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Physics Department

Mechanics Lab
Lab group Students who did the exercise Control seal

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• Include units and errors in all measurements and calculations.
• On all graphs: name the axes with their units and draw the experimental points
with their error bars.
• The straight lines with least squares fit will be drawn on the same graph as the
experimental points.

5.1 Deformation-force ratio of a spring.

5.1.1 Data acquisition

Follow the exercise instructions to complete the assembly. When hanging a mass from the spring
we see how the elongation occurs. Complete the following tables, in which the mass M of the
weights hanging from the springs and the corresponding elongation L will be indicated. Do not
forget to write units and errors of all measurements. Take for the masses the values indicated
in the exercise instructions.

M ±ΔM ( ) L ±ΔL ( )
Red spring

M ±ΔM ( ) L ±ΔL ( )
Blue Spring

5.1.2 Study of the dependence of the spring length with the deforming force.
The expression [1] of the exercise guide shows that there is a linear relationship between the
deformation undergone by a spring and the force that causes such deformation.

From the measured values complete for each spring, the table that relates the deformation L with
the force F that has caused such deformation. Write both values in the international S.I. system.

Write the expression used for the calculation of the deforming force:

L ±ΔL ( ) F ±ΔF ( )
Red Spring

L ±ΔL ( ) F ±ΔF ( )
Blue Spring

• Represents the elongation L(F) as a function of the force.

Red Spring:

• Least squares fit of y = L vs x = F

• Results of the fit, indicating the error of each parameter and units. Don't forget
to round the values:

- Slope: mRED ±ΔmRED = ( )

- Intersection: bRED ± ΔbRED = ( )

• Represent in the graph above the straight line obtained in the fit

Blue spring:

• Least squares fit of y = L vs x = F

• Results of the fit indicating the error of each parameter and units. Don't forget
to round the values:

- Slope: mBLUE ±ΔmBLUE = ( )

- Intersection: bBLUE ± ΔbBLUE = ( )

• Represent in the graph above the straight line obtained in the fit

• Comparing to equation [2] of the exercise guide, interpret analytically the fit
parameters, m and b.

• Using the above analytical interpretation and the results of the fit, obtain the force
constant of each spring kRED and kBLUE. Don't forget to include the error and units.

Expression of k:

Expression of Δk

Numerical value: kRED - ΔkRED =

Numerical value: kBLUE- ΔkBLUE =

5.2 Deformation-force ratio of two springs combined in series.

5.2.1 System assembly

Make the assembly that is described in the exercise guide.

5.2.2 Data acquisition

Take the measurements according to the instructions in the guide and complete the following table.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

From the measurements values complete the table that relates the elongation LTOTAL with the force
F that caused the elongation (see the spring section of the Theoretical Fundamentals in the
exercise guide). Express both values in the international S.I. system.

L ±ΔL ( ) F ±ΔF ( )
Springs in

• Represent the total elongation LTOTAL(F) vs the force

• Least squares fit of y = L vs x = F

• Results of the fit, indicating the error of each parameter and units. Don't forget
to round the values:

- Slope: m ±Δm = ( )

- Intersection: b ±Δb = ( )

• Represent in the graph above the straight line obtained in the fit

• Comparing to equation [5] of the exercise guide, interpret analytically the

parameters m and b.

• Using the above analytical interpretation and the results of the fit, obtain the force
constant of the serial combination of springs. Don't forget to include the error and

Expression of k:

Expression of Δk:

Numerical value: k ±Δk =

• Calculate the theoretical value of k for the spring combination from the values of
the springs force constants obtained in the item 5.1.

• Compare the theoretical value with the one obtained from the fit and make a
critical analysis of the results.

• How would it have influenced on the obtained results if we had exchanged the
order of the springs, hanging the blue spring from the top holder first and then
after that the red spring?


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