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Tutorial 6

Name: Carin Audryna David

ID: 2022897434

Class: AS1201F

1. Describe the fluid mosaic model (5M)

The fluid mosaic model is used to explain the structure of molecules in the membrane - 'fluid'
because the phospholipids are constantly moving and 'mosaic' because protein molecules are
distributed throughout the phospholipids like tiles in a mosaic. Its components are phospholipids,
cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrates.

2. Explain two types of protein on membrane plasma (4M)

a) Integral Protein: It is loosely bounded on the surface of the protein

b) Peripheral Protein: It is embedded with the phospholipid layers

3. Give six different functions of protein on membrane proteins (6M)

a) Transport
b) Enzymatic activities
c) Signal Transduction
d) Intercellular joining
e) Cell-cell recognition
f) Attachment to the ECM and cytoskeleton

4. Describe the concept of selective permeability on membrane proteins (5M)

The cell membrane's selective permeability is its ability to distinguish between various types of
molecules, permitting some to pass while preventing others. A molecule's capability to pass through
a membrane is dependent on how it interacts with the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Other
hydrophilic molecules, ions, and polar molecules can all be transported with the help of and under
the control of transport proteins.

5. Elaborate two types of transports protein (10M)

a) Channel Proteins allow fast transport. It offers channels that let a certain molecule or ion
pass across the membrane. Certain molecules or ions can employ a hydrophilic channel that
some transport proteins have as a tunnel through the membrane. For example, water
molecules can pass through channel proteins.

b) Carrier protein is a gated protein. Depending on the presence or absence of a chemical or

physical stimulus, it opens or closes. instead appear to move the solute-binding site and
solution across the membrane as the protein changes shape, rather than supplying channels.
The binding and release of the delivered molecule may cause these shape alterations.

6. Explain the situation below. (10M)

Animal Cell

a) Hypotonic solution: Red blood cells have lower water potential than solution. Water
molecules move into the red blood cells by osmosis. Red blood cells may swell and lysed.
b) Isotonic solution: Water potential is equal between red blood cell and solution. No net
movement of water in and out of red blood cell. Red blood cells are normal
c) Hypertonic solution: Red blood cells have higher water potential than solution. Water
molecules move out of the red blood cells by osmosis. Red blood cells will shrivel.

Plant Cell

a) Hypotonic solution: Plant cells have lower water potential than solution. Water molecules
move into the red blood cells by osmosis. Up until the elastic wall opposes additional
absorption, plant cells will swell. The cell is turgid, which is a healthy state for the majority of
plant cells.
b) Isotonic solution: Water potential is equal between plant cell and solution. No net
movement of water in and out of plant cell. The cell is flaccid, and the plant may
c) Hypertonic solution: Plant cells have higher water potential than solution. Water molecules
move out of the Plant cells by osmosis. The plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall
as it shrivels, a process called plasmolysis happens. The plant will die.

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