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Air Force Common Admission Test

(AFCAT) 2024

Conducted by
Indian Air Force

An exclusive Guide by
AFCAT 2024 Application Form Visit on Shiksha
AFCAT Apply Online 2024: Indian Air Force will close the window to fill AFCAT 1 application form on
December 30, 2023. T he application f orm was released on December 1, 2023 to f ill up a total of 317 vacancies.
IAF has increased the application f ees f or AFCAT exam. To apply f or the exam, candidates need to pay INR 550
with GST charges. Earlier, the application f ees were INR 250.

AFCAT application f orm 2024 was released to f ill up vacancies in the Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and
Non-Technical) branches. Both male and f emale candidates can apply f or AFCAT 2024 exam. AFCAT 1 2024
exam dates have been announced. T he online test will be conducted on February 16, 17 and 18, 2024.

AFCAT 2 application f orm 2024 will be released on June 1, 2024. AFCAT application correction window will be
made available af ter the application process closes. Candidates can edit certain details such as their name,
f ather's name, passport-size photograph, signature, and thumb impression. Other than these, other details
entered in the AFCAT application f orm 2024 are not editable.

Also Read:

AFCAT notif ication 2024

AFCAT dates 2024

Candidates can f ollow the below-mentioned procedure to f ill AFCAT f orm:

Documents Required to fill AFCAT Application

Candidates should keep the f ollowing documents ready to apply online f or AFCAT :

Aadhaar Card

Credit/Debit cards

Marksheets of Class 12 and graduation/diploma/integrated postgraduation

Scanned images of photograph, signature, and lef t thumb impression

Apply here for AFCAT 1 2024 exam-https://af catreg/candidate/login

Also Read: AFCAT notif ication

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.
Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.
T he above-mentioned steps are explained below in detail:

St ep 1: AFCAT Regist rat ion 2024

Click on ‘Candidate Login’ on the home page of AFCAT f or sign-in

Applicants need to select ‘Not yet Registered? Register Here’

T he sign-up f ormat is given below.

Full name As per Class 10 certificate

Father’s and mother’s name In a maximum of 50 characters
Enter the email ID that candidates are currently
Email id
Nationality Indian
Mobile number Enter the mobile number currently in use
Select secret questions Select one from the options
Secret answer In a maximum of 50 characters
Captcha Enter alphanumeric text shown at the end

Af ter successf ul AFCAT registration, the applicant receives a password on their registered email ID

St ep 2: AFCAT Apply Online

Candidates need to login with their registered email ID and password

Select the type of entry, AFCAT , NCC Special Entry f or Flying Branch

Read the instructions carefully

Click the checkbox to proceed to the next stage

Click ‘Application Form Filling’

Also Read:

AFCAT Exam Pattern

AFCAT syllabus

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.
Personal Information: Name, f ather’s and mother’s name (will be auto-f illed f rom the sign-up data), email
address, secondary email address, nationality, mobile number, visible identif ication mark, CPSS/PABT status,
CPSS/PABT batch number, CPSS/PABT date of passing, CPSS/PABT chest no, CPSS/PABT attended at
which Air Force Selection Board, Select Rank in IAF, service number, currently posted unit, select command,
gender, marital status and date of birth. Candidates in the application f orm are required to f ill the f ollowing

Educat ional Qualif icat ion

Choose one from the list:

Class 12 and graduation

Class 12, graduation, postgraduation
Education level Diploma and graduation
Class 12 and integrated postgraduation
Diploma and integrated postgraduation
Diploma, graduation + postgraduation

Choose one from the list as per the above


Graduate Options A
Select graduation level Graduate Options B
Graduate Options C
Graduate Options D

For Group A, B, D choose from the following:


Select a qualification degree Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Technology
For Option C: Enter B Com etc.
Course Duration (in years) This should be entered in numeric form
Should be entered in a maximum of 50
Name of the college
Name of University In a maximum of 50 characters
Date of graduation In DD/MM/YYYY format
Aggregate/gross percentage In numeric digit

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If candidates have a current backlog Mark it as yes or no
Aggregate/gross percentage obtained in Class
In numeric form
Enter Physics percentage as per Class 12
In numeric digit
Enter percentage obtained in Class 12 Candidates should enter it in numeric digit
Course Preference: Applicants need to select, Flying, Ground Duty (T echnical), Ground Duty (Non-T echnical).
Candidates who have graduation/post-graduation in Engineering/equivalent technical qualifications are
required to appear in EKT . T he examination authority reserves the right to allocate branches to candidates as
per their suitability and vacancies, irrespective of the choices entered by the candidates.

AFSB/SSB appeared candidates: Candidates need to choose whether passed/f ailed/not appeared f or
AFSB/SSB interview. Besides, they need to enter the batch number, the place where they appeared, the number
of days.

Source of information for AFCAT : Candidates need to list the source of inf ormation f rom where they came to
know regarding the AFCAT exam.

GAT E Score: Candidates need to enter their GAT E score and the year they appeared in the exam.

Communication Details: Enter permanent and correspondence address in AFCAT application f orm

In the permanent address part, candidates will have to enter the f ull address, select State/Union T erritories,
select city, PIN code, nearest railway station, landline number, Aadhaar Card number among others

In the correspondence address part, candidates need to enter the f ull address, state, city, pin code, nearest
railway station

Upload Documents: Candidates need to upload the scanned images of their photograph, signature, and Lef t
T humb Impression (LT I). T he specif ications related to the uploading of documents are given below:

T he size of each file should be between 10 KB and 50KB

T he images should be in JPEG/ JPG

Declaration by the Candidate: Agree to the declaration by clicking the checkbox

Select Exam City: Candidates need to choose five cities based on their preference

Also Read: AFCAT Admit Card

St ep 3: Paying AFCAT Examinat ion Fees

Af ter f illing the AFCAT application f orm, candidates need to pay INR 550 as examination f ees

T he f ees can be paid online through credit/ debit cards/ net banking

Candidates need to click ‘Make Payment’ to pay the fees

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.
On conf irmation f rom the bank, the payment status will display the registration number

Candidates will also receive the conf irmation regarding f ee payment on their registered email ID and mobile

AFCAT 1 Application Form 2023 Video

Click Here f or more details

AFCAT 2 Application Form 2023
Click Here f or more details
Also Read: How to f ill AFCAT Application Form?

AFCAT application f orm correction window is activated by IAF af ter the application process closes. Only two
sections are editable, 'Fill Application Form' and 'Upload Document'. Using the correction window,
candidates can edit the details such as Candidate's name, Father's name, Passport Size Photo, Signature,
T humb Impression. No other f ields are editable. No extra f ee is charged to make the changes in the application
f orm. T he f acility f or editing the application f orm can be done by candidates who register successf ully and pay
the application f ee.

How t o Edit AFCAT Applicat ion Form?

T he steps to correct the details in the AFCAT application f orm are given below:

Visit the of f icial website

Go to the candidate's login page

Enter the required credentials on the login page

Click the application f orm correction link

Correct the details and save it

Applicants f illing AFCAT application f orm must check their eligibility bef ore applying f or the exam. T he eligibility
criteria are certain parameters in terms of age, educational qualif ication, physical standards and nationality which
candidates need to f ulf ill inorder to qualif y the exam. Candidates applying for the Flying Branch should be
aged between 20 and 24 years while it is 20 and 26 years f or the Ground Duty (T echnical and Non-T echnical)
branches. T he educational qualif ication is dif f erent f or dif f erent posts. However, the minimum educational
qualif ication is graduation with 60 per cent.

AFCAT exam centres are released along with the notif ication. Candidates can select f ive exam cities f or the
online test while f illing AFCAT application f orm. T he list of exam cities is given below.

Agartala Ajmer
Ahmedabad Aizawl

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.
Alwar Allahabad/Prayagraj
Ambala Aurangabad
Bareilly Behrampur (Odisha)
Bathinda Belagavi
Bengaluru Bhagalpur
Bhilai Bhopal
Bhubaneswar Bhuj
Bikaner Chandigarh
Chennai Coimbatore
Warangal Delhi and NCR
Dhanbad Diu
Dibrugarh Durgapur
Faridabad Ganganagar
Gaya Ghaziabad
Gorakhpur Guntur
Gurugram Guwahati
Gwalior Haldwani
Hissar Hyderabad
Imphal Indore
Itanagar Jabalpur
Jaipur Jalandhar
Jalpaiguri Jammu
Jamshedpur Jhansi
Jodhpur Jorhat
Kannur Kanpur
Kakinada Kochi
Kohima Kolhapur
Kolkata Kota
Kurukshetra Leh
Lucknow Ludhiana
Mangalore Meerut

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Mumbai Muzzafarpur
Mysore Nagpur
Nasik Chhapra
Nizamabad Noida
Panaji Patiala
Patna Port Blair
Puducherry Pune
Rajkot Ranchi
Rourkee Rourkela
Sambalpur Shillong
Shimla Silchar
Srinagar Solapur
Sonipat Thane
Thrissur Thiruvananthapuram
Tirunelveli Tirupati
Udaipur Vadodara
Varanasi Vellore
Vijayawada Visakhapatnam

Candidates can check below the AFCAT application f orm 2024 FAQs.

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n Shiksha as o n 28 -Dec-20 23.

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