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Facebook: Email:

Luyen thi vao lop 10 ltts10ca@gmail.com

chuyen Anh

Complete the texts by putting one word in each space.
Female butlers
A new breed of butlers has appeared (1) ____ the scene;
increasingly, it seems (2) ______ rich and famous are turning (3)
______ women to perform the little domestic duties of everyday life.
But (4) _____ female butlers are in ever greater demand, they are
also in short supply. Ivor Spencer, who runs the (5) _______
traditional of the well-known butler schools, (6) _______ trained
only eight women in 21 year. Even at the more progressive butler
academies, (7) ________ as Robert Watson’s Guild of Professional
Butlers, fewer than one (8) ________ four trainees are female.
Butlerine Sarah Whittle says that women are in demand (9)
________ they’re less stuffy than men. “We’re better (10) ________
picking up on people’s moods,” she says. “And we can organize
several things at (11) ________: it’s in our nature to multitask.”
Whittle (12) ________ expected to be smart as professional (13)
_____ duty, but she does get glamorous perks - presents of
chocolate, champagne and, on (14) _______ occasion, an expensive
pair of shoes. But the job has its downside. Hundred-hour weeks are
(15) _________ uncommon, the hours are unsociable and the tasks
often (16) ________ than glamorous.

Sleep deprivation can make us very angry, which is (1)
________ snoring - the human equivalent of a car alarm (2)
__________ set off at night - can be so irritating. Most people snore
occasionally, but in middle age about 40 per cent of women (3)

21/4/2016 1
Facebook: Email:
Luyen thi vao lop 10 ltts10ca@gmail.com
chuyen Anh
__________ so regularly. Snoring can ruin relationships and be
intensely embarrassing. Snorers (4) _________ go into hospital, for
example, may worry that they’ll keep the whole ward awake. But
snoring doesn’t (5) _________ afflict the unafflicted; snorers may
also disturb (6) ________ and feel sleepy during the day.
Snoring can sometimes be a symptom of a more serious
condition. Up (7) _________ six per cent of men and two per cent of
women suffer from sleep apnoea, a syndrome in which breathing (8)
__________ significantly disrupted during sleep. Some people may
start off (9) __________ uncomplicated snorers, but develop sleep
apnoea as they get older. The word apnoea is derived (10)
__________ the Greek and means “no breathing”. People (11)
__________ sleep apnoea have airways that become obstructed
during sleep. Typically, they snore loudly, stop breathing, struggle
(12) __________ air, partly wake up (although often unaware of it),
gulp a bit, and then recommence snoring. The cycle may (13)
__________ repeated over 100 times an hour. (14) __________
surprisingly, people with sleep apnoea feel unrefreshed in the
morning. They may have problems concentrating during the day,
feel depressed and fall asleep (15) __________ socially
unacceptable times. At worst, they can fall asleep (16) __________
driving or operating dangerous machinery.

Life in the Stone Age
It is a common misconception that people in the Stone Age
lived (1) ____ the edge of starvation, in small groups, wandering
around from (2) _____ to place. On the (3) ______, recent studies
of archaeological sites have in fact (4) _____ it clear that life was
probably a (5) ______ deal easier than it was for later farming
communities. After the Ice Age the weather was warmer than it is
today and there was certainly (6) ______ lack of fresh supplies of
meat, fish, plants and berries.

21/4/2016 2
Facebook: Email:
Luyen thi vao lop 10 ltts10ca@gmail.com
chuyen Anh
During the Stone Age or Mesolithic Period, (7) ____ it is
known to archaeologists, men and women led an active social and
spiritual life. Large encampments, where (8) ____ to 200 people
may have lived, have recently (9) ______ to light in several parts of
Europe, in (10) ______ to the remains of communal tombs and
temples. Making stone tools would probably have been regarded as
a communal activity, in (11) ______ even children used to take part.
Nor were women thought (12) ______ as inferior in these societies.
In all (13) ________, they took (14) ________ actively in the
decision-making of the tribe. Only later, with the arrival of farming,
(15) _____ they lose their status.

One day recently, I (1) ______ to meet an old friend of mine,
a retired surgeon, just coming out of a travel agency with a bundle
of glossy holiday pamphlets (2) ______ his arms. I knew that for a
decade he had enjoyed a fortnight every summer at the same
isolated Mediterranean vilage, where he had had great (3) ______ in
the warm sunshine and excellent bathing. As he was an enthusiastic
motorist, he had always organized his own travelling (4) _________
in a thorough and clever (5) _______, rotating the routes every
year. This system had enabled him to build up the most amazing
collection of coloured slides, (6) ______ he occasionally presented ,
of castles and cathedrals and notable architectural and scenic gems,
all quite remote from the average tourist itinerary. But this year,
because of the (7) _______ foreign currency allowance he was
allowed to (8) _______ abroad, he had decided on an all-in package
tour. The return flight, his hotel accommodation and his meals
would (9) ______ be provided at an inclusive charge. Oddly enough,
he was looking forward to this change from his previous habits with
(10) ______ much eager anticipation as a child.


21/4/2016 3
Facebook: Email:
Luyen thi vao lop 10 ltts10ca@gmail.com
chuyen Anh
Although the rise in the global temperature by 4 per cent
predicted by many scientists may not sound like much, it is the
difference between now and the last Ice Age, when huge glaciers
covered Europe and most of Britain. Nobody knows (1) ______ what
would happen in a warmer world, but we (2) ______ know some
things. Heat a kettle and the (3) ______ inside it expands. The (4)
______ of the world has climbed more than half a degree this
century, and the oceans have (5) ______ by at least 10 cm.
But (6) ______ as it takes several minutes for a kettle to begin
warming, (7) ______ it may have taken the ocean thirty years to
swell. This (8) ______ that the global warming we are now
experiencing is a result only of the carbon dioxide we have dumped
into the atmosphere (9) ______ to the 1960s. Since then, the (10)
______ of fossil fuels has increased rapidly.
Scientists (11) ______ for the United nations and European
governments have been warning that (12) ______ the Dutch and
the people of East Anglia will need to do will (13) ______ to build
more extensive sea defenses. Many of the world’s great cities are
(14) ______ risk, because they are (15) ______ at sea level. Miami,
(16) ______ entirely built on a sandbank, could be (17) ______
away. But the effect of rising sea levels will be much (18) ______ for
the developing countries. With a meter rise in sea levels, 200 million
could become homeless.
There are other fears too, (19) ______ to a recent United Nations
report. The plight of the hungry in northern Africa could (20) ______
, as rainfall in the Sahara and beyond is reduced by 20 per cent.

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