LOTRO Fall Festival Guide

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Guide to LOTRO Fall Festival 2010

By Goldenstar

Fall Festival is running this year from October 19th November 16, 2010. This guide is here to help you find all the events available. The primary currency of this festival is Fall Festival Tokens. Collecting these can help you buy the goodies listed in the rewards section below. The new Haunted Burrow is simply not to be missed. If you plan to spend any time in the new Haunted Burrow event, you may want to hold off buying a lot of items as there is a chance to earn them from the special chest inside the burrow freeing up your tokens to buy other goodies! The quests are mostly broken up into four major regions in Middle Earth. Bree Festival Grounds (24.7S, 51.6W Breeland) Thorins Hall (13.48S, 103.2W Thorins Gate) in the underground Tavern Duillond (24.6S, 93.1W Ered Luin) Shire Party Tree (29.85S, 71.48W Shire) What is not included in this guide The festivals of Middle Earth include certain quests that appear with each and every festival. Please see our guide on these General Festival Quests for help with those events. This would include the dance quests horse race Inn League quests Ale Association quests

Also the Fall Festival ends the quest of the Travelling Farmer. This is a quest for those with the farming profession and you had to have started this quest in the summer in order to collect your reward in the fall festival.

Deeds .............................................................................................................................. 2 The Haunted Burrow ....................................................................................................... 2 Haunted Burrow Repeatable Quests ........................................................................... 4 Treasure Hunting in the Burrow ................................................................................... 7 Apples, Pumpkins, Scrolls and Geodes .......................................................................... 7 Troves and Trickery......................................................................................................... 8 Fall Festival Mounts ........................................................................................................ 9 Rewards ........................................................................................................................ 10 Emotes & Music ......................................................................................................... 10 Cosmetics .................................................................................................................. 10 Decorations: .............................................................................................................. 11 Consumables ............................................................................................................. 11 Haunted Burrow Large Map .......................................................................................... 12

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Guide to LOTRO Fall Festival 2010

By Goldenstar

Harvestmath This deed is granted upon logging in during the Fall Festival and grants the title Foliage Watcher. The Haunted Burrow After completing the quest of the same name youll get the deed The Haunted Burrow. It has 7 tasks you need to complete in order to earn the Burrower title. These tasks are the other quests available for the Haunted Burrow shown in the Haunted Burrow section below.

The Haunted Burrow

The haunted burrow is the new event added this year. Its a haunted house in the cellar of Bag End and is decorated simply amazing. This is not to be missed! Before you can enter, there is a short quest chain you must complete. 1. A Cellar Door Appears Quest Starter: Opal Goodbody (29.S, 71.6W, The Shire) Level: 10 - Repeatable: No You are sent around the area to ask about the new door that has appeared going into the lower part of the Hill. You are first sent to Lobelia and then to Gaffer Gamgee. 2. Bilbos Letter: Quest Starter: Gaffer Gamgee (30.2S, 71.5W, The Shire) Level 10 - Repeatable: No - Pre-requisite: A Cellar Door Appears Bilbo appears to have left a letter in the care of the Gaffer and you ask if you can share it with Lobelia. After basically bugging the snot out of Lobelia she tells you that the letter says Bilbo left her the spoons and they are the key to the cellar. 3. The Haunted Burrow Quest Starter: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (29.4S, 71.3W, The Shire) Level: 10 - Repeatable: No - Pre-requisite: Bilbos Letter Rewards: 3 Fall Festival Tokens The entrance to the cellar is directly below Lobelia near Opal Goodbody at 29.6S, 71.6W, The Shire. Once inside you are transported into a haunted house. Things will pop out and scare you, bookshelves reveal secret passages and running into cobwebs will temporarily blind you. It really is very well done! Your goal is to find Lobelia in this maze of a cellar. Shes not far inside but can be easily missed if you take a wrong turn and get lost! When you enter turn right and shes right around the corner cowering. Lobelia runs off terrified and you are instructed to talk to Opal Goodbody outside about the Haunted Burrow.

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Haunte Burrow Quest Map ed w

After completing this ch hain a bunch of quests out tside the burr row will open up that are daily and repeatable Please refe to this map (a larger ver e. er p rsion is availa able at the end of this docu d ument) of the cellar and locations of all the quest objectives.

The Haun nted Burrow is made up of a Main Cellar (center port ion of map) a 4 wings: C s r and Cobbwebbed, Creeping, Basement and Attic. Ther are entranc to all the wings from th Main Cella however only , re ces he ar, the Attic and the Basem a ment exit bac into the Main Cellar. The Cobbwebbe Wing conn ck e ed nects to the Creeping Wing and the Creeping Wing connects to the Basem e W ment. That me eans if you ne to just go to eed o the Cobwebbed Wing for something You will be forced to also go through the Creeping Wing and the f g, o g Basement before you can get back out to the Ma Cellar. c ain This make it a bit trick for timed quests if you dont know the quickest rou in and out For timed events es ky d e ute t. like Stroll through the Haunted Burrow and Race Through th Haunted B he Burrow I sugg gest taking th his path:

Doing the Attic first is id e deal as the ex back into the Main Cella is near the Cobbwebbed Wing door a xit t ar e and d we alread know that entering the Cobbwebbed Wing forces y to go thro dy e C you ough all the other wings in order to exit bac into the Ma Cellar. This is the faste route throu all the win ck ain est ugh ngs.

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Haunte Burrow Repeat ed w table Que ests

Here is a list if the repe eatable quests available af completin the initial quest chain. T fter ng This area work ks similar to the Hedge Maze in the Sp pring Festival in that you ca only have one quest at a time. There are an e eight gene repeatab quests ava eral ble ailable and on quest each for the Inn L ne h League and A Association Ale (requires faction). A Riddle in a Bottle Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Adalgrim Goodbody m 10 Daily 3 Fall Fe estival Tokens

This ques sends you through the Burrow using the Riddle Do st t t oors (you mus use the ridd doors). Yo will st dle ou find a tabl with bottles on it and a paper clue ne le s p earby. Read th clue to figu out which bottle to drin he ure nk. This ques has a 5 min st nute timer to complete. c

Valuables Gone Astra s ay Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Holfa Burrows ast 10 Daily 3 Fall Festival Tok kens

There are 5 items in the burrow that you must pic up and retu to Holfast There is no time limit. e t ck urn t.

The Grea Hobbit Res at scue Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: May Gamgee 10 Daily 3 Fall Festival Tok kens

There are 6 scared hob e bbits scattere in the burro that you ne to find. ed ow eed

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

A Stroll Through the Haunted Bur T rrow Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Popp Cotton py 10 Daily y 3 Fall Festival Tok kens

Collect pr roof that you made it to 4 areas of the Haunted Burro before time runs out (20 minutes). m a H ow e 0

A Race Through the Haunted Bur T H rrow Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Popp Cotton py 10 Daily 3 Fall Festival Tok kens

Collect the same proof as before bu this time yo only have 4 minutes to c e f ut ou collect them a all!

Roaring Maw in the Haunted Burr M H row Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Polo Puddifo oot 10 Daily 3 Fall Festiv Tokens val

Go to the Cobwebbed Wing and you will find a ja of honey. A hobbit in a b u ar bear costume (omg so cute e!) will come out and attac you. Dont worry, hes le ck evel 1. After fr rightening him off return to Polo. m o

Wailing in the Haunte Burrow n ed Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Polo Pudd difoot 10 Daily 3 Fall Fes stival Tokens

Head to th Creeping Wing and you will find a ca he W u andle. A hobb dressed as a ghost will c bit s come out and d attack (on level 1). Af scaring th ghost off, return to Polo . nly fter he r

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Rattling in the Haunte Burrow ed Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Rewards: Polo Pu uddifoot 10 Daily 3 Fall Festival Token F ns

Head to th attic and yyoull find som cold chain dangling fr he y me ns rom the ceiling A hobbit dr g. ressed as a skeleton comes out and will attack (only level 1). Defeat him a return to Polo. c ( and

The Inn League Excavation L Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Pre-requis site: Rewards: Cora Brownlock 10 Daily Friendly with Inn League +900 Inn League Factio 500 Ale on, Association Factio 1 on, Badg of Taste ge

Find Bilbo wine bottle and bring it back. Picking up the wine makes you d os e g drunk and you carry it u back similar to pie/mailbag quests.

Ale Asso ociation: A Ga ame of Hobb bitHarrying Quest Sta arter: Level: Repeatab ble: Pre-requis site: Rewards: Rathg geir 10 Daily Friendly with Ale Association +900 Ale Associat tion Factio 500 Inn on, League Faction, 1 Badg of Dishonor ge

You are to go in and sc o care the 6 hobbits you prev viously saved with The Great Hobbit R d Rescue. Near the hobbit will be a bag/bucket h t/jar that you activate to sc care the hobb bit

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Treasu Huntin in the Burrow ure ng e

There is a fifth wing tha you can find in the at burrow alt though no quests will take you there. You will find it behind the mystery door (see ocation). Insid there are chests de c map for lo containing bonus Fall Festival Tokens. These g F can be op pened for bonus tokens once per hour. A debuff will be placed on your char w racter counting down the time until you can collect d e again. There is also a secret treasure ches in the a t st basement that contains random ass t s sortment of festival go oodies. It also comes with a debuff that o prevents you from opening this ches to once y st per day. Its because of this che that I recommend you est hold off fro buying all of the goodie from the om l es vendor with your token right away. If you do ns this chest daily youll earn a bit of ev verything. This secre treasure ch et hest also is the only place you can find the festiva skeletal hor al rse. This horse has a low drop ra so it will ta determination and a g s ate ake good deal of lu to pick this up. uck

Apple Pump es, pkins, Scrolls and Geod S des

In each of the four festival areas the is a Game f ere e-Master that will have a barter icon over his or her head. The folks are not difficult to find. ese o Theyre ge enerally in the middle of th festival are e he ea. Directly ne to the gam master the will be som sort of ite m that ext me ere me when you mouse over it you will see your cursor change to a lloot icon. e ox, In Bree th is a pumpk patch, in Thorins Hall it a geode bo his kin T ts Duillond has a scroll bo and the Sh you will find an apple t h ox hire tub. When you loot this item you will randomly receive one of three items. u m e e Barter you item to the nearby Game-Master for Fall Festival T ur Tokens. The small or lesser of the items are worth 1 tok ler o ken, medium are worth 2 and larg items are worth 3 token These are based on luc so just ger ns. e ck cross your fingers and click! After rece eiving your item, you will fin a debuff ap nd pplied to your character r that preve ents you from picking up an nother of the same item fo an hour. or You can run to all four places and do each of the items as e r ese each has their own hour long buf ff.

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Troves and Tr rickery

Tricksters of Middle-Ea send you off to perform tricks for va s arth m arious people in the area in order to earn treats. Each of these 4 que o ests are repeatable daily and gi you the op e ive ption of earnin either 3 Fa ng all Festival Tokens or 1 Race Mask To T R oken (for the area you are d a doing the quest in, Hobbit mask token in the Shire, etc). H t S These que ests vary slightly from last year in that no longer are you n performing tricks for sp pecific named NPCs like Te Sandyman and d ed n Lobelia Sa ackville-Bagg gins. The targets are now regular towns folk and r farmers around the are They will have an in-pro ea. h ogress ring ic over con their head and if you sp d peak to them, they will give you a hint w e which trick (oth herwise know as an emot they wish to see you pe wn te) erform. If you wan to try to figu out the rid nt ure ddles yourself do not look at the tables below as it w give away the f, will answers! e The Shire Quest Giv Egbert To (29.9S, 71.3W, The Sh ver: ook hire) Location n 30.7S, 71 1.1W, The Shire 31.0S, 70 0.9W, The Shire 31.5S, 71 1.4W, The Shire 29.5S, 71 1.2W, The Shire Bree Quest Giv Bryony Elmwood (24.6 ver: 62S, 51.54W Breeland) Location n 30.6S, 52 2.0W Breeland 30.9S, 52 2.6W Breeland 31.9S, 50 0.6W Breeland 29.9S, 51 1.3W Breeland Emote /scold /crazy /no /whippitydo Emote /shiver /tantrum /burp /pick

Duillond Quest Giv Gloreniel (24.51S, 93.0 ver: 08W Ered Luin) Location n 24.6S, 92 2.4W Duillond d 23.9S, 92 2.5W Duillond d 24.1S, 93 3.2W Duillond d 24.1S, 93 3.0W Duillond d Emote /look /hail /eat /dance

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Thorins Hall Quest Giv Guthlag ver: Location n Labourer in corridor ne tavern ear Dwarf in Makers Hall M Dwarf in Forging Hall F Dwarf in Main Hall by Hunter Traine M er Emote /whistle /drink /flex /mock

Each quest gives you the option of 3 Fall Festiva Tokens or a Mask Token for that race (ie. Hobbit M t al n e Mask Token, Dw Mask To warf oken, etc). You must turn in 12 Fall Fest n tival Tokens a 1 mask to and oken to the G Games Master in that races fe estival area to pick up the cosmetic mas Below is th four specia race masks o c sk. he al s available and which ma token the come from. ask ey .

Man Beav Mask ver

Dwarf Bucket-head Mask B M

Elf Rabb Mask bit

Hobbit P Pumpkin Mas sk

Fall Festival Mounts M

The quest and method to obtain the festival mounts (excluding the special Skeleton Mount see the t e g section on the Haunted Burrow) is th same as other festivals See Genera Festival Qu n d he o s. al uests for informatio on that que However, I wanted to share pictures of the moun available s you can de on est. , s s nts so ecide if you nee them! ed

estmath Horse e Harve

Sable Harve estmath Hors (NEW) se

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Fall Festiv rewards are purchased from Fall Festival Traders that are loca val d s ated in each f festival area. This is where you spend all the Fall Festival Tokens youve been c y y collecting!

Emote & Musi es ic

Boo! Emo /boo ote: Guide to the Cowbell 12 token ns This em ote can be se in use in the video abo een ove 1 token Note tha minstrels ca teach you this any time of at an e the year not a fall o r only skill.

Cosme etics

o Cloak of the Falling Le t eaves Cloak of the Raven 12 Tok kens 12 Token ns

Rav Festival M ven Mask 12 T Tokens

Cloak of the Boar t 12 Token ns

Head Festival Mask Boar-H 12 Tok kens

Pipe Festival Mas e sk 12 T Tokens

G Goblin Festiva Mask al 12 Tokens

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Guide to LOTR Fall F t RO Festival 2010

By Goldenstar y

Decora ations:
See Kiaranes Fall Festival Decoration & Fur K rniture Guide

umables Consu
Specimen Jars: Gross n Bugs 3 Tokens Bugs cove the ground er d under you target ur causing th hem to stomp p their feet. Applications of Coverita all 3 Tokens Places a bag over your b targets he ead. Black Silk G Gloves 3 Tokens You slap you target ur hard enough to make h them dizzy a collapse and to the ground d.

Spider Legs s 3 Tokens Makes a spid appear der and frighten your target. Also puts a n nondamaging po oison cloud around your target. Potent Bird Seed 3 Tokens Causes birds to swarm s your target m making them cower.

Buckets of Fear o 3 Tokens Causes yo target to our cower in fear. f

Candles and Mirrors a 3 Tokens Causes a ghost to fly around yo target. our Target cowers and waves a flag. f

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Guid to LOTR Fall Fe de RO estival 201 0

By Goldenstar B

Haunted Burrow Lar Map rge

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