Child Care leave permissible to a Female Govt.


Your Answer: Correct





1 / 1 point
11. Paternity leave may be granted to a Male Govt Servant for a period of

Your Answer: Correct

150 days

30 days

15 days

45 days
1 / 1 point
12. The following component shall be included in the calculation of cash equivalent of

leave salary for EL at the time of retirement of a Govt servant

Your Answer: Correct

Basic pay


Transport allowance

Basic Pay + DA

0 / 1 point
13. Maternity leave shall not be granted for

Your Answer: Incorrect

child birth

induced abortion

threatened abortion


1 / 1 point
14. Max amount of study leave which may be granted at one time shall ordinarily be

Your Answer: Correct

12 months

18 months

24 months

10 months

1 / 1 point
15. What will be leave salary during study leave

Your Answer: Correct

last drawn pay including DA including HRA

pay plus DA and HRA

pay excluding other allowances

pay, DA, HRA and study allowance

0 / 1 point
16. What is the maximum amount of Special Casual Leave to an official for

participation in Sports events in a calendar year --- days (not inter department)

Your Answer: Incorrect





0 / 1 point
17. What is the leave salary during commuted leave

Your Answer: Incorrect

50% of pay

100% of pay

50% of HPL

no leave salary

0 / 1 point
18. Unless the President in exception circumstances grants, no employee will be

granted leave for a continuous period exceeding --- years

Your Answer: Incorrect

1 / 1 point
19. Which of the kinds of leave can be combined with leave of any other kind

Your Answer: Correct


Maternity leave

study leave

CCA and Maternity leave and study leave

0 / 1 point
20. Earned leave should not ordinarily be denied during the last ---- years of service

Your Answer: Incorrect


0 / 1 point
21. Commutation of one kind of leave in to another shall be considered only if the

request is received within --- days

Your Answer: Incorrect





1 / 1 point
22. Leave may be granted to a Govt. Servant in the following circumstances

Your Answer: Correct

As a matter of right

for availing LTC

while under suspension

when the competent authority has decided to dismiss the govt servant

0 / 1 point
23. The authority competent to grant leave may at its discretion waive the production

of medical certificate in case of an application for leave for a period not exceeding

Your Answer: Incorrect

2 days

3 days

5 days

10 days
0 / 1 point
24. Overstayal of leave shall be

Your Answer: Incorrect

Treated as dies non

Debited against EL

Debited against HPL

1 / 1 point
25. Maximum number of days that can be accumulated in EL is

Your Answer: Correct

180 days

240 days

300 + 15 days

300 days

1 / 1 point
26. The unavailed portion of Joining time shall be credited to ---- account subject to

certain conditions

Your Answer: Correct

EL account

HPL account

Commuted leave account

Leave not due

1 / 1 point
27. The proportionate credit of EL in the case of new appointment/retirement/death

etc shall be at the rate of how many days for each completed calendar month in a half year

Your Answer: Correct

2 days

2 1/2 days

3 days

1 1/2 days
1 / 1 point
28. While affording credit of Earned Leave, fractions of a day shall be

Your Answer: Correct

Rounded off to the nearest day


rounded off to the next higher day

1 / 1 point
29. Proportionate credit of HPL in the case of new appointment/retirement/death etc.

shall be at the rate of how many days for each completed calendar month in a half year

Your Answer: Correct

2 1/2 days

5/2 days

5/3 days

3 days

1 / 1 point
30. How many times of commuted leave availed shall be debited against HPL account

Your Answer: Correct

one time



four time

0 / 1 point
31. What is the maximum number of days of leave not due that may be granted during

entire service

Your Answer: Incorrect




1 / 1 point
32. What is the maximum number of days of Extra ordinary leave that may be granted

to a temporary govt. servant who has not completed one year of continuous service

Your Answer: Correct

3 months

6 months

18 months

2 months

1 / 1 point
33. Credit will be afforded in advance at a uniform rate of --- days in case of Earned

leave on 1st january and 1 st july

Your Answer: Correct

15 days

10 days

30 days

12 days

1 / 1 point
34. QCredit will be afforded in advance at a uniform rate of --- days in case of HPL on
1st january and 1 st julyuestion

Your Answer: Correct

10 days

15 days

30 days

12 days

0 / 1 point
35. Commuted leave n due can be taken without medical certificate

Your Answer: Incorrect

up to max. of 90 days in the entire service if utilized for an approved course of study in
public interest

up to a max. of 60 days to female govt servant in continuation of maternity leave

upto a max. of 60 days to female govt servant with less than two surviving children if
she adopts a child less than one year hold

all three

1 / 1 point
36. Maternity leave is admissible to employees with less than ---

Your Answer: Correct

two children

three children

two surving children

1 / 1 point
37. Credit to EL willbe reduced by ---- of extraordinary leave availed and/or period of
dies-non during the previous half year subject to a maximum of 15 days

Your Answer: Correct



2 1/2


0 / 1 point
38. Credit to HPL willbe reduced by ---- of period of dies-non during the previous half

year subject to a maximum of 10 days

Your Answer: Incorrect





1 / 1 point
39. Paternity leave can be granted to male govt servant during wife's confinement

Your Answer: Correct

upto 15 days efoe delivery

up to six months from the date of delivery of the child

upto 15 days before or upto six months from the date of delivery of child

1 / 1 point
40. Extraordinary leave is granted when

Your Answer: Correct

no other leave is admissible

when other leave is admissible but the Govt servant applies in writing for extraordinary

when no other leave is admissible or when other leave is admissible but the Govt
servant applies in writing for extraordinary leave

Choice 4

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