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......... ‫ كشف‬........‫ الساعة‬..................‫ يىم هجوىعتك‬............................‫االسن‬

50 Exam Unit (4)

Choose the correct answer 10m ‫كل ًقطة درجة‬
1. I couldn’t continue working because I was completely…………….. .
a) exhausted b) relaxed c) interested d) interesting
2. What activities can you …………….. to help you feel good?
a) do b) make c) take d) move
3. If you’re …………….. from burnout, you can experience a lot of stress.
a) forbidding b) resulting c) suffering d) preventing
4. I must leave now; I’m …………….. to be in the office in half an hour.
a) imposed b) supposed c) refused d) enclosed
5. An anonymous ……….. donated ten thousand pounds for our local charity.
a)factor b) benefactor c) malefactor d) tractor
6. I felt really …………….. and angry with myself when I lost the match.
a) creative b) impressed c) frustrated d) encouraged
7. The government launched a campaign to promote awareness of
environmental issues. The verb "promote" is the synonym of "……………….."
a)advertise b)develop c)encourage d) b & c
8. My dad said, “From this moment and into the future, you must do your
homework a soon as you finish your lunch.”. The underlined part means: …
a)from tomorrow on b) starting from tomorrow
c) from now on d) starting from yesterday
9. He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s trying to say.
The antonym of "frustrated" is …………………………
a)unsatisfied b)satisfied c)impatient d)b & c
10. I regret arriving late; I …………….. on time.
a)must have come b) needn’t have come
c) should have come d) had to come
Choose the correct answer 8m ‫كل ًقطة درجتيي‬
11. The manager …………….. the meeting because he was seriously ill.
a) had to postpone b) shouldn’t have postponed
c) must postpone d) needn’t have postponed
12. Why …….. you spend the weekend in the countryside? - That’s a good idea.
a)won’t b) don’t c) didn’t d) haven’t
13. Rami was lucky. He ………… himself when he fell, but he's OK.
a) must have hurt b) should have hurt

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c) may have be hurting d) could have hurt
14. Which of the following can be used in a formal email?
a)Bye b) Dear friend c)Yours sincerely d) Love from
B) Read the following passages, then choose the correct answer 8m
A woman without paint is like food without salt”, wrote the Roman
philosopher Plautus. But the reasons people wear makeup, as well as the
way in which they wear it, have changed dramatically over time. In
ancient Greco-Roman societies, women wore white lead and chalk on
their faces to look attractive. Ancient Egyptians wore foundation to
lighten their skin and men, women and children wore kohl. This black
eye liner was used both for beauty and to protect their eyes from disease.
Persians, on the other hand, used henna dyes to stain their hair and faces
to make themselves beautiful. Later, in the European Middle Ages, both
men and women made their faces white. Rich men wanted people to
know that they did not have to work outdoors in the sun. They wanted to
show off their wealth by having a pale or white face. Royal 13th-Century
Italian women wore pink lipstick to show they could afford makeup.
During the Italian Renaissance, women wore lead paint on their faces,
which caused hundreds of deaths because lead is poisonous. In England,
at the time of Queen Elizabeth I, cosmetics were seen as a health threat
because many thought makeup would stop blood and energy from
circulating through the body properly . During the French Revolution in
the 18th Century, red rouge and lipstick were popular and implied a
healthy, fun-loving spirit that protect their faces from the sun.
15. The main idea for this text is ………………..
(a) Europeans have traditionally loved wearing white makeup
(b) the importance of makeup throughout history
(c) wearing makeup is dangerous for your health
(d) makeup is the result of wars
16. According to the passage , make up………….
(a) doesn't change (b) changes from time to time
(c) makes no difference (d) is very modern
17. The underlined word '' afford'' means …………….
(a) offer (b) discover (c) sell (d)can buy
18. The underlined word they refers to…………
(a) wealthy men (b)men and women (c)people (d) Italians
19. In ancient times, people wanted white skin to………
(a) hide themselves (b) give themselves a healthy look
(c) look beautiful (d) appear younger
20. In the European Middle Ages a white face………..

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(a) meant that you were rich (b) showed that you were ill
(c) stopped blood circulation through the body (d) was a sign of death
21. The French Revolution occurred ……………………...
(a) in the 13th century (b) during the 1700s
(c) in the late 19th century (d) in the last 20 years
22. During the French Revolution, makeup was used to……
(a) show that the person was rich (b) hide bodies
(c) cover skin diseases (d) protect faces from the sun
B) Read the following passages, then choose the correct answer 8m
No Smoking” this is what we read in public and closed places and public means
of transport. “Give up smoking: If you don’t smoke, don’t smoke, don’t start.
“This is a valuable piece of advice we often receive from the majority of doctors.
Cigarette smoking and pollution represent fearful enemies to man as they
destroy health and bring about suffering and death. Smoking is one of the most
important factors in the development of heart diseases and cancer. Doctors
have proved that the smoker’s lungs, throat, and respiratory system are often
attacked by cancer. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart
disease than non - smoking males. Female smokers are less affected because
they do not breathe in smoke so deeply. So, smoking is banned in cinemas,
theatres and all closed places. In some other places there are rooms allotted for
smoking just to protect the non - smokers from its dangers. They are helpless
victims since they inhale poisonous gas, ash and nicotine. They receive much
more harm than the smokers themselves.
23. The underlined word “They” refers to................ .
(a) smokers (b) cinemas (c) non-smokers (d) theatres
24. Smokers have to give up smoking in order to ................
(a) inhale poisonous gas (b) avoid public places
(c) keep healthy (d) avoid closed places
25. Doctors advise those who don’t smoke.................. .
(a) not to start smoking (b) to start smoking
(c) stop smoking (d) to live in closed places
26. Male is the antonym of .................. .
(a) man (b) Female (c) human (d) young
27. The main idea of the passage is…..
(a) Smoking is harmful to all smokers only.
(b) Smoking is bad for non-smokers.
(c) Smoking should be banned in the cinema
(d) All people should avoid smoking.
28. Which sentence can best describe the first paragraph?
(a) Too much smoking is harmful.
(b) You shouldn't start smoking if you don't smoke.

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‫‪(c) Stop smoking on public means of transport.‬‬
‫‪(d) Don't smoke in closed places.‬‬
‫‪29. In the second paragraph, ''bring about '' means…..‬‬
‫‪(a) cause‬‬ ‫‪(b) harm‬‬ ‫‪(c) end‬‬ ‫‪(d) stop‬‬
‫? ‪30. According to the passage, which sentence is correct‬‬
‫‪(a) If you don't smoke, start smoking.‬‬
‫‪(b) Smokers are helpless victims.‬‬
‫‪(c) Non-smokers are less harmed than smokers who live with them.‬‬
‫‪(d) Smoking is the cause of many diseases.‬‬
‫‪Translation 8m‬‬
‫‪Choose the best Arabic translation:‬‬
‫‪31. We live in the age of the Internet where information travels round the‬‬
‫‪world in seconds, and is available to people in more countries than ever‬‬
‫‪before. This has made our lives easier and faster.‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬اننا نعٌش فً عصر االنترنت حٌث تنتقل المعلومات حول العالم فً ثوانى و متاحة للقرى‬
‫اكثر من ذى قبل و هذا جعل حٌاتنا اسهل و اسرع‬
‫ب_ اننا نعٌش فً عصر االنترنت حٌث تنتقل المعلومات حول العالم فً ثوانً وتكون متاحة‬
‫لألفراد فى دول اكثر من ذي قبل و هذا جعل حٌاتنا اسهل و اسرع‬
‫ج_ اننا نعٌش فً عصر االنترنت حٌث تنتقل المعلومات حول العالم فً ثوانى و متاحة لالفراد‬
‫اعظم من ذى قبل و هذا جعل حٌاتنا اسهل و اسرع‬
‫د_اننا نعٌش فً عصر االنترنت حٌث تنتقل المعلومات حول العالم فً ثوانى وغٌر متاحة‬
‫لالفراد اكثر من ذى قبل و هذا جعل حٌاتنا اسهل و اسرع‬
‫‪32. Burnout is a mental problem that affects more people today. Therefore,‬‬
‫‪we must take some rest to get rid of burnout, which affects the accuracy of‬‬
‫‪the work we do.‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬االرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثر على القلٌل من االفراد الٌوم ولذا البد ان نأخذ قسط من الراحة‬
‫للتخلص من االرهاق و الذى ٌؤثر على دقة العمل الذى نقوم به‬
‫ب‪ -‬االرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثر على المزٌد من االفراد الٌوم ولذا البد ان اال نأخذ قسط من‬
‫الراحة للتخلص من االرهاق و الذى ٌؤثر على دقة العمل الذى نقوم به‬
‫ج‪ -‬االرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثر على المزٌد من االفراد الٌوم ولذا البد ان نأخذ قسط من‬
‫الراحة للتخلص من االرهاق و الذى ٌؤثر على دقة العمل الذى نقوم به‬
‫د‪ -‬االرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثر على المزٌد من الدول الٌوم ولذا البد ان نأخذ قسط من الراحة‬
‫للتخلص من االرهاق و الذى ٌؤثر على سعادة العمل الذى نقوم به‬
‫‪Choose the best English translation:‬‬
‫‪ .33‬تهدف الوشروعات الكبري الً القضاء علً البطالة و تىفير فرص العول‬
‫‪(a) The big projects goal to eliminating unemployment and saving work‬‬
‫‪(b) The great projects aim for destroying unemployment and saving chances of‬‬

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(c) The great projects aim for ending not employment and providing job
(d) The great projects aim at eliminating unemployment and providing
job opportunities.
‫ كل هىاطي يجب اى يلعب دورا فعاال وبٌاءا لصالح بلدٍ فً السعً لحل هشكالتها‬.33
(a) Every citizen should play an affective and constructive rule for his/her
country in seeking to solve its problems .
(b) Every citizen should play the effective and a constructive role for his/her
the country in seeking to solve its problems .
(c) Every citizen should play an effective and constructive role for his/her
country in seeking to solve its problems .
(d) Each citizen should play effective and a constructive role for his/her
country for seeking to solve its problems .
.The Novel 4 m
35. If you were Pip would you choose Estella or Biddy and why?



36. In your opinion Why di Pip want to improve his life ?




37. Write 6 lines about the effect of wars 4m]

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