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Nursing Diagnosis Goals of Interventions Rationale Evaluation


Inability to seek The family will be  Advise To prepare for Goals are
medical care able to gain them to emergency partially met
due to: knowledge about allocate expense. as evidenced
A. financial the importance of small by:
constraints. seeking portion
B. Family professional of their Long term:
decision. medical care. income The family
for their will slowly
Short term: health adapt the
After 3 hours of gain
nursing intervention  Discuss To attain knowledge.
the family will be among proper
able to: the diagnosis and The Family
 Allocate family avoid further starts to
budget for member unknown allocate
their health. s to complication funds for
 perceived change that can their
the benefits their worsen the immediate
of percepti diseases/illnes medical care
Professional on being s. and for
Care. hesitant Health
to seek Insurances
medical such PHIC.

Long Term:
 The family  Implem
will be able ent
to apply the follow
gain up visit
knowledge 2 weeks
and has after
already first
change their visit.

Nursing Diagnosis Goals of Interventions Rationale Evaluation


Inability to By following the Encourage the Maintaining a Goal are

recognize the nursing family member regular sleep partially
presence of intervention, to follow a and rest met.
inadequate rest or committed and schedule aids
sleep due to: In 3 hours of reliable plan in managing Short term:
nursing for relaxation and regulating The family
A. Eldest and intervention the and sleep. the circadian started to
parent family will be able rhythm. adjust their
workload. to gain knowledge sleeping
about the Recommend Milk schedule.
importance of consuming a consumption
rest/sleep. glass of milk has been
before sleep. linked to The family
Short term: improved makes their
The family member sleep. to do list.
will be able to
adjust his/her Advice family The family
resting/sleeping member to member can
schedule. prevent active show signs of
stimulation of anxiety about
The family member the mind such the duties or
will plan their task as overthinking activities
for the day for it to his/her task in planned for
be organized and the following the following Long term:
efficient. day during day.
sleeping hours. Unfortunately The Family
, this tendency member
Long Term: interferes with starts to feel
The family member falling asleep. a lot better
will be more The patient is about their
healthy: less likely to health.
worry about
 Proper these issues The family
Brain before going member
function. to sleep if a starts to be
 Good mood. certain day or more
 Physically schedule is set consistent
active. aside to about
address them. managing
The family member their time.
will practice proper
time management.
 Organized
 Time
 Efficient


Nursing Diagnosis Goals of Interventions Rationale Evaluation


Improper disposal After 3 hours of Emphasize to To have an Goals met.

of water waste. nursing intervention the family organized and
the family will be members the clean
 Lack facility able to: importance of surrounding.
 the following: -The family
Short term: learned the
1. The family -Educate the Being importance
will learn family about convenient to of proper
the proper the importance them and have disposal of
disposal of of installing orderliness. water waste
water waste. proper and
drainage. importance
of installing
2. The family -Educate the To prevent proper
recognize family the risk infection and drainage.
the of diseases.
importance contamination
to have if they won’t
proper take action.
Long Term: -Install
1. Having a drainage
proper system.
facility for
disposal that
cannot harm
the people
and the


Nursing Diagnosis Goals of Interventions Rationale Evaluation


Inability to prevent After 3 hours of Assess family To be able to Goals met:

falls/slips due to: nursing intervention house for any know where
the family will to possible risk. the possible
learn the following: risk at.

A. Uneven Short term: Emphasized to To be able

Short term:
ground. -Gain knowledge to the family the prevent
B. Frail avoid such hazards danger if they further
floor/post. (falls/slips). don’t take hazard/harm. The family
actions about applied their
it. knowledge
Long Term: about
-The family will be preventing
able to find a hazards.
solution about the
uneven ground.
-to level the
uneven floor
-to have proper
flooring or to
cement it.

-The family will be

able to repair or
change the


Nursing Diagnosis Goals of Interventions Rationale Evaluation


Inappropriate use of The family will be able -Advice family In order for the Goals
non-pharmacological to gain knowledge to allocate family to be partially met:
treatments. about taking proper budget for their able to have
medicine. health including funds for
purchasing emergency
medicine. purposes.
A. Might worsen the Short term: The family
complication Educate the family -In using herbal To be able to learned
about using herbal medicine, have achieve about the
B. Indirect Cure medicine and emphasized to effectiveness of approved
introduce them what them the herbal herbal
are the herbal proper medicine and medicines
medicine approved by preparation avoid such and its
DOH. and dosage. contraindicatio proper
ns. preparation.

Long Term: To be able to The family

The family will not have proper started to
only rely on herbal treatment. seek
medicine but to seek professional
also on prescribed medical care
medication. and still
by herbal

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