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Course: Computer Graphics Course Code: RCS603 Branch: CSE

Semester: VI DOE: 05.05.2020 Time: 1hr 30Min
Faculty : Dr. K. Rama Krishna Max Marks : 50

Note: -
1-This paper consists of two section A & B. Both are compulsory. Section B has with internal choice.
2- Exam Timing – 10:00 am to 11:30 am
3- Answer Sheet Scanning & Submitting Time – 11:30 am to 12:00 noon.
4- All students are instructed to share PDF form of your answer script at the following maid id of
concern faculty.
Subject Teacher Mail ID :

5- Also keep the Answer Sheet at safe custody and handover your answer sheet to your concern
faculty once college will reopen.

6- Write the Page Number & Roll No at every sheet and following detail at the top of the first page
of Answer Sheet :-
College Name : IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida
Session : 2019-2020(Even )
Name of Exam : Pre-University Exam
Student Name :
Roll No :
Branch :
Sem/Section :
Course Name :
Course Code :
Date of Exam :
S. No. Course Questions Marks

Q.1 Attempt all parts of this question. All parts carry equal marks. 2x5=10

a) CO1 What are the applications of computer graphics? 2

b) CO2 Explain window to viewport transformation. 2
c) CO3 Define the term clipping. 2
d) CO4 Define Rasterization. 2
e) CO5 Define blobby objects. 2

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Q.2 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

a) CO1 Develop and write mid point circle algorithm. Apply it to predict the pixels in any 4
octant for the circle whose centre is origin and radius=14 units.

b) CO1 Explain difference between random scan system and raster scan system. 4
c) CO1 What are the advantages of DDA algorithm. Rasterized the line between two 4
points (20,10) and (30,18) by using the same.

Q.3 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

a) CO2 Write Liang Barsky algorithm for line clipping. Use this algorithm to clip the line 4
P1(-15,-30) to P2(30,60) against the window having diagonally opposite corners as
(0,0) and(15,15).
b) CO2 Write and explain with example Weiler Atherton Polygon clipping algorithm. 4
c) CO2 Reflect the polygon (-1,0) (0,-2) (1,0) (0,2) about the line Y=2 by using 4
transformation matrices.

Q.4 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

a) CO3 What is projection? Differentiate between parallel and perspective projection. 4

b) CO3 Explain 3 D transformation with example. 4

c) CO3 Derive general form of 3 D rotation about i) X -axis ii)Z –axis 4

Q.5 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

a) CO4 Write the properties of b spline curves .Also write advantages of b spline curve 4
over Bezier Curve.

b) CO4 Write at least 4 properties of Bezier curve. Calculate and roughly trace the Bezier 4
curve for 3 control points (1,1) (2,2) and (3,1).

c) CO4 Construct the Bezier curve of order 3 and with 4 polygon vertices A(1,1) ,B(2,3) , 4
C(4,3), D(6,4)

Q.6 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

a) CO5 Discuss RGB color model in detail. 4

b) CO5 List he advantages and disadvantages of Back face detection method 4

c) CO5 Explain Depth Buffer method and compare it with the A buffer method. 4

****** All the best. Stay home and be safe. ******

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