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Rubric for Mathematics Performance Task

Topic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Proper, Improper and Mixed Fraction.
Answer this question using a video presentation and apply the following topics above:
5 3 7 2 4 7 1 2
1. 7 + 2. − 3. × 4. 5 ÷
6 4 9 9 5 9 6 3
Name:______________________________________________ Section:_________________
Process Goals for Students 4 3 2 1
Communication -Uses precise mathematical -Communicates process and -Provides a partial -Shows little or no
language to clearly thinking in a sequential, communication or process or communication of process or
Score:_____________ communicate process and coherent way thinking thinking
Problem Solving and -Shows a thorough -Shows an understanding of -Provides a partial solutions -Provides no solution or a
Reasoning understanding of the problem the problem and the related to the problem solution unrelated to the
- Shows thorough mathematics of the problem -Shows partial understanding problem
understanding of concepts -Shows an understanding of of concepts and procedures -Shows limited or no
and procedures associated concepts and procedures associated with the problem understanding of concepts
with the problem associated with the problem -Chooses a strategy that and procedures associated
-Adapts and extends one or -Develops and applies an leads to a partial solution with the problem
more efficient strategies that appropriate strategy to solve -Uses some correct -Chooses a strategy that
Score:_____________ leads to correct solution the problem that leads to a reasoning or justification does not match the problem
-Uses correct reasoning and correct solution -Uses mostly unsystematic -Provides no correct
justification and achieves a -Uses correct reasoning and trial and error to solve the reasoning or justification
correct or a reasonable justification and achieves a problem
answer with a thorough and correct or reasonable answer -Provides a partially Correct
precise explanation or with minor mistake answer
justification -Uses a systematic approach
-Uses a systematic approach to solve the problem
to solve the problem
-Uses the lesson -Uses the lesson -Makes attempt to use the -Makes no attempt to present
Representations and representation to record representation to record lesson representation to the lesson.
Connections information and solve the information and solve the record information and solve Makes no use of any lesson.
problem excellently. problem appropriately the problem
-Recognizes and uses the -Recognizes and uses the -Recognizes and uses the
Score:_____________ lesson to connect and relate lesson to connect and relate lesson to connect and relate
to each other. to each other appropriately. to each other partially and
Neatness -Video Presentation is neat, -Video Presentation is mostly -Video Presentation is a little -Video Presentation is not
organized and easy to neat, organized and easy to neat, organized and easy to neat, organized and not easy
Score:_____________ understand. understand. understand. to understand.
Total Score: Comment:


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