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Basundhara Teachers’ Training College, Muzaffarpur

Assignment Question - 2023

Course: B.Sc.B.Ed. Session: - 2021-25 Sem:- 4th

Subject: - Creating an Inclusive School

Q. 1. What is Inclusive education? Throw light on its needs scope.
समावेशी िश ा या ह ? इसके काय े एवं आव यकताओ पर काश डािलए |
Q. 2. Throw light on the education of mentally retarded children.
मंदबुि बालको क िश ा पर काश डाले |

Subject: - Knowledge and curriculum

Q. 1. What is knowledge? How purpose, Types and knowledge and information are related each
other explain.
ान या ह? उ े य, कार एवं ान और सूचना कस कार एक दूसरे से स बंिधत ह ा या कोिजए
Q. 2. What is nature of Learner? Explore the varies of nature of learner.
अिधगमकता का कृ ित या ह? अिधगम क कृ ित, िवशेषताओ का िव तार से वणन कर |

Subject: - Mathematics (For CBZ)

Q. 1. Find the normal of the curve +3 + = 5 (1,1)
Q. 2. Expand ( + ) by Binomial theorem.
Subject: - Physics Paper (For CBZ)

Q. 1. Write the principle and use of cathode ray oscilloscope (C.R.O).

Q. 2. Write short notes on ‘Matter Waves’.
Subject: - Biology Paper (For PCM)

Q. 1. Define chromosome. Discuss the types of Chromosomes.

Q. 2. What is Biotechnology? Write the role of Bio-Technology.

Subject: - Physics
Q. 1. Obtain an expression for electric field strength due to a group potential charge.
Q. 2. State and prove superposition theorem.

Subject: - Chemistry
Q.1. Define the following terms.
Colloids, Emulsions, Gels, Sols, Goldnumber and adsorption.

Q.2. Give Mechanism of following reaction ---

(a). Cannizarro’s reaction. (कै नीजारो ित या)
(b). Aldol condensation (अलडोल संघनन)
(c). Perkin reaction (पर कन ित या)
Subject: - Mathematics

Q. 1. Solve the following partial differential equations.

(a). − =
(b). ( − ) + ( − ) = ( − )

Q. 2. Prove that the quadratic form of −2 + has discriminant 0. Determine the class of
integers represented by this form.

Subject: - Botany

Q.1. Write a note on the structure and function of cell wall.

Q.2. Describe different structural aberrations of chromosome.

Subject: - Zoology

Q.1. Write functions of mitochondrion, Endoplasmic reticulum & Ribosome.

Q.2. Define:-
(a) Evolution
(b) Variation
(C) Natural selection

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