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1. What is magnet?
2. Magnetite is a natural magnet. (TRUE/FALSE)
3. Artificial magnets are made in different shapes. Give some examples.
4. Magnetite contains __________.
5. What are magnetic materials?
6. What are non-magnetic materials?
7. Give two examples each of magnetic and non magnetic material.
8. plastic is a __________material.(magnetic/non-magnetic)
9. A magnet has _______poles.
10. Magnet was first discovered in Greece. Is the statement true?
11. If we break a bar magnet into three parts, _________poles will be formed.
12. The materials which get attracted towards a magnet like iron are called _________.
13. What are the two poles of magnet?
14. The materials which are not attracted by magnet are called ____________.
15. Cobalt is a ___________material.(Magnetic/non-magnetic)
16. A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.(TRUE/FALSE)
17. Nickel is a ___________material.(magnetic/non-magnetic)
18. Can magnet be used for finding directions?
19. Horse shoe magnet is a _______magnet.
20. Same pole of magnet _____________each other.
21. All magnets have two poles, whatever their shape may be. Is the statement true?
22. Bar magnet is a __________magnet.
23. Freely suspended magnet always comes to rest in a particular direction. Which is that direction?
24. What is magnetite?
25. What is the use of magnetic compass?
26. f we break a magnet, all its pieces have two poles each.(TRUE/FALSE)
27. oles of bar magnet are located near __________.
28. Where will the maximum iron fillings stick on a bar magnet when it is brought near them?
29. Needle of magnetic compass indicates ___________direction.
30. Write any one property of magnet.
31. An electromagnet is used in the crane.(TRUE/FALSE)
32. Opposite poles of a magnet ___________ each other.
33. agnet was discovered in ________.

1. The substance having property of attracting iron is known as magnet.

2. True
3. Bar magnet, horse shoe magnet, cylindrical magnet etc.
4. Iron
5. The materials which get attracted towards a magnet are magnetic materials.
6. Materials which are not attracted towards a magnet are non-magnetic materials.
7. Example of magnetic material are iron, nickel etc. Examples of non magnetic material are plastic, rubber etc.
8. Non magnetic
9. Two
10. Yes
11. Six
12. Magnetic
13. North and south pole
14. Non- magnetic
15. Magnetic
16. False
17. Magnetic
18. Yes
19. Artificial
20. Repel
21. Yes
22. Artificial
23. North south Direction
24. The natural magnet is called magnetite.
25. The magnetic compass is used to know about the directions as its needle points to north-south direction.
26. True
27. Its two ends
28. At the ends of bar magnet.
29. North- south
30. Same pole of magnet repel each other.
31. True
32. Attract
33. Greece

Q1: Name some materials which are good conductors of electricity.

Q2: Name some materials which are bad conductors of electricity.

Q3: What is the purpose of a tester?

Q4: Does lemon juice or vinegar conduct electricity?

Q5: Which is good conductor a copper wire or a wooden board?

Q6: Dissolve some salt in distilled water, the resulting solution will be good conductor of electricity or bad conductor?

Q7: Why distilled water is poor conductor of electricity?

Q8: What effect does the current produce when it flows through a conducting solution?

Q9: Define electroplating.

Q10: Why electroplating are used?

Q11: How tin cans are made?

Q12: How iron can be protected from corrosion?

Q13: Which is more reactive tin or iron?

Q14: Most liquid that conducts electricity are solutions of acids, ________ and __________.

Q15: The passage of an electric current through a solution causes ________________ effect.

Q16: Which of the following is good conductor of electricity

a. copper
b. wood
c. distilled water
d. None of these

Q17: Liquid conducts electricity .True/ False.

Q18: Why rubber and plastics do not conduct electricity?

Q19: Why it is dangerous to touch an electrical appliance with wet hand?

Q20: In a set up to test conduction of electricity why the bulb glows when the electric current passes through it?

Q21: What is the full form of LED?

Q22: What is LED?

Q23: LED glows even when weak electric current flows through it. True/False.

Q24: Electric current produces ______________field.

Q25: Is air a poor conductor of electricity under all conditions?

Q26: What do you mean by salt solution?

Q27: The passage of an electric current through a conducting solution causes _________________.

Q28: What is the name of process in which one metal has coating of another metal?

Q29: Why chromium plating is done on car parts?

Q30: Name some objects around you that are electroplated.

Q31: We add small amount of dilute hydrochloric acid to distilled water, the resulting solution will be a good conductor or poor

Q32: We add small amount of sugar to distilled water, the resulting solution will be a good conductor or poor conductor?

Q33: We add small amount of caustic soda to distilled water, the resulting solution will be a good conductor or poor conductor?

Q34: The path through which an electric current flows is called

a. Electric path
b. Electric relay
c. Short circuit
d. Electric circuit

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