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A knowledge based framework for groundwater

Meriyam Mhammdi Alaoui Ilias Kacimi Driss Ouazar
L. Geosciences Water & Environment L. Geosciences Water & Environment Hydro Systems Analysis Laboratory
Mohammed V University of Rabat Mohammed V University of Rabat Mohammed V University of Rabat
Rabat, Morocco Rabat, Morocco Rabat, Morocco

Abstract— One of the major problems of hydrogeology case of lack of adequate hydrodynamical data (as it is the
modeling is the basic data preparation namely those related to case of several aquifers in Morocco), the behavior’s
the geology, hydrogeology, hydrometeorology, delimitation of investigation of overexploited aquifers becomes even more
the study area, and the appropriate choice of model complex and difficult.
parameters. The experienced user or a newcomer of various
existing powerful models (such as MODFLOW, FEFLOW …) The present study targets one of the major challenges in
is often lost during the data preparation phase highly required numerical groundwater model development: Input data
for running a model. Hence, the motivation of this work to preparation for aquifer system studied, namely data related to
develop an intelligent system able to reproduce heuristics the geology, hydrometeorology, piezometry, delimitation of
mechanisms of hydrogeologists’ experts to assist any engineer / the study area and the appropriate choice of model
researcher in all stages prior to any hydrogeological modeling parameters. The user (whether he is a beginner or already
of the groundwater system studied. A knowledge-based has an experience in groundwater modeling) of various
framework, dedicated to this purpose, was built adopting existing powerful models such as MODFLOW [10],
object-oriented approach, and using an Expert System shell. FEFLOW [11], MT3DMS [12], SUTRA [13], etc. is often
This paper presents the main steps of the framework confused during the data preparation phase required for
development, its top-level object hierarchy, and corresponding running a model. Hence, one of the main motivations for
heuristics rules. Most of the advice given by the intelligent
this work is to develop an intelligent system able to
working system was evaluated and validated in the Moroccan
reproduce heuristics mechanisms of hydrogeologists experts:
Rhis-Nekor aquifer case study to prepare the necessary inputs
data for Hydrodynamic model and to guide the user during the
(i) to assist any engineer/researcher in all stages prior to any
modeling process. hydrogeological modeling of the groundwater system studied
and (ii) to compensate the lack of model input data by
Keywords— Intelligent System, Heuristic knowledge, incorporating private engineering knowledge (Knowledge
Hydrogeology modeling, Data preparation, Groundwater based rules representing the approach and the methodology
overexploitation problem, Rhis-Nekor aquifer. followed by the hydrogeologists experts to prepare Input
Data for Hydrogeological Models). Aspects related to
I. INTRODUCTION numerical modeling were also integrated into the expert
system to facilitate the tasks of the modeler.
In the recent decades, the groundwater sector has been
subject to several major problems. The latest mainly relate to In recent years, applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
the depletion of reserves because of the development and the approaches demonstrated their contribution in solving such
extension of various human activities, e.g. industrial, complicated problems. Different AI models (e.g. expert
commercial and agricultural activities... In order to meet the systems, artificial neural networks , adaptive neuro-fuzzy
increasing water demands, the excessive exploitation of inference system and genetic programming) have been
groundwater reserves and consequently the decline of successfully applied in surface and groundwater resources
groundwater levels are generated [1,2,3]. This situation has systems modeling [14,15,16,17,18]. AI techniques are able to
inevitably serious consequences on the environment, the compensate for incomplete or contradictory datasets when
ecology and the economy of the concerned regions [4]. studying groundwater problems. Reference [19] introduced a
wavelet-neuro-fuzzy model for predicting short term
Under this stressful environmental conditions groundwater table depth fluctuations. Genetic programming
characterized by the depletion of the groundwater resources, has also been applied in predicting short term groundwater
groundwater flow modeling is now indispensable for depth fluctuations [20]. Reference [21] investigated the
sustainable and integrated groundwater resources expert knowledge based modeling in the integrated water
management. Groundwater flow models provide answers to resources planning and management in the Zayandehrud
questions that constitute the purpose of hydrogeological River Basin. Reference [22] applied conjunction of radial
studies [5,6,7,8,9]: calculating the water balance, the basis function interpolator and artificial intelligence models
sustainable water resources definition, and the optimal water for time-space modeling of contaminant transport in porous
management scenario development. Therefore, these models media. Reference [23] introduced groundwater vulnerability
help determine the exploitable water-resource for a number indices conditioned by Supervised Intelligence Committee
of simulations and to avoid the overexploitation-risk and Machine. Reference [24] investigated the fuzzy optimization
depletion of groundwater reserves. model and fuzzy inference system in the conjunctive use of
However, groundwater flow modeling is a complex surface and groundwater resources. Reference [25] used
process. It depends on the effect of various factors (e.g. multi-model ensemble of machine learning algorithms for
geological setting, hydrodynamic proprieties, recharge and mapping groundwater contamination risk of multiple
discharge conditions, water level measurements …). In the aquifers. Reference [26] evaluated the intelligent

978-1-7281-1482-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

performance of aquifer storage and the recovery systems in There are so-called expert system shells which contain
freshwater aquifers. the skeleton of expert systems, the inference engine and the
development tools needed to create the user’s interface and
A rule based framework, called ALAES (ALae Aquifer manage the knowledge base. The tool used to develop
Expert System), dedicated to this purpose, was built adopting ALAES is the rule-based ES Shell Kappa-PC version 2.4
object oriented approach and by using shell expert system [27]. The Kappa-PC applications development system allows
Kappa-PC 2.4 [27]. This paper presents : (i) the main steps of writing applications in a high-level graphical environment
ALAES development; (ii) its top level object hierarchy, and generates standard ANSI C code and GUI runtimes.
classes, functions, rules of formal and cognitive knowledge Kappa PC software was chosen because of its suitability in
that it integrates; (iii) the Graphical User Interface of ALAES designer mode, which gives the knowledge engineer the
working system; (iv) the main modules proposed to provide possibility to code the knowledge base in a graphical. Kappa-
an answer to a groundwater resource problem; (v) the case PC ES shell supports both rule-based reasoning (forward-
study for ALAES evaluation/validation and conclusions in and backward-chaining) as well as the micromanaging of the
the last sections of the paper. reasoning using classical programming techniques
(particularly list processing). The engineer is able to decide
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS what method and what reasoning mode to use for coding the
knowledge by addressing more complex problems [29,30].
A. Groundwater Modeling Process
C. Knowledge Acquisition
Groundwater Modeling (GM) has evolved over the past
40 years into a powerful and efficient tool widely used in Knowledge acquisition for ALAES development was a
order to describe aquifers' multifunctional phenomenon. The complex process that was addressed rigorously. Indeed, the
proposed GM methodology aims at investigating the transcript of the experts approach required going through
behavior of aquifer systems under the absence of sufficient phases of extraction-, modeling- and knowledge-
data by incorporating a maximum of private engineering formalization. Each of these steps involved specific work
knowledge into the GM process. methods. Knowledge Acquisition is certainly the most
complex task, but also the most interesting in the
The main steps of this GM process are: (i) Define the development of the knowledge base of the ES. If the
problem (e.g. overexploitation, water supply, contamination, Knowledge Base (KB) is narrow, the results can be very
seawater intrusion); (ii) Collect, analyze data (e.g. water poor; therefore an effort has been made to enlarge the KB
levels, well logs, pump tests, river flows, chemical through expertise extracted from literature and professionals.
samples...) and evaluate the modeling feasibility depending
on available data; (iii) Develop conceptual model defining: ALAES Knowledge Base was built through two major
hydrostratigraphic units, system boundaries and water sources. The first, relates to the formal knowledge, available
balance; (iv) Select governing equation and code to solve it; in books, manuals and scientific papers that address
(v) Design the model (set up grids cells and longer groundwater flow modeling and overexploitation problem
simulation times, define boundary and initial conditions, management. The second, based on heuristics, was through
assign initial guess for aquifer parameters to each grid cell); interviews with the experts in multiple fields interacting in
(vi) Calibrate the model (change aquifer parameters by trial hydrogeological modeling process (hydrogeologists,
and error until simulated heads match measured heads); (vii) geologists, environmental hydrogeologists, hydraulic
Simulate the expected acquifer’ behaviors : Answer engineers, geophysicists, climatologists and geomaticians ...).
questions to solve problem.

B. Expert System
Expert System (ES) is a computer-aided problem solving
system which is generally based on several artificial
intelligence methods. ES contains the knowledge of a special
problem domain. It helps in analyzing and solving large as
well as complex problems considering the problem solving
process of a human expert. ES can also be defined as a
program that attempts to mimic human expertise by applying
inference methods to a knowledge specific field [28]. The
key component of these systems relies on the independence
between the knowledge base and the inference engine which
allows for an upgrade of the system without altering the
Fig. 1. Knowledge transfer approach used in ALAES’s development and
ES are particularly recommended in situations where the the main intervening-experts in the knowledge acquisition phase.
problem is complex and difficult to formalize, and poorly
structured and does not fit into traditional programming The knowledge acquisition model adopted for ALAES
methods. Therefore, this technology is applicable to the development is the guided model associated with the
fields of hydrogeological modeling and groundwater Knowledge Oriented Design (KOD) methodology [31]. The
resource management, especially to the data preparation life cycle of the KOD covered the knowledge base. The
process which is laborious, difficult to formalize and cognitive analysis stage was then used to implement the first
requiring a lot of expertise. level design, based on structured objects, of ALAES
knowledge-based platform. The computerization stage Exploitation of the parameters and results of preexisting
consisted in developing the ES itself based on the cognitive models; Call to program of parameters evaluation;
analysis results. Figure 1 summarizes the knowledge transfer Recommendation of the future pumping tests location;
approach adopted for ALAES development as well as the Comparison and validation of the results obtained through
main intervening-experts during Knowledge Acquisition the different methods.
B. ALAES’s Rule-Based Knowledge Base (ALAES-RBKB)
III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND IMPLEMENTATION Throughout ALAES’s knowledge acquisition phase, the
In the Kappa-PC ES-shell, the components of the heuristics presented by the experts were in the form of rules
problem are represented by objects that are organized in a and actions (IF ... THEN ...). The transcription and coding of
hierarchy. Running under windows environment, Kappa-PC knowledge provided by the experts was subsequently done
provides the developer with the flexibility and power using the KAL language. KAL is the programming language
required in supporting complex applications. Kappa-PC used in KAPPA-PC, and it can be also compiled into C using
provides, also, a resources editor for developing interactive the KAL compiler. In the KAL language, the rule syntax is
graphical user interfaces to applications. The development as: IF (premises) THEN (conclusion), thus providing a
process is managed by development window which contains helpful format for referring to objects and slots. As an
all essential tools for expert system implementation, such as: example, two rules of ALAES-RBKB are presented in the
Object Browser, Edit Ktools and KAL Interpreter. following section.
Rule 1: For the selection of the hydrogeological model
A. ALAES’s Object Oriented Data Base (ALAES-OODB) corresponding to the characteristics of the aquifer system
The conceptualization of an ES for the groundwater- studied:
overexploitation problem management (using groundwater If {(Aquifer_System_ID:Aquifer_Medium #= Porous) And
flow modeling) relies on an efficient database structure. In (Aquifer_System_ID:Reservoir_Lithology #= Homogeneous
this configuration of ALAES knowledge-based platform, the Or Heterogeneous) And (Aquifer_ System_ID:
database role is essential. Data (of each case study of aquifer Aquifer_Phase #= Monophasic Or Multiphasic) And
system) can be stored, accessed, and modified easily. Aquifer_System_ID:Model_Dimension #= Quasi_
ALAES's DB design, based on structured objects, is shown Three_Dimension And Aquifer_System_ID:Model_Type #=
in Figure 2. It includes: "Aquifer system" superclass, User- Finite_Difference_Model And Aquifer_System_ID:
Interface and Developer-interface, and four packages of Modeling_Type #= Hydrodynamic_Modeling ) } Then
classes: "Geometry", "Hydrodynamic Parameters", {SetValue( VIII_CHOOSE_MODEL = MODFLOW ) }.
"Piezometry" and "Water Balance". ALAES's classes
encapsulates hundreds attributes and methods that Rule 2: To validate the hydraulic parameters calculated
manipulate, for each aquifer-system case-study, all the by the pumping tests interpretation:
necessary information -input data- for groundwater flow If { Pumping_Tests:PT_Hydro_Conduct_Result ~=Reservoir
modeling. _Lithology:Hydro_Conductivity_Interval} Then {SetValue
True And Hydro_Conductivity_Transmissivity: Hydro_
Conductivity_DB = Pumping_Tests:PT_Hydro_ Conduct_
Result }.
The Rule-Based Knowledge Base of ALAES is
composed of 192 rules. The rules can be classified into two
categories: (i) Rules deduced from formal and agreed
knowledge, that represent 139 rules of ALAES-RBKB;
(ii) Rules built from heuristics and conflictual knowledge
that constitute 53 rules of ALAES-RBKB.



Fig. 2. Schema showing the general architecture of ALAES's DB built

based on structured objects. Rules developed from Rules developed from
public and agreed heuristics and private
knowledge knowledge
The Parameters package, as an example, consists of a
superclass "Hydrodynamic Parameters" and three subclasses: Geometry
20 3
"Porosity", "Hydraulic Conductivity/Transmissivity", and Package
"Storage Coefficient". The "Hydrodynamic Parameters" Parameters
59 36
superclass is characterized by the "derive" relation with the Piezometry
classes: "Pumping tests", "Logs", "Reservoir Lithology", and Package
4 7
"Existing models" which constitute an important data source Water Balance
10 1
for the hydrodynamic-parameters determination. Package
"Hydrodynamic Parameters" superclass also proposes the Modeling Guide
46 6
methods of: Parameters calculation from the pumping tests;
Parameters determination from Logs; Parameters estimated 139
Total 53
on the based on the reservoir lithological proprieties;
The rules types of ALAES-RBKB and their distribution Mediterranean Sea by its two major rivers, Nekor and Rhis.
in the various modules are summarized in Table 1. Most of The plain of Rhis-Nekor stores on all its area the most
the rules of the knowledge base belong to the Parameters important unconfined-aquifer in the Moroccan
Package (95 rules), which again reflects that the major Mediterranean coast. The Rhis-Nekor aquifer is porous and
difficulty of the hydrogeological modeling process lies on is mainly composed of Pliocene-Quaternary alluvium
the data preparation phase, especially on the hydrodynamic deposits, essentially sands, silty sand and gravels [32].
parameters determinition.
Figure 4 depicts the location, the geology as well as the
boundaries of the Rhis-Nekor basin. The study area Lambert-
IV. ES INTERFACE AND VALIDATION coordinates are X=636000-649000, Y=500000-515000. It is
ES developed presents two types of GUI: an interface located within the East part of the Rif geologic zone. It is
called ALAES USER SESSION dedicated to any user bounded : to the northwest by the carbonate formations of
(engineer or researcher) wishing to undertake a groundwater the Bokoya Unit; to the northeast by the outcrop vulcanite
flow modeling; and a developer interface ALAES materials of Ras Tarf; to the east, south and southwest by the
DEVELOPPER SESSION for experimented users in impermeable shale, sandstone and flych of Ketama Unit. To
"groundwater conceptual model development field" as well the north, the plain is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea.
as in "artificial intelligence technologies". The main menu of The plain is characterized by an important seismic activity
ALAES USER SESSION offers the following because of the presence of several active faults.
Commands/objectives (Fig. 3):
 A guide for the appropriate hydrogeological model
selection corresponding to the characteristics of the
aquifer system studied;
 A guide for the feasibility study of Hydrogeological
modeling based on available data of the aquifer system
 A Knowledge based adviser for the data preparation for
the groundwater flow model of the aquifer system
 A Knowledge based adviser during the main stages of
the groundwater flow modeling of the of the aquifer
system studied;
 A guide for the groundwater flow simulation and
evaluating the optimal future ground-water
management scenario of the aquifer system studied.

Fig. 3. Screenshot showing ALAES’s user session and its main Fig. 4. A: Location and Geological setting of the study area (ABR:
commands/objectives. Alboran ridge; AIF, NF and YF: faults; [33]). B: Boundaries of Rhis-
Nekor aquifer and location of boreholes.
A. Rhis-Nekor Case study
The study area is characterized by a significant
The hydrological basin of Rhis-Nekor is located in the degradation of its groundwater resources and a net deficit in
northeast part of the Mediterranean coast in Morocco. It the aquifer water balance. In fact, during the past three
constitutes the prime agricultural plain of the Province of Al decades, the excessive pumping of groundwater for irrigation
Hoceima. The catchment covers about 100 km² with a mean and the net deficit in the aquifer water balance due to
soil slope of 1%. This basin drains towards the construction of Mohammed Ben Abdelkrim El Khattabi
MBAK dam (in 1981) have caused the decline of data for the hydrodynamic model (especially MODFLOW).
groundwater levels. Adding another model codes to the system is a complex and
laborious task. To build the Knowledge Base of ALAES's
Given the problems mentioned here above (namely second module, as an example, 37 experts in multiple fields
overexploitation problem/groundwater excessive drawdown) interacting in hydrogeological modeling process (e.g.
and in order to improve the scientific basis for the Rhis- hydrogeologists, geologists, environmental hydrogeologists,
Nekor groundwater management, a data collection program hydraulic engineers, geophysicists, climatologists and
was undertaken in the last decades. Indeed, geological, geometricians ...) were consulted. Subsequently, the
hydro-meteorological, hydrological, hydrogeological and knowledge, as collected from interviews with the here above
geochemical analysis were conducted; and groundwater experts and from specialized literature, must be analyzed,
flow and transport models were developed. In this project, coded and implemented in the expert system (Fig. 1). In
extensive hydraulic and geologic data was collected from terms of time, more of two years of work have been spent on
new multiple-well monitoring sites. Based on the input data the knowledge acquisition phase and on the first level
of existing models of the Rhis-Nekor area and data collected implementation of ALAES's second module.
from new wells/boreholes, the Rhis-Nekor's hydrogeological
synthesis and groundwater flow modeling were undertaken That is how Knowledge Acquisition is certainly the most
using the rule-based expert system ALAES. complex task but also the most interesting in the
development of the knowledge base of the ES. If the
B. ALAES’s working system steps Knowledge Base (KB) is limited, the results uncertainties
The first step in ALAES’s working system consisted of would be very important. The approach does not consist in
the selection of an appropriate hydrogeological model which simplifying the process of developing a model by
can help in providing an answer to a groundwater resource automatically choose parameters, but rather, the process
problem. The module interface HYDROGEOLOGICAL consists in enlarging as much as possible the KB through
MODEL CHOICE is used for the selection of the appropriate expertise extracted from literature and professionals. The
hydrogeological code (e.g. MODFLOW, FEFLOW, objective of the approach is to estimate the parameters with
MT3DMS, SUTRA...) to address a specific aquifer problem all possible methods, ways and experts manners in order to
(e.g. overexploitation, seawater intrusion, contamination ...). minimize the model results uncertainties. ALAES's
In the Rhis-Nekor case study, the main characteristics are as Parameters Package interface is presented in Fig. 5 as an
follows: Monolayer unconfined aquifer subject to an illustration. The purpose of ALAES's Parameters Package is
overexploitation problem; Porous aquifer medium; Reservoir to estimate Hydrodynamic Parameters (porosity, hydraulic
lithology considered homogeneous; Three-dimensional conductivity, transmissivity, and storage coefficient) using
model based on finite differences method. ALAES response different methods, such as pumping test, slug tests, well logs,
to this request is to use MODFLOW or an equivalent model. and reservoir lithology table.

The second step in ALAES’s working system was to

evaluate the modeling feasibility of the aquifer system
studied, using the hydrogeological model proposed in the
first request, and depending on the availability of the
necessary data required for running the hydrogeological
FEASIBILTY STUDY provides one of three answers: an
ideal situation - Groundwater Modeling Process Feasible; a
complex situation - Groundwater Modeling Process Hardly
Feasible; and an impossible situation - Groundwater
Modeling Process Unfeasible. In the Rhis-Nekor case study,
the groundwater flow modeling process is hardly feasible.
The lack of MODFLOW model input data, and in particular
parameters needed for model calibration, was compensated
by incorporating heuristics and private knowledge of
ALAES's rule base.
The third step in ALAES’s working system was to
prepare the input data set for Hydrodynamic Model. Figure 6
shows, at the top, the interface of module called DATA
run this module, ALAES Rule Base incorporates 140 agreed-
and heuristic-rules. The latest provide a way to mimic the Fig. 5. Screenshot showing the module interface DATA PREPARATION
methodology and the way of proceeding of hydrogeologists FOR HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL (at the top) and the interface of
PARAMETERS PACKAGE (at the bottom).
experts for input data preparation for MODFLOW model. As
previously described, the input data set, for a groundwater
In the Rhis-Nekor case study, it is the porosity parameter
flow model, is hierarchized in four class packages (Fig. 2):
that least available. To determine this parameter, Well-Log
Geometry Package, Parameters Package, Piezometry
methods, such as Resistivity-, Neutron-, Density-, and Sonic-
Package and Water-Balance Package.
Log, were used. Porosity results obtained at the well 587,
It should be emphasized that the second module of located on the right side of the Nekor River, for example,
ALAES's working system helps the user to prepare the input ranges between 33 and 35%. Porosity results, calculated
using Resistivity-, Density-, and Sonic-Log methods, were
validated by ALAES's Rule Based ES. The results are in
conformity with the lithological nature of the aquifer at the
well which corresponds to medium sands, a porosity ranging
between 29 and 49%.
Once the four input data packages for the Hydrodynamic
Model were prepared, the next step in ALAES’s working
system concerned Groundwater Numerical Modeling Process
in strict sense. This process was guided by proposing to
ALAES’s User a rule based adviser in the main stages of the
groundwater flow modeling of the aquifer system studied.
The results obtained by applying the advices provided by
to Rhis-Nekor case study are synthesized as follows: the
constructed model covers the entire study area, about
100Km², and uses the MODFLOW program. The non-
uniform finite difference grid consists of 2450 total cells,
1271 active cells witch 1177 cells 250m by 250m and 94
cells 250m by 500m. Fig. 6 summarizes model-grid,
structure and boundary conditions for the Rhis-Nekor
groundwater flow model.
Guided by ALAES, the Rhis-Nekor groundwater flow
model was developed to simulate steady-state groundwater
conditions representative of those in 1968 and transient
conditions for the period 1968-2016. Model results indicate
decreases in groundwater storage in all part of the study area
over the simulated 49 year period. Model sensivity to
parameters values and to boundary conditions was also
Genetic Algorithm based Optimization Model whose
purpose is to explore the optimal pumping schemes of Rhis-
Nekor aquifer was not developed given the fact that the
corresponding process is time consuming and costly. The
approach used is to first predict the aquifer's behavior in 3
extreme situations (favorable, unfavorable, and
intermediate). Secondly, an attempt to determinate the
situation that meets current and future water demands while
minimizing the risks for several adverse environmental
impacts such as overexploitation and groundwater-reserves
depletion was made.
Thus, the model was used to assess impacts of three
alternative future (2016-2036) groundwater development
scenarios: One that assumes increasing pumping from the
majority of the boreholes (IRE number from 251/05 to
583/05) and unfavorable climatic conditions. A second that
continued pumping at average current rates and favorable
climatic conditions. And a third, that assumes decreasing
pumping from the coastal wells in the Rhis-Nekor Basin,
favorable climatic conditions, and construction of injection
barriers. The model simulates an important declining water
levels (2 to 18 m) in the first scenario, slightly declining
water levels (0 to 4m) for the second scenario and stable
water levels in the third scenario. The model results as
obtained constitute a real support to help decision-makers
evaluate the optimal management strategy of Rhis-Nekor
groundwater resources.

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1968; B- Simulated water levels of 2016 and calibrated hydraulic
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