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Trimester 3 – 2020- NIC_MNGT1001

Revised Class Schedule - Essential Readings + Exam Day

Week Week of Text Book Chapters to Read Tutorial Readings
1 19 October 1- Modern Workplaces Week 1 Tutorial Notes
2 26 October 2- Management History Week 2 Tutorial Notes
3 2 November 5 for Ethics & 6 for Sustainability Week 3 Tutorial Notes
4 9 November 8 - Planning Week 4 Tutorial Notes
5 16 November 10 - Organising Week 5 Tutorial Notes
6 23 November 13 - Leading Week 6 Tutorial Notes
7 30 November 11 - Controlling Week 7 Tutorial Notes
8 7 December 12 - Human Resources Week 8 Tutorial Notes
9 14 December 15 – Motivation – Student Presentations # 1 Week 9 Tutorial Notes
Brisbane Roar – P609
James Riady – p385
Sick Leave – P356
Each person talks for 3 -5 minutes
Post PowerPoints into Moodle – Week 9

10 21 December 17 -Teams & Teamwork – Student Presentations # 2 Week 10 Tutorial Notes

IT industry – P448 (Xinyu Song, Zhenyu Wang,
Xinchen Li)
CSG – P166
Scenario Planning – P219
Valve Software – P290
Each person talks for 3 -5 minutes
Post PowerPoints into Moodle – Week 10

Exam Preparation Part 1

xx Christmas - New Year Holiday Break - NO xx

NIC_MNGT1001 Class on Monday 28
11 4 January 2021 Week 11 Tutorial Notes
18 – Change - Course Review - Exam
Preparation Part 2
Final Exam in Normal Scheduled Class Not Applicable
12 11 January Time – Monday 11 January 2021, 1- 5 PM
2021 Nearly 20 mins for 1 question

(opening-book exam but no

copying, using your own words
to write ideas from PowerPoint
Slides and the Textbook).
Please Put New Dates & Activities in your Work
Planner Immediately

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