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Occult Invocations

The invocations are presented in alphabetic order. If an On a failed save, the attacker takes psychic damage equal to
invocation has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. your Intelligence score, and they are moved a number of feet
You can learn an invocation at the same time that you meet in a direction of your choice equal to your proficiency bonus
its prerequisites. times 5. You can either move the creature further away from
you, or towards you.
Aphonic Arcana
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome. You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
When your tome vessel is on your person, it can be used to expended uses of this invocation when you finish either a
cast one of the spells you cast without any somatic or verbal Short or Long Rest.
components. The spell cannot be cast using an invocation, it
must be at a level less-than or equal to half of your proficiency Beast Speech
bonus, and the spell cannot require material components. You are permanently under the effect of the speak with
animals spell, and beasts you interact with have disadvantage
Arcane Abeyance on saving throws against being Charmed by you.
When you are under the effect of a spell that allows you to
make a saving throw to end its effect, and the spell is of a Beguiling Influence
level less-than or equal to half of your proficiency bonus Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown.
(rounded up), you can use your action to immediately end the While you are wearing your crown vessel and you are
spell. speaking to a creature that can understand you, you can use
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your this invocation to make a Charisma (Deception) or
Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses when Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature's
you finish a Long Rest. Wisdom (Insight).
Arcane Erudite On a success, you focus on influencing the creature's psyche.
You are permanently under the effect of the comprehend This focus counts as concentrating on a spell, and lasts until
languages spell, and whenever you make either an your concentration is broken. While focused, your target has
Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History), or disadvantage on all checks and saves made against being
Intelligence (Religion) check, you treat a result of 9 or lower Charmed while it is within 30 feet of you.
on the check as a 10. If the focused target is Charmed while within range, they
Armor of Shadows automatically fail any subsequent saving throw made to end
You know the mage armor spell, and you can cast it at-will the effect, and the effect lasts until your concentration ends.
using this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using However, if the focused creature receives any damage while
material components. Charmed, the effect instantly ends.
When you do so, the target of the spell gains resistance to You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
nonmagical crushing, piercing, and slashing damage for its Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
duration. expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Bewitching Whispers
Ascendant Step
Prerequisite: 3rd–level or higher. Prerequisite: 7th–level or higher.
You know the levitate spell, and you can cast it at-will using You know the compulsion spell, and you can cast it at-will
this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
material components. When you do so, creatures that are immune to the Charmed
When you do so, the range of the target's altitude is effects still need to make the saving throw to avoid its effects,
multiplied by your proficiency bonus. albeit with advantage.
Baleful Rebuke Chains of Acheron
Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman; 5th–level or higher. Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain; 9th–level or higher.
When you are hit by an attacker that you can see within 30 While you have your chain vessel equipped, you know the
feet of you, and you are wearing your talisman vessel, you can hold monster spell and can use this invocation to cast it a
use this invocation as a reaction to have the attacker make a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, without
Wisdom saving throw against your Spellcasting DC. expending a spell slot and using the chain vessel as the
material component for the spell.


When you do so, you can cast the spell as a bonus action on The spell cannot be one cast from an invocation, and it must
your turn, and a targeted creature has disadvantage on the be at a level less-than or equal to half of your proficiency
saving throw if they are an aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, bonus.
fiend, or undead.
Death Grip
You can regain all expended uses of this invocation when you When you hit a creature with a spell attack, you can use this
finish a Long Rest. invocation to force the creature to make a Strength saving
Chaos Theory
throw against your Spellcasting DC. On a failure, the
creature's speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
When you cast a spell that forces the affected creatures to
make a saving throw, you can use this invocation to choose You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
which ability an affected creature uses for the saving throw. Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest.
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all When you reach 5th–level, you can affect creatures that are
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest. Large or smaller with this invocation. You can affect Huge or
smaller creatures with this invocation at 11th–level, and
Clandestine Warrior Gargantuan or smaller creatures with this invocation at
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade; 5th–level or higher. 17th–level.
You can attack with your weapon vessel twice, instead of Devil's Sight
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You gain darkvision out to a range of 90 feet, or your range
When you use your action to cast a spell, you can also make increases by 45 feet if you already have some form of
one weapon vessel attack as a bonus action. darkvision. Within range of this darkvision, you can see in
Moreover, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you nonmagical darkness as if it were bright light, and in magical
can use your bonus action to cast a spell. The spell must not darkness as if it were dim light.
require concentration, and must have a casting time of an Diadem of Dominion
action. Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown.
Cloak of Flies While you are wearing your crown vessel, you know the
Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher. command spell, and can cast it at-will without expending a
As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a magical spell slot.
aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura extends 5 feet When you do so, you can cast the spell as a bonus action on
from you in every direction, but not through total cover. It your turn, and the spell is cast at the highest level available to
lasts for one minute, until you're Incapacitated, or until you you.
dismiss it as a bonus action.
Dimensional Tremor
Whenever a creature first enters the aura, or starts its turn in Prerequisite: Pact of the Wand; 5th–level or higher.
the aura, they take poison damage equal to your Intelligence
score (minimum of 10 damage) and must make a Using this invocation, you can transform a spell that would
Constitution saving throw against your Spellcasting DC or be normally only target one creature into a spell that has an area
Poisoned for 1 hour. of affect that targets all creatures in that area. The spell
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your cannot be cast from an invocation. Choose from one of the
following: a cone, a cube, a cylinder, a line, or a sphere.
Intelligence modifier, regaining all expended uses when you
finish a Long Rest. The dimensions of an area of effect is a number of feet equal
to your Intelligence modifier times 5 in the radius or length,
Cloak of Kilonam and half that distance in height. Consult chapter 10 of the
Prerequisite: Pact of the Shroud. Player's Handbook for further details on each area of effect.
While you are wearing your shroud vessel, you add your You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus to any Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
healing you receive from spells or magical effects. uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Dark Concentration Dreadful Word
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome. Prerequisite: 7th–level or higher.
While you have your tome vessel on your person, it can be You know the confusion spell, and you can cast it at-will using
used to maintain one of the spells you cast without this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using
concentration for up to a minute. You can maintain two spells material components.
without concentration at 9th–level, and three spells at 17th–


When you do so, the spell no longer has a radius; you instead Elemental Anomaly
choose a number of creatures within casting range equal to When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning,
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one target). poison, or thunder damage, you can use this invocation to
Ecliptic Emissary
change the spell's damage type to one of the listed types of
your choice.
Prerequisites: Pact of the Lantern.
While you are holding your lantern vessel, you know the You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
moonbeam spell and can use this invocation to cast it at-will Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
without expending a spell slot, using your lantern as the expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest.
material component of the spell. Ephemeral Loop
When you do so, the spell is centered on you and moves Prerequisite: Pact of the Ring; 7th–level or higher.
where you move, the light emitted by the spell counts as While you are wearing your ring vessel, you gain additional
daylight, and the radius of the spell is the same range as the Hit Dice equal to your proficiency bonus. These Hit Dice
bright light that your lantern vessel emits. recover whenever you roll for initiative, and can only be used
Edict of the Final to fuel your Immolate feature.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown; 11th–level or higher. Moreover, whenever you use your reaction to store the spell
While you are wearing your crown vessel, you know the into your ring vessel, you can choose to immediately disperse
magic jar spell and can use this invocation to cast it at-will the spell's magic as part of the same reaction, which allows
without the need to expend a spell slot, and you use your you to recover an expended spell slot less-than or equal to
crown vessel as the material component for the spell. your proficiency bonus.
Ethereal Retreat
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all Prerequisite: 3rd–level or higher.
expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. As a reaction to taking damage, you can use this invocation to
Eldritch Potency
teleport to an empty space within 15 feet of you, in a direction
Whenever you deal damage with a spell or cantrip, you add of your choice.
your Intelligence modifier to the damage total. You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Eldritch Repulsion
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest.
When you hit a creature with a spell attack, you can use this
invocation to to push the creature a number of feet away Euclidean Steps
equal to your proficiency bonus times 5. The creature must Prerequisite: 3rd–level or higher.
be Medium or smaller.
You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest.
Eyes of the Keeper
When you reach 5th–level, you can affect creatures that are Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain.
Large or smaller with this invocation. You can affect Huge or
smaller creatures with this invocation at 11th–level, and You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and
Gargantuan or smaller creatures with this invocation at perceive through your familiar's senses as long as you are on
17th–level. the same plane of existence.
Eldritch Smite Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar's senses,
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade. you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice,
even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.
When you hit a creature with an attack using your weapon
vessel, you can expend one spell slot do deal force damage to Fealty unto Death
the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher.
damage is 2d8 for a 1st–level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each You know the animate dead spell, and can cast it using this
spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 6d8. invocation a number of times per Long Rest equal to your
If you either score a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 hit Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). When you cast the
points using this attack, the spell slot is refunded. spell using this invocation, you do not need to expend a spell
slot nor do you need to use any material components.
In addition, when a living creature dies within range, you can
immediately use your reaction to cast the spell on the dying


Gaze of Two Minds Lifedrinker
As an action on your turn, you can touch one willing creature Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade; 13th–level or higher.
and perceive throught its senses until the end of your next
turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of When you hit a creature with your weapon vessel, you can
existence as you, you can use a bonus action on subsequent use this invocation to heal yourself for the total damage dealt.
turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration Once you use this invocation, you can't do so again until you
until the end of your subsequent turn. finish either a Short or Long Rest.
While perceiving through the other creature's senses, you Mantle of the Silent Step
benefit from any special senses possessed by that reature, Prerequisite: Pact of the Shroud; 7th–level or higher.
and you are Blinded and Deafened to your own surroundings. While you are wearing your shroud vessel, you know the
Ghostly Gaze greater invisibility spell and can use this invocation to cast it
Prerequisite: 7th–level or higher. at-will without expending a spell slot.
As an action on your turn, you can focus your vision to see You can cast the spell using this invocation a number of times
through solid objects out to a range of your Intelligence equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and
modifier plus your proficiency bonus times 5 feet. While you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
focusing in this way, you concentrate as though you are When you do so, you cannot be tracked by non-magical
concentrating on a spell. This special sight lasts for 1 minute, means, as you leave no non-magical traces or imprint.
or until your concentration ends. During that time, you
perceive objects as ghostly, transparent images. Mask of Many Faces
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your You know the disguise self spell, and you can cast it at-will
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long rest. When you do so, creatures have disadvantage on
Gift of the Depths Intelligence (Investigation) checks to discern your disguise.
You know the water breathing spell, and you can cast it at-will Master of Myriad Forms
using this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using Prerequisite: 3rd–level or higher.
material components.
You know the alter self spell, and you can cast it at-will using
When you do so, you also target yourself when you cast the this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
spell, and each target gains a swimming speed equal to their
walking speed. When you do so, the spell lasts until your concentration ends,
and you can end one option as a bonus action to gain the
Gift of the Nocturne benefits of a different one.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome.
Minions of Chaos
You no longer need to sleep, you do not suffer Exhaustion Prerequisite: 9th–level or higher.
from lack of sleep, and you can't be forced to sleep by any
means. To gain the benefits of a Long Rest, you spend 8 You know the conjure elemental spell, and can cast it using
hours doing light activity, such as reading your tome vessel or this invocation a number of times per Long Rest equal to
keeping watch. your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once).
Hands from Beyond When casting the spell using this invocation, you do not need
You know the arms of hadar spell, and you can cast it at-will to expend a spell slot nor do you need to use any material
using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot. components.
When you do so, you can cast the spell as a bonus action on Mire the Mind
your turn, and the spell's range is tripled. Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher.
Hellbound Heart You know the slow spell, and you can cast it at-will using this
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain. invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is within When you do so, if an affected creature tries to cast a spell
100 feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine the hit and the spell is wasted, they also automatically fail their
points you regain as having rolled their maximum value for saving throw for that turn.


Misty Visions Searing Light
You know the silent image spell, and you can cast it at-will Prerequisites: Pact of the Lantern.
using this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using
material components. While you are holding your lantern vessel, you know the
guiding bolt spell, and can use this invocation to cast it at-will
When you do so, the size of the physical phenomenon you without expending a spell slot.
can create is doubled.
When you do so, you cast the spell at the highest level
Occult Perception available to you, and the target of the spell has disadvantage
You know the detect magic spell, and you can cast it at-will on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot. Shadowmeld
When you do so, you also learn what spell the magic you You know the invisibility spell, and you can cast it at-will using
sense was caused by, if there is one, and what level the spell this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using
was cast at. material components.
Otherworldly Leap When you do so, the spell doesn't end if its target attacks or
You know the jump spell, and you can cast it at-will using this casts a spell while in dim light or darkness.
invocation, without expending a spell slot or using material Sight without Seeing
Prerequisite: 13th–level or higher.
When you do so, you also target yourself with the spell when You gain truesight out to 60 feet. With truesight, you can see
you cast it, and the distance an affected target can jump in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and
increases by a number of feet equal to your Intelligence objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on
modifier times 5 (minimum of 5 feet). saving throws against them, and perceives the original form
Persuasion of Steel of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown; 5th–level or higher. Furthermore, you can see into the Ethereal Plane.
Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against being Speech without Speaking
Charmed or Frightened if they are at or below half of their hit Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher.
point maximum. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see that
Retrograde Malice is within your line of sight. While you are telepathically
When you are targeted by a magical attack or effect from a speaking to them, the creature is under the effect of the
hostile creature, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at detect thoughts.
the hostile creature. The spell cast must have a cast time of Sigil of Sarevok
either an action, a bonus action, or a reaction.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman; 9th–level or higher.
Ringbound Affinity Using this invocation, you can create lesser charms in the
Prerequisite: Pact of the Ring. style of your talisman vessel and gift them to creatures. The
When you use your reaction to store a spell in your ring number of charms you can create equals your Intelligence
vessel, you can use your Spellcasting ability modifiers for the modifier (minimum of one), and they last for ten days, until
spell's attack roll and save DC if they are higher than the your talisman vessel is destroyed, or until you spend 1 hour
original caster's modifiers. breaking your talisman's connection to the charms.
Moreover, you can cast the stored spell a number of times While at least one of the charms is active, and a creature is
before it is consumed equal to your proficiency bonus. You wearing it, you can interact with the creature telepathically,
can only use this invocation on a stored spell if it is of a level and can use your action to teleport to the unoccupied space
less-than or equal to your proficiency bonus. closest to them, provided the two of you are on the same
plane of existence. The creature can also reply to you
Sculptor of Flesh telepathically, and can use their reaction to teleport to you.
Prerequisite: 7th–level or higher. The number of times you and any charm-wearer can teleport
You know the polymorph spell, and can cast it using this using this invocation equals your proficiency bonus, and
invocation a number of times per Long Rest equal to your recharges when you finish a Long Rest.
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once).
When casting the spell using this invocation, you do not need
to expend a spell slot nor do you need to use any material


Soulbound Charm Tenebrous Cowl
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome; 5th–level or higher. Prerequisite: Pact of the Shroud.
A new page appears in your tome vessel. With your While you are wearing your shroud vessel, you are lightly
permission, a creature can use its action to inscribe its obscured in areas of dim light and darkness, even if a
signature on the page in blood. Regardless of what the creature is able to see normally in those conditions.
signature looks like, the page can contain a number of names
equal to your proficiency bonus. Your signature is alway Tenebrous Force
inscribed onto the page. Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman.
When a creature who inscribed a signature in your tome is When you cast a spell that deals damage, and you are
reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, the creature wearing your talisman vessel, you can use this invocation to
magically drops to 1 hit point instead. Once this invocation is gain a bonus to the spell's damage equal to your Intelligence
triggered, the triggering creature's name is erased from the modifier plus the spell's level (minimum of +2). The affected
page and cannot inscribe its name again until it finishes a spell can't be cast using an invocation.
Long Rest. Tenebrous Vitality
As an interaction on your turn, you can magically erase a You know the false life spell, and you can cast it at-will using
name on the page by touching it. this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using
material components.
Soulbound Gyre
Prerequisite: Pact of the Ring; 13th–level or higher. When you do so, the spell is cast as a bonus action on your
turn, and it is cast at the highest level you know.
If you die while wearing your ring vessel, and you have a spell
stored in your ring vessel, you are immediately resurrected at Thief of Fate
1 hit point at the end of your following turn. Once you use You know the bane spell, and you can cast it at-will using this
this invocation, the ring vessel is destroyed as if you had died, invocation, without expending a spell slot or using material
and you cannot perform the ritual to receive a replacement components.
ring for ten days.
When you do so, you cast the spell as a bonus action on your
Soulseeker turn, the spell's effect lasts for as long as you can concentrate
Prerequisite: Pact of the Wand; 9th–level or higher. on it, and the die an affected target must subtract from their
roll increases by one size when you advance in this class.
When you cast a spell using your wand vessel as a spell
focus, and the spell targets at least one creature with an The die increases to 1d6 at 5th–level, 1d8 at 9th–level, 1d10
attack, you can ignore any cover your target hides behind, at 13th–level, and 1d12 at 17th–level.
including full cover, if you previously saw them enter the
cover in the last turn. Tide of Oblivion
Prerequisite: Pact of the Wand; 11th–level or higher.
Spirit Mirror
As an action on your turn, you can use this invocation to While you are holding your wand vesse, you know the
touch a willing ally and temporarily bind your souls together disintegrate spell and can cast it using this invocation at-will
as one. When you do so, both you and the ally share one save without expending a spell slot, and using the wand as the
proficiency and one ability score of your choice. material component.
This effect is magical and can be dispelled or suppressed, and When you do so, the spell no longer requires a target, instead
it lasts for an hour or until you use it again on another affecting all targets in a 5 feet wide and 60 feet long line.
creature. Each targeted creature needs to make the save, and takes
damage on a failure.
You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your
expended uses when you finish either a Short or Long Rest. Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
Tomb of Levistus
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain.
Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher.
Whenever you are damaged by a magical effect or spell, and
you have your chain vessel equipped, you transfer half of the As an action on your turn, you can entomb yourself in ice,
damage received to your familiar. If the familiar is damaged gaining 10 temporary hit points per Occultist level. You lose 5
by a magical effect or spell, you can use your reaction to give temporary hit points per turn, and the ice melts when you
it resistance to one damage type the triggering effect or spell have no temporary hit points left.


While the temporary hit points persist, you have immunity to Visions of Distant Realms
cold damage, vulnerability to fire damage, and resistance to Prerequisite: 9th–level or higher.
all other damage. Your speed is also reduced to 0, and you are
Incapacitated, however any spells you are concentrating on You know the arcane eye spell, and you can cast it at-will
do not end. using this invocation, without expending a spell slot or using
material components.
Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you
finish either a Short or Long Rest. When you do so, the eye can see creatures that are Invisible
within range.
Torch of Ma'habre
Prerequisites: Pact of the Lantern; 7th–level or higher. Vorpal Blast
Prerequisite: Pact of the Wand.
While you are holding your lantern vessel, you know the
sickening radiance spell, and can use this invocation to cast it When you cast a spell using your wand vessel as a spell
at-will without expending a spell slot. focus, you can use this invocation to cast magic missile as a
bonus action without expending a spell slot. You can use this
When you do so, you can cast this spell as a bonus action. invocation a number of times per combat equal to your
The spell is also permanently centered on you, and its radius proficiency bonus.
is the same range as the bright light that your lantern vessel
emits. Vulnerability Hex
You know the hex spell, and you can cast it at-will using this
Touch of Aranoch invocation, without expending a spell slot or using material
Prerequisite: Pact of the Ring. components.
When you cast a spell stored inside your ring vessel, and the When you do so, creatures you target with the spell have
spell can be cast at a higher level, you can cast the spell at the vulnerability to two damage types of your choice that they
highest level available to you if the spell's level isn't higher aren't resistant or immune to.
than that.
Weakening Curse
Umbral Purgation
Prerequisite: 5th–level or higher.
Prerequisites: Pact of the Lantern; 5th–level or higher.
You know the bestow curse spell, and you can cast it at-will
While you are holding your lantern vessel, all magical using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
darkness within the radius of the lantern's bright light is
dispelled, and you have advantage on checks and saving When you do so, the spell is cast at your highest available
throws made to detect illusions. level, all four effects are active on the creature instead of just
one, and it takes a remove curse spell that is two levels higher
Veiled Mind than your casting of bestow curse to remove its effect.
You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you
make to maintain your concentration on a spell. Whispers of the Grave
Prerequisite: 9th–level or higher.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade; 9th–level or higher. You know the speak with dead spell, and you can cast it at-will
using this invocation without the need to expend a spell slot.
While you are wielding your weapon vessel, you know the
steel wind strike spell and can cast it at-will using this When you do so, you can tell whether or not the corpse's
invocation, without expending a spell slot and using your answer is truthful.
weapon vessel as the material component for the spell.
Wicked Whimsy
When you do so, you can cast the spell as a bonus action on Prerequisite: 7th–level or higher.
your turn, and you can spend a spell slot to maximize the
spell's force damage to the first target you hit, no roll You know the freedom of movement spell, and can cast it
required. using this invocation a number of times per Long Rest equal
to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once).
Veil-wrought Shawl
Prerequisite: Pact of the Shroud; 9th–level or higher. When casting the spell using this invocation, you do not need
to expend a spell slot nor do you need to use any material
While you are wearing your shroud vessel in an area of dim components.
light or darkness, you cannot be targeted by area of effect
spells that are less-than or equal to half of your proficiency Wyrd Reconstruction
bonus. When you target a creature with a spell that deals necrotic
damage, and that creature isn't a celestial or construct, you
can choose to heal them for the necrotic damage dealt.



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