Dbms Report

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This project has been developed in order to fulfill the partial requirement of Tribhuvan
University (TU) for the completion of Database Management System for Bachelor of
Information Management (BIM). Although this is the individual project assigned to me during
my academic study in BIM Fourth Semester, I should remain thankful to many persons for the
successful completion of this project.

First of all, I am very thankful to my respected Database Management System teacher

Chakra Narayan Rawal for his persistence help and clear guidance throughout my academic
study and throughout the completion of this project. His suggestions and guidance in every
stage is one of the major reasons of the successful completion of my project. Without his
proper crystal clear guidance, my project would not have been accomplished in time.

Also I obliged to staff members of Dhaulagiri Hotel, Gongabu, Kathmandu, for the
valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for their
cooperation during the period of developing the system. Assistance provided infinity software
development crew was greatly appreciated. Their contribution was worth a lot, in making this
development a reality.

I am also thankful to my friends of my group Mr./Mrs. Karan Bhandary, Ravi Tamang,

Shahil Jha, Amrit Timilsena, Diwas Lamgade, and Sunny Baniya for their kind support and
encourage to me for the completion of the project.

A bit closer to my home, I would like to add may heartfelt appreciation to my parents
for their infinite kindness and patience in my academic career.

At last but no least, I am very thankful to respected principal of our college. Er. Anil
Lal Amatya for helping and encouraging me in every aspect of my academic study during in
this college and many thanks Asian School of Management and Technology, Kathmandu

This is the final report document for Hotel Management System. It consists of the
milestones in development of finalized hotel management system. As previously mentioned
current manual system used by hotel, caused for decrement in growth of success and efficiency
of the hotel.

Iterative waterfall method was used as the software development life cycle. Coding was
handled through an Object-Oriented approach. Above mentioned methodologies made project
work load light and provided the case of developing. The system was evaluated by several
people regarding user levels of the developed system. Results of the evaluation helped for
further maintenance of the product. Fully functional hotel management system will fulfill the
main objectives and all the events of the hotel.

Hotel information management system to achieve the hotel rooms management,

customer information management, customer management add, modify customer
management, customer management function. So the whole hotel information management
system is divided into two parts, room management and customer management, Including
background and foreground database management and maintenance operations, Admin
database system can guarantee the normal operation of the various functions. Foreground
operation can provide to hotel customers as convenient and efficient service.

As the name specifies “Hotel Management System” is an online application developed

for managing various activities of the hotel. This particular project deals with the problem on
managing the hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually. We can
improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system.

This system is more detailed discussion of the major hotel management system
functional requirements. For the main function discussed its technology, Including system
design database, Each application design and data exchange and interface design, This system
can be applied to the current hotel management ,Most hotel management to meet job
requirements, In order to improve the efficiency of hotel management role, Become a
successful example of management information.


With the development of the Internet, more and more people travel, Business activities
are increasingly active, Casual dining and entertainment the hotel as a place to get a rapid
development, In cities many hotels were created, How to provide outstanding customer
service, Become the key competitive each hotel, Therefore, the construction of the hotel has
become a norm to give customers measure hotel service, information system become the basic
of it. With the development of the Internet, Developments in the world economy cannot meet,
Basic of WEB hotel management system of the overall goal established to build a sound,
efficient and reliable hotel information management system, it offers good information for the

With the popularity of computer applications are in the hotel, with the development of
computer technology, Hotel management system developed to a new stage, The new platform,
the new system features, new direction, The new system is more stable, reliable, detailed and
perfect, Traditional hand no longer meet the needs of modern hotel management, Timely and
accurate network management system has become a trend, The hotel management is
increasingly complex, requiring the continuous improvement of the situation in.

Aims and Objectives of Project

Behind every project work, there remain some aims and objectives. This project also
has some objectives and aims. Some of them are given below:

i. The task given as a project work should be done by students compulsorily. So

they search different books and browse different webpage due to which the level
of creativity increases in them.
ii. To give us (the students) knowledge about different knowledge of XAMPP
Server and SQL Server 2014 Management Studio.
iii. To increase the skill in Database Management Design.
iv. To give the students a golden chance to show their talency and creativity. v. To
know the creativity power of students by teachers. vi. To empower and make
students busy in their education. vii. It makes teacher to discover ones learning
personality. viii. Make students perfect practically along with theoretically.

Hence the main objective of giving this project to us is to help in their educational

Hotel Management System is a software system where the management of entire hotel
is computerized. The hotel management system is designed using SQL command. In this
project the details are maintained like customer details, reservation details, Booking details
and billing details. The reservation process of reserving rooms for the customers, canceling
the reserved rooms, booking the rooms, vacation the rooms, the restaurant management, billing
process, etc all are computerized and the management is done without any difficulty.

The reports can be viewed completely and the head of the management daily or weekly or
monthly can review it. For company auditing it will be more useful. This proposed system will
be interactive, faster and user-friendly for the end users. Using the hotel management system,
the following activities can be performed.
• Room Service
• Check In
• Check Out
• Staff Master
• Staff Attendance
A modern property management system combines multiple work environments in a single
piece of software. Depending on the provider, the combination of modules and functions can
vary, and the functionality of one module can be slightly different. The modules of our project
Hotel Management System are listed below.

Staff Module:
• Add staff
• Remove staff
• Update Information

Customer Module:
Add Student
• Remove Student
• Update Information

Room and Fee Module:

Add New room
• Remove room
• Add room charge
• Update room charge

Merits and Demerits of Project

• Secure Data
• Faster Process
• Error Free
• Better management
• Save a lot of manpower
• Elimination of paper work

• It is difficult to maintain bulk of record in manual.
• Restrictions in the users
• Overall efficiency is less
• No perfect maintenance of report
• Searching is more time consuming
Data Flow Diagram
Application Form Verify Data

Customer System Admin

Allotment Confirm

Zero Level Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Management System

Customer Management

Payment Management Booking Management


Room Category System User

Management Management

Login Management


This ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram represents the model of Hotel Management

System Entity. The entity-relationship diagram of Hotel Management System shows all the
visual instrument of database tables and the relations between Rooms, Payments, Hotel,
and Customers etc. It used structure data and to define the relationships between structured
data groups of Hotel Management System functionalities. The main entities of the Hotel
Management System are Hotel, Rooms, Services, Payments, Booking and Customers.

Hotel Management System entities and their attributes:

Login Entity: Attributes of Login are login_id, login_role_id, login_username,
Users Entity: Attributes of Users are user_id, login_id, user_name, user_mobile,
user_email, user_address
Roles Entity: Attributes of Roles are role_id, user_id, role_name, role_desc
Permission Entity: Attributes of Permission are per_id, role_id, per_role_id, per_module,
Customer Entity: Attributes of Customer are cus_id, cus_name, hotl_id, cus_add,
cus_mobile, cus_email, cus_pass
Hotel Entity: Attributes of Hotel are hotl_id, users_id, hotl_type, hotl_desc, hotl_name,
Payment Entity: Attributes of Payment are pay_id, pay_amt, cus_id, pay_date, pay_desc,
Booking Entity: Attributes of Booking are book_id, book_type, book_desc, hotl_id

Description of Hotel Management System Database:

The details of Hotel is store into the Hotel tables respective with all tables
Each entity (Customers, Services, Booking, Rooms, Hotel) contains primary key and
unique keys.
The entity Services, Booking has bended with Hotel, Rooms entities with foreign key
There is a one-to-one and one-to-many relationship available between Booking, Payments,
Customers, Hotel
All the entities Hotel, Booking, Services, Customers are normalized and reduce duplication
of records
We have implemented indexing on each tables of Hotel Management System tables for fast
query execution.
Schema Diagram
Entity and Attribute Creation (DDL)
Data Definition Language (DDL) is a SQL statement that can be used either
interactively or within the programming language source code to define database and their
components. Create, alter, rename, truncate and drop are the DDL command. We have
following DDL command for our project to create the database and table for our system.
Data Testing

Data Testing is necessary step in database system development. Here the ACID property
validation, data mapping and data integrity are tested. But first we insert the data in every table
in database system using insert command which is DML statement. After that we use update,
delete and select command in those data and analyze the result or the output.
Entity record in each table

Update, Deletion and Selection

1. Updating Query:
Change the name of users to “Suman” where address is “Kathmandu”
Before Updating:

After Updating:

2. Deletion Query:

Delete the record of the customer whose address is “Basundhara”

Before Deletion

After Deletion

3. Selection Query

Select all data from booking table

Select all data from Hotel table

T-SQL (Transact-SQL) is a set of programming extensions from Sybase and Microsoft that
add several features to the Structured Query Language (SQL), including transaction control,
exception and error handling, row processing and declared variables.

Simple Queries

Display all the records of the customer having cus_id= “99”

Display the name of Hotel in descending order by their name.

Delete the records of customer whose payment is cleared.

Before Deletion

After Deletion

SQL Join
1. Inner Join

Select all the records of hotel name from hotel table where booking type is online only
2. Left Join
Select Hotel Name and Customer Name using left join

3. Right Join
Select Hotel Name and Customer Name using Right join

4. Full Join
We have learned that Hotel Management System is the effective automation of progress
report. It provides easy interface to record the details of hotel like online booking, rent charge
of rooms, types of hotel and many more description about the hotel. For generating final
reports of the reports large amount of data are required. They should store in such a way that
they are easily accessible and easy to manipulate the data. And these systems facilitate
convenient storing and defining the information and defining the information and also
maintain the security of the data.

The System gives the solution for most of the problems that we have identified in the
hotel currently. All most all the tasks were handled manually by the management and the
employees works at the Hotel. Our System are going to introduce will address those problems

The ability to search about specific information or details before and after doing a hotel
reservation or to hotel’s room is easy way with customizing guest detail and checking the
validity of details are some purpose to build system which makes requirements possible with
easy and fast way. Hotel Management System which makes requirements possible with easy
and fast way. Hotel Management System is built to find suitable solution for reservation and
customization of rooms, guests, payments, administration and services.
Those features of the introducing system will call upon the problems that we have
encountered form the current system that is prevailing in the hotel now to make the tasks done
at the Hotel comfortably and much more efficiently.

➢ Free Projectz (freeprojectz.com)
It is the online course free to learn web-platform. This website provides the
materials like synopsis, report and project solution, etc.
➢ Google (google.com)
Google is the wider online web-platform to provide the educational

S.N. Titles Page No.

1. Abstract ................................................................................ 1 2. Background
.......................................................................... 2 3. Aims & Objectives of
Project .............................................. 3 4. Introduction
.......................................................................... 4 5. Merits & Demerits of
Project ............................................... 5 6. Data Flow Diagram
.............................................................. 5 7. Methodology
........................................................................ 6 8. ER-Diagram
......................................................................... 7
9. Schema Diagram .................................................................. 8
10. Entity & Attribute Creation .................................................. 9
11. Data Testing ......................................................................... 10 12. Update,
Deletion & Selection .............................................. 11 13. T-SQL
.................................................................................. 12 14. SQL Join
............................................................................... 13 15. Conclusion
............................................................................ 15 16. Bibliography
......................................................................... 16

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