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I should express my remarkable thanks of

gratefulness to MS. Nisha Yadav similarly to our
respected Principal Sir MR. Bhimsen Panda, who
gave me the splendid opportunity to work on this
wonderful project.

I would also like to thanks my parents who

supported me to complete this project in time.

I am also thankful to my friends who helped me in

finalizing this project within a limited time frame.
I would also like to thanks my classmate. Whose
instruction and suggestions were helpful to me.

This to certify that Tushar Padhan of class – 12th

SCIENCE has successfully completed the project
on the topic “EVOLUTION”, under the guidance
of MS. Nisha Yadav during the session 2023-24

________________ ___________________
Signature of Teacher Signature of the Principal

Signature of External Exmanier
 Acknowledgement
 Certificate
 Introduction
 Origin and Evolution of
 Bibliography
 Conclusion
What is life?
Life is an inherent capacity that an organism
possesses to maintain and reproduce itself, to
continue its species.
Events in history of life-
The history of life comprises of two events-
1st the origin of life
2nd the evolution of life
Let’s take a glance at the origin of life, the theories
related to it are
1.Theory of Special Creation
2.Theory of Spontaneous Generation
3.Theory of Biogenesis
4.Theory of Panspermia
5.Oparin-Haldane Theory
out of these most of them are on the basis of
supernaturality or any baseless fact but Oparin-
haldane theory of origin of line concludes about
the chemical evolution of species due to the
climate condtion during the around the formation
of life now called as Climatic Evolution.
Types of evolution –
1. Divergent Evolution -Divergent evolution is
commonly defined as what occurs when two
groups of the same species evolve different traits
within those groups in order to accommodate for
differing environmental and social pressures.
Various examples of such pressures can include
predation, food supplies, and competition for
2. Convergent Evolution -In evolutionary
biology, convergent evolution is defined as the
process whereby distantly related organisms
independently evolve similar traits to adapt to
similar necessities.
Evolution is like a tree which originates from a
simple single organism and gives rise to
uncountable organism as a tree as it originates
from a single cell then it give rise to a full tree
comprising of uncountable cells .
Origin &Evolution of
Place of origin of man. The fossil of evidence
clearly indicates that origin of man occurred in
Central Asia, China, Java and India {Shivalik
Hills}. It has been established that Dryopethicus is
one of the oldest fossil which in turn evolved into
apes and men.
The origin and evolution of man can be studies in
the following 3 major headings.
A. Prior To Ape Men
B. Ape Men Including Prehistoric Men
C. True Men Including The Living Modern
Living Men
A. Prior to Ape Men

1.Dryopethecus Discovery- The fossil of

Dryopethecus africanus was discovered rom
Miocene rocks of Africa and Europe. It lived
around 15 mya.
Characteristics-it was more like ape and has hairy
and walked like a gorilla and chimpanzee it was
arborel, knuckle walker and ate soft fruit and is
known as a common ancestors of man and apes.
2.Ramapithecus Discovery-It has been
established that Dryopethecus gave rise to
Ramapithecus. This was on the direct line of
human evolution, Ramapithecus survived from
late Miocene to Pliocene. Thus appeared to be
about 14-15 mya. The fossils were discovered
in Shivalik hill’s India
Characteristics-it was more man like and was
hairy, walked like ape and chimpanzee. It has
small canines suggested that it ate hard nut and
seeds like modern man.

Figure 1-Schematic representation of evolution of man

B. Ape Men Including Prehistoric
1.Austrialopithecus{first ape men}Discovery-
Raymond Dart, discovered the fossils of
Austrialopithecus africanus from Pliocene rocks
near Tuang in Africa. He appeared about 2 mya.

Characteristics- Australopithecines probably lived

in grasslands. It had human as well as ape like
character, evidence show that it hunted with stone
but ate soft fruit and had erect posture. It had
human teeth, brain capacity of 500cc as an ape.
2.Homo habilis Discovery-Homo habilis fossils
were discovered from Pleistocene rocks in
east Africa. He lived in Africa around 2 mya.

Characteristics- it probably did not eat meat. Its

brain capacity was between 650-800 cc. Homo
habilis was the first tool maker and used chipped
stone extensively.
3.Homo erectus Discovery- it consist of 3 sub
divisions java ape men- discovered fossil in
Pleistocene rock in java islands , pecking
men-discovered the fossils of pecking man
from the limestone caves of Choukoutien near
Pecking & Heidelberg men-it was named
Homo erectus heidelbergensis which was
discovered from Heidelberg Germany.
Characteristics-Homo erectus appeared about
1.5mya in d=middle Pleistocene. He had erect
posture, had protruding jaws, protecting brow
ridges and small canines and large molar teeth.
The cranial capacity was about 900cc. He probably
ate meat and bones maybe a hunter and knew the
use of fire.

C. True Men Including The Living

Modern Men
1.Neanderthal Men Discovery- Fossils of
Neanderthal man were first obtained from
Neander Valley in Germany from the late
Pleistocene epoch.
Characteristics- He had slightly prog-nathous face
(having a forward projecting face and jaws).
Neanderthals walked upright, as we do, and had
low brows, receding jaws, and high domed heads.
Their cranial capacity was 1400 cubic centimetres.
They lived in near east and central Asia between
1,00,000- 40.000 years back.
Neanderthals were adapted to a cold environment.
They were not only skilled hunters but true
predators, a specialization that did not occur
among hominids before or after them. The
neanderthals were omnivorous (meat as main diet)
and cannibals. They fashioned the skin into
clothing to protect themselves against the harsh
2.Cro-Magnon man (Homo sapiens fossilis).
Discovery. It has been known as Cro-
Magnon man, because its fossils were first
discovered in 1868 from Cro-Magnon rocks
of France by MacGregor. Cro-Magnon man
emerged about 34000 years ago in Holocene
epoch. Thus, it is regarded as most recent
ancestor of today's man.

Characteristics. The Cro-Magnon man had well-

built body. Its face was perfectly orthognathous
(Jaws do not project forward) with moderate brow
ridges, strong jaws with man-like dentition, and a
well developed chin. Its cranial capacity was,
however, somewhat more than ours, being about
1650 cc. It could walk and run faster and lived in
families in caves. It made excellent tools and even
ornaments, not only of stones and bones, but also
of elephant tusks. Its tools included spears, bows
and arrows, as he was omnivorous. Use of the skin
clothes by this man is also confirmed. A number of
cave paintings done by Cro-Magnon man have
been discovered. It became extinct about 10,000-
11,000 years ago.
3.The Living Modern Man (Homo sapiens
sapiens) Discovery- Further evolution of
man after Cro-Magnon involves the
evolution of culture rather than that of
anatomy. During ice age between 75,000-
10,000 years ago modern Homo sapiens
arose. Pre historic cave art developed about
18,000 years ago .
Characteristics- Morphologically, the transition is
marked merely by a slight raising of skull cap,
thinning of skull bones, a slight reduction in
cranial capacity (1300-1600 сс. Average about
1450 c.c.), and formation of four curves in the
vertebral column. It is believed that man of today
first appeared in the region around Caspean and
Medi- terranean seas. From there its members
migrated all over the world. Agriculture came
around 10,000 years back and human settlements
started. The rest which happened is part of human
history of growth and decline of civilisations .
I Tushar Padhan of class 12th Science, have
done this project with the help of my parents
& subject teacher.
I Used-
1. NCERT Text Book Biology
2. Class notes
3. Trueman’s Elementary biology for
class 12th.
4. Microsoft word for the creation and
5. Referenced From google.
There is no scientifically accepted research that
shows that humans have stopped evolving.
Evolution is certainly still occurring and will
continue to occur in humans. Humans exhibit
differences in reproductive success, which directly
leads to evolution. Humans still face challenges to
survival as well, and exhibit variation in heritable
traits, all characteristics of evolution. Some of the
confusion on this topic likely arises because
modern humans have not existed for an extensive
period of time, evolutionarily speaking. Many of
humanities most esteemed innovations have
happened in the past decade or century, merely a
few generations at most. However, no innovation
will change the fact that humans exhibit varying
reproductive success and challenges to survival,
the components of evolution.
Hence this project helped me to know more about
evolution and evolution of man in depth. Also I
enjoyed a lot during the prepation of this project

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