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MN Optics ae a jin: — Particle “Lighe~ _ maxwell:- — EM wave J (Non Mech + Transverse) | are AL ae Equation of Wave for Light/ Sound / EM Wave / ac: - | y=Asin(we + kx + 9) | wave Sabhi Medium particle Ko SHM Deta hail Newton corpuscular theory: Explain: kann | # Rectilinear propagation # Reflection % Refraction of Light | Can't explaii | # Interference, diffraction and polarisation Huygens wave theory:- Explain:~ | 3 Rectilinear propagation, Interference, | Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction. Can't explain:~ | % Polarisation, PEE, Compton effect i Tapes of waves:~ 1. Medium:- Mechanical EMw Va Ww 2. Propagation:~ Progressive Stationary ° Finite 3. Vibration:- Transverse Longitudinal alt ue! Wave front Spherical | Cylindrical | Plane 2g 244 [i=a= barat liaatg r vr | Const® Intensity of wave:- Behaviour of plane wavefront on reflection & refraction:— 1. Plane Mirror:- oa IR aaye ‘ Planar wavefront RR 2. Convex Lens:~ Point Source Planar Spherical wave Source front 3. Concave lens:— LJ Planar Point Spherical Source source wave front 4. Prisra:~ Planar, Planar N IR. RR “Lr i Surface Sources:~ Phase difference Time % Time % AF constant WL Variable Coherent Incoherent freq = Same @ aa Incoherent sources:— Ad = [w,—-Wa]t + [Kix;—-K,x,] + [¢.-¢2] Time Dependent Hai! 2. Coherent sources:~ Ad = K(x, -x,] + $:-6, ,= Single Monochromatic wavelength source Interaction of light:- OAL Iobjece = RAY eax WAVE . €-/p+/a-particle = PARTICLE (Photon) Req Two Avnet coherent sources A,Sin(wet + Kx.) Anet® ALPAZH2A,A, cosh nee = Nytlt2. I Leosp Axsing tan@ = Az + A,cos Trax = 41, = 2n(re) > even Ax = WA) = integral n= 0,1, 2, 3... a at © YDSE:- d © NOTE:~ 41> "n" source of same intensity I, Find ‘ego nee = Alo (Salar Add") 2> "n" source of same intensity |, then Fitna (Const. Inter.) pag = Melo = (To Fringe visibility: Yen ( ae ; Posit? of n®* Bright. Vana ~ !wain, E Visibility Ratio = Terie 2 2 ty ty ( E) = ( 3 | : 2 2 esl E-3) 0 Ib e sorts Constructive Interference 20° cosp=t Tae 21, +1 + AGL 2 Tae = (QE VE) Awmae = Ay + Aa Destructive inter.:- 180° cosh = 4 Twin 2 tha 2 2 tan * (ENE) Armin = Ax ~ Aa L =I, Tax = Oo, Tin =O = (2net)t > odd Ax = (ania) 2 = odd n= 0,1, 2,3, © YDSE:- Y = (2n-1) x Posit" of n®* Dark. & ope thaw nt ane Visibility Ratio = =~ phase diff is g:- 2 laxima = (nA) Ee %# Two wave of "I," intensity Tyee IF ie Ax = dsind 3B 52> dary 28 32 —> Dark 4B M2 Tea? Park ax=0 Fringe Width (B):— B=Yn* — y(n-1)h Bright Bright 1D [er Angular Fringe Width:~ . 3 Angular kuch bhi puche aap "D" se divide kardena! baie > Fyacuum = + b 7% Invacuum, interference With large "B" seen! yost in air | YDSE in fig, Gilman aD P| a> got > oot x d . Aa p O—- [a oe 3 d S # \D ‘8 Fay gomax:~ Y= 2) 55 yy KAD 2, Sy Mins Yan's 2R=2)AD 8 ey 21 aD Yn= (2n-1) —| oe ead —<— | # Two light of A, > A, is used in YDSE, | then central Maxima & 1 Maxima ) will : 3 Central Maxima = At same position. 1 Maxima: - Not at same place. v ra Jiska At Yt Ee Hier A, = dur rahega! White light:— 3 sabse pahle maxima = violet ka ayega. # sabse pahle dikhega = red. 3 Used to find central maxima. Nearest Central Farthest Blue , Red. white Wave Optics Shapes of fringes. 2 Two slit used: A a “? SS "Hyperbolic" Fringes 2> Two pin holed used: - "Perfectly Fringes" 3> When two hole is along the line joining of source and screen:— So "Cireular Fringes" eer Optical path:- 2 air:- Ad = Se Hea a mea: = 2 aw = uo YDSE when a slab of "2" Ril. inserted in path of S,:- @ dsin® = t(q.~2) Jiske path mein slab jayega woh "st" jyada chalega agar Ax = 0 krna hai toh usko niche lao yaneki kara karo toh S, ke path ko badao dono barabar hojayenge aur Ax = O! Position of CB:- Kuch nai Normal YDSE ka A= (w-2)t rakhdo! $8 Number of bright & dark fringes: Total No. of:- (@) Bright Fringe = [# | (b) Dark Fringe = 2} 4, 4 a 2 29=2 2(27 No. of BF = cae f4.4 No. of DF= 2) * > = 2 (240.5) = 2 [2]=4 Polarisation:— wave) E=cB Ls negligible compared to E.F Restricting of E = Polaris" Law of malus:— I, = Intensity of unpolarised light. Intensity of light transmitted through the polariser. ‘I= 1, cos70.* Rotate UPL Polariser ate ete la 4 minima integer] 2 2 1 Anal nalyser © GE.) Phasis —l L After Analyser | gner polaroid De grawster’s Law (Polarisation by reflection): L* to plane of incidence Bhaes denser medium Partially Polarised light Diffraction:— Bending of wave around an object: AR = 6. Diffrac” hae gm Fraunhoffer « Source & screen at < dist” + Planar wave front Fresnel * Source & screen at Finite dist” * Spherical wave ! Front ae Diffraction:~ cea a =Kh Es + jo | 2aD Planar a wave CB. Fringe screen eT YDSE &T! we 3 Width of C.B. Fringe = 222 a Angular width of C.B.F. = 2A Minima (D1) (Cl) Maximma 3 asin® = atan® Resolving Power:- Ability of optical instrument to distinguish two neighbouring points. A. Microscope: (Human eye) p= Ri. of medium b/n object and lens. lalf angle of cone of light from point eS Numerical aperture = psind 2. Interference:— RP.=B>A RL=A>B T B. Telescope:~ praiiet -4t on 42 sda a? 50" ee -St G pica oer tae bp Interference due to thin filim. 7 # For reflected light: u ‘diameter Validity of ray-opties: Iske pahile ray Iske baad ray Dist” of source & screen (Z) a = width of C.B. Fringe. Imap. points:- 2. Linch = 2.54 cm 2. For max R.L. we use max A. 4. If two coherent source of equal intensity are taken then fringe visibility is 100%. because Vain = O- Doppler's effect of light:- ts y, Cr ee ae iG. A Maye ey, -(— aot “{e) e @ # For transmitted light: Diffraction: -3n -1 Ott 43m i5n Maxima — 2ut cos r= (2n+1) A 2 Mininima - 2t cos r = nA Maxima — 2pt cos r = nA Minima — 2pt cos r= (2n-1) a Polarisation by scattering N, Molecule unpolarised polarised yh Nature of light | quton > Light is a Particle (corpuseule) | = Explain reflection / refraction ane > Light is a mechanical wave > Ether medium Pro sed Huygen on > Explain Diffraction / refraction. maxwell > Light is a Non-mechanical transverse wave. + No medium required. de Broglie > Nature loves Symmetry > Light have dual Nature. Davission & Geomer > € verification is @ Wave exp™ GP. thomson -> verification of electron as wave. 1. Photon: = py 2 He = 21077 _ 12400 eV esx % 0A) a f frgeney 2, Vppoton Med. 7 FE — ee Energy of light bea nz no. of Photons 2. Properties of Photon: © charge and rest mass =O h Momentum of Photon P = > hk © Moving mass of photon m= 47 = 7 2 Photon does not deviate in electromagnetic field but deviate in gravitational field. No. of photons emitted per unit time = % t = PA he 4. Intensity of light: 1 = 2E _ nv _ rhe _ Power At At At Area IF source is same, frequency is same. 1 no. of photons Q. If intensity and frequency both becomes double then no. of Photon will be?? Ans. n= remains sane Loch Q. For a given source. Intensity becomes double then no. of Photon will? Ans. becomes double [Taw 5. Fractional change in frequency of photon when it travels "h" distance on earth surface: dv _gh hy; wit hy, + i gh = bv, +0 mnie itz ah= hve ©. Radiation pressure: “Complete Absorption : (0 = 2) t Lee P=LR-# le Pee IA__ Power eter e: *Complete Reflective : 6 = 1 1 = fort} P= [ord] at fo 2IA _ 2Power 2 2A. 2Power 7. Photoelectric effects: 2 Conversion of light energy to electrical energy. 2 Explained by Einstein 2 Instantaneous process, time lag b/w Falling of photon and emiting of electron is 40°” sec. noofelectron - 40° ty 10°* O Efficiency = BO0felectrOn - 5° ¥ 40 4 no of photon © One to one intraction one photon can eject only one electron. @ = Material Properties = hv, = AE where Vo and A, are thereshold frequency and wavelength. E proton = @ + (KE)inax hv = hv + eV “ = = = MeV? ay For PEE: Vigke 2 Vo (Yyada hogi} Ashe Ao [kam hogi] (KE max = Vo Vo = Stopping Potential tensity « no. of Photon = no of electron x |Photocurrent _ Frequency « energy of Photon « energy of e- (KE) x stopping potential + Photocurrent depends on Intensity not on Frequency. + Stopping Potential depends on frequency not on Intensity 8. Graphs: Vv = const” acensit w= same v= change vy EMF Const” for any metal e i a ‘ ~~ PAE eee (KE) na yy v (KE) ag ete ee eee i + If distance b/w Source and plate becores double then stopping potential remains same but photocurrent becomes one fourth. + IF frequency becomes double then KE of electrons becomes more than double. _— current and stopping Pot cto® é ential a a if Frequency becomes bal th 2 hee 1s zero, Photoelectric ef oth econ lectric effect hoga hi Nahi Vip. A v/s [] = Always Reactangular hyperbola KB = 1.38 x10 i ao wavelength of revolving e” for Bohr's orbit: nA = 2rer 14.X-ray: (Neutral) E = KeV Intensity « Tube Current HARD a=2aAe (Et) CONTINUOUS (Retard” of e°) - a he Kame Ao & ve and Ap =7—73-\ " lo eae (stom) Dual Nature We Ip and V, when 'en saturation, tion current and stopp: fre quency of light is 1.5 times of thre ng potential wile 10.Compton Effect: E=2ev Visible Region Photoelectric Effect: E=20ev X-ray Region Az AA, = A (2-005 6), = scattering angle ee mC md Pair Production: E = 2.02 MeV 2.44 pm Frequency « Tube Voltage ye A= 4A? (EV) CHARACTERISTICS (Collision b/w accelerated e and bonded e°) Inverse Phenomena of Photoectric effect igh Conductivity X-ray target atom + High atomic number, High melting Point, High C bee ™ 7 CONTINUOUS CHARACTERISTIC Retard” of Collision b/n accelerated a fe) ¢ : (Ke), = Aout off For K-Series: Woe (o)s A> Ay Wos > Voda @. Wavelength is A for Ky line for atomic no find wavelength For Kline for atomic no Graph is given for two different atom A and of atomic no. Z, and Zy at cut-off voltage V, and Ve i Va < Vp cut-off voltage 2, > Zg atomic no, SkKismat sath de ya na de lekin kal biligat Jarur sath deti hai)? A 1 seuates of Thomson's atomic model = late 1: An atom consists of a posit Peat sphere with electrons embedded int squlate 2: An atora as a whole is electrical yal because the negative and positive charges we equal in maagnitude ‘romson atomic model is compared Tetarmeton. Where he considered t * » watermelon seeds as negatively charged i particles 2 «The red part of the watermelon as positivel 7 charged oe limitations of Thomson's atomic ¥o model :- + It failed to explain the stability of an atom Om ky because his model of atom failed to explain ply, ,, | RaW @ positive charge holds the negatively hii) charged electrons in an atom. Therefore, This | theory also failed to account for the position | of the nucleus in an atom | + Thomson's model failed to explain the | scattering of alpha particles by thin metal foils + No experimental evidence in its support | Rutherford Alpha Particle Scattering | exp: | No. of Scattered a-Particle eee sin’ (8/2) NI Distance of closest approach particle bombarding Particle Inapact Parameter (b) : cot(6/2) = 22 akze* cot(0/2) Law 2 Fy 1. Most of the positively charged alpha particles went undeflected through the foil. This shows that most of the space in an atom is empty 2. Few positively charged alpha particles deflected through small and large angles. This shows that there is presence of positive center in the atom. This positive center is known as nucleus 6 3. Very few positively charged alpha particles bounced back. This is because the nucleus is very dense and does not allow the alpha particles to pass through it. 4. Thevolume occupied by the nucleus is negligible compared to the total volume of the atom This shows that radius of atom is much higher than that of the nucleus. Detector Beam of « particles Rutherford's Experiment Radioactive source “ewe TS eeVeTTT Parr) yr Q What are the drawbacks of the rutherford atomic model? Rutherford's atomic model failed to explain the stability of electrons in a circular path. He stated that electrons revolve around the nucleus in a circular path, but particles in ‘motion would undergo acceleration and cause energy radiation. Eventually, electrons should lose energy and fall into the nucleus. But it never happens. Bohr's Atomic Model : Postulate 2: mvr = 2A 2 Radius of N™ Orbit : eoh* = as oss mez * Velocity of N* Orbit e Zz 2esh ® Vn = 2.48 x10° = m/s Vv, = 21 mr, Energies of N™ orbit : 42 tog mez kE = 5 mvn? = “SF 2 BEN Potential: Kinetic : Total energy 4 Boxe we Special Relations © Time Period © Angular Velocity w = 2T/T © Magnetic dipole Moment : ei M=iA= ni 2m ™ Maw Relation B/N Magnetic Moment & Angular Momentum : Magnetic Field Ba + r A, (initial) ~~» Photon 1, (Final) me Rees, = 1.097 x 10"/m geahrc energy Level Diagram : * No. of Spectral Line 1 My) (Mas + 2) * ms Recoiling of an atom : * Momentum * Recoil Energy p-f--+G 2mm 2X wa; mass of Reco’ Lyraan Series : [UV] 4 4 za216 A" Ber att Balmer Series : [Visible] Awin = = 3648 AY = 362 @s05A° © Brackelt Series : [IR] Ryn = 22 = 14592 A 0 = 40533 A® wea : ‘e When H-atom is raised from the ground state to 3% excited state then > potential energy il atown. increases and K.E. decreases. & spectral Series of Atom ne? nz6 ’ Pfund ett far infrared | He ames Brackett far infrared wy fe Paschen near infrared hy nee mer Visible region Balm Hayy 40004 5000k 60004 700k = Lyman Ultraviolet Scan karo aia ki pehchan ban jaye chalo to aisa ki nishaan ban Jjaye..., are 2indagi to har koi kaat leta h yaha...., agar dam hai to jiyo aise ki misaal bag Jaye.d mp 2 207 X3O°” KG = 1.007 annu mm, 2 267 x 20°" Kg = 4.0087 amu m2 42x20 7 Kg ing? Mn > Mp > A, est Mass Energy ® 431.5 MeV Ga 2 amu = Nuclear Density Constant , Volume «A J Cs Ua ee x x Nuclear Binding Energy (Mass Defect) : Mass of all the (ee “) Mass defece “(acters of nucleus )” nucleus dm = [ZMp + (A-Z)Mq ~ Maelo BE. (Binding energy Per waass number) Stability 0 As waass number increases then I stability increase then decreases © Nucleons of lower mass number fuse for stability and release energy © Nucleons of higher mass nurnber break (fission) for stability Nuclear Force : + Short range, Non-central, Non conservative © Weak nuclear force -> shortest range (10°** mi), repulsive, Mediated by Boson © Strong nuclear force > Range 107m, attractive, mediated by Meson Always attractive. Fun = Foe = Fue Range = 2 Fm Fruclar = 400 Extceroseates + Value Q= [BE, - BEg] Q= +ve (Exo) Q= -ve(Endo) BE, 1 = Energy Release 2 = Mecatant ~ Merducd © Q. Which is more stable ,X° and .¥"* having BE. 24eV and 36eV respectively. Bie ease ey oof 8E) + A lx BE.\ . 36. sey (X is more stable A ly 12 than Y) Q@ ~—>BD Energy released cB Energy released 2B—+C Energy absorbed @. Value of reaction Ar CDQ 2 = Llomgrig) — (rmcrre)] * ¢ Q = [BE(C)+ BE(D)] - (BEA) + BE. (B)] IE [gers] > (mcr) iat fo If [BE. (C+D)] > BE.(A*B)] released © HF maging < met My i alia © If B.E. (C+D) < BE. (A+B) absorbed Law of Radioactive Decay : Number of nucleon becomes less and less but always some left. Rate of decay & remaining no. of nucleons A=decay const” Material prop. Mean Life T= No. of nucleons become, Half-Life : No. of Nucleons —» EN, ¢ 37, of initia, in un 7s 26. Activity : (Rate of disintegrat” of a sarmpley 4Bq = 4 decay/s 1 Rutherford = 10° dps 4 Curie = 3.7 x 10°° Bq Suddenly some nucleons added at time T 0 * 6 tne Os Le aes! @) () v y (Neutrino) (Antineutrino) | decay * ity of daugh velocity of daughter Nuclei | pecoil | * a2 Released eneray in a-decay |e mass ne. of original nuclei pedecay = + quvalue in terms of Atomic Mass: 0B: Q= [Mg — Mele” J same! 0 BQ [Mg — Mp ~ 2M] Parallel Disintegration : In parallel disintegration — Agha te : tate t at (ie) = ee = Nuclear Borab :— H-bomb Atom Born (Fusion) (Fission) E+ 26.7 Mev E = 200 Mev Uncontrolled Controlled! Chain rx” —: Nuclear Reactor :~ = 2.5 nucleons/fission Rate of Prod” of nucleon =" Rate of loss of neutron Ket Critical Ken Controlled Kot Uncontrolled =: Power of Reactor := MR. We te oe No. of nuclei at "t" N, (Remaining) Time ° t= dun t= ue boise ft? fun nti Nuclei @ Neutron v/s Proton graph unstable si? cai Condition of fusion 4. High temperature = 107K 2. High Pressure Turbine Boiler Electric Generator & Cold Water Cooling Tower tive material A has deca gudioae Y constan 2 Maimaterial B has decay constant h intel tht "one ratio of number of nuclei of materns gto that A will be Z Beet 25 -7At N, N= Noe tet eeettem No e= A radioactive nucleus of mass M emits a photon of frequency v and the nucleus recoils. ‘The recoil energy will be (a) hv'/2 Me™ | (b) zero |} @w (d) Me? -hv ans. (2) Momentum of a photon bw. P c Hence, recoil energy, E = . a SZ oe 2M _ ky 2Mc* @ The activity of a radioactive sample is measured as Np counts per minute at t = 0 and N,/e counts per minute at ¢ = 5 min time (in minute) at which the activity reduces to half its value is (a) log, 2/5 (b) Tog. 2 (©) 5 logo 2 (a) 5 log, 2 Ans. (d) Fraction remains after n half lives Ler wy *(2) -(@) No (3) iven n= NO =e Given n= M2 =e Te = (G Takin king log on both sides, we get lo 9 loge = tag h = (~10g 2) T= 5 log. 2 " Now, let t° be reduces to half @)-G)™ vseins Two radioactive materials x, and X, have decay constants 5h and A respectively. if initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of X, to that of X, will be = the time after which activity re of = fou after a time (ar (Ea wre mt Qin compound X(n, @) > ,Li”, the element X is (a) ,He & 5B? © 8 (A) ,Be* Ans. (b) The given nuclear reaction can be written as XS + gn? —> gli” + Het Conservation of mass number gives, Arhe7+4 A210 Conservation of charge number/Atomic No. gives, Z+O=2+3 9 Ze5 Hence, Z = 5, A= 10 corresponds to boron (a) 19: 82 (b) 40:42 (c) 15:26 (d) 84:34 Ans. (a) Let n, and n, be the number of atoms in "SB and 72B isotopes Atomic weight @ (At. wt. of 926) + ny » (At. wt of '3B) x10 tng 4d or 0.93 2 or 10.81n, +10.81n,210n, +14 ro or O84 n, = 049, my 029 29 *, O8t BE The activity of a radioactive sample is measured as 9750 counts/min at t = © and as 975 counts/min at t = 5 min. The GGAy constant 's approximately : (2) 0.922/min —(b) 0.694.min WF o46t/min — (d) 0.230/min Ans. (6) According to law of radioactivity or. m0) N = final concentration initial concentration A= decay constant Taking logarithna on both sides of Eq, (i), we have (09, ( = log, (e) = At log, € = At AS we know that, log, x = 2.3026 logy x Making substitution, we get 2.3026 log. GZ) s as PN = 9750 counts/min ° and N = counts/min] q7s = 2.3026 2.3026 Ts (dso 10 = 22026 = 0461 min k mat, tujhme j i hai, raat, t Jaan baki hai, a! abhi, bahut udan baki paid @ (a) proton-proton cycle () liquid drop woodel of nucleus (0 independent of ruclear perticle mag (d) nuclear shell model Ans. (b) Q. Which of the Following is used as ar in nuclear reactors ? (a) Plutoniuen (6) Cadwnium (cPeavewratE 0,0 () Uraniuen Ans. (¢) @ Energy released in the fission of a sngy aU?” nucleus is 200 Mev, The SBCA 4 4," filled reactor operating at q power level of 5 W is (a) 156x105 (b) 1.56 x 10%* 5+ (c) 1.56 x 10°*¢ ¢+ (a) 1.56 x 107*? 6+ Ans. (b) AGM) total nuclear power energy produced/Fission Fission rate= Here, total nuclear power = sw Energy released per fission = 200 MeV s 200 MeV itp reesee fe a Mev) 200 «16x10 = 1.56 x 19% ¢+ Fission vate = my cp & VB Overlap 210° to 10° Sm* 5 semi-Conductor : Si & Ge 6,630 4230" to 10° Sm 4,7 Ecoin~ (Eve) ide Ato k current can flow through conductor put can not flow through semi-conductor. 4, & Insulators + E,2 3eV o=107* to 10°*" Sm™ 4. Intrinsic Semi-Conduct : [Pure] —> Si & Ge At T= 0 K insulator. | j | «Intrinsic Semi Conductor * p= ny, = n= no. of intrinsic charge density | > > J =0E ig tty Jen (He + BES! o= en (He + HH) : ri, Be? Be ZL (Madrote > Mete- * Condition for intrinsic semi-Conductor * ne ny = mys o = en (He * BH © Extrinsic Semi-Conductor : intrinsic S.C. + impurities = ES € Semiconduc (ol Trivalent © P-type (+) ° onn — |o nam © "B-Family? © *N-Family® Neutral Neutral O m2 Ne © m2 No 2 Na=no.of acceptor |Q Np of donor ion (oh density density a © Fixed -ve ion © Fixed +e ion © Acceptor 2€- accept | Donor 32° donate, kar Asepter eget | Pores Bf bond ima phir bond brayga lega Dp Q. Ina semiconductor, the number density of intrinsic charge carriers at 27°C is 2.5 * 10° m7. If the semiconductor is doped with impurity atom, the hole density increases to 4s x 107 m™. The electron density the doped semiconductor is Ans. Wey 2A; Kh (4x20 antme nh 4.5 x10) 15x 2.5%x10 an Fie 7 la Free electron Fixed +ve - : donar ion 5 acceptor ion [eter some tine due to © Knee Voltage : (V,) Diffusion current from P to N {some electron diffuse from N some hole diffuse from P to N to P side & side} = Vin t0 flow €~ & hole pairs ~ "above wis. current rises rapidly Si=O7V=07eV Ge = 034V=054 ev Depletion region © Biasing : Potential Formed due to immobile He barrier Fixed acceptor and donor fon Forward Reverse iev ito p 4 PN (PN High Low |Low Wish i Ge «| | * Electric Field formed from N to P side within | Breakdown Voltage | 32 Depletion region ; ; i z . © Width of depletion « dapine Tara“ Temp osay oy ° UTE current now from N to P due to clectrie ipeiate ite field | Goa Pre . a * At euilorins inte = init av © Graphs : e Dept" layer width "0.5mm to tym" Charge density Preside! w side F. Biasing No Biasing R. Biasing distance distance . dist" distance ‘ia, j su fee Tab: iuctrie [Potential Width of lize, ied EOa Gift Depletion (tm “ont | | “he soowar | “7 wae t + : : —t_| gener Diode Avalanche Breakdown _ | phigh doped semi-C In low doped semi-c in reverse bias as Vt the e's hole become free due to breaking af co-vatent bond tn vevese bias at vary high voltage reversible Not reversible | eee eee Biasing ‘| ae Q Find the current through the battery in each of the circuits shown in figure. on pe Et aa Let ~ a ci) 0 Ans. 'm Fig (ii) One diode is forward biased and other is reverse biased. Current passes through the forward biased diode only input we &) output ” Ripple Factors : Rectife” Ke a Rehne wala AC. 4 100% Serni Conductor @ 2. Full wave rectifier : © Center tapped rectifier : (2-Diode use) 2 fe =a) Tame Ps Ace ige tet he input fo sont, oe t fee - RL = Constant output e soot ; When diode is working. For the circuit shown below, the current through the zener diode is: RsKa NNW Reo eosota © When capacitor is connected parallel with load resistance then output voltage remains constant, Ans. Assuming Z.D. does not undergo breakdown, © Bridge rectifier : (4-Diode use) current in cireuit = 222°. Xx yr Voltage drop across diode = 80V > 50. zs The diode undergo breakdown. 7° San 714 mA 5000 * * " Current in R, Current in R, = 50 _ = 5 mA 10000 Current through diode = 9 mA @ - Application of Diodes : ] Reverse Biased | No Biasin ; | ; 9 Forward Biasing | Yoe : v | v i | is | a | 2 | Ga—As = Infrared ig? fy > >is Current t 8 Doping : E> C>B Sie: C>E>B 4. P-N-P Transistor = Intensity t Photo | «Act as Light Sensor _| Heer P 2. N-P-N Transistor : “ Pp Re 7 Base = Nv P | ef 4 toh 7 x ee collector _| Ga-As—P > Red, Yellow Ga, P > Red, Green c 53, G 3. eC Configuration 8 E © © Relation b/n a & B Cut off Region v 4670 Veg = Const (@) Current Gain (a) : | le 4 Me = ea oe Op = E 'e pai ale O>>> 4 (B) Resistance Gain : & (©) Voltage Gain : (A) IR, IER, = BX Rysin (4) Power Gain : ER, ‘gain = BR, = Bx Rain Input Vee = Vee + IgR; When input = © i Viz0 Ae Output = 0 wot 2Vee 4 atone stage IcR = Vee 2 Vp = 22°0 = 1K 4) Current is Max! at Vactive {Region Switch —» Cut off / Satur” Region Amplifier —> Active Oscillator —> Active MR and Ramlal ne-bank me joint account open kiya, dono ko different atyn password rnila. Atra me dono ka password match hone ke bad paisa milega then ate me Koin sa gate use huaa hal.? Ans. AND gate MR audi car se ja raha hai, Ramlal apna truck le ke nikla MR ko takkar marne, Jo aage ya piche khi se takkar mar skta hai, air bag open karne ke liga car me koin sa gate use hoga ~~? Ans. OR gate © Fundamental Gates : (2) OR-Gate AB Semiconductor ()AND-Gate A a 7 (2) NOT Gate : Single _ output _ Single input © Universal Gate (2) NAND-Gate : as - 7 8 (2) NOR-Gate © Exclusive Gates : (2) XNOR = “) AG +B 8 (2) KOR 7 Ag +AB 8 Truth table for all gate ’” | B| OR|NOR|AND| NAND] X-OR| X-NOR ofolo|2zj|o]| + 2 tlolz[o|o| + ° ola}z}ol[o] +] + ° giz}z[o|2+] 2 |? 2 © Time Scale for different gate t Feisty U ‘ a | 4 OR gate CAND gate YT gg |g leno gate (OR gate) # Formation of Different gates using WAND gat -NAND gate a2 Gate ot | AND | OR | nog ‘ 0 {= X-OR gate No. of NAND az 5 gate required | Y CX-NOR gate 3 | 4 ete — © Formation of Different gates using NOR gate: © Basic Boolean Exp : T | ANI Bn Gate NO D| oR | wor No. of NOR LeAza AA=A gate required | 2 3 2 AtA=A 13 4 AtRet eo [ >— Single input NAND and Single input NOR gate will behave as 3 NOT gate : D> a ae ; © Special Case : nriates ie ly ae * Some PYQ : © Electrical equivalent circuit ; 43 it 2.07 Key Key ae os Transconductance : 7 Key LeD| LED Gn) R 8 (NOT gate) “ene R ara gate (AND gatey quate Ale Ale InP, 9m = BV, * BGR, ome te:

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