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vElecbsical Machines + Pn_elednical machine is a device that chmyent ee nical enexgy on change one voltage ta ancthex —_____ mechanical _eneagy to _electsicol_eneagy or_electsical energy to mech Tedd adhines — ages usted ee oe emeericteee| _1 | Ac mach oe : a pomatae | De_ma chines = =f 2 1 RC Caeset8—— $< De Genesotos + # alae ee ae on to Up Step dou = | arp np poe AC motos Ped echnical | AC “genevalon Mechanical Electaical EE + |Siingle phase transf _STiansfoxmen is a stalic piece of appa foamen: Tnansfoxmes_is a stabic piece ot appan Be | thot tuonsfers electnical enexgy foom_one electaical_cincuit ie 2 — | __lonothes | by _elechnomagneh —}__| field ond without change tn frequency, ic induction theouga medium sagaetic =) ze “th > Ha, Slee elm te = poutine ae aes = tt NaS Step_up ae -- Seoul | Ld = Qa sin wt) _ “Newb sinfuit= a pas e= &max sinfwt-3] ss Eman eenn Ww bm ks & max = Ni att Gm ea Eimox = Ni AF. bm Eis = Nr anf-dm — Evsms = SSRN F-Gm [ Evxms = 4:44 N-£-Om1 se —— these tube oF fiance =a = faequ oe in Hucasee Fin Eoms = 4.44 N-P. Gm CE gms = 444 NF @m-A] Bm= bm _ te SA C Eyums= 4-44-Na-f Bm Al Fox density UI IA ase AVA 1009 5° He single prase transfoamex has 8c 4 on the econdasy_, then calculate the xated_puimaay and seconde | side _calalate maximum value Ce flux. volta ge pen tunas —__ E,= ooo v Eas 4i5 v ASO X02 = a ae AIG” = 24-73 Ampere. __ 11000 pouc> = 66a Ampere = SiS: 4 HN OF se as 6 St ee ee = dm : 2 44 X21 x50 --941/,A_single phase transfoxrmes has 400 paimosy and 1000 tuan ——~--iN_secondaay , net cass -sechon asea_of cre is 600 cm? +Supply. voltage '5 500V, 50 Hz. Then calulate. the peak valu: =f OF fit density, voluge induced in the se ndaay winding Golub Ane Ni= 400 typos, a of secondary he that duc eee log eyans, YP Ee me zoD pe of gated voltage and rated cuasent is.called a: ue (valk Ampere)’ xating A taansfoamen- ed | 7 Hiavachon. ssabio.: 4 | i _ See 4) CTionsfaamabion sabio) BN Tuans wate, Z__= Guryent_watio x — ee Nae i = 2 Vv, ' ree eee. (Vj = a lgpes of Trancloamer = ec = ee —tThis_type is based on numberof tuans_in secondazy co ——AlSte e met, vallage in the: sea.ndoa j41o_pumary since _Na7Ni 2 y side will be laagex than. voltag a, = Se Ye eolataneinae tomer aa __ Hage that 15 equal_to PB Moay 4 ye IE is going to be useful in. noviding insulation bebwe pies lal te lou pale ee cee ee {ie connat_paavide Do supply tn tronsfoumex | 2S] Fiiviency of Teanchmmers The ako of oulpul powea to ing | pow)23_in a toansfoures_is known as its eFiidency — | i he OutpuR | Input i = _Ourput power So ee _ —f = ef anput pawes + losses ee FS VE cos) i, SS _P* VA cost =e ex losses. VAcost + losses Gonstont losses (F) *e) = Heal ~Gpper losses) WVaxiab| w ———— OO) $ P+ Peytaa) = * Related to I°k Fens 6G)4 FP bana ¢ (05) —________ VA.@s9 (0-5) +P Poy (05) He SOKA abe the efficiency “ak J 07. p Flagging . ] O25 p.£ lagging = | 04 pt leggi || 2 of foo spt 4 od at unity pt oo Vv el _ oe he VAcosp(s) _ a: xet cos @ = 07 f= 50000 x 070) _©7x50000) (1) +4209 + 1600 (1 h= Sooo x7 So00x7 + |aca 1600 = _ h= 35000 37800 h= ogas [oe = goes ol it = 50 x193x 2p SOK KLE Soxiorxl +1 (6oof ost + 1200+ 16007) 25000 16600 93:5°/. i209 ¢ 1oof] ° lie eee “ Vai Fee ciaiga ie saucelemetapnenmenniens. zis elec Ho vd = Werechanteal Reicha eee 2 s i fait ak EB alt= Feld cumsent - = Ls bled ing imines | E —bhereven. o_cumment _cansying conduclna is plac ne —Hield 0 foxe_is sel up Ona _conductar - bur te thea ~ | Hoagie. is_paaduced which nolotes the notes of mofax eri | fox the pe alo the oumise wind fos due sin _ 4 tae Winding = =i 1] Wave i “p+ No of parallel windings = a AzP = Tha = _____ we Angular Frequency = _ P= Powea.. _--__-_— | _ sae Banc 5 ue iis \ 2 1 i ros am ap “§ oa. mS Held Binding Movie magni ¢. dhe a ef Armahen Nndiy ae oa ue) Pee ee i ae a “is. dinedly propaational bo . aducl_of flux and _the camatuxe cuxsent ee Field uinding | oe les -xespansible fox Aux gad the mechonical_laod con are! a is Se cussent: es of Delma | Gn pound Dc metox:-] Differential compauad matoa Say EAN: AIA SOE Cumulative compound motor DC shunt motos: 1} DC sesies motor: Also. alled variable flux DC motor i Te cc - = ° eT Ip=Ja Bs bors = saturation qa = Motos s2mies -_ 4 i Zo (Golusaton) = Motos shunt [Those of t/a, choractenches of DC matox she initial agu will be divedtly pxopostianal_ta squase of anma une 4 c and ofter He point of solusahon,t onthe © + wil be diseelly paopaahonal to oxmaluxe cuss & the point of satuxahon, the D¢_sexies molos behaves \ Dé shunt motos and hence we need to himit the axmabrx ef “N/a chaxocdenislics oF DC mebox ] ; —1 c= shunt | . - _ NEF Tyee BESS > = eat ie x Y=TgRa a Pre { fs dt V-IgRg { ae 7% N& Y-SuRa a A_ DC me tos opexates faom_o sat vy supply the JEM oa fh then determine the back emit of imal, stances BES qemahuae curmeit (6 IBA 4 Bag | V= 240.V ee zs j Ra=_0.3-0 A See ee z 050 A —_—_ ae —- Bap si epee et EB 01 eee SESS Tllereetdhe bak aot mente rea ESiny amine the doaque e develop ed byessoil nein tay hav 09 052 ond punning at 300" xm and axmature cusven '5_ampeve N= 300 apm__ (Ja = (5 A = ‘IN { To Ste yea. ips eaaia 2I0N iF “ve Fs 250 = Ep + (s)(o 5) 350 = Eb +7:5 CE, = 342.5 VI CO, iA pales lop wounded 1c malax_is connecte.l do 280) pe ‘supply The aumature has S00 condudors and onmotul pond _flux_is 20hlb Colculate speed. jo_wpm...and calculate the | tosque developed hen the asmatuse cyracnt is 40 ampere a = 40 ampere = é [ A= 6 Clop winding) Zz - SV ETE Ata aso= Ep + (400) “500 x6xX 20X10 2K 40 axmKe = the speed_is 1260 ypm and toxque is 63 66.Ny 1 De motor which ts connected to 100 v DC supply ond toaque genexated is 25 Nim The asmotuse curment ic 16 ompese ct this toxque “IF the Shunt field sesistane is_adju bed sted in such ay that the flux seduces by 15/ and the toequ inceases to 35.N/m thea calculate the oxmature current at thot tosque —____ z {nej_V = 100 v oo z zs T= 25 Nim E 26:5! ampese: 200v DC shint metas has. oamalune resistance of 04 A |_a_ceatain load. the asmatuse cussent of 30 ampese and a muts_at 1350 nm“ the ‘oad on the. shaft. of motor is e that the aamaluse cumzent incxeases bo 45 om ae ine_speed_of _motos., -consideting flux remains. Ans: || v= 200 v~ [Roe oan a a [a= 3ca we ee pale. I N= 1359 35m “3 E % se V= Ex + ToRa 4 200 = Ep + 30(9-4) i Ey = 200-12 = ee ee eee : a 2001s Ep + 4sx0-4 « pepe Wel - Weyer tes | A DC senes_, mikes hase Taxmahn ae sesistunce of field xesislunce of 63-2 IE ts conn —fand ak -paxtulas load it xuos_ot 25 LOM pese of cunsent determine generated back emf -at eNealiulat ect Speed_of_matox, whee the lead is chan __| that the cuaseat_is oo Ans| Ros: O2n

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